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File: 22 KB, 460x276, Rebecca-Black-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2859487 No.2859487 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guise, rebecca black earns over $100,000 a week - that's more than you'll ever earn a year! What is wrong with this SYSTEM!!?

>> No.2859504

It's Friday! Fun fun fun!

>> No.2859503


>> No.2859510

But I don't have to suck old men off to get a contract

>> No.2859512

Nothing. She made a horrifyingly popular (in the wrong ways) song. I just sit in my dorm, play minecraft, fap, browse 4chan, and read math books. Nobody gives a shit about that. Or me.

>> No.2859532

citation needed

>> No.2859582 [DELETED] 

She looks like a sandnigger or a spic, not sure which one. Anyway, when I'll rule the world and will be about to crush her and all her friends under the feet of my giant robot that I'll be riding her money won't help her.

Also, there will be no more Fridays. Ever. Because I'll turn this planet into a giant spaceship and turn the population into a borg-like collective where I'll be the only sentient and self-aware being. And in space, without the need to artificially keep the day/night scheme for people, the days of the week will have no significance whatsoever.

>> No.2859656

What do you guys think of this?

>> No.2859663

Nothing wrong with it at all, people like her music and it's popular. If all those people want to buy her single then there's not an issue.

Anything else is Communism.

>> No.2859673

I approve of this, please initiate the cleansing as soon as possible

>> No.2859687

i dunno but the comments on the you tube video are preatty damn funny.

>> No.2859734

yeah but sending some of those comments via twitter including death threats is just plain retarded
because the hat was what got her on every show in America and now she is rolling in cash

>> No.2859741

people are stupid and that's why capitalism is a shitty system.

>> No.2859862
File: 7 KB, 350x262, ALLTHESAME (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop posting pics of that ugly whore, and I don't mean ur mum in this case

>> No.2860743


>> No.2860754


>> No.2860836

it's only a problem if you place a lot of value in money. I could have (and almost did) choose to go into some healthcare field and make some dough, but I realized I cared more about physics, math, and intelligence. I just don't really care that much about making money I'd rather understand the secrets of the universe

>> No.2860849

I don't care, I don't need money. I was rised in a middle class familly and came to the conclussion that money is nice and all, but just another way to get some chemicals in your brain that make you "happy." I'll be having fun learning about the universe and fundamental particles, if the way you will attain fulfilment in your life is through money, I wish you luck, I do not need it though.

>> No.2860860


>> No.2860869

>$100 000 a week
For how long -- until her song loses popularity, right?

A steady, well-paying job that requires a Ph. D pays well into the millions over a lifetime.

>> No.2860881

She makes in a year what that job makes in a lifetime.

>> No.2860884
File: 55 KB, 500x500, album-dirty-rotten-filthy-stinking-rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile some rich fat white fucks are chilling on their 60 million dollar yacht, in of their five 100 million dollar mansions, their penthouse in new york or their 4th privat jet with custom gold painting doing absolutely NOTHING and earning 400 million dollars per year.

Oh, sorry, they did something. Crash the economy with speculations and put millions of hard working, good citizens out of work and on the street.

Did I mention there's a child dying every few seconds because it, like over a billion others, don't have access to clean water or food and have never seen a computer in their life?

The world is fucked up. Deal with it. Either play the game, lose or don't play.

Now guess why I study economics.

>> No.2860887
File: 79 KB, 625x711, 1143641_fd72_625x1000[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does not show anything being wrong with the system. There might be something wrong with you though. Your skin seem very green.

>> No.2860891
File: 8 KB, 363x360, 1300625280777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's jewish, jewish people attract money
it's sort of like magnets maaaan just

kidding ofc..
but oh dear OP...


>> No.2860894

>Implying her parents didn't pay a couple thousand for the packaged deal

>> No.2860895

Blame the idiots who buy her shit, not her.

>> No.2860896

alot of jobs pay into the millions over a life time. you dummy you!!!

>> No.2860897

Congratulations! You have just proved the theory that there is no limit to human stupidity. Dullard, do yourself and everyone else a favor: disconnect your computer from the Internet.

If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to run an ant's go-kart around the inside of a donut. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself on the Internet. Oh well, at least you only charge what your free advice is worth. How true is Stanislaw J. Lec's famous remark: "Every now and then you meet someone whose ignorance is encyclopedic."

