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2883551 No.2883551 [Reply] [Original]

I think 84 is the absolute maximum age I'd want to live to. No real point in living beyond that (as I see it).

>> No.2883565

10,000-ish I don't wanna live forever, but even living one hundred plus years would be Ok.

>> No.2883561


Doesn't everyone aspire to reach 100?

>> No.2883586

why continue to go on after one has passed their genetic legacy or past the prime of ones health and enoyment in the first place?

>> No.2883588


Not very bright people. If you make it to 100, you have a high probability of being feeble and unable to care for yourself. And who wants to live like that?

It depends on genetics, but in general the human body isn't designed to last that long.

>> No.2883585

heat death of the universe.

anyone not wanting to live that long is delusional.

>> No.2883595

10,000 years only? i wanna live forever

captcha: uforced tiourta

>> No.2883598

For as long as I please - potentially until

>> No.2883600

9 or 10. No real point in living beyond that (as I see it).

>> No.2883605

100,000 years

or even more, perhaps as long as the Earth/the universe exists (latter only applies if we can colonize some other solar system before ours blows up)

>> No.2883622

Be an engineer for as long as it takes to buy some land, then go live on that land all sustainable hippy like and shit.

>> No.2883623

About 63 years, or until the heat death of the universe.

If the singularity happens, and upload technology, elective genetic engineering, cloning, etc. make immortality possible, I intend to live eternally.

If not, I'd rather die before I really start to decline physically and mentally.

>> No.2883624

I think our solar system is gonna last more than 100k years, but I see what you're saying.

If you're a God-fearing man, you can witness this all from Heaven. I hear they have great views of the cosmos up there.

>> No.2883633


Why on Earth would anyone want to live hundreds or thousands of years? Heck, they say that the human brain would fail after 150 years.

>> No.2883635

As long as I see fit.

Alternatively, as long as I am physically and mentally well.

>> No.2883640
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>I hear they have great views up there.

>> No.2883641

Work really hard. Become successful and respected in my career field.

Have a lot of children.

Spend time not working building musical equipment in my garage and playing music.

>> No.2883644


Oops, totally misunderstood the thread.

Fuck, I am really bad at this.

>> No.2883651
File: 89 KB, 387x580, kurzweil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human brain
>implying my brain won't be inorganic in a few years according to ray kurzweil

my goal is to make, reinvest, and save enough money to afford transhumanism (probably $5 million starting) once it comes

>> No.2883656


dyslexics detected

>> No.2883658
File: 7 KB, 159x140, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will invent the brain-machine interface, upload my self to the internet and troll forever on 4chan

>> No.2883660
File: 15 KB, 261x255, 1301893220808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw when inorganic brains and transhumanic goals never arive.

"These hookers I bought with my life savings sure are nice"

>> No.2883662

Want to? Until the end of all life in the universe.

Plan to? 120-150 years would be good.

>> No.2883669


That's what I said. I mean, there have been the odd health/fitness nuts like Jack Lalanne, but the average person doesn't have the time or dedication to live the way he did.

FWIW, my grandfather died at 74 of heart failure. He had had what they call a "silent" heart attack (when you have a painless coronary blockage) and displayed no interest in trying to get it surgically repaired. Perhaps he wanted to go while he was still able-bodied.

>> No.2883685


That's how I deal with the problem of an afterlife. I always say "Well, if you're an atheist, you're exactly right. You will not go to heaven and there's no afterlife awaiting you."

In other words, Christians will be partying in Heaven while atheists don't go anywhere but a box in the ground.

>> No.2883697

Actually, what I'd like to get 1000 monkey's on keyboards and live long enough to see one type the meaning of life

>> No.2883702

They may be able to cure/reduce aging by the time I'm old, but if not I'll probably want to go at 80 or so.

>> No.2883707


If you eat red meat then no.

>> No.2883709

to bad this heaven stuff is all made up

>> No.2883723


Exactly my point. You don't believe in it, you don't get to have it.

>> No.2883729


This is pure speculation at this point, but if they made it into heaven, I seriously doubt they are partiers. Heaven is probably duller than watching paint dry.

>> No.2883737

1000-2000 maybe. Maybe longer if the world remains interesting and/or doesn't turn to utter shit.

>> No.2883745

> yfw you realize after 9001 eons that the meaning of life can't be described by words alone.

>> No.2883746

Serious question for Christfags. Isn't it kind of illogical that you get to spent eternity partying and having wild sex when God punishes you for doing that stuff on Earth?

