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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2914538 No.2914538 [Reply] [Original]

I'm horrible at math and currently taking non-math related classes in college.

My major is undecided at the moment. Which majors require the least amount of math.

Out of those, which with the best pay.

>mfw i feel like a retard

>> No.2914550
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Medicin? Law? Something Buisness?

>> No.2914555

doesn't medicine require a shitton of math lol?

and doesn't business require Biz Calc.

Anyone have info on Biz Calc?

>> No.2914566

Yes, you need first year calc and statistics.

OP do a humanities bsc and get into law school.

>> No.2914568


Business calc usually isn't too intensive, and generally is only needed for econ majors and sometimes finance. It generally involves differentiation, integration and some matrix algebra. You'll also need some knowledge in stat and you'll need to be good with basic algebra and arithmetic.

Could always go into education.

>> No.2914582

amazingly, you can still be a fucking doctor.

if you want to make bank with a bachelor's degree, major in econ. you'll only need calc 1 and after that you can get by just shifting curves around. you could get by with even less effort with a business degree, but pure econ majors actually make more, so just do that.

if you can't even hack calc one then just kill yourself.

>> No.2914587
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keep going down and don't stop

>> No.2914597


Sounds like someone has taken micro and macro.

There's a lot of stat in actual economics, so I wouldn't suggest it if you don't like math.

>> No.2914605


People keep saying Economics majors make bank, but I never really see evidence of it.

Though we must recall Economics is a top major at Ivy League schools, so of course they'll make tons of money doing whatever. It may not even be degree related.

>> No.2914613
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> Philosophy mid tier

It should be lower than waste of life tier

>> No.2914617

what the fuck is wrong with political science

>> No.2914619

how is geology and archeology over business/poli sci?

>> No.2914620

Why would Mechanical engineers not be included in god tier? What kind of engineering do you consider to be "God tier"?

>> No.2914634


Most likely something that does't have any real world application.

>> No.2914641

LOL WUT you best be trollin, nigger.

>> No.2914643

An Hero has always been a popular major....

>> No.2914646


> Engineering without real world application


>> No.2914651


i would guess 1 good reason is the business doesn't include shit like fluid dynamics.

>> No.2914661
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>didn't understand my point

>> No.2914664


>> No.2914673
File: 28 KB, 917x548, major_tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Focus on what you want to do, not what you want to avoid. In the long term, there are tons of factors that have a greater impact on your income than your university major. Job satisfaction is one of them; some people have to ability to do a good job at something they hate, but you're more likely to have a successful career if you like what you're doing.

Talk to the professors from your favourite classes. They probably won't have much useful career advice, but they will be able to tell you about the skills required to major in their field.

>> No.2914676


Nothing about this tier chart makes any sense

Is it ordered by scientific "purity"? Then why's engineering "god tier" and economics "top tier"?

Is it ordered by employability? Then why's mathematics "god tier" and foreign languages "waste of life tier"? What makes art waste of life tier but art only shit tier? Why is philosophy mid tier?

Shit don't make a lick of sense

>> No.2914685

>top tier:Pharmacology and Toxicology
I'm okay with this.
>Mid tier: Philosophy
lol, wtf, everyone knows that philosophy is waste of life tier.
stop being a fag, anyone can learn math with a little effort, except if you're a woman of course.

>> No.2914688

Electrical engineering. Why? Every electrical engineer I have met seems to understand how the things they work with work. For all others but civil, it seems like a 50/50 shot on whether or not they know how things work or they are just capable of running through enough formulas until they hit the right one. Then there are the civil engineers. They terrify me.

But, anyways, all engineering fields, in and of themselves, are pretty good. It is the people that make them up that seem to suck [all of this comes from personal experience with engineers both professionally and in school].

>> No.2914705

Why don't you just go to school and learn a skilled trade? There's no shame in that; and you can actually make good money.

>> No.2914706


The nice thing about math is that you should be able to get into a variety of different graduate programs.

>> No.2914736

Anyone want to help out an undecided anon? I'm ok at math, nothing too amazing, and I've always wanted to get a degree in Neuroscience, but I've heard that you can't do anything with that. Is that true? And I know the same goes with Psychology, that's why I was hoping NS would be different...

I mean, I googled Neuroscience Careers, and there are Neuroscientists listed there, but what kind of companies/firms hire NS-ists?

>> No.2914773

>mathfag reporting in
>also math tutor

No one is doomed to be bad at math! There's no "genetic math ability." Very few people were born with a natural talent for math. This is a myth perpetrated by both those very good at math ("you will never be as good as me") and those bad at math, who use it ot take the easy way out ("I was born this way, so I may not as well even try to study").

For some it comes easier, for others not so much. Regardless, if you want to major in something only moderately math intensive (like engineering)--you can! You just have to put in the hours. Put in the time.

The fundamental skills involved in math are pattern recognition and concentrated thought. Every healthy human brain has this ability. Doing more math may actually amplify that ability and make you better at math.

Go to: tinyurl.com/SciInternetGuide
and click through to the Math section. Do Khan Academy lessons and immerse yourself in the beauty of math.

>> No.2914806

I do not know shit about neuroscience, but about psychology I know several who needs to have other jobs apart from that because they don´t earn enough to live.

>> No.2914811

>medicine below engineering

wow, retarded fucking graphic
i've seen much better

>> No.2914812


A lot of the career prospects with neuroscience would involve research. So you'd probably need to get a PhD, but some of that research is pretty exciting.

>> No.2914823

Yea, IIRC pharmacology only requires low level math skills (entry level high school algebra) and you make solid money.

>> No.2914842
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>> No.2914902

This anon speaks the truth, although as an engineer it's exactly the beauty of maths that you'll miss out on.