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2877377 No.2877377 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight is Yuri's Night. I'm going to celebrate this by raising a glass of Cheateau do chors or whatever it's called, 1949.

It's been in a wooden cabinet in a living room with temperatures varying from cold to quite hot for the last fifty or so years. It has some brownish, powdery stuff at the bottom.

What are my chances I'll die of poisoning?

>> No.2877397

If you have a pet, feed it some and wait thirty minutes. If it isn't vomiting blood, you should be fine.

But seriously, why would you drink that if it's been in an uncontrolled environment? It's probably gone bad.

>> No.2877401


>> No.2877441


Yeah, it has probably turned to vinegar, but whatever.


Because honouring Yuri is more important. It's a symbolism.

>> No.2877460

I see you post here a lot. How old are you?

>> No.2878187

I've got $5 saying he's puking his guts out right now

>> No.2878210

Am I the only one that can't get over how enormous that tail is?

>> No.2878217
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Actually I'm fine. Only problem is that the cork slid in.

Such is life in Soviet Russia.

>> No.2878228

Needs more transition fossils.

Tails are big because they're fluffy, and sexy.

>> No.2878264

How drunk can you get before you die?

>> No.2878266

The brown powdery stuff is actually a rat that got into the bottle and dissolved.

I wouldn't drink that shit if I were you.

>> No.2878269

not drunk enough

>> No.2878282


Ask Charlie Sheen. But first, young grasshopper, you'll have to climb the giant mountain of Cocaine.

>> No.2878292

blood alcohol content of around 400mg per decalitre.

>> No.2878300

welp, guess that makes Colonel Coffee Mug y favorite tripfag.

>> No.2878317

I wonder what aliens would think of us willingly drinking a poison in order to intoxicate ourselves.

"I don't want you going out with those hoo-mans honey, and NEVER let them give you anything to drink. They drink poison for fun and sometimes get so violent they fight each other."

>> No.2878322


I generally don't, but this was to honour Gagarin, man. Gotta keep your priorities straight.

Also, anyone up for starting an BY/AY calendar? Before Yuri/After Yuri!

>> No.2878326

fucking hoo-mans

I heard they evolved to kill prey by running it down until it exhausts itself.

>> No.2878358


Yeah, and they also have left-handed aminoacids.

I mean for the love of [insert name of S>5 entity]

>> No.2878401
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>> No.2878408

If the aliens are smart at all, they probably have their own toxins they deliberately take in for the sake of stimulation.