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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 320x240, 0_61_andromeda_galaxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2894488 No.2894488 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I dont know about you, but the biggest depression I have gotten is happening now. No, my gf didnt break up with me (well a girl I was seeing said she wanted to be friends but fuck her), didnt lose my job or bad at school.

I look up in the sky and realize I will never ever go there. I will never be able to explore space, see other planets... I never seen Star Wars or Star Trek or pretty much any space movie or show, all this is just pure curiosity.

Shit, Im literally tearing up right now while Im typing this. I would literally give up anything and everything just for the chance to explore space. Not even to like rule or even meet other beings, which would be amazing, but just to maybe look at planets, how they are formed, what structures they are...

I dont even know why Im making this thread, maybe one of you guys can relate. Does it hurt anyone else that they might not live long enough to find out more about space?

>> No.2894492

You're pathetic.
You concede defeat without even trying.
Kill yourself.

>> No.2894498


Look, nothing is faster than the speed of light, right?

Even if there is, there is no way we can collect enough information or even have the time to test out the theory in our lifetime.

I dont want to face it man, but I dont think its possible. I guess maybe Im at my limit and want to give up, i dont know...

>> No.2894499

And here I've lost sleep and thought of suicide daily this week because of stress. Fuck you sir.

>> No.2894502


>> No.2894509

>hop in a tin can
>blast off
>have win

>> No.2894503

happens to me sometime too i dont cry though

>> No.2894511
File: 401 KB, 1024x1636, Galactus_007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I won't become a billionaire and fund various life extension technologies
>implying I won't upload my consciousness to a glorious robot body and download it into clones when I feel the need to become flesh
>implying I won't experience the heat death of the universe and become Galactus when a new universe is born


>> No.2894518

I can't relate, but I wouldn't worry about it too much. Go in aerospace engineering or become a pilot. You could be the pioneer of the technology.


Also, one thing that I realized will be just as cool is a space station. You know it's going to happen. Sometime, maybe in our lifetime, we'll get a small colony living in a freakn' space station.

>> No.2894522

Oh sorry guys...

Yea I dont really have much problems or stress or anything in my life so I guess maybe Im just looking for something to be sad about.

Im happy with my life, I really really am. I am very very lucky to be alive in my position, but still, space is just something so incredible, so amazing, any little problem that we have instantly becomes miniscule.

Its up there, not an escape, but a journey. Yea I dont BAAAAAWW but I do get teary eye, ok and a few drops come from my eyes. Shit, I would give anything to do this.

>> No.2894523


OP here, very very cruel irony... Im actually blind from my left eye. Even if its a space craft, I will not be allowed anywhere near the cockpit.

Awesome suggestion though.

>> No.2894532
File: 81 KB, 500x466, 1299444576920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This topic is full of idiots.

>> No.2894553


>Image implies you are from Jersey

You freaking muff cabbage! Get out of here!

>> No.2894565

Fuck all these guys.

I feel for you OP, I am actually in a very similar boat right now, except I'm more concerned that the human race as a whole is fucked. Plus our economy is going to implode, and then no one is ever gonna go to space. I want to see the galaxy, and other galaxies! I want it all!

>> No.2894591

Hey OP I'm depressed too.

Except I have no friends and haven't had sex since August when the girl I was in love with cheated on me.

Fuck your shit.

>> No.2894594


I honestly dont see the human race dying anytime soon really. All bullshit aside, Muslims are the only threat to humanity and even then they are contained in a small portion of the Earth so they are monitored.

No, the real issue is lack of interest or motivation by the governments. I wish we can all work together in a broader scale to research light speed and if there was any possibility to harness light energy and amplify it to use as force, so maybe we can travel at the speed of light. I mean its the closest solution I can think of...

>> No.2894599

I wish we could all work together too, but the harsh truth is we're going to use up everything this planet has and have nothing to show for it.

I'm a glass is half-empty kind of guy though.

>> No.2894604


Get over it man. This is a lot bigger than some whore you have an emotional investment (poorly I may add) with...

This is much much much bigger than anything you would call a 'problem'. Theres a whole universe just waiting to be explored, how is that not rise your pulse rate?

>> No.2894605

People always say muslims are the problem. I dont watch TV so I assume the news stations are brainwashing you to be more supportive of the wars over there?

I have muslim friends and they are awesome.

I would say that people who hate muslims, or any group specifically, are the main threat to humanity.

>> No.2894612


We can research space travel without depleting our Earth's material...

Between Mars and Jupiter is a very very long astroid field, with material stronger than anything found in our galaxy. If we can harness those metals and use it to repair current ships or even create new ones, it would relax the Earths resource and space travel can continue. Im more concerned on the actual speed. THats the only thing stopping us.

>> No.2894618


It's not that Muslims are a threat to humanity, if anything they tend to reproduce quite well, what they are a threat to is -white- humanity! Oh dear!

