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2881265 No.2881265 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2881276

"Of course I don't need to use the deadman switch! If I did it would be called a deadwoman switch! Silly boys!"

>> No.2881278

she died doing what she loved. maybe. wont stop me from doing chemistry!

>> No.2881284

The article didn't say how she got killed. Anyone has a guess?

>> No.2881287


I thought she died in a lab accident...

>> No.2881289
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>> No.2881308



>> No.2881310

Are lab accidents actually attributable to people not knowing what the fuck they're doing?

>> No.2881314

She fell in the proton NMR machine.

Her spectra was so beautiful ;_;

>> No.2881322


They are, most of the time. Unless more details on this particular case are revealed, we won't know if this was carelessness on her part, or a machine malfunction.

>> No.2881337

Wouldn't determining such a thing be of grave legal concern? I mean, wouldn't Yale be liable if the error was mechanical rather than human?

>> No.2881340

She sawed off her arm or something. Or maybe she left the spanner in the lathe bench as she turned it on. Almost did that once. Flying metal has no respect for intimacy barriers.

>> No.2881352

Accidents only happens for two reason.

ignorance, stupidity or unknown consequences of actions.

or faulty machinery.

Seeing how machinery hardly makes faults I bet on the first one.

>> No.2881367


>Michele Dufault of Massachusetts was killed Tuesday evening when her hair became ensarled in a spinning lathe in the laboratory's machine shop and she was pulled into the equipment, the New Haven (Conn.) Register reported.

>> No.2881378

Ugh, Jesus. It must have ripped half her fucking skull off. I bet that was a pretty sight for others to find.

>> No.2881392


>> No.2881398
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Such a shame.

She was pretty and obviously intelligent.

Though it makes you wonder if it had been your average 340lb 4chan Neckbeard /sci/ resident if it'd hit the news quite so readily.

>> No.2881401

Ultimately, it's her fault. She should've tied her hair up.

>> No.2881438

>Doesn't tie her hair up when using machinery

>> No.2881448


Heh look.


So I was right, stupidity, not tieing hair so that it came stuck in the machine.

That's quite sad to die like that... yes she did look rather well, but this is like not wearing glasses, helmet, proper clothing, gloves and such that cause these evidence.

either thinking you don't need it, forgetting it or too stupid to realize these things could happen.

>> No.2881458
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>my face when visualising it
holy shit what a fucked up way to die

>> No.2881546


1, in the end her fault for not tying hair back
2 she should have known to do that since they don't allow people in there without a safety class
3 why does an astrophysics student need a lathe? making a telescope?
4 it is weird to think that would kill someone, seems like the hair would just rip out..maybe it scalped her and she died of blood loss

>> No.2881565

Michelle didn't wear her safety goggles. Now she's DEAAAAAAD.

>> No.2881618

If you are going to be using custom machines, you have to be fucking careful.

If you are a female doing this shit, CUT YOUR GOD DAMN HAIR SHORT OR FIND A PENIS.

>> No.2881638

A rough guess, it does have the force to rip off the hair/scalp but this would only happen if her head is held in place otherwise it would just pull her towards the lathe.

>> No.2881640
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>2 she should have known to do that since they don't allow people in there without a safety class
Thoes classes are shit, and they give you no real training beyond "if you get hurt its your fault, sign this dont sue us paper".

You have to just figure it out, but they do fucking mention long hair over and over again.

>4 it is weird to think that would kill someone, seems like the hair would just rip out..maybe it scalped her and she died of blood loss

It was one of the fucking huge ones, she was close enough that her head got pulled through the machine and well...god damn thats fucking gross.

>> No.2881656

>4 it is weird to think that would kill someone, seems like the hair would just rip out..maybe it scalped her and she died of blood loss

Proper sized lathes can cause horrific injuries, seen photos of someone who's tie got caught in one. It completely ripped him to shreds... just by getting his tie caught in it.

If this student really did use a lathe without tying their hair back then I guess they're up for winning a Darwin Award.

>> No.2881669


But seriously, shit's bound to happen once in a while. Nothing special here. Also, I don't see how this is actually related to chemistry, a lathe is more of a tool for mechanical work.

>> No.2883614

I knew a guy that was running a lathe while wearing a long-sleeved shirt. The lathe caught one of the sleeves and ripped it off at the shoulder, leaving him wearing a one-sleeved shirt. After we were sure that he still had both arms, we started laughing at him.

>> No.2883679

Why would you use a lathe in a chemistry experiment? The last time I had to use one was when I took woodshop in high school

>> No.2883695

my reaction exactly fuck, at first i was like lol some bitch doused herself in acid or something but fuck thats just awful

>> No.2883696

The article said she died of asphyxiation due to neck compression.

