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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2845660 No.2845660 [Reply] [Original]

know you future mankind!


>> No.2845684

the fuck is this crap

nuclear explosions do not happen 'accidentally', nevermind nuclear explosions that are strong enough to irradiate a planet.

You need extremely precise explosives to get the fuel supercritical.

>> No.2845708
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>The radioactivity also explains why the planet looks red.

>> No.2845714

you dont need any explosives to get the explosions supercritical all you need is a lot of uranium and a moderator of some sort

>> No.2845742
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>implying ordinary uranium blows up.

>> No.2845751

not strictly true, you just need critical mass of uranium. Plutonium is the one that needs explosives around it.
Finding a natural deposit of that much pure uranium though, not likely

>> No.2845756

implying that only processed uranium will blow up

>> No.2845773
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Wtf I thought it was iron oxide dust

>> No.2845785

Of course it does. I once looked at a uranium the wrong way and then it blew up and raped my cat.

>> No.2845786

didn't you know, radiation is red

>> No.2845800

Sounds like a crackpot theory...

>> No.2845816

You need Uranium 235 to create a nuclear bomb, and it requires sophisticated processing to make it.

It also requires explosives to smash one piece of uranium into another piece of uranium.

This also produces an extremely low-yield bomb. A few tens of kilotons at best. Not even close to what the article is talking about.

>> No.2845819
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>About 180 million decades ago, a planet-shattering still normally happening nuclear reaction might have wiped out every little thing on Mars, sending a shockwave that turned the planet into dry sand.

Worst sentence ever

>> No.2845823

>implying youre not a retarded inbred faggot.


>> No.2845826

>The Martian surface is covered with a thin layer of radioactive substances which includes uranium, thorium and radioactive potassium — and this pattern radiates from a hot spot [on Mars]

Could have just been a weird asteroid, no (large scale) fission taking place.

>> No.2845827

Goddamn people still trying to ride the fear wave of Fukushima to fame.

>> No.2845834

Also bombardment of radiation from the sun with no magnetosphere protection.

>> No.2845839

That is somewhat more likely.

>> No.2845841

Uranium 235 is not made it exists in all Uranium sources its just natural uranium has a lower concentration of it also wtf was this
>It also requires explosives to smash one piece of uranium into another piece of uranium
where are you getting your info from nuclear bombs come from fision not fusion.
you clearly dont know what your talking about so gtfo of sci/

>> No.2845861

Dude, you are not going to get a natural nuclear bomb happening with the uranium 235 that's naturally present in the environment. Stop being a retard.

The REASON it needs processing is because 235 makes up less than one percent of all uranium in existence, and it needs to be something like 90% concentration to even have the possibility of going critical.

>> No.2845880
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This poster confirmed for completely stupid.

Picture related, it's what a uranium bomb looks like.

>> No.2845888

> and it needs to be something like 90% concentration to even have the possibility of going critical
> to be something like 90% concentration
> 90% concentration
lol do some research its more like 3-5%

>> No.2845889

It's fission.

>> No.2845900

the detonator in a nuclear bomb forces a moderator which will usually be a liquid to mix quickly with the uranium allowing for a quick burst of energy
means you get more bang for less uranium doesnt mean its essential for a nuclear explosion

>> No.2845905

Looks like a rock to me.

Same exact fucking coloration as its environment.

>> No.2845911

I can't even parse that.

>> No.2845922
File: 46 KB, 504x296, Reactor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider a pile. This is what may, possibly, in an extremely unusual theoretical case occur naturally.
It will not ever explode like a bomb.

>> No.2845926
File: 52 KB, 400x344, 2256_original_Ylm5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The radioactivity also explains why the planet looks red.

>> No.2845938

3-5% wouldn't even get hot enough to cook breakfast. Let alone heat a reactor. Let alone explode!

>> No.2845939


I like this story better, at least it tries to make sense..

anything involving mars is just to far off for me.

>> No.2846027

Shut the fuck up about fissile materials already

>> No.2846044

I know what a retarded notion

>> No.2846053

Has nobody consider the possibility that this was an April Fool's that was published a day late?

>> No.2846059

I just read it, It's mind-boggling.

>> No.2846093

I wish there were ever respectable examinations of such things.
>"a single projectile
>Charged with all the power of the Universe.
>An incandescent column of smoke and flame
>As bright as the thousand suns
>Rose in all its splendour…
>a perpendicular explosion
>with its billowing smoke clouds…
>…the cloud of smoke
>rising after its first explosion
>formed into expanding round circles
>like the opening of giant parasols…

>..it was an unknown weapon,
>An iron thunderbolt,
>A gigantic messenger of death,
>Which reduced to ashes
>The entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
>…The corpses were so burned
>As to be unrecognisable.
>The hair and nails fell out;
>Pottery broke without apparent cause,
>And the birds turned white.

>After a few hours
>All foodstuffs were infected…
>…to escape from this fire
>The soldiers threw themselves in streams
>To wash themselves and their equipment."

I mean, that's interesting and suggestive shit right there.

>> No.2846096

Why do people have such as problem with mars having a natural nuclear explosion? We had a natural nuclear reactor


>> No.2846103

Can I get a more reliable source?

>> No.2846111

Not really. Here's the best I can find.

>> No.2846114

>He thinks wikipedia is unreliable

It's like I'm really in 2007 again

>> No.2846128

It wasn't wikipedia, jackass, and it was a VERY questionable website posting utter bullshit.

