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2856703 No.2856703 [Reply] [Original]

SO can anyone give me proof that proves OR disapproves that the world will end in 2012?
Please have something well supported with what you said

>> No.2856716
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>> No.2856723

There's absolutely no evidence for it.

>> No.2856726

Firstly, you cannot prove a negative (otherwise, disprove). If something is proven, it simply -is-. Those that claim something to be so, a world-end on 2012, must bring forth evidence to support their claims. This is known as the "burden of proof." With that out of the way, saging this inevitably bad topic.

>> No.2856727

Why do you need proof that something absolutely ridiculous won't happen?

>> No.2856736


>> No.2856737

End of world at December 12, 2012
WTC: 9 - 11 - 01
Tsunami: 3 - 10 - 11
add them together you get: 12 - 21 - 2012

>> No.2856748

>>2856737 dumb but i guess if you believe in it sure

>> No.2856783

Great, you've taken the dates of two unrelated events and, through the sum of the components of the dates, found a coincidence. And? Besides that, I've heard many different interpretations of the exact day, between the twenty-first and the thirty-first. What of those other interpretations?

Soothsayers have consistently been wrong throughout history. Why do you think they're any more right now?

>> No.2856999

> SO can anyone give me proof that proves OR disapproves that the world will end in 2012?
Religions are always wrong. With that in mind, let's have a look at the source of the 2012-end-of-world claim.
Oh look. It was a religion. That's proof.
World won't end in 2012. More like 5,000,002,012.

>> No.2857006
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Are you fucking retarded? He was clearly not serious.

>> No.2857011

rules of physics

>> No.2857014


>> No.2857019

Palin/Bachmann 2012

>> No.2857034

in 1987, when the planets in are solar sytem aligned, people believed the gravity of all of the planets would cause a tidal wave big enough to distroy the world, and a 0.8m wave was caused. Y2K? people believed that computers would freak out and kill us all, and there clocks simply clicked over to 2000.
Thousands of other doomsday "predictions" have occured throughout history... none of them came true. Why would this be any different.
the mayans had to stop there calander at some point, they couldnt keep carving forever.

there will ALWAYS be someone shouting the end is nigh, because if they shout it for long enough, eventually it will happen.

>> No.2857064

> because if they shout it for long enough, eventually it will happen.
In five billion years when the sun goes nova.

>> No.2858284


>> No.2858290

Just wait until 2013.
There, proven.