>> No.2894622


Wait, what? What are these super space asteroid metals?

>> No.2894623


I apologize for my remark. I take back when I say Muslims, I dont mean all. I mean the radicals, Al-Queda and the likes. People who are willing to kill because you draw some dude they like is a society killer. Religion is fine, sure you can have it, just dont fucking hurt anyone in the process. How is that hard to understand? Honestly, I am against killing but if its for the good of the world, we need to take out anyone who believes in that. NOT ALL MUSLIMS though, because yes I know not all of them are like that, just extremists who think murder is ok.

>> No.2894636

But I could argue that the reason those "radicals" (another word for freedom fighter) are fighting an asymmetric war and have to resort to tactics like 9/11, suicide bombings etc in order to "win".

There is no black and white morality.

>> No.2894640

I don't know about you, but I'm depressed about something. I may never see pot legalized. I may never even smoke a joint again. I may get arrested if I try. And all the good weed may be gone before I die. Or it may get better after I'm dead. This depresses me.

>> No.2894651

All culture's have some criteria by which one can earn the death penalty. The military, for instance, reserves the right to give the death penalty here in the US for rape.

It's just a different culture. While I disagree with their application of their culture's rules to people outside their culture, I think they should be allowed to enforce their laws how they see fit upon their own population.

>> No.2894652


I dont care... no one hurt anyone. Thats pretty much it. No more revenge, no more stop dont care the count.

Just no more murder for religion starting now...

How is that impossible? You can easily let go and start a new. They are just fucking cowards man, all of them.

>> No.2894663

If you think it's solely about religion, you're retarded. A lot of it is politics, anger built up by the US/GB fucking over the middle-east post WWII.

>> No.2894668

You can do an eye for an eye, just dont fucking kill.

If someone makes a Muhammed cartoon of him having sex with a goat, then they should make one of Jesus having gay sex, not blowing up a fucking school for kids who never even been to fucking America...

Its stupid and ridiculous and does not deserve to be part of our world.

>> No.2894675

I can relate. I have felt exactly the same way for years. I love my life fine and live comftorably, but for what purpose? I want to see what happens in the universe which I know I will not be able to do right now. Until then I wait and enjoy the time I have and make the best of the US. I hope technology keeps getting smaller, faster, and quantum physics makes leaps and bounds. I dont think i would mind merging with technology with the possibility of living longer and going into space.

>> No.2894684

I agree with you but change one last thing no more murder for ANYTHING.

>> No.2894689

A lot of these cartoonists have the mindset "I can offend people for comedy." They intentionally stir up that controversy. Now if it were some scholarly work critical of the prophet, then I agree it's retarded that they would get mad over it, but if it's intentional antagonism then they shouldn't be surprised when people want to kill them.

If you call a nigger a nigger, and he shoots you, can you really complain?

>> No.2894695

>If you call a nigger a nigger, and he shoots you, can you really complain?
Are you fucking serious?
Did you seriously just fucking post that?

>> No.2894707

Hey, OP, listen up. Being an explorer is not about where you go, but how you look at the places you go. I've seen things beyond your wildest dreams out there in space. The universe is more amazing than I can even describe in human words. But I've seen fantastic and amazing things right here in this planet, too. That is the true wonder of nature, that its beauty reaches from the edges of the universe all the way down to the simplest life forms. Go explore. There's an entire world out there for you. There's a reason those of us who could just up and leave the planet are sticking around for a while.

>> No.2894710

>mfw newfag doesn't understand 4chan's use of nigger

>> No.2894711

Sorry, but no murder for anything is very unrealistic. I mean my no religion murders might sound unrealistic as well, but still plausible if you eliminate the current threat.

Our main goal should be to be able to space travel. Maybe even talking to other beings if thats possible.

>> No.2894721


Well, heres the thing... remember earlier when I say I dont have too much to be depressed about?

Well I dont want to go to into it, but my parents are well off. I have been around the world and have seen beautiful things one only read about. The Aurora Borealis is more than a Simpsons joke to me... I seen monkeys take watches from Brazilians... I was followed by and attacked by South African bunnies. I joke yea but I have done it all when it comes to this planet.

Im sorry but I want more.

>> No.2894737

Would you be OK with being shot by a nigger merely for calling him a nigger?

>> No.2894743

This guys a total fag...
Or a good troll.

>> No.2894747

I would not be surprised is all I'm saying.

>> No.2894772

Explore space? Fuck that shit, I would possibly kill to just live on a space colony or station. Even if I had to slave away doing some horrible job like mining a asteroid I would be overjoyed. I would be in space.

Living there would be enough for me.

