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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2913405 No.2913405 [Reply] [Original]

I've been thinking of a career change. Engineering to something else, considering the medical field. Anyone know of any material I could use to read up on biology and chemistry? Still need those credits from high school cause I mostly took math and physics. Plan on taking summer courses.

Any advice on changing career paths?
Anything I should be made aware of in general?
Not far into engineering currently and going into the military as well by the way.

>> No.2913410
File: 60 KB, 482x547, salaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of the monies! Won't somebody please think of the monies?

>> No.2913420

Is this legit?

>> No.2913421

No, i am not thinking of money, I would rather be doing something I enjoy, which i am not in engineering. Besides, i am sure i will do fine financially in the medical field, even in the military.

>> No.2913432
File: 30 KB, 355x342, yo momma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineering to something else

What's the matter, don't like the taste of cocks?

>> No.2913435

If you're considering of being a medical doctor, you'd be spending half of your career paying of your school debts.

>> No.2913437

Are you implying that engineering is for/ full of homosexuals?

>> No.2913441
File: 51 KB, 504x586, engineers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're the engineer, you tell me.

>> No.2913451

Like I said, if I enjoy studying those subjects I will change, I will likely be out of my program by May anyways, so I might as well start studying something, looking for something I enjoy more.

>> No.2913459

I am confused. Are you trolling or something? It's not very entertaining.

>> No.2913485
File: 26 KB, 300x450, engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How long have you been an engineer that you don't even know of its reputation?

>> No.2913491

So im guessing there are only engineers that browse this board?

>> No.2913509

Not long as long as I had thought apparently. Perhaps it varies by culture. Is America full of gay engineers?

>> No.2913527

You've never been to /sci/ apparently.

>> No.2913528


Is it fuck

>> No.2913534

> buffer overflow

*Integer* overflow. Ints don't start writing somewhere they shouldn't when you insert a value too big. They simply wrap around.

>> No.2913536

Once or twice to check it out but this is the longest i've been here.

>> No.2913566
File: 81 KB, 550x679, troll math.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"All engineers are gay" is one of our memes, along with troll science.

>> No.2913572


Uh, no. That's from /fit/ and /t/

>> No.2913577

why the military?

>> No.2913584

Well i learned nothing here. Good job /sci/. Thanks for no help.

>> No.2913581
File: 126 KB, 1476x1432, 1302809504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for posting this one a while back, don't really understand why. The ban said using troll science to actually troll. If troll science gets people banned why not gay engineer.

>> No.2913589

New direction in life. Good opportunities for education.

>> No.2913593
File: 73 KB, 428x510, mfw (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you're about to get banned for complaining about being banned by the gay /sci/ mods.

>> No.2913599

>Good job /sci/. Thanks for no help.

It's what we do best. Next time, try opening with a proof of God.

>> No.2913607

You've been browsing this board a long time huh?

>> No.2913612


>> No.2913616

>Not far into engineering currently and going into the military as well by the way.

>> No.2913623

Oh no wait I thought the mid career pay at the top was the starting pay
Yeah it could be legit

>> No.2913626


mods are faggots now, deal with it and proxy up faggot

>> No.2913630

Reserves for now. Reg force when I decide what I want to take in their courses.

>> No.2913627


Too long, apparently.

>> No.2913634
File: 21 KB, 292x302, WhyWouldYouDoThat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2913641

Why wouldn't I do that?

>> No.2913646

Why wouldn't you join the military?
Well for one you can forget about becoming a doctor
Also there is the emotional and physical trauma of shooting people all day in a desert

>> No.2913658


To say nothing of the very real risk of being shot in the spine, horribly burned and/or killed.

>> No.2913676

Maybe you should consider the fact that:
1. There is more to the army then "Hurp derp overseas"
2. I would even go into the army without guaranteeing my future first.
3. If my country is even that involved in the "overseas conflict"
4. How many medics carry weapons, let alone guns.
5. Geneva convention

>> No.2913687

>4. How many medics carry weapons, let alone guns.
All of them
Being a medic involves curing injured soldiers while the enemy shoots at you

>> No.2913709

I've read a few threads based on this question, from a forum where many people from my country's military ask questions. You are right, medics *can* carry a gun, but only as necessary if they are in a battlefield, but that comes with the job. Especially if they are out on patrol. I still think that it isn't as serious as being infantry and wouldn't be fighting as much as they would be. I will concede to your point, but I think it is still circumstantial.

>> No.2913723

I don't think there is any point in me being here. Clearly, no one has answers.

>> No.2913795


Maybe you should consider the fact that:
1. Point taken
3. Have you seen the news(+We're due for a major conflict)
4. All the medics I know are vulnerable to shrapnel, explosives, and gunfire even when they're not carrying weapons ....go figure
5. We don't pay much attention to it