>> No.2883768


Partying maybe, but Jesus said something about "There will not be marriage in Heaven."

>> No.2883772
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ignorance is bliss

>> No.2883773

I know right? I'm starting to feel like I should worship the Nordic Gods so that I get into valhalla instead because of

1) Epic orgies
2) Adrenaline soaked warfare day after day, with infinite respawn.
3) Eating like a hedonist at night.

>> No.2883784

as long as my brain is still functioning normally and humans are still around

so about a year and a half

>> No.2883786


No, the point he was making was that there isn't a heaven. Atheists will die and their molecules join Carl Sagan's molecules or whatever in being recycled into the universe, while Christians go to hell for believing in a false god.


>> No.2883800

Assuming a standard rate of physical and mental decay, I wouldnt want to live much past 80. Im sure my answer will change when im in my 70s.

I see my grandma, and how mundane her life is, and I abhor getting to that stage.

>> No.2883811

I plan to live forever.
So far, so good.

>> No.2883818

Until I get bored.

>> No.2883819

probably 45 and then never physically age and remain eternal. I want to see what happens with the world

>> No.2883821
File: 53 KB, 550x427, balderdeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>norse gods


(pic related, the death of Balder)

>> No.2883822


My grandmother lived independently until she was 79, then in several different homes until she died at 86. She had no really major health issues, rather numerous small weaknesses that all added up. Was pretty much stone deaf by the end and couldn't walk without assistance. She died of an apparent stroke.

But then she never exercised either and also blew out one of her kidneys through years of gobbling Dilantin pills.

>> No.2883828

This and this

Though I'd prefer not to live till my 70's.

>> No.2883848


Here's how I divide the human lifespan.

0-12: Childhood
13-17: Teenage years
18-39: Young adulthood
40-64: Middle age
65-84: Old, but usually still able-bodied
85+: Advanced age (what you don't want to live to)

>> No.2883863


It varies with the individual. My grandmother entered the AA category by 80. And there are some people in their 90s that still qualify as "old but still able bodied"

>> No.2883917

I the draw the line when other people have to change my diapers

>> No.2883928


I don't think my grandmother cared all that much. She was always the type that liked to have others tend to her every need.

>> No.2883935

your grandma is an asshole

>> No.2883940

my grandfather was mentally sharp as a tack until about 85. he's 89 and while his body sucks he still remembers shit from the great depression and some german he learned over 60 years ago.

I am gonna save all my cash in hopes of biological immortality treatments or cryonics

but i'd be happy with 1-5,000 years

>> No.2883954


Well, I wouldn't call her that. She was more of a chronic hypochondriac who always imagined herself to be in much worse health than she actually was.

>> No.2883963

I am a singulatarian, I want to live as long as science allows me to live. I want to experience everything science will allow me to experience.

>> No.2883972

lol, sounding more and more like my grandma

>> No.2883978

I'm happy if I die tomorrow or in 500 years. It's been interesting to be alive.

>> No.2883981


He learned German as a kid? I'll bet that came in handy a few years later...

(takes out Army-issue pistol): All right, Fritz. Where's your division headed? We want to know, so tell me or I'll blow your head off.

>> No.2883995


She was always like "Oh, I couldn't go to the bathroom. I must be dying of colon cancer." or "I have a headache. I must have brain cancer."

>> No.2883996

he learned a little as a kid but most of it he learned stationed in germany post WW2.

>> No.2884010

You guys do realize that if we get to live past 100 years somebody will probably conquer the entire earth and reign chaos and destruction for centuries right?

>> No.2884018


My grandfather was in the Pacific. Saw a man step on a land mine and blow up in front of him. He never talked about the war very much. It was something he preferred to forget.

>> No.2884023

captcha: hetecom {finite

>> No.2884073


My grandmother said that she could remember when the 1929 stock market crash happened (she was 8 years old at the time). She said that a local bank had this huge line of people banging on the door and yelling "Let us in! We want our money!", but they were just told "Sorry people, but no can do. We're closing down."

Her family wasn't affected that much by the Depression since they were pretty poor, but they lost $4000 they had in the bank, which was a quite considerable sum of money then.

>> No.2884094

You all are gay.

Reverse time and kill me when I turn 10.
My Poke'mon days were all that mattered.

>> No.2884164


Nah, I wouldn't have wanted to die at 10. I've had a lot of fun since then I would have missed out on.