>> No.2894782


Really? Thats interesting actually. Why space? I mean you do know the stations would make it so it would mimic life of Earth so there would be no difference except for like mining astroids like you say. Whats the difference, or point I should say. Might as well go and see space instead of being in one spot, like we are in Earth, because technically, we are in space.

>> No.2894786

I would still know that I am in space. I really can't explain myself...

>> No.2894787


You'd get bored of it eventually, like you have with earth

>> No.2894807

My parents told me that I used to cry over these kinds of things when I was ~7/8.
I'd cry about how people are poor, how the economy sucks, that human civilization is destroying the earth, that there is no cure for cancer, etc.

Maybe I was just an observant kid, but man you should have experienced this depression a long time ago.

>> No.2894822

...So I am 18 years old.

How likely is it that I will see humans go to the moon or other planets in my lifetime?
How likely is it that I will get a chance to go to space?

>> No.2894835

science is the door

no one's stopping you from building your own rockets and shit like that

>> No.2894841


I feel ya bro. I understood the impossibilities of the world at about 12-13ish, so I did all my crying then. Now I just cry about being alive. It sucks. I contemplate suicide every day but I wanna do some things on Earth first before I go off into the next life.

As for wanting to be in space so freaking badly, I agree with that other dude that, yes, you'll get bored of it eventually. I find it more fun to contemplate the impossibilities of the world than to cry about how impossible they are. We will get the technology eventually, or blow up and start all over, it doesn't really matter so long as we just continue to enjoy that vast empty space all around us.

>> No.2894872

Let's say we have stargates or some other type of teleportation device all around the galaxy + 5 nearest galaxies from us on every planet with the same size/atmosphere like ours. Let's say that's 1 billion. If you would hop from planet to planet only looking at the stargates of each planet and not exploring the planet you wouldn't even be able to see everything. Infact your life isn't even long enough to see everything on this planet. And we still haven't explored the seas. God knows what's down there. You don't need to be on another planet to admire this universe, you are in the universe right now.

Let's say the people in a hundred million years can explore the cosmos but haven proven that other realms in the universe exist or that there is something beyond our universe, they have pictures of it but aren't able to get any life to it yet, they'll say the same stuff like you OP

If you just bug on the things you can't do instead of the things you can do, you're failing at life. There will always be something you can't do it.

>> No.2894890
File: 254 KB, 850x1268, 1292598861060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I look up in the sky and realize I will never ever go there.
Except that you're wrong, and you most likely will.

You have the time:

The motive:
>At 1997 prices, a relatively small metallic asteroid with a diameter of 1 mile contains more than $20 trillion US dollars worth of industrial and precious metals.
>As of May 2010, 7,075 near-Earth asteroids are known,[14] ranging in size up to ~32 kilometers (1036 Ganymed).[16] The number of near-Earth asteroids over one kilometer in diameter is estimated to be 500 - 1,000.

The technology:


All civilizations become spacefaring or extinct.
-- Carl Sagan

>> No.2894908
File: 47 KB, 500x461, i know bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2894841 for you
>>2894807 here

>> No.2894914


My nigga

>> No.2894933
File: 151 KB, 622x735, 1270446016552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, we need some Sagan up in here.

First to put things in perspective.

Sagan: Pale Blue Dot. (Warning, you may cry.)


And then to get you pumped to move.

Symphony of Science: The Case for Mars:

>> No.2894953
File: 258 KB, 360x480, 1292576814332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maaaaars, is a world of wonders...

It has canyons, river valleys, and giant ice sheets

Maaaaars, is a world of wonders,

It shouldn't be humans to Mars in fifty years, it should be humans to Mars in ten.

>> No.2894960


OP here... I love you. Like legit, I love you bro. I have so much hope now, and the fact is by 2029, I will be 40. Thats fucking perfect. Its far away enough that I can enjoy the stuff here on Earth, take the non-aging drug and bam! Wow, my depression is gone.

I fucking LOVE science. I have never been happier being wrong.

>> No.2894961

yall total nerds, gee at least feign normality

>> No.2894966

>Pale Blue Dot
>you may cry

guilty as charged, the first time I saw that program

feel like such a pansy

>> No.2894970


There comes a choice in life.

One either grows, or one decays.

I think we should grow.

>> No.2894976
File: 105 KB, 750x600, 1277000191538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We either muster the courage to go

Or we risk the possibility of stagnation and decay

We've got cosmic radiation

Zero gravity

Martian dust storms

Back contamination

But these are dragons that we can take on.


Humanity, Fuck Yeah.

>> No.2894975
File: 607 KB, 566x800, 1301299425124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins. I'm also going to perhaps try some way of seriously decreasing the money required to go into space via a company startup.

>> No.2894987


This one is even worse, there was music and video added, and it's the extended version.

>> No.2895012

Fuck this shit. Take you Carl Sagan and get the fuck off my planet. And don't come back, worthless science queers. Buncha spoiled titty babies.