Reading your post is less interesting than watching paint dry. If wit was spit, your mouth would be drier than a shallow well in an African heat wave. You are like watching Amputee Field Hockey: pathetic, and very quickly disgusting. Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if your father didn't screw a plant and raised a blooming idiot; if your weren't so fat that when you walk down the street, everyone yells "Earthquake!", or if your face wasn't so ugly that visitors to the Ugly Palace pay money NOT to see you. Who am I kidding? You would.

To sum up: you are about as smart as your rubber bow tie and two left shoes suggest, Bozo. Now, go curl back up in your corner, and continue chewing on your toenails.

>> No.2860906

OP hates wealth, profit as a moral value and most importantly OP hates capitalism.

OP is a communist.

>> No.2860911

4 x 0 = 0

>> No.2860912

That's a pretty long copypasta for the sole purpose of name-calling instead of doing as much as quoting the alleged logical fallacies

>> No.2860920

Holy shit lol, I love you.

>> No.2860927

Rebecca black makes a kagilion dollars a week, how do you feel about that?

>> No.2860936

In soviet russia system makes you!

>> No.2860941
File: 106 KB, 971x781, raid night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: The entirety of all teenage heartbreak singers don't write their songs, don't record them in more than 10 second intervals, don't even try to strike the right note because it gets corrected with autotune and on concerts never sing live.

But still, only a mere few percent of the profit actually go into the pockets of the actual artist, the rest goes to the record company. Sad thing is that this also applies to the very few artists today that actually have talent.

I don't know if I should laugh or cry that this parody is a hundred times more creative and funny - but also better than the original.


>> No.2860943

>money is nice and all, but just another way to get some chemicals in your brain that make you "happy." I'll be having fun learning about the universe and fundamental particles

And get more chemicals in your brain?

>> No.2860953

Exactly, in a more fulfilling way since thought was given to how to get those chemicals.

>> No.2860957

Mo' money, mo' problems

>> No.2860962

>in a more fulfilling way

Ooh. So you mean twice the dose of dopamine?

>> No.2860966

In our current economic system, money is generally spent where entertainment can be obtained.

Reversing this - that is, distributing money between the people who contribute the most to society - would take the power from the ruling class, and thus this will not happen.

>> No.2860980


That post was about as scrumptious as Teddy Roosevelt racing around madison avenue on a pocket motorcycle.

>> No.2860976


Communism at its core is actually the most desirable system... thing is, the leaders would have to be fully just and incorruptable, which, sadly, is entirely impossible.

>> No.2860985
File: 141 KB, 1256x650, handle4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitch about rebecca black
>make it seem like a major problem of the system
>ignoring other more pressing matters:
>dependence on fossil fuels
>the negative portrayal of nuclear energy safety
>grabbing my vomit bag

>> No.2860993

communism works only for robots with strong AI

>> No.2861000
File: 36 KB, 400x400, wik4ll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breaking news: There are a few rich people who found out how to legally steal the money of the so called "middle class" while putting the least possible effort into it and earning billions.

I have no idea how long this can be kept up. The poor people give away all their hard earned money for utter bullshit that costs zero dollars to make and they don't give it back.

>> No.2861008
File: 47 KB, 500x500, Lena-Meyer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey guise, Lena rules! What's wrong with YOU!

>> No.2861020

I'm rather confident I'll earn more than $100,000/year OP. Petroleum engineer/Petroleum Geologist (student obviously) here. Don't hate just because <span class="math">your[/spoiler] pay scale is stuck in 5 figures.

>> No.2861039
File: 37 KB, 274x280, lolololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> $

>> No.2861049

People generally make their lives ambition t be entertained. They dont do this consciously. It just happens that way because as far as we can tell theres nots much else to do. Entertainment then prevents you slumping nto some existential crisis where you cant get awY from the question of wherer the fuck did it all this come from. Why the fuck is it here why isnt something else instad. Why the fuck am i not someting else entirely. Why isnt there nothing.

These questions would cripple most. So people need to distract themselves.

>> No.2861067

I dont hate. Im not jelly either.

I wouldnt knw what to do with that kind of money. Never had any motivation to spend. And i wont ever have a partner or family to save for. As long as i can afford the essentials and something to distract my mind ill be fine

>> No.2861068

It is easy to know who contribute the most. Of course those, who do the distributing.

>> No.2861077

I think the only thing it really proves is that using money alone as a measure of value is flawed.

This has further implications though. For example, "people who can't afford health care don't deserve it since they aren't useful enough to earn more" is clearly bullshit by extension.

>> No.2861079

I don't think the people who consume and like this kind of music ever asked themselves this question.

