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File: 50 KB, 460x313, Night Sky in the Universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2855083 No.2855083 [Reply] [Original]

I am watching a series on the universe from the BBC hosted by physicist Brian Cox called "Wonders of the Universe" and I have a question that seems simple enough, it's just going over my head...I might have missed something. I found myself pausing the video throughout to look up interesting stuff related to what was being discussed.

Anyways, my question.

Scientists, etc. are assuming that in about 100 trillion years, the universe will end its current era, the Stelliferous Era, and then go into the Degenerate Era. During the Degenerate Era, they claim that star formation will cease.

My question is, if in the current era, stars are dying but stars are also being born, what is speculated to cause the end of star formation?

Thanks for your time.

>> No.2855123

Shit runs out bro
Entropy nawmsayin

>> No.2855132

nothing left to burn
no fuel= no stars

>> No.2855163

Not as in literal combustion, but you get the point.

Basically it's a point at which there is very little to no matter left to react, and thus once everything stops reacting, we may reach the end of the universe, the "heat death" as it's known, and the carcass of the universe will slowly drift apart from itself, into the endless void of space.

But that's a long-ass time from now, so I wouldn't worry at all about it.

>> No.2855179

Yeah, I understand that with no fuel there would be no more stars...I guess I'm just confused to how stars are formed, therefore causing me to think that it's just an endless cycle of stuff dying, and stuff being born.

>> No.2855185
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only one explanation

>> No.2855216
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Don't you dare.

>> No.2855221
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>> No.2855228
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I said stop!

>> No.2855234
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>> No.2855871

Yes, we'll (we as in universe intelligences) will be able to manipulate/create matter and do pretty much anything else we want to before this happens.

>> No.2855883


I doubt that that will ever be possible. We're not gods.

>> No.2855898
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Not yet we're not, but we have much room to grow and a universe of knowledge to gain. We have come far in our ten-thousand or so years of civilization, and assuming that we don't kill ourselves off, we have near-infinite potential. Who is to say that, compared to how we are now, we won't become "like gods?"

>> No.2855925


As long as people are people, it's not happening.

>> No.2855962
File: 157 KB, 500x596, helpmeidontwanttoliveanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if people are cats?

>> No.2855977


And there was light----

>> No.2855990

You can't become a god unless you get people to worship you. If everyone is a god, no one will worship you.

>> No.2855993


Why will there be no more matter?

Don't stars form from gas in nebulae which come from supernovas? Therefore if stars are being formed and turning into supernovas (only 3% are estimated to, though) then wouldn't it be an endless cycle?

>> No.2855996

Without any clouds of hydrogen and helium left floating in space, stars can't form.
A star "burns" elements by fusing them together to make heavier elements. A star can't form out of heavier elements.

>> No.2856002


A worship of the greatness of man.

You lose.

>> No.2856016


Ah, that makes sense.

Why do scientists think that in time there will no longer be any hydrogen, etc.?

>> No.2856013

Did I say there would be no matter? No, there will still be matter obviously, but the proponents of fusion will be far and few between. As this poster pointed out,
stars cannot fuse heavier elements. Everything will still exist, but there simply won't be much going on anywhere. Supposedly, anyway.

>> No.2856020

No, because religion wins over science in that end. You lose.

>> No.2856030

Because it will've already been fused, and (as far as I know) there are no naturally occurring spatial phenomena that carry out fission.

>> No.2856038

there's no mechanism where more hydrogen can be made? elements won't fall apart into smaller elements or something?

>> No.2856050
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Derp at the center of a star pressure and heat is so intense the single protons at the nucleus of hydrogen atoms are pressed into one another.
When pressed to a close enough distance the strong nuclear force takes over and combines the two hydrogen atoms into a single helium atom, composed of two protons.

If all the hydrogen fuse together, there will only be helium left. Of course the helium can be fused also but as the nuclei grow larger in size with more and more electrons to repel one another, the process of fusion eventually stops as nuclei cannot be pressed into one another.

Just read this, FFS.

>> No.2856062
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>> No.2856091

2nd law of thermodynamics


Get it down. Glad you asked us, though. If you had seen Cosmos, you would have known this already.

captcha: Down, effords

>> No.2856118

>implying you can't break laws

>> No.2856130
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If you can, build a perpetual motion machine.

>> No.2856604

Some scientists are so single minded... the 2nd law of thermodynamics, blah blah blah... Look at the definition, you will see the word "time" in it. It is debatable whether "time" is an actual characteristic of our universe or simply something mathematicians and physicists use in thier equations because thats the way our minds work.

>> No.2856968

I did not respond immediately to your post, thus you are invalidated.

>> No.2856988

This thread is making me hanker for a tuna sandwich

>> No.2856996

simple some of the energy can long be used, such as light emitted etc.

>> No.2857000

Assume that your brain and senses have evolved with the purpose of understanding the true nature of the universe rather than simply living long enough to reproduce.... Read a book - "The end of time" by Julian Bourbon.

>> No.2857012

Because due to inflation, atoms will be far as fuck from the next one, and also increasing entropy.

>> No.2857030

Justify this assumption then you might have an argument.

>> No.2857141

> My question is, if in the current era, stars are dying but stars are also being born, what is speculated to cause the end of star formation?

There are three main issues, some of which are more related to the others than not.
1) Stellar fusion is only a viable energy source from elements lighter than iron. Iron is stable and once you hit iron, stars die. New stars can't use the old iron, either. Iron and heavier elements are star cancer.
2) The universe is expanding, and the rate at which it is expanding is accelerating. This means that the gas clouds from which stars form are getting stretched thinner and thinner, and soon won't be thick enough to collapse into new stars. Each individual atom lost alone forever in empty space.
3) Entropy. Anything you do pisses away some amount of energy, great or small depending on the efficiency of your process. Energy gets pissed away even when you don't do anything. The wasted energy still exists, but it can never be used for anything ever again because trying to arrange it into a useful form is just another thing that still wastes energy. This means even if you could fly out magically without burning fuel and grab every individual atom, neutrino, and photon that a star ever was and shove them all back in, and spend it fissioning the iron back into hydrogen to make a new star, you've still lost energy on the deal that killed two more stars. The universe is doomed to drown in its own piss.