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File: 278 KB, 432x432, transhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2878098 No.2878098 [Reply] [Original]


It begins...

>> No.2878161

where do I buy this?

>> No.2878166

Yeah, as if overall population would even approve of thism it's like they want to go against anything that brings benefits.

>> No.2878170
File: 6 KB, 192x144, 50316_2256816327_8655_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My vision is augmented.

jc a bomb

a bomb?

a bomb

>> No.2878169


Fuck them in the teeth, I want my AR and Cybernetics.

>> No.2878185

I think it's a viral ad for a movie.


>> No.2878194


Actually it's for Deus Ex.


>> No.2878198

Best post on /sci/ right now.

>> No.2878201


Cant wait until we get augmentations for swimming.

It's going to be awesome.

>> No.2878230
File: 7 KB, 180x198, Sad frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>this wont happen in your lifetime.

>> No.2878240
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I almost bought it.

>> No.2878263


Hell, we already have the Emotiv Epoc, I though that was fiction the first time I heard of it.

>> No.2878277


There needs to be more money into BCI research, seriously. What I would pay to push away this horrible machines, the keyboard, the mouse, all of that has to go for ideas to flow with the least hardware constraints.

>> No.2878308
File: 623 KB, 1280x720, Mass-Effect-2-Joker-Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even something like the Haptic Control Interface from Mass Effect 2 would be a step in the right direction.

>> No.2878316


The future looks fancy. I mean them jumpsuits.

>> No.2878323



It's more the ultimate portability and creativity. being able to create your own interface to fit whatever space confines you deem fit would be great. To be able to do away with screens and just display in open space would help as well.

>> No.2878384

and to people today, it'd look like magic.

"Hey, watch this, I'm going to control that robotic arm on the other side of the room using my brain magic!"

And really it's just a BCI and radio implant.

>> No.2878410


Yeah, I was reading an interesting Web Comic that uses this kind of thing.


Just found it yesterday, good read. Funny.

>> No.2878471

Biointegration is a tricky part.
However, a lot of things can be done using more classical means.
Retinal projection and kinect like wearable minisensors would enable people to control more or less any system with gestures at any time.
Myoelectric sensors can with training result in signals from imperceptible movements.
Actual two-way direct neural interfacing however is a different story, of course it's possible with optogenetics but requires both gene therapy and surgery for the fiber interface.

>> No.2878813

it makes me sad that the human goal in life is just to flirt with some chick and play football.

fuck that "american dream", srsly fuck that. there's much more out there to do.

>> No.2878895

Regardless of what it is for, the website is fucking amazing.


>> No.2878923


That's not the "American Dream", go back to high school civics and pay attention.

>> No.2878961

merikan dream is home ownership and family yes?

it's pretty much the same shit. the way the marketing looks shows it. whatever it's the j ews fault.

>> No.2880668

that's fucking retarded

the woman's voice in the ad is annoying too

>> No.2880682


There's an entire wikipedia article on the American Dream and things like manifest destiny. Look it up, faggot.

>> No.2880698


Amerifats think they are entitled to a good life. That's the American Dream.

>> No.2880707


And by good life I mean own lots of unnecessary and tasteless shit.

>> No.2880711

What the dick. I can't skateboard with those legs

>> No.2880736

These guys are pretty ambitious, thinking they could make prosethic limbs in about 15 years

>> No.2880757

Funny how you seem to think you're entitled to say people shouldn't have those things.

>> No.2880762

>thinking they could make prosethic limbs in about 15 years
Today, 2011 you can get yourself commercial robotic prosthetics of various kinds. They might not work like an awsome real hand but give it 15 years or so and it will definitely improve.


>> No.2880783

I'm impressed, this is pretty clever viral. But it's not like I care, I've already pre-ordered my copy.

>> No.2880788

Spoiler: They're just making crazy promises in order to get speculative investment capital.

>> No.2880789


I never said that. I said it's unnecessary and tasteless.

>> No.2880793

For people who want to see more of what OP is talking about; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6JTvzrpBy0

>> No.2880796

Spoilers: It's a viral video for a vidya game called Deus X-men: Human in Solution or something like that.

>> No.2880836

Yeah, what I meant was not a lagging electric hand with a lot of wires, I meant more like a new artificial leg if you lost your leg, etc

>> No.2880840


i lol'd a lot.

>> No.2880850

You mean regenerative medicine then? The interesting part about that is that once we can induce the regrowth pathways in humans we'll very quickly go from "minor regrowth" to fully functional limb regrowth. Something which may have rather curious consequences as a dysfunctional arm could be repaired by amputating and regrowing a new one.

>> No.2880855
File: 25 KB, 366x380, 1302558134010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2880859

>"Hey, watch this, I'm going to control that robotic arm on the other side of the room using my brain magic!"


>> No.2880872

Regenerating a new limb would be the best, but I was thinking more like the arm showed in the Sarif Industries video

Anyway, I wouldn't be surprised if they manage to pull it off within 15-20 years

>> No.2880884

>Hello i'm a monkey and i'm feeding myself with a robotic arm like it's the most natural thing in the world.

It's rather amusing that animals are the first users of cutting edge technology, be it BCI or stem cell treatments.


>> No.2880893