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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2914992 No.2914992 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you "/sci/entists" are really just science fans. Be honest. I see you guys with your transhumanism and hero worship; you're also getting trolled all the time. You can't actually do anything scientific to save your life, but you can always be a useless loser and argue on the internet.

I bet this applies to most of /sci/. This board is shit.

>> No.2915005

I'm a first year physics undergrad, definitely don't consider myself a "science fan". The only reason I know π to something like 25 digits is because one of the maths rooms in my old school had lots of digits of π plastered across a wall. Many bored hours spent staring at it.

>> No.2915007

I remember like 3.14 but in praxis I'll just use 3 and round up the answer.

>> No.2915010

You were just trolled by a whole image board into making a rage post. Good job.

>> No.2915014


>> No.2915017

3rd year mechanical engineering major. Technically not a scientist, but we know a lot about science.

>> No.2915018


>implying you're a scientist

>> No.2915019

I think I count as a real scientist. I have given scientific talks/posters at a few conferences [APS March Meeting as an example] and am currently waiting for a program to finish running (I write terribly inefficient code) so that I can continue working on my research. And I know pi for certain to one digit, beyond that I ask Google.

>> No.2915022

How to tell the difference:

Science fan
>reads SMBC

>doesn't read SMBC

>> No.2915030

It's not just /sci/ but recently I've noticed a fetishization of science in western culture that completely ignores what science really is and what its limitations are.

Science really has become a religion, and no you retards, I'm not a christfag. I'm an atheist and a chemical engineer. One who is very disturbed that science and technology have been appropriated by the dopey middle classes as yet another mollifying hobby, a justification for their wasteful lifestyle, and an idol to worship, all in one.

I bet Sagan would find most of the people here repulsive.

>> No.2915040
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I agree with you so much.

>> No.2915051

First year undergraduate here.

Chose Engineering in a moment of retardedness. Switching to Physics to begin a fresh next year.

So I guess Scientist that at present knows buggar all about real high end Physics (ie only highschool shit atm).

So sciencefan for the purposes of right now I guess :\

>> No.2915055

i dont even like science, i just come on here to do math talk about economics and argue with atheists

>> No.2915063

Graduating in physics somewhere next year. I'm not a scientist just yet, but I'd like to think I could do something scientific to save my life.

>> No.2915067

Applying to study physics next year

A fan for now i suppose ?

>> No.2915077

>I bet
Cool science, bro.

>> No.2915081

I came here by accident, not even lying. I don't know dick about science.

>> No.2915086

undergrad in biology, working in research with bioinformatics

went to a conference, had a poster in it

i still don't consider myself a scientist
but i'm on my way

>> No.2915091
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>> No.2915104

Not just a scientist, but anyone who is over 12 can at least remember 3.14

>> No.2915108

Honestly, I'll only consider myself a math fan until I get my Ph.D. or I'm published. Which is probably still 4 to 5 years off.


>> No.2915111

Everyone on the internet is a scientist now thanks to google and wikipedia.

>> No.2915126
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I don't think the difference between a "scientist" and a non-scientist is knowledge. By that rubric we can't consider Newton a scientist because he didn't know about relativity. Still though, you of course have a ways to go before you're gonna be doing anything useful.

The second part is more critical though. A "science fan" isn't someone who enjoys and respects science. A science fan is someone who thinks the technological singularity will come to save them from their pale flabby bodies. A science fan is someone who think they'll live to witness immortality. A science fan is someone who memorizes digits of pi but doesn't understand differentiation, and thinks the memorization makes him really smart. A science fan is someone who thinks their useless, parasitic consumerism is ok because science will eventually figure out what to do about global warming, world hunger, and resource depletion.

pic related

>> No.2915128

>geologist here. Rocks and rocks.

>> No.2915133

Chem-E-fag. Not a scientist. But more interested in science than the average engineer.

>> No.2915143

US medschoolfag here. I consider myself a scientist (was a chemistry major in undergrad and still try to keep my knowledge up by reading papers, etc)

>> No.2915144


Just as science is impossible without math, engineering is impossible without science. And just as it makes no sense for a physicist to say "ugh, I hate math," it makes no sense for an engineer to say "ugh, I hate science." What engineer doesn't like science?

