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2913910 No.2913910 [Reply] [Original]

Find a value for x such that the expression evaluates to an integer.

>> No.2913914


>> No.2913918


>> No.2913922


>> No.2913921


>> No.2913923

x= (1/3)

>> No.2913939

Let me rephrase the question ....
is there an integer value for 'x' which gives an integer value for the expression?

>> No.2913942


5.7161320270191653494103782635772243881529723332661869559892... -> FAIL


5.7161320270191653494103782635772243881529723332661869559892... -> FAIL

>> No.2913946


>> No.2913948


How does the square root of the square root of the square root of 1 equal 5.7?

>> No.2913958




>> No.2913959


That's your answer, I guarantee it.

>> No.2913962


Um... 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1, not 27

>> No.2913963

ITT 1==27

>> No.2913969




>> No.2913971

Works with about 2.111857784835968374571940269
Wolfram Alpha, fags, do you use it?

>> No.2913974




>> No.2913977

Wolfram doesn't work with URL copypasta.
It got butchered.

>> No.2913980


Only correct answer in this thread

>> No.2913985



>> No.2913997
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, 1264242636504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now find a general rule for this sequence.

no. 240 yes.

>> No.2914004


>> No.2914008


That's (sqrt 1/3) + (sqrt 1/3) + (sqrt 1/3), not sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3)))

It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out that 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1

And then it doesn't matter how many square roots you put it through, sqrt 1 = sqrt sqrt 1 = sqrt sqrt sqrt 1 = 1

>> No.2914014

well let's start with 0.
Then you could solve the following equation:
for each integer. It would give you some possible solutions.

>> No.2914041

wait no sorry

>> No.2914044

is there a formula or a rationale for reaching the solution or one must go by attempts?
math ignorant here.

>> No.2914062

the answer is zero, if you consider zero an integer, else there is no integer value for x for which the expresion sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(x)+x)+x) evaluates to an integer

>> No.2914078

>if you consider zero an integer

who doesn't consider zero an integer?!

>> No.2914089


>> No.2914099

You are fucking retarded.
They are still correct you humongous faggot.

>> No.2914101


and you're a moron. you need to look past 10.

>> No.2914105

nah dude, that's only for an infinite number of square roots

>> No.2914112

>herp derp derp derp
What? I do not speak derp.

The above referenced sequence is correct.

>> No.2914117

>Now find a general rule for this sequence.
There's an infinite number of functions which could start with this sequence.
I mean, literally infinite.
High school fags posting their shitty homework...

>> No.2914130

you could try the following: if n is an integer, you look for x such as
which would imply (and only imply):
=>x^4+x^3(-4n²-2)+ x²(6n^4+4n²+1)+x(-4n^6-2n^4-1)+n^8=0
then solve for every integer you want, and you would have to verify the solutions. That's the "reckless" method, I don't have any other idea for the moment.

>> No.2914150

so do we have any solution yet?

Is the "established" number 2187 supposed to be a value for x or the other integer

>> No.2914158

0 is in the set Z

>> No.2914178 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 640x434, 1303242942030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspected OP was a fag but this adds further support.
The plot would reach the value 1/2 for any integers that met OP's condition.

There don't appear to be any from 1 to 10000.

>> No.2914187
File: 49 KB, 640x434, equation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspected OP was a fag but this adds further support.
The plot would reach the x axis for any integers that met OP's condition.

There don't appear to be any from 1 to 10000.

>> No.2914196

Maybe he just took the root from some nonexist-statement like fermats theorem

>> No.2914216

people seem confused about the function, this is how it looks


>> No.2914229

I don't think there is a solution other than 0.

>> No.2914241

wtf? did you even understand the question? OP is not looking for integer values of x, he's looking for ANY value of x.

>> No.2914244

Um....none of these work... they're close, but they're not correct.

Well, 0 works.

>> No.2914248

wtf, did you even read >>2913939
OP wants only integers for x.

Again, 0 is probably the only solution.

>> No.2914269

>square root of a non integer that gives an integer
Let me know how that works out for you.

