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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2901918 No.2901918 [Reply] [Original]


Question: if it were up to /sci/, what would be the plan to legally defeat these kinds of rising problems?

pic unrelated

>> No.2901943

Political correctness is the cancer that is killing the civilization.
Maybe try fighting fire with fire and do some demonstrations?
It worked with less rational ideas, maybe it will work with the provable ones too.

>> No.2901955

What is an anti-science education law? What will that mean for kids in school?

Also, my condolences to the American people, I really do feel sorry for you sometimes. The fact that this is even being brought up is staggering.

>> No.2901963

I'm so glad i don't live in america.

>> No.2901967

In democracy?
None, if most of the people are stupid then there is nothing that can be done.

I would probably go with education and showing people how they use science in theit lives.

Lets just hope that reason wins and idiots loose.

>> No.2902009

Ignore them. How are they going to find out? You could do it right in front of their face and they'd have no idea what you are doing because they are laymen.

>> No.2902048

Scientists should make their own country. Something like Adeptus Mechanicus.

No luddities or religious morons allowed.

>> No.2902096

I was actually thinking about thi for a long time.

think about the laws we could have allowing stem cell research. The best education for kids. Low crime rates. Scíence oriented legislature instead of randomly guessing shit and making it the laws

>> No.2902118

All new laws would have to go through the similiar process of peer-review paper.

Ministers would be appointed by dedicated collegium of scientists (e.g. Minister of Energy appointed by the body of energy engineers).

>> No.2903776

Fucking progressives.

enjoy never being able to enjoy your new technology, since it's going to be changing every goddamn fucking year.

>> No.2903830

I'm starting to fear for the future of rational thought and science more and more...

>> No.2904025

I think it would be wonderful to have a science based country. It would probably be the best way of doing things too.

Now we just need to find some available land.

>> No.2904054
File: 42 KB, 460x377, holocaust4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Scientists should make their own country. Something like Adeptus Mechanicus.

It would probably look like this in a year.

>> No.2904060

Build platforms at sea. No one would ever give over land for a new country.

>> No.2904079

>Irrationality, Totalitarianism, Censorship
>Rationality, Scientific Freedom, Freedom of Speech/Publication

Yeah. Nazi Germany sure was a science friendly place and not Christian like Hitler.

>> No.2904086


Didn't they believe they could scientifically create a new and better race of men?

>> No.2904111


Scientists and intellectuals need a democratic society to function. This worked against the Nazis because Einstein and many others fled to the United States.

And it's ironic that many so-called intellectuals tend to support left-wing, socialist ideas when they are likely to be persecuted in such a society.

>> No.2904126

Keep going, America - the fewer scientists/engineers you produce, the better chance I have of getting a top job

>> No.2904134


>Nazi Germany sure was a science friendly place and not Christian like Hitler.

Here we go again with No True Scotsman.

>> No.2904205
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>mfw I live in TN where this shit is trying to get passed
When I took biology last year, the teacher explicitly told the class she would not teach evolution because "it [was] stupid." Shit was on the end of course test, too. Lots of bad grades on that test.

>> No.2904230

>(e) This section only protects the teaching of scientific information, and shall not
be construed to promote any religious or non-religious doctrine, promote discrimination
for or against a particular set of religious beliefs or non-beliefs, or promote discrimination
for or against religion or non-religion.

I don't see the problem with this bill.

>> No.2904260

Were you around when that video of the science class where all of the students with thick southern accents made horribly weak arguments against evolution, when it was obvious they had no idea what it actually was or what the evidence for it was? That's the kind of system advocates of this bill are trying to promote.

>> No.2906440

this bill is dressed up to look all sweet and 'look we're making the kid's better' , but it's the same old bullshit, yes teach them critical thinking, in Religious Studies or philosophy, don't teach them a controversy that does not exist.

also thread necromancy