>> No.2883717

holy fuck, this would be the absolute worst way to die!

imagine just the fucking sudden shock of being thrown into this thing, god damn that gives me shivers

>> No.2883759

I feel sympathetic that her stupidity killed her. Most women don't have a lot of experience with high powered machinery.. but there should always be a supervisor on duty, so this is largely Yales responsibility. If you don't agree with me, then you probably have no clue about working in trades.

>> No.2883776


aye, I'm honestly extremely surprised that equipment like this would be available to students after school hours. The school should have recognized that a 1 hour safety orientation != years of trades experience.

I am just really shocked that the machine shop would be accessible anytime after normal school hours (9-5ish).

>> No.2883779
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>no respect for the dead

>> No.2883826

I want to know why there is a fucking lathe in the chemistry department.

>> No.2883836

to do her nails

>> No.2883843

This. Seriously, I only see these in the ME department.

>> No.2883871

Getting hair+head pulled into a machine is not exactly a rare form of accident.

It's her fault for being a woman, otherwise social pressure would have forced him to have short hair.

>> No.2883878

>mfw i'm a dude with long hair
>also a fatass
>with acne

>> No.2883885

>mfw im also a dude with long hair
>but sexy and in shape and get laid regularly
>but actually a fatass with acne too

>> No.2883884

first of all. lathe? in a chemistry lab?

secondly. long hair not bound up/covered in a chemistry lab?

>> No.2883891


i cringed

>> No.2883919

2 things happened. Either she got scalped and bled to death before she could get help which shouldn't have happened because you never work alone. Or 2. she got her head pulled into the machine and it either snapped her neck or crushed her skull between the bit and the backgaurd which also shouldn't happen because you always tie hair back and roll up you sleeves.

Yes its a tragedy but most likely due to not following safety procedure. THE RULES OF THE SHOP ARE NOT GUIDELINES! FOLLOW THEM OR START DRAFTING UP A COFFIN.

>> No.2883947

fyi: Lathes are used in chemistry for glass working.

>> No.2883953

hey science girl! wheres is your god noww?

>> No.2883961

can anyone post pictures of that kind of machine?

>> No.2883965

>university student catches hair in lathe
>I used bandsaws and drill presses in tech class in grade 4 with no problems
There's a problem here.

>> No.2883966

Its a lathe. Google lathe.

>> No.2883976

Supervised activity vs a lone sleep deprived girl in a rush.

>> No.2883982


>> No.2883986

Yes, and that is why her head is now a jumbled pile of mush

>> No.2884002

>Majoring Astronomy and Physics
>Working in a project about Dark Matter
>Using a lathe at a chemistry lab at night


This makes no sense.

>> No.2884021

she was using it to make dark matter, duuuh!

>> No.2884025

She was probably making some glass apparatus. I am also majoring in physics and I do chemistry shit every day.

>> No.2884034

Yes, she must have wanted to store some dark matter.

>> No.2884042

lathes are shockingly dangerous

Back when i was into woodworking my friends necklace caught in a lathe and pulled his head into the spinning wood giving him a huge gash, luckily the necklace broke

>> No.2884050

more likely to be metal work with dark matter
vacuum vessel and whatnot

>> No.2884072
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She was on the verge of a breakthrough of producing dark matter on a commercial scale. If she lived to finish her work, energy crisis would have been solved.

But now all we have is that lathe is used in some way.

>> No.2884076

Inb4 she was murdered by the government.

>> No.2884133

Oh you silly you.

The governments in this world are just pawns.

She was murdered by the top 0.01% corporate businessmen.

>> No.2884173

I would rather get my hair caught in a machine than my penis.

>> No.2884184

>A Yale University senior lauded as an ardent champion of women in science


>> No.2884192


What's so funny?

>> No.2884199

I found the word choice to be somewhat amusing. Dunno about the other guy.

>> No.2884200

> She was murdered by the top 0.01% corporate businessmen.

Pfft. Those guys wish they were as powerful and rich as Wisconsin teachers. Ask the right.

>> No.2884204

he must not like women, must be homosex

>> No.2884205

>pouring acid into water.

>> No.2884207

>Champion of women in science
>Fails at staying alive
>Fails at using a lathe
>Fails at being a man
>Diagnosis Buttlathed

Also lol if she was machining a glass dildo. Science is a lonely field

>> No.2884209
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>> No.2884210

Probably laughing at the irony of her dying due to long hair, a generally feminine trait.