>> No.2914272

x~~0.198062, y~~1.


>> No.2914278
File: 35 KB, 411x248, anyx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was for any x, then take your pic. Any of the ones where the plot hits the x-axis would work.

>> No.2914284 [DELETED] 

Works well. See:

>> No.2914288

I'm sorry.
It's a bit more complicated than that, if you look closer.

>> No.2914292

38557890 is really close.

>> No.2914309

x = 90 almost works

>> No.2914310
File: 112 KB, 1167x371, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google is seemingly convinced.

>> No.2914365


Pretty good find.

>> No.2914382

It can't be done.
Taking the inside part only.
RootX + X

Thats pretty much the same as X + X^2
I,e, X =5, then its
Root5 + 5
or X= Root5, then its
Root5 + (Root5)^2 which is the same.

For each square number you add an odd number to the previous square. 1 + 3 is 4, + 5 is 9 etc.

For this to work we need a number where X + X^2 has an integer as a square root.

If X = 6, then X^2 = 36, next square = + 13 to get 49. 13 > 6
If X = 12, then X^2 = 144, next square = + 25 to get 169, 25 > 12
If X = 230, then X^2 = 52900, next square = + 461 to get 53361, 461 > 230

No matter what value for X you put in you can never do X + X^2 and get a square number.
We've tried all values for X 1-10 already and know they don't work. So It's clear the only answer is X = 0.

Since there are no integer solutions to Root(RootX + X) there are obviously no integer solutions to the OP.

I'm 100% confident the only answer is 0.

>> No.2914390

There are no values for x which result in an integer besides 0, and here's why.

Denote OP's quantity as n. From the problem's premise, x is an integer, and n is also an integer, more specifically, non-negative integers. Begin solving for x.

sq(sq(sq(x) + x) + x) = n
sq(sq(x) + x) = n^2 - x
sq(x) + x = (n^2 - x)^2

Since x is a non-negative integer, denote x = k^2 with k a non-negative integer.

k + k^2 = (n^2 - k^2)^2

The right hand side of the equation is the square of an integer, and let's call that integer r.

k + k^2 = r^2.

The determinate of this equation in respect to k is sq(4r^2 + 1) = sq((2r)^2 + 1) which is never an integer unless r = 0, resulting to the trivial case of n = x = 0.

>> No.2914391


>> No.2914398

I would say there are arguments of irrationality that might help get the solution:
If x is an integer that matches the conditions,
sqrt(x+sqrt(x)) has to be an integer (esle, sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))) wouldn't be an integer)
then, x+sqrt(x) has to be an integer; therfore, x has to be a squared integer.

Say x=n² (n being an integer)
sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²)))=sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²+n)) is an integer.
which means that n²+n is a squared integer.
n²+n=y² so n=y²-n²=(y-n)(y+n) then n has to divide (y+n) (and automatically divides y-n because y-n=y+n-2n)
So y is a multiple of n. say y=q*n.
we have so far: n²+n=q²n².
Then: sqrt(n²+qn) is an integer.
so n²+qn is also a squared integer.
then we can write n²+qn=z²
n has to divide (z+n) (and z-n) so z= r*n
and finally ((n+1)+n)n=sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²))).
which is (2n²+n)=sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²+sqrt(n²))).(I replaced q and r by their respective values because they depend on n)
then you just study the following functions:
x->2x²+x and x->sqrt(x²+sqrt(x²+sqrt(x²)))
and you see that the functions have an intersection in 0 and in a value in ]0;1[, and that's all.
so you conclude that the only integer that you are looking for is 0.

>> No.2914401
File: 62 KB, 480x600, son_i_am_disappoint.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2914409

Now take the derivative of that beast by hand.


>> No.2914428

For integer x, <span class="math">\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}+x}+x}[/spoiler] is integer iff <span class="math">\sqrt{\sqrt{x}+x}[/spoiler] is integer iff <span class="math">\sqrt{x}[/spoiler] is integer. Hence <span class="math">x=p^2[/spoiler] for some integer p (this follows from the fundamental theorem of arithmetic).

