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File: 78 KB, 688x337, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2839704 No.2839704 [Reply] [Original]

Can it be done? Do you support this?

>> No.2839709

i wholeheartedly support this

>> No.2839725

Nope, hell yes. I wanna eat old shoes!

>> No.2839729

stomachs don't do much digesting

they just mix shit together

so of fucking course not

>> No.2839733

doubt its possible, humans require very high energy