>> No.2884219
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>Diagnosis Buttlathed

Ok, I lol'd.

>> No.2884222

>>2884207 machining a glass dildo

THIS, is a surprisingly good idea. You could get some serious cash for this on campus.

>> No.2884226

Or it could get your ass killed, as we've already seen.

>> No.2884228

Could you imagine being the poor fucker who found her? You wake up bright and early in the morning, you stumble into lab to get some work done still rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You walk into the room while massaging your eyelids, thinking something smells kinda funny, then when you finally look up...

>> No.2884231

no need for glass dildo; i can do the trick even better

>> No.2884245

>operating a lathe
>long, flowing hair
Jesus lady, if you wanted to commit suicide just down a bottle of aspirin.

>> No.2884254

I read that the cause of death was suffocation, not avulsion.

>> No.2884273

Pics of a different, but probably similar, lathe accident.


>> No.2884279

I somehow doubt she suffocated after having her skull put through a spinning lathe.

Unless "suffocation" is just the polite term for having your skull smashed and brain stem severed...causing suffocation.

>> No.2884281

also this: http://www.phuckedtube.com/contents/member/mrphucked/photos/MidThumbs/Lathe-Accident-2-d58cb136-d.jp

>> No.2884285

Technically, everybody dies of suffocation

>> No.2884292

Ah yes, this appears to be a case of suffocation, specifically Mashedbrainitus

>> No.2884295

What about the people caught at ground zero of Nagaski and Hiroshima?

>> No.2884300


>go to lathe something on campus
>see this

wat do?

>> No.2884310

Rapid oxidation, depriving the brain of oxygen.

>> No.2884316

Wear short sleeves.

>> No.2884325

What brain?

>> No.2884331


"Jesus dude, you were using this lathe when I was in here last night. You gonna finish sometime this century?

>> No.2884332

Pretend I never saw it, try to leave without getting brains on my shoes, and let someone else deal with it/clean it up.

>> No.2884345
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Do a 540 and walk away.

>> No.2884349

Didn't happen instantaneously, yo.

>> No.2884355

Fuck I'm supposed to work the lathe to build a mount for my lab. Should I be afraid?

>> No.2884357

No, but the brain would probably be vaporized before the respiratory system.

>> No.2884365

Based on what? Conjecture and stubbornness?

>> No.2884375

bitch should have stayed in the kitchen

just goes to show women have no place in science.

>> No.2884383

Unless your penis is attached to your brain that's retarded.

>> No.2884384

>I forgot to add
>except on their knees sucking my dick

>> No.2884385

I dunno, it was initially based on the fact that nuclear weapons detonate in the air above the target, so the explosion would be traveling downwards, but now that I think about it the shockwave from the explosion would probably push people to the ground before the explosion vaporized them. So, in fact, the brain and respiratory system might be vaporized at the same time if the person was pushed into a prone position on the ground as the explosion hit.

>> No.2884386
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Mission accomplished. Everyone thinks it was an accident.

>> No.2884388

No, I'd definitely rather be dead than that amount of pain plus no penis (or more likely no lower body).

>> No.2884390
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>physics major
she would have known better if she were an engineer

>> No.2884391
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>implying you would have used that penis anyway

>> No.2884399

Oxygen delivery to brain failed: Organs not present. :D

>> No.2884405
File: 72 KB, 640x480, lathe_accident1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pulled into Lathe

Bad way to go, man. Fucking bad way to go.
Quick though - just a moment of terror then....

She must have caught a huge chunk of her hair for it to not get ripped off her head.

>> No.2884408

omg is she ok?

>> No.2884411

I do use it. Every day. I'm actually using it right now.

>> No.2884412
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When I was taking a machining class at Cal Poly some idort tried to move the rack on a mill while he was putting in a chuck.
Moron hit the wrong button and ended up crushing his pinky into a piece of bacon.

God there was a surprising amount of blood spattered all over that machine.

>> No.2884415


>> No.2884427

Stop projecting.

>> No.2884436

Her vagina is still intact.

>> No.2884438

Annie Le was hotter.

>> No.2884457

>now that I think about it the shockwave from the explosion would probably push people to the ground before the explosion vaporized them
No, the gamma rays, x-rays and thermal energy get there well before the shock wave propagates through the atmosphere.

Same thing happens inside of a fusion device, before the physical shockwaves and spalling bomb casing compress the fission sparkplug and hydrogen, they've already been heated to millions of degrees by the initial release of energy that travelled ahead of them at the speed of light.

>> No.2884467

In that case, the brain would be vaporized before the respiratory system then, correct?


>> No.2884468
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