>> No.2915149

>A "science fan" isn't someone who enjoys and respects science.
What is someone who enjoys and respects science, then?

>> No.2915154


Technically I have the next two digits memorized, but I just round 8.97 up to 9.

>> No.2915162

Who are you? What APS meeting?

>> No.2915164

>What engineer doesn't like science?

Well, when I said I like science, I meant I'm interested in things that don't even relate to chemistry or physics. I'm interested in things about biology, about neuroscience, about computing. Most of my fellow engineering students couldn't give a shit about science beyond their syllabi.

>> No.2915171
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>> No.2915176

1st year physics student here... a student, that is what I consider myself.

About the pi thing... I do have something like a 100 of them memorized, but it was kind of unexpected, as it is because I found a catchy song about pi and I have an excellent memory for numbers.

>> No.2915177

I am not willing to give out identifying information, but the 2009 March meeting in Pittsburgh was the last one I went to.

>> No.2915181

I remember 3.141592

For some reason, I also remember 208341/66317 and using that gets me more significant figures than just pi even though it's far more complicated. I wonder why I remember it...

>> No.2915185

don't forget their Sagan worship

>> No.2915191

Well I guess it's pretty easy to figure out who you are based on that, but hey, you're cool, this isn't /b/ where stupid angsty teens try to trash one another.

>> No.2915200
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>> No.2915208

I'd call it atheism worship.

>> No.2915214

I call it Notruescotsmanism.

>> No.2915224

Why the fuck would you need to memorize Pi past 3.14? If you need any more digits just use a computer, which you'll probably be using anyway...

>> No.2915225

This right here.

Most science majors are just science fans. There are 2 ways to learn this stuff, learning by rote-memorization and learning by understanding. Most undergrads are memorizers.

>> No.2915229

Well, this is aboard of people who appreciate science, not a scientific congress. What the fuck do you want, OP?

It's not like /sp/ is full of professional football players, etc.

>> No.2915240
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4th year engineering student here, science can suck my dick

>> No.2915242

I'm a Christian, but I come here to have rational debates with the fellow scientists..

>> No.2915245

>What the fuck do you want, OP?

>> No.2915247


>implying there's only one type of scientist
>implying there's only one type of science fan

>> No.2915278

Science fan
>reads SMBC, NS, SA, PM, WS, PN, DM
>doesn't read SMBC, NS, SA, PM, WS, PN, DM

also, 2nd year physics/math undergrad here, I only know a few constants to like 3 figures

A famous scientist was once asked how many figures he knew c to, he replied "I don't waste my time on such trivial things"

>> No.2915289

If by c they meant the speed of light, that's even more retarded than asking for digits of pi. The numerical value of c depends on the units you choose, and is very often taken to b 1.

>> No.2915299

>read primary sources regularly
>doesn't read uncited media
>undergraduate honors student
>funded research project, first author

too tryhard to just be a fan.

>> No.2915300

I don't know what any of those are. Are I scitist nao?

>> No.2915302

Well I couldn't be bothered typing out "the speed of light in m/s" so I shortened it to c

Also, your aspergers is showing

>> No.2915305

I read SMBC, but have never even heard of any of the others.

Anyways, what separates a science fan from a scientist:
A science fan only reads/learns the work of others
A scientist does this as well as contributing to the body of scientific knowledge.

>> No.2915311

No your an idiot

>> No.2915340
File: 30 KB, 329x297, 1302212526535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone asks me the exact value of pi
>"hmm... in base pi, it would be 10"

>> No.2915342

>golden ratio

silly goose

>> No.2915432

This is an extremely pretentious and ill-informed post. More annoying then singularityfags are the fatalists who think everything is bad all the time and the existence of the third world means we haven't accomplished anything. The idea of uploading and transhumanism in general was started by computer scientists and engineers. Most non-scientists don't even know about cyborgization besides an occasional sci-fi movie. I'm getting a PhD in biomolecular engineering, and I think genetic engineering can promote longevity and possibly immortality in our lifetimes. Am I a "science fan" for actually having actual goals for technology, instead of fapping while waiting for the world to collapse just so you can say, "I told you so?"

>> No.2915479

Fucking non-integer bases. How do they work?

>> No.2915486

>This is an extremely pretentious and ill-informed post.

Welcome to /sci/!