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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 8 KB, 232x218, condom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2906940 No.2906940 [Reply] [Original]

Contraception should be banned.

Nobody in history wanted kids but they did want sex, kids were born as a by product.

Nowadays there are no consequences to having sex if you choose, this means that many decent, respectable people will never have children as they keep putting it off. However the dregs off society will breed like the rats they are.

Ban contraception and get rid off social security. People need the consequences of sex.

>> No.2906943

>implying that stupid / immoral people are "outbreeding" the good people
>implying we should care
>implying this is /sci/ related

>> No.2906944

I'm pro-life. Is that an unscientific position to hold?

>> No.2906948
File: 55 KB, 550x400, sleepy-pope-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed Pope Benedict.

>> No.2906945
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1288443192139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far one of the stupidest posts I've read on /sci/ in a while.

>> No.2906947

Science does not make value statements, so your value judgment that abortion should be illegal is neither supported by science nor refuted by science. It is simply non-science.

>> No.2906954

Happy Holy Week, Catholicfag.

>> No.2906957


>implying that stupid / immoral people are "outbreeding" the good people

Actually it is just the middle classes that are being bred out as they are the ones who are aware off, and scared off, all the things they dont have.

>implying we should care

If you votes for a pro contraception party then you are voting for eugenics on a massive scale. It is hugley important that you understand the facts.

>implying this is /sci/ related

If you think this then you are too stupid to argue with.

>> No.2906958


>I'm pro-life. Is that an unscientific position to hold?

No, it's just a retarded position to hold.

>> No.2906962

>Pro Contraception

I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.2906965

>If you votes for a pro contraception party then you are voting for eugenics on a massive scale. It is hugley important that you understand the facts.

>Eugenics is the "applied science or the biosocial movement which advocates the use of practices aimed at improving the genetic composition of a population," usually referring to human populations.

Sorry, not seeing it. Supporting access to contraception or banning it is entirely orthogonal to eugenics. Good try though. Please try to use legitimate refutations of idiot politics. It'll help actually convince people.

>> No.2906966


Eugenics is selected breeding.

Contraception causes a whole section on society not to breed.


>> No.2906967

OP is just another butthurt nerd who can't get laid

>> No.2906973


I think it's more like, he has a sex life, but he wants to knock up a girl, but she won't let him fuck without a condom and now he's mad.

>> No.2906977

No kapeesh. Stop redefining words. Eugenics is not selective breeding /in effect/. Eugenics is the purposeful policy of shaping the gene pool to some end, not merely any policy which happens to shape the gene pool. Stop being an asshat and doing the equivalent of Godwin's law.

>> No.2906979


>Contraception causes a whole section on society not to breed.




>> No.2906982


Why do you think the middle class has shrunk since the 60's?

>> No.2906985

Smart people use contraception
Stupid people don't
Eugenics is the use of selective breeding to better a population
Contraception prevents smart people from having smart kids but allows stupid people to have many stupid kids.

>> No.2906986

Don't reply to the /news/ troll. Just sage and ignore.

>> No.2906987


If they were not breeding, they wouldn't "shrink", they'd "vanish completely". There would be no person in the middle class that would be under 50 years of age.

>> No.2906991

Noun: The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed in the 19th century, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis.

Those in charge what a dumb populace. Hence they force contraception onto the intelligent and make up the short fall with mass immigration of 3rd worlders.

>> No.2906990

I like Scientist and his pompous way of taking pride in his Wikipedia education.

>> No.2906988


Most smart people don't want to have kids anyway.

>> No.2906996

I think we're largely agreeing.

That's right - attack me for making information readily available to the public just like you did to Carl Sagan. Don't attack any views I hold. Horde knowledge.

>> No.2906998


Thats the whole point, most people who would be responsible for theiur children will never choose to have them because it is such a huge decision.

Love is temporary insanity that results in the survival of the species. But we have freed ourselves for this process.

>> No.2907002


>Hence they force contraception onto the intelligent


>> No.2907003



>> No.2907004

Delightfully self-righteous straw man, old chap, but I'm not criticizing you for posting links; I'm criticizing you for being a pompous douche.

Props for having the balls to actually comparing your worthless self to fucking Carl Sagan, though.

>> No.2907007
File: 38 KB, 380x240, 1268358285191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying they both aren't worthless

>> No.2907008

So what if I'm pompous? Got a problem with it? Fuck off.

>> No.2907012

>Got a problem with it?
Uhm, yeah, which is kind of why I've been calling you a douche. Wasn't that obvious?

>implying they're *equally* worthless
Sagan had an education. Scientist has YouTube videos and Wiki links. And anger issues.

>> No.2907015

If anything, stupid people having children should be banned, not contraception.

>> No.2907014


... WHAT.



>> No.2907021


No amount of education can force you to do anything.

>> No.2907025


Do you wash your hands after you use the toliet?

Try not doing it.

The feeling you get when you cant touch anything afterwards and feel disgusting is education.

>> No.2907027


I'm well educated and I have no such thing. I rarely wash my hands and have no problems touching anything.
Hell, I eat food immediately after masturbating without wiping up.

Caps lock is correct, you are adrift in a sea of nonsense.

>> No.2907029


You will partake in behaviour that has been forced upon you through education, this was just an easy example. Perhaps another one I would encourage you to try is to walk acriss a road without looking both ways.

Have fun eating your cum.

>> No.2907031


>implying an education is required to make any choice.

>> No.2907033


>You will partake in behaviour that has been forced upon you through education, this was just an easy example.

That's abiding by societal norms, not "education".

>Perhaps another one I would encourage you to try is to walk acriss a road without looking both ways.

I do that too, unless some noise or light inclines me to believe there is traffic. Which is more instinct than anything.

>Have fun eating your cum.

God, it's so deliciously salty. Salt goes good with nearly everything.

>> No.2907037


I routinely walk across the road without looking both ways. We may pick up habits from education, but it's just dandy to drop them.

>> No.2907063


If you have a problem with me quoting wiki, I don't care. I try to be access, and I don't have links to textbooks or papers handy, and wiki is usually more readable. Also, wiki usually has good citations anyway.

If you think I have anger issues, then you are mistaken. I merely don't self censor when I post for the amusement of doing so. This is fun for me. I don't act this way outside of 4chan. Again, if you have a problem with this, I don't care.

Of course, you'll likely disagree with that, and still claim that I have an anger issue. Nothing I can say will likely make you desist in such rantings, so yep. Not much more I can say here. Go ahead with your ad hominens.

However, if you ever find me stating a falsehood, please correct me. I would welcome it. Unlike most people, I do enjoy a good discussion, and I thoroughly enjoy being proven wrong. It means I now know something that I didn't before.

Oh, why do I take such trolls seriously. I'm too naive and I think there's non-trolls on 4chan.

>> No.2907072

Fixed. Damn typos.