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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2891194 No.2891194 [Reply] [Original]

I've listened through several hours of this guy talking, and i've yet to hear a single thing you can't get from reading a few articles in a popular science rag. What is he so well regarded for? Has he like, ever said anything that actualy taught anybody something useful? It all seems like fluff to me.

It's like the pseudo-scientific equivalent of stand-up comedy, or motivational speakers, with no point, no substance. He doesn't seem particularly insightful, intelligent or even funny and charismatic.

The only reason he's famous must be because he's self-promoting like nobody else in the business, plus he looks strange and has a funny name. Hell, the damn name is probably half the reason anyone knows about him, anyway. What do you others think?

>> No.2891200

michio => sum(i) = 2 => i +kaku => kakui

yes it's his name

>> No.2891206 [DELETED] 

the fuck?

i didnt know what his name was, and thats kinda retarded.
Though i agree he looks funny.

i havent been on /sci/ long, only commedians i ever used to listen to were billy conolly and robin williams

>> No.2891204

Have you tried reading his papers on M-theory?

>> No.2891207

>and i've yet to hear a single thing you can't get from reading a few articles in a popular science rag
Same with Sagan.Their science populizers. I like him, but if you're mad that you understand everything he says, read professional journals instaed of watching TV.

>> No.2891205

Muchio Kocku is an idiot

>> No.2891213


Read that and tell me he isnt smart. Most people on this board dont like him because he dumbs things down. But why wouldnt he, its the only way that the idiot masses will ever understand physics/want to understand physics.

>> No.2891218

Should have been a link to String field theory, but fuck it.

>> No.2891219

What he says isn't pseudo scientific. If you think that then you don't know what pseudo scientific means. I don't know about his actual contributions to his field of expertise. But he does make physics somewhat accessible to the lay person. That's difficult because there will always be a some translation errors. Stuff in science is represented by mathematical equations that the scientist and his colleagues may take as incontrovertibly true but it will go over everyone else's head. So what you need is to speak not in math, but by analogy. All analogies have very limited scope for representation. it cannot be stretched too far. that's where the mistranslation of scientific ideas come from.

Michio does well as an educator, perhaps not so much as a physicist. I don't know. I'm not familiar enough with his work at that level.

>> No.2891224

>plus he looks strange and has a funny name

yeah, you're not a complete douche.

>> No.2891225

He has published research articles on string theory from 1969[citation needed] to 2000. In 1974, along with Prof. K. Kikkawa, he wrote the first paper on string field theory, now a major branch of string theory, which summarizes each of the five string theories into a single equation

implying you will ever be as brilliant as kaku

>> No.2891236

He likes to talk about the same things you find on conspiracy theory radio shows, but he gives actual facts. For example, I read his book where he talks about various sci-fi tropes ranked according to the estimated amount of time it would take us to reach the point where we can make them and whether they violate the currently known laws of physics. It read like something out of a daytime TV show, but it was ok nonetheless.

>> No.2891243

Everything he says is in pop sci literature because he is one of the most important scientists of the last 500 years

>> No.2891284
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mfw you said, "but fuck"

>> No.2891552

OP probably only watched his seminar speeches, which are pretty weak, but that's because they're meant to get people who know nothing about it an idea of what he's doing.

>> No.2891646

>plus he looks strange and has a funny name
>he looks strange

I literally lol'd like shit

>> No.2891667


You are listening to his intentionally dumbed down speeches to the layman and assuming that he doesn't have a more serious understanding of the information he's sharing.

He built a particle accelerator in his mom's garage (and stole all the copper necessary, lmao). He's not a layman, but he tries to keep the field of science interesting to the layman by involving them and providing simplified explanations of the things he's working on.

You are criticizing him for reaching his hand out to people far dumber than himself so that they might feel less alienated from complex new leaps in our physical understanding of reality because you are assuming that this is all he does. You are wrong.

>> No.2891694


If he's so famous and important, why haven't i heard of him yet? (I'm a physicist)

>> No.2891700

You're a gay physicist. I hear about him all the time.

>> No.2891705


>> No.2891707


I'm being serious. This is the first time i hear about him.


Where? I'm not gay, by the way.

>> No.2891708

Michio Kaku believes in magic, and calls it science. He uses techno-babble in place of reality. He believes in m-theory, the bastard child of several competing string theory ideas that attempts to merge them all by saying there is an 11th dimension in which they are all right at the same time.

Pretty much, he's a string theory guy. He wants the real world to be magical and look like Star Trek. He can't accept how simple the real world is, nor can he comprehend how awesome the real world can be. He has applied all his effort towards crafting an elaborate fantasy world in which star trek is real and he can make problems go away with imaginary words. That's Michio Kaku.

>> No.2891711
File: 19 KB, 385x240, michio-kaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there was a waaay.....

Where you could HEAR.... this in MYYYY voice.

>> No.2891713

I bet you don't know shit op "psuedo-scientific" what thet fuck ate you talking about sage

>> No.2891719
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>> No.2891739
File: 36 KB, 391x480, 1236423875683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he watched discovery science to learn stuff and does not imply its for total douches or women.
i shouldnt even know that, everything>TV, especially internet. Information that you moderate yourself is always more educating than watching a generic show made for 'everyone'

>> No.2891741

He's rather sexy actually.
Say what you will, maybe his pet theory is a pile of dung, I don't have the know how to understand it, but the man is far form dumb.
His speeches are to explain complex phenomena to the average man. You seem to be pissed off by the fact you can understand everything he says.

>> No.2891751

The real world is so simple that we don't currently have a theory which explains it?


> Reality is so simple.

> We can't yet explain reality.


How are "gravitons" any better than an "11th dimension?"

>> No.2891773

I like this guy. He makes good shows. His Chemistry series is excellent.

>> No.2891780

"If you wanted to destroy life on earth you need not attack it, you stay out in space a safe distance and just drop rocks"

>> No.2891781

bbc is better than discovery channel

>> No.2892385

OP is a creationist christfag.

>> No.2892818

Anyone that mocks those of us who have the foresight to push the fields of science further into the mainstream is a complete and utter disgrace, and a moron.

Kaku may not be a great scientist, but if he gets someone, who otherwise might not care, interested in science. Then he is doing more than the rest of us can say.

Fuck you OP, and fuck all you Kaku haters.

>> No.2892832

I've never taken the guy seriously.