>> No.2846135

>a crater and a poem
>must be ancient nuclear weapon

>> No.2846139

Because a nuclear reactor, and a nuclear bomb are two fucking different things

>> No.2846143

>the equivalent of 1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs
I can't believe they didn't use the new measurement unit: the hiroshima and nagasaki bombs.
I'm in awe and shocked at the same time.

>> No.2846146

True, nuclear bombs don't need a moderator and are therefore easier to naturally occur

>> No.2846149

“Lonar is a place of obscurities, especially as the only meteoric crater formed in basaltic terrain. It has remained relatively intact due to low degree of erosion by environmental agents, making it an excellent model for study. However, several strange things happen here:

1. The lake has two distinct regions that never mix — an outer neutral (pH7) and an inner alkaline (pH11) each with its own flora and fauna. You can actually do a litmus paper test here and check this for yourself.

2. There is a perennial stream feeding the lake with water but there seems to be no apparent outlet for the lake’s water. And it is also a big unsolved mystery where the water for the perennial stream comes from, in a relatively dry region like Buldhana. Even in the driest months of May and June, the stream is perpetually flowing. Lonar generates questions and more questions”. Lilyn Kamath

>First off, I doubt the geological validity of her opening statement.
>I've done that myself as a bored eight year-old, for god's sake.

>> No.2846154

Why didn't they just say "1 million megaton bombs"?

>> No.2846160


That's not how a nuclear explosion works...

>> No.2846183

Journalists are some of the stupidest people you will ever meet, is why.

>> No.2846189

They wrote and published this article, so go figure.
Did anyone else try leaving hateful comments that the moderation will never allow?

>> No.2846191

>1 million one-megaton hydrogen bombs

Speaking of which, my mass is equivalent to 53 one-kilogram triple-ended styrofoam dildos.

>> No.2846200

guys guys, /x/ here.

We had an alien chime in last week, and Earth used to be populated by an extremely advanced human civilization tens of thousands of years ago, but a global war [with the help of the tower of babylon which was an orbital space station armed with particle cannons] resulted in the melting of the icecaps and massive flooding everywhere, in addition to nuclear strikes around the planet.

An alien race swooped in afterwards and claimed us as slaves. They've placed a veil over the planet that prevents the use of what we would call magic, in order to prevent any possible rebellions.

Apparently some of the old solar power stations might still exist in close solar orbit. We had also colonized parts of the outer system, particularly Iapetus, and we had faster than light capability and were part of galactic politics and trade.

>> No.2846203

Why not just say one million-megaton bomb?

>> No.2846214
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uh... that's nice?

>> No.2846220

any chance that thread was saved somewhere?

>> No.2846230
File: 153 KB, 1024x768, scrapped princess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, there was even a historical documentary about that!

>> No.2846231
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Better question is why do you care?

>> No.2846237

I recognize what he's talking about, and I did in fact save that thread: http://www.mediafire.com/?579ehbwehrsoqh6

>> No.2846241 [DELETED] 


>> No.2846258

Thanks. I thought that was the thread you were talking about. It was a good read.

>> No.2846260

I don't know why but that made me laugh.

>> No.2846278

wow. Some posts just disappered right in front of my eyes.
Far out.

>> No.2846282

aliens did it

>> No.2846292

If your talking about the youtube link, i'm the one who posted it, and I deleated it too after watching it. Should have watched more than the first two minutes of it before posting the link because it went full retard.

>> No.2846296

Don't worry, the CIA have not yet discovered the existence of Green Oval:


Stay safe, brotha. don't ever lose sight of the Truth.

>> No.2846312
File: 155 KB, 355x500, 1302173331653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa. dude.

>> No.2846347

>BBC news

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2846361

>Stopped reading

Stopped reading there.

>> No.2846383


Are you criticizing my grammar you faggot?

Cause I have Firefox you nigger!!11

>> No.2846385

oh yeah well I didn't even read your post

>> No.2846389

I don't even know that your post exists. I'm just talking to myself here for the sake of schizophrenia.

>> No.2846403
File: 7 KB, 210x240, cool story bro 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180 million decades ago


>> No.2846416

1800 million years ago.
What's wrong with that, besides the consistently idiotic wording?

>> No.2846419

It's possible for a natural nuclear reactor to exist , both fission and fusion, but not a nuclear bomb like the type America drops on other countries.

>> No.2846424


Why not just say 1 Teraton bomb.

>> No.2846425


No one would ever say 180 million decades ago, you'd just say 1.8 billion years ago

>> No.2846432

Yeah, it's retarded phrasing, but...

Why not just say "We don't know what the fuck we're even saying but it was a big motherfucker."

>> No.2846534

The scientific term is a doozy.

>> No.2847766

Lazy fuck linking wiki articles. That I am but natural fission reactions are nothing special:


>> No.2847782

Uranium/thorium/potassium remnants are not the signature of an ancient nuclear blast. Deep excavation, maybe.

>a large red spot that would seem like a radiating debris pattern … on the opposite side with the planet there exists a different red spot.

Or a small object at extreme velocity punched straight through. There would be ample secondary radiation from such an impact and it would have thrown up materials from the interior.

>> No.2847806
File: 13 KB, 438x499, 1285356303836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The radioactivity also explains why the planet looks red.

>> No.2847907
File: 107 KB, 300x444, simmering with rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carbon-dating involves measuring the amount of radiation left

>> No.2849568

Could of sworn it was red because of Iron Oxide