And this is why I envy them. Ignorance is bliss. The stupider you are, the happier. Why claim superiority over the stupid man when you're smarter, you'll both end up buried in he same earth, with the difference that the stupid one was happier while you spent your nights crying yourself to sleep in search of meaning and happiness.

>> No.2861084

Sing song
People like song, either ironically or Sincerely, its all the same in the end.

Oh gee i wonder why shes successful.?

>> No.2861088


As if any of those questions are really troubling. >_>

>> No.2861089

I have good news.

>> No.2861097


You're absolutely right, my first sentence was wrong.

What I meant though was that we have our emphasis all wrong. Soccer players and Justin Bieber make millions and millions, while scientists struggle to fund their research.

I'm telling you, we need communism, we just need to find a ruler who is incorroptable >_> which is impossible because when a human being is presented with power, he loses all control.
(Google Standford Prison experiement)

>> No.2861107

Youre right they dont get hung up on it because they kee themselves entertained. Thats why entertainment industry is so valuable. It creates meaning for people. Greater than work, since its something they can enjoy. Sport is a great example of this.

>> No.2861100

it was probably intended

>> No.2861103

I'm not a native speaker, I was unsure but it is in the dictionary http://www.dict.cc/?s=stupider

>> No.2861127

I know theyre not. I was just throwing something out there.

Think of it like another version of . You are now manually breathing,

>> No.2861163

>(stū'pĭd, styū'-)
>adj., -er, -est.

>Slow to learn or understand; obtuse.
>Tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes.
>Marked by a lack of intelligence or care; foolish or careless: a stupid mistake.
>Dazed, stunned, or stupefied.
>Pointless; worthless: a stupid job.

Well damn, I guess I'm the one who will be happier.

>> No.2861272

She'll end up as a crack victim just like Britney, Justin and all the other teenage superstars.
I live well below a thousand bucks a month for everything, I don't feel poor, nobody films me when I check my mailbox, I got drunk yesterday and nobody wanted to interview me about it, and I just had a decent levelup in Mathematica. Life's good.

>> No.2861331

What is so wrong with communism? A well regulated communism would be a paradise for me. Think of the people who don't work for their money, just get it from inheritance and shit, while people who work for their food work like dogs everyday.

tl:dr Capitalism sucks, go communism!

>> No.2861377
File: 26 KB, 421x599, Icon-Fist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because OP our entire system is flawed and fails to advance the interests of the masses, instead promoting the greed of the few and the powerful. These men and women jealously and selectively reward those who solidify their economic and political power.

>> No.2861404

Communism doesn't work as you think it would work.

Last century has shown much about communism. It is a very bad idea.

>> No.2861445


I know everyone hates to hear it, but Stalinist Red Fascism and its Leftist Nationalist retarded cousin is hardly representative of what communism could look like if done correctly and not in a third world shithole like where "communism" took root this past century.

Besides, it isn't like communism is the only leftist alternative to capitalism.

>> No.2861473


You honestly think Russia was a third world country before communism? It was as advanced as any other major western power at the beginning of the 20th century.

>> No.2861483
File: 2 KB, 112x112, lal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying dictatorships = communism

>> No.2861493

Do you also think places like West-Germany, Czechoslovakia or Hungary were "third world shitholes". Even Russia was not so bad.

Leftists have so many excuses and not a single success story. Not a fucking single one.

>> No.2861515


I think you meant East Germany.

Please state what you mean by "leftist". It's an extremely ambiguous term. Are you talking economically or socially?

>> No.2861518

Where is this "real communism" then? How would "real communism" deal with those, who oppose it?

People do not want this restrictive system ... there will be a lot of dissent. To "protect the revolution" and silence the dissent a communism needs a very powerful coercion mechanism.

People are much more free in western societies. There is no law against you forming a worker owned cooperatives. This is allowed in capitalist countries.

>> No.2861526

Currently I meant those, who present "it was not a true communism" argument.

>> No.2861528


Eastern Europe's Stalinism was imposed by an effectively occupying superpower who ruled them via puppet governments.

You don't seriously believe that they all decided to have stalinism right?

>> No.2861554


Which make the West more left socially than the Eastern Bloc was.

Communism is, in fact, extremely right-wing socially. People are usually referring to its economic policies when they call it left.

>> No.2861562

You couldn't be studying a worse subject. My mom majored in economics and then went back to school years later for chemistry because it was so shit.

>> No.2861589

In your vocabulary "right wing" means evil.

>> No.2861623


No it means less free.