So we know that <span class="math">\sqrt{p + p^2} = \sqrt{p(p+1)}[/spoiler] is integer. That is, <span class="math">p(p+1) = q^2[/spoiler] for some integer p and q. We can assume WLOG that p > 0, so q < p or q > p+1 are absurd. Since there are no integers between p and p+1, we must have either q = p or q = p+1.

The only solution is then q = 0, which leads to x = 0 or x = -1. By inspection, x = 0 is the only solution.

>> No.2914429

I have a feeling OP was fucking with us, given the file name.

>> No.2914438
File: 384 KB, 1000x874, 1300337450326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there is no derivative because it's not defined as a function, x has a discrete value

>> No.2914443

2914398 here. I'm quite ashamed of not having thought of this. Good job man.
>>2914429: who cares, I find it to be quite an interesting problem to solve, so that's not a problem.

>> No.2914447

Oops, that shouldn't say iff but implies.

>> No.2914444
File: 66 KB, 208x238, 1302749888111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw sine waves

Goddamn math, learn a new trick

>> No.2914476
File: 98 KB, 400x300, reaction_face_impress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this but what is this determinant you're speaking of?

>> No.2914480

The quadratic formula resolving in terms of k.

>> No.2914482


>> No.2914484

Samefag, I meant discriminant, not determinant.

>> No.2914498

those are very close, and I think they're both good.

>> No.2914503

I was just plotting the imaginary portion of i^(2f[x]), which would be 0 at an integer. It just comes out in a sine pattern because, well, sine waves are everywhere.

>> No.2914507


>> No.2914528 [DELETED] 

OP here, this is a really elegant solution. I'm only in calc I and I came up with the question while playing with my calculator and finding roots of roots of i. The eighth root of i is <span class="math">\frac{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{2}+2}+2}}{2} + \frac{(\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{2}+2}+2})i}{2}[/spoiler]

This led me to wonder about whether <span class="math">\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}+x}+x}[/spoiler] had a solution that would ever result in an integer. Like an idiot I didn't think of 0, but after some fiddling, my intuition told me the problem had no solution. I knew if it did have a solution then x would have to be a perfect square, and so would root x plus x, ie that x^2+x would be a perfect square, but I wasn't smart enough to do much from there. I knew someone here would be able to figure it out though.

>> No.2914539
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>> No.2914540
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, 1301460142121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's what I was saying! Math needs some new moves, mang.

>> No.2914548


OP here, this is a really elegant solution. I'm only in calc I and I came up with the question while playing with my calculator and finding roots of roots of i. The eighth root of i is <span class="math">\frac{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{2}+2}+2}}{2} + \frac{\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{2}+2}+2}}{2}i[/spoiler]

This led me to wonder about whether <span class="math">\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x}+x}+x}[/spoiler] had a solution that would ever result in an integer. Like an idiot I didn't think of 0, but after some fiddling, my intuition told me the problem had no solution. I knew if it did have a solution then x would have to be a perfect square, and so would root x plus x, ie that x^2+x would be a perfect square, but I wasn't smart enough to do much from there. I knew someone here would be able to figure it out though.

>> No.2914557 [DELETED] 

I don't quite see why you can assume wlog that p>0?

>> No.2914579

Setting this equation equal to n and expanding leads to a long expression in form of;

2x^3 = ... n*n^3 + x*x^3 ...

Could we not employ now proven Fermat's Last Theorem ?

>> No.2914629

that's not really the good form, is it?

>> No.2914658


psh. integrate it by hand and then we'll talk.

>> No.2914659

I've been going through all the values of x for which the expression evaluates to an integer, going through every integer.
At some point it ends up approximating f(x)=x^2-x plus some value that very nearly approximates an integer reciprocal.
Conclusion: There is no integer solution for X such that f(x) is also an integer.

>> No.2914672


This function has no INTEGER solutions.

But the function is continuous and grows to infinity. <span class="math">\sqrt{\sqrt{\sqrt{x} + x} + x} = n[/spoiler] has a solution for every nonnegative integer <span class="math">n[/spoiler] by the Intermediate Value Theorem.