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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2856276 No.2856276 [Reply] [Original]

Taking the math GRE tomorrow. Any last minute tips?

>> No.2856287

The math GRE is a hilarious mockery of university mathematics?

>> No.2856291


I meant tips for my success. I should have been more specific

>> No.2856295

prepare your body

>> No.2856305

Pay attention to whether it is asking for perimeter or area

>> No.2856307

I am taking it next week.

How long have you been studying for it?

Just remember that you're not actually doing "math", it's more of a logic test.

If you start doing long and tedious math, stop. All of the problems have shortcuts that simplify them down to simple arithmetic.

>> No.2856310

Review the basics and relax.

>> No.2856313


I was studying a lot in november-january but i've let up recently because of my job.

thanks for the heads up on the logic vs tedious math

>> No.2856347


I was studying for about 5 hours a day since January, but I slacked off when my gf and I broke up.

It won't help you now, but here is the GRE math bible. It will help you for the next time you take the test. I have about 20 pdf GRE books, and this is by far the best math one I have used so far

It's from 2008, but nothing from the GRE has changed since then.

It teaches you how to identify and look for the subtleties that are common and uncommon for each type of question


>> No.2856636

the math gre is just probability and calculus shit, right (no concepts from the subject math)?

>> No.2856646


No, GRE math only goes up to algebra 1.

It sounds easier than it is because the whole test is nothing but trick questions that test your logic instead of your math knowledge.

All you need is some basic geometry, no proofs, and some alegebra formulas and you have the ability to solve all the problems.

>> No.2857208


you clearly have not taken it..

...or you think op is referring to the quant portion of the GRE general test.

OP, I took it twice this year and the first time, it had everything... calc123, ODE, PDE, topology, analysis, comp analysis, abst alg, lin alg, prob theory, measure theory, set theory, and fucking homotopy theory even... the second time i took it.. it was just a fucking abstract algebra test.. and not group theory... fucking modules over principle ideal domains and shit like that... oh well.. I still got into a top 20 program (u of Illinois) with full funding, summer research/stipend, and accepted into a nonlinear dynamics lab doing research for the phys dept as well.

one word of advice though.. prepare your anus

>> No.2857240

What are the standard math classes math majors take?

I've taken/or will have completed by the time I graduate:
Calculus I-III,Abstract Algebra I, Analysis I, Statistics & Probability, Geometry, Set Theory, Introduction to Logic, Symbolic Logic, Advanced Logic, a course that covers Computability Theory/Complexity theory, Linear Algebra, and a few other classes I am forgetting to mention. Most math majors seem to take Algebra I & II and Analysis I & II. I personally found Algebra boring so i stuck with taking mainly math logic classes.

>rovedei k-tuple

>> No.2857260

I took the math GRE back in November, and what >>2857208 says is true.

They say that half the test is calculus. That's a lie; it's mostly analysis, linear/abstract algebra, combinatorics, topology, and whatever else they feel like throwing in.

Unfortunately, I didn't make it into a top 20 program,... or even top 100. Let's just say that my transcript is a little spotty.

>> No.2857274


What was your GPA?
Did you do research?
How were you recommendations?
What are you doing now?

>> No.2857288

These guys are right. I took it twice this year.

>> No.2857293

If this is your first time taking it, I presume you're nearing the end of your bachelor's.

The best advice I can give you:
1) They will give you and a PhD the same test. Don't be intimidated by lots of tough questions
2) Does a problem look tough? Skip it. You won't have enough time to answer all the questions on your level anyway. If you do all the easy ones you can always go back for the intermediate ones.
3) You will walk out convinced you aren't worthy to do basic arithmetic. When you get your results you'll have done just as well as everybody else taking that test, at your level. They break down the results by your peer level.

This test is like turning thirty. No matter how much people tell you not to make a big deal out of it, you'll just stress yourself into a panic until it actually happens. After that, not so bad.

>> No.2857302


i haven't read most of the thread, but I took the GRE a few months ago.

you cannot and should not skip questions, as there is no way to return to previous questions, and the subsequent question difficulty is determined by your earlier answers. so if you get a hard one first and say fuck it and guess wrong thinkin you can come back, they computer already dropped you into a retard tier of questions meaning even if you get them all right you'll still get a crappy score.