>> No.2895022


As soon as I can, I will.

And we'll build a new society on Mars, filled with immortal intellectuals, you can stay on Earth and rot.

Stagnation is death.

>> No.2895037
File: 837 KB, 548x1024, Barcode_White_n_Black_by_TZM_Official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The biggest obstacle to space exploration?

The "almighty" dollar.

Well, currency.

I advocate TZM because with their solution for Earth, space will finally, FINALLY be within reach.

>> No.2895052


Work toward becoming independently wealthy and DO something about it , amigo!

>> No.2895053
File: 236 KB, 500x500, Mars3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yeeeeeeeee.

http://www.marshallbrain.com/manna5.htm > Zeitgeist Movement

>> No.2895063
File: 18 KB, 301x279, 1269506874996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never seen Star Wars or Star Trek

fucking most obvious troll I've ever god damn seen on 5chan and there are 70 god damn replies.

>> No.2895068

Well you aren't getting any money from me for your temperamental, narcistic, unproductive space fantasies.

>> No.2895071

OP here...

No, I promise you I never ever ever seen Star Wars or Star Trek. At all. I know of it because its referenced in pop culture all the time, but I never physically sat down and watched the movies or shows...

Also Im ready to go to Mars. I dont want to stay there forever, but it would be awesome for Mars to be like an intellectual haven and headquarters for space exploration.

Fuck stagnation baby!!

>> No.2895098

Interesting link, bro. Thanks.

>> No.2895100

Earth is destined for death anyway... why does anyone want to be destroyed?

>> No.2895107
File: 21 KB, 352x302, 1302475254831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2895113


OK, why do you think Im trolling? I dont have the patience to sit down and watch some fucking 2 hour movie Im not interested in and I never was interested in any of those movies. Tell me why I would? Huh? Tell me why?

>> No.2895121

So you're crying because you love space so much, but you're not interested enough to watch two of the greatest sci fi shows ever made?

>> No.2895126


You dont get it... I dont care about some fags going on a trip having adventures.

I want to be there. I dont care about other people having fun, I want to have fun, I want to explore, I want to see planets...

Whats not to get? I dont like watching things like that, its like people watching reality shows. I honestly have a disinterest in sci-fi but I want to explore space.

Sorry if I sounded harsh but its getting annoying.

>> No.2895142

That's like a musician not wanting to go to any live concerts cause he hates live music and only wants to play music. Sounds like you don't really love space, you just want to get away from the world. Troubles at home, son?

>> No.2895160


Have you read the thread? I have an awesome family life. No, its just a pure curiosity that has been with me ever since I was a child.

Doesnt mean I dont study space. I go to observatories and I read up on space and watch a few documentaries when I get the chance to, I just do personally find scripted movies of space interesting. Sorry man, its just not for me.

>> No.2895168
File: 221 KB, 421x315, 1291234833052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


op is not tainted by hollywood

u mad?

>> No.2895190
File: 18 KB, 250x312, 250px-Thor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are on a planet in a galaxy right now. Be grateful with what you got/can explore.
The deep ocean.
The planet.
The rainforrest.

Your 'never-pleased' attitude is a sign of immaturity

>> No.2895241
File: 62 KB, 1278x780, 15minMarsPhobosdrawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seen it, done that
I want some 0.376G's.

>> No.2895254

>Your 'never-pleased' attitude is a sign of immaturity
Because clearly you are the sole arbiter of what constitutes maturity, right?


>> No.2895258

just go crazy; its fun for awhile.

then you get paranoid.

then youre scared, then angry

watch as everyone who cares for you leave

nothing makes sense

>> No.2895272


'never pleased'

Damn fucking right. I am a Human. That is my nature. We will never be satisfied with what we have, and we damn well shouldnt be.

Those who want more should deserve more as long as they are willing to work for it and dream of course. Never settling, why should we?

When I look up to the sky, I know exactly where I want to be. My coordinates might be off, but damnit thats beautiful fucking black nothingness is the most beautiful thing ever...

and yes, I will want more, because I am a human being. Never stop wanting.

>> No.2895276
File: 352 KB, 488x688, 368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling people who try to help you morons is also a sign of immaturity.
I wasn't attacking you, just trying to help you appreaciate this possibilities you already have on this planet

>> No.2896717

bump... cool thread. I like.

>> No.2896749

>implying we're not already in space

>> No.2896756

it must be a fake or this guy may have problems in the future

>> No.2896770

I know, I just wanna leave behind this disgusting world, people are retarded.

Seriously look at politics the state of the world. Defense budget is 100X budget for science.

seriously fuck this world.

>> No.2896773




I agree, fuck OP, but at least read the fucking thread.

>> No.2896778


This dot me mindfucked few days ago

>> No.2897507


Thats cool as shit