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2870763 No.2870763 [Reply] [Original]

Do I have a hormone imbalance or perhaps I mature slowly?

I'm 22, have no body hair (none has grown), can't grow a proper beard (2-3 months of not shaving gives me only about 1cm of facial hair length), my penis is small (length is fine at 6 inches, but circumference is below average). My brother who is 12 needs to shave daily whereas the necessity to shave for me is usually once every 2 or so weeks. My hair also grows very slowly; my brother can have shoulder length hair in three or so months, but I haven't had a haircut in 3 years and still doesn't even go down to my eyes.

I know /sci/ isn't a doctor, but is there something abnormal about me?

Pic not related.

>> No.2870778

>Pic not related.

Fuck off then

>> No.2870774

I would bang what's in that pic. I don't care what sex it is.

>> No.2870807


No, you´re most likely fine.

If you have problems with getting erections or a lot of fat on your tits although you are skinny, there might be something wrong.

In any case, if you´re unsure, ask a doctor.

>> No.2870820


The first thing I thought of is Kallmann Syndrome. It's an uncommon genetic disease wherein the body does not naturally produce testosterone, amongst other things.

I thought of that, because I have Kallmann Syndrome, and the symptoms sound similar.

See a doctor?

>> No.2870828

Maybe you have kleinfelters or you're a hypochondriag.

>> No.2870829

post some pics anon so we know what you are on about

>> No.2870841

> my penis is small
> 6 inches

You´re problem seems to be more on the mental side of things.

>> No.2870844


Afterthought, how large are your testicles? Serious question.

>> No.2870850

>You´re problem seems to be more on the mental side of things.
>You are problem seems to be more on the mental side of things.

>> No.2870857


Lol ^_^

>> No.2870867


Yeah yeah, i forgot a the and that.

> You are the problem that seems to be more on the mental side of things


>> No.2870903

We require pics for a proper diagnostic.

>> No.2870911

bunny chan was a dude, so yeah, you all gay

>> No.2870915

>something abnormal about me?

yes, forever young

>> No.2870959

If it is pretty fuck it, there is no gay.

Words to live by.

Where do I meet cute androgynous people IRL?

>> No.2871167

Sounds like you'd make an awesome trap.

>> No.2871249
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OP if youre insecure about how you look (sounds like you think youre kinda girlish) start weight lifting. Might just be broscience but Ive heard that squatting, deadlifts, and bench press boost testosterone. Not sure if it'll do much for your beard or penis but at least you wont look like a chick.

>> No.2871260

> needs to shave daily

are you related to the fucking wolf-man?

>> No.2871272

I needed to shave almost daily to be considered clean shaven in high school. Some people just have to shave a lot.

>> No.2871282

...its rabbitchan

>> No.2871293
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If I dont shave for a day you can see a 5 o'clock shadow the next day. My younger brother gets that by the seriously like 12 hours after he shaves, lol. But he's not as hairy as I am, my chest forearms and legs look like they have steel wool glued to them.

>> No.2871297
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This isn't her, is it?

>> No.2871300
File: 16 KB, 300x300, datass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat androgyny

>> No.2871303

OP it sounds like you're short some testosterone. Squats and protein should be your best friends.

>> No.2871304

It is possible to have normal or even high levels of testosterone but very little body hair or beard. There are a number of hormonest and other genetic conditions that contribute to hair growth. If you also have a hard time putting on muscle, feminine face or body, then likely testosterone is your problem. If so, it is fine so long as you began puberty much later than your peers.

>> No.2871316

Just become a trap. Its inevitable.

>> No.2871323

Yeah, I knew a kid who had like copper wires growing out of his arms, but he had the wispiest moustache ever.

Hair is weird.

>> No.2871340

Its might be some weird genetic hair thing, but you might be like me. I have P.A.I.S and as a result i did not develop normally as a male. I look like am 13 despite being 20 and my voice has yet to crack. Most people think i am some boy genius because i am somewhat good at math and kind of smart in other thing. They tried putting me on testosterone when i was younger, but the very nature of pais makes it ineffective. However, i decided to suck it up and switch genders because lets face it, no one wants to date a 12 year old with a three inch dick. As much as i would hate to subject my self to being female, it's still a better choice than the shit i have been through recently. Anyways back on topic; measure the wing span of your arms, then measure your height. If your wing span is long than two inches over your height, it may indicate a hormonal imbalance. In my case, my wing span is about 6 feet and four inches well my height is only 5'8".

>> No.2871344

Can't decide yet. Post pics in underwear.

>> No.2871350

OP. You are destined to be a beta slave tranny. Your cock is pathetic and small and should be placed in a chastity belt. You will be allowed to come once every six months. The rest of the time you will use your mouth and anus to service real men. This is your destiny!

>> No.2871366

>I'm 22, have no body hair
Dude that's nothing. You're rabbitchan.

>> No.2871389
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