(I understand that they are changing this "feature" of the test when they update the GRE in august, so maybe OP can wait until then, since I doubt he's applying to graduate school for this fall anyway)

good luck, sorry if any info is incorrect!

>> No.2857306

we're talking about the subject test, not the general test's math section

>> No.2857313


my mistake then :) carry onward!

>> No.2857318

Math Majors of the thread:
>What was your undergrad GPA
>Did you do research?
>What graduate program did you go to/apply to?

>> No.2857317


Hey everybody!

The GRE covers several subject areas, including math and science. This test is meant to be taken by people from all disciplines.

The math and science sections are therefore horribly inadequate for people who have math and science degrees.

They make a whole separate GRE for mathematicians. This is what OP is taking.

If you have not taken this, kindly fuck right off. You have nothing of value to say.

>> No.2857329

GPA: 3.4
GRE math: 660
Grad program: starting Stony Brook applied math in the fall

My grades are pretty good for my undergrad school, and my bad GRE score is offset by my high-level classes and experience with computing. My point: bad GRE isn't automatic academic death.

>> No.2857339
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Hey everybody!

I can sound like a sarcastic dick by insulting people who tried to contribute to the thread and then apologized for misunderstanding the issue at hand!

By doing so I am contributing so much to the thread that I can tell people to fuck off and they will be in awe of my internet strength!

>> No.2857346

Says the second person to fuck it up.

If you don't know the difference, then why don't you fuck off back to /b/. We don't need another stoner-who-just-watched-The-Matrix thread

>> No.2857352


My GPA is about 3.3, which isn't that great. I got mostly A's in everything, but my transcript's marred by a couple C's and D's.

I've done some research, but got nothing published yet. I'm working on an open problem in combinatorics; it's not that big of a deal, but I hope to have a paper on it published later this year.

I only applied to 5 programs when I really should have applied to about 10, with some of them being more mid to lower tier.

I'll probably try again next year, and hopefully have a publication too. Otherwise, I should start looking for a job.

>> No.2857360


I also got a 780 on the math GRE, but that probably wasn't enough to offset my transcript.

>> No.2857378

My GPA is about a 3.2. I've got mostly A's, but took some extremely difficult courses in math my sophomore year (maybe a bit premature) and passed with C's/A's. I have mostly A's and B's in my math courses. I have research experience and have published in a journal & presented several poster board presentations. My letters of recommendation should be good. As long as I do OK on my GRE i think I can get into some good schools. I'll be applying to top, mid and low tier programs, but mostly to top-mid tier programs

>> No.2857382
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I gave well intentioned advice, along with a disclaimer that I had not read the thread. By the time you had put the finishing touches on your masterpiece of douchey internet sarcasm, I had already been politely corrected and had already politely apologized.


>i haven't read most of the thread
>good luck, sorry if any info is incorrect!
>my mistake then :) carry onward!

Keep the hate coming, the more normal people you ruin /sci/ for the more comfortable you'll be when it's all foreveralone.jpeg aspie faggots like yourself.

To the OP: good luck on your test, wish I could help more.

>> No.2857448

As opposed to the know-nothings that spout off ill-informed bullshit without reading the thread because their mommies told them to let the world hear their special little voices?

Sounds like a fucking dream

>> No.2857452
File: 38 KB, 640x480, Fat-Nerd-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whoa dude, you're so hardcore and badass.

I wish I could be a douche to anonymous posters trying to help someone who didn't specify general or subject test and didn't say pic related.

Your life must be so amazing

Pic related, it's you

>> No.2857459


>> No.2857468


You can go to bed now, you have successfully defended your internet honor. Your parents and waifu will be proud

>> No.2857470


nah bro, everyone thinks you're a douche.

>> No.2857479

As much as the other guy is being a prick you are definitely a dumb faggot.

>> No.2857482
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>> No.2857487

practice methods/equations till they become second nature, follow methods

What's not to know?

>> No.2858982

ITT: real mathematicians and butt hurt math ed fags who are majoring in secondary education. (they only have to take the pussy GRE)