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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 60 KB, 500x400, Lol_atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2888857 No.2888857 [Reply] [Original]

Just gonna leave this here...

>> No.2888863
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>> No.2888862

It's easy if you try.

>> No.2888868
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>> No.2888909

I wouldn't call it a religious belief... but whatever. Isn't it awesome that it is meaningless? It is just... I can't even explain it, it is fucking awesome though.

>> No.2889143


>> No.2889174
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>> No.2889175
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>> No.2889222

All epistemic systems are grounded in faith, faith is required to even begin what we call reason, whether you admit it or not. The faith is in the initial assumption / presupposition. Trying to suggest otherwise is irrational.

>> No.2889251


>faith is required to even begin what we call reason,

No it is not. To even ask the question 'why be rational?' presupposes rationality. It's an inevitability.

>> No.2889316

Please define your term 'rational'. What I mean by rational is completely different then a time + chance occurrence. What you are calling rational is formed from an objectively chaotic account of the universe, where what is rational did not have to take its current shape and is defined by man's convention and random evolutionary processes.

If how humans think is what is rational then any human or animal we perceive as being irrational is really rational from its own standpoint since its mind is functioning how it has came to be.

>> No.2889328


My epistemic system requires belief in nothing. I require no faith because nothing is true (except deductions on based on definitions).

>> No.2889329

And since what is rational is not objective, it is subjective and therefore just illusory to even make an argument that faith is irrational since that is the subjective rationality of that person. No objectivity can be applied in which to accuse someone of irrational behavior.

>> No.2889355
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>> No.2889356


lets not forget that the scientific method is also based on faith. to believe in the scientific method requires faith in and of itself.

>> No.2889387
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I'm going to troll the shit out of this.. Because Christfags need to stick their heads in the fucking oven and turn the oven on.. I wish all of you Christians would leave /Sci/ the fuck alone, you are a cancer. You're god is fake, your religion is fake, you pray to a fake man in the sky.

>> No.2889396
File: 7 KB, 427x320, OP is a fag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spontaneous, causeless, sourceless, purposeless, meaningless

Why does a big sky dude make like more 'meaningful'? It just changes the source of our meaningless existence.

Also do Big Bang believers think that that the BB was causeless and sourceless, or just that we'll never know the true cause/source?

>> No.2889397


Now that makes me think. What is God's purpose?

>> No.2889406

>religious belief

Pick one

>> No.2889420

are you 12? or do all atheists use such illogical incoherent arguments against easily refuted points?

>> No.2889426


Its in the Bible... but apparently its not to be taken literally...

>> No.2889436


There is speculation but no definitive answer. If you're interested look up Sean Carroll - The Arrow of Time.

>> No.2889446

I never got it,
Athiest always try to prove others beliefs wrong when they have no basis for it.
>Its a troll religion.

>> No.2889462
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Christfaggs, you say god impregnated marry.. I will tell you the truth.. I fucked her, I jizzed all over her face, I was the one who made her pop out jesus like a machine gun..

You think Jesus died on a cross, I tell you what really happened. I was drinking and I punched marry in the face.. Then I took baby Jesus and slammed him on the floor head first until he stopped moving.. Then I chopped his head off and used it as bbq..


>> No.2889465
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>implying a lack of religion = religion

>> No.2889470
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Do you always cum on your face at night??

>> No.2889478

damn look at that guy hes so edgy omg his mommy and daddy must be so pissed, oh what a bad boy <3333

>> No.2889475

>or do all atheists use such illogical incoherent arguments against easily refuted points?

But I didn't make any arguments, I asked two questions. How is asking a question an argument? Are you a retard?

Here's what I said

1) What about a God creating you as opposed to the Big Bang Theory/evolution makes your life any more meaningful?

2) Do people who believe in the BB believe that it is sourceless and causeless or simply that we will never know the source and cause.

Where are the arguments there?

>> No.2889482
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>What is the answer to 4+4?

HURR are u 12 or do u all non-math believers use such illogical incoherent arguments against easily refuted points?

>> No.2889490

Name an atheist that has said existence is meaningless and pointless.

>> No.2889493

Its made for cynical fucks.
>Group of people with a belief.
>Group of people with a belief.
Oh wait religion right?
hmmm. unless you want it to be a theory. Then you might actually get to people.

>> No.2889497

1) Nothing.

2) We don't know and we're pretty sure we'll never know. Theists use the lack of knowledge to suppose that the whole theory is wrong.

>Scientist: "We know A happened, but we don't know what caused A. We'll keep trying until we find an answer."
>Theism: "They 'know' A happened, but they don't know what caused A, therefore A didn't happen (or it was a sky wizard)"

>> No.2889499

Whoa asshole...

Im an atheist but fuck that doesnt mean I dont have morals. The fucking dead baby pictures are too much and besides, when is it determain that the fetus is actually human?

I dont want bible or God or government... no, scientifically, when does a fetus be determain as a human?

>> No.2889517
File: 10 KB, 170x222, aborition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> MFW Jesus died.. Hahahahah God can't die by definition..

>MFW god Created the universe 2 times in genesis.. I guess once wasn't good enough?

>MFW the bible allows for slavery.. Even though slavery is morally reprehensible..

Your religion is a fucking joke..

>> No.2889521

Why not agnostic? Atleast then you wouldn't look like such a try hard.

>> No.2889527

oh man its that bad boy again <333 hes so dreamy

i bet he doesnt even strap his huggies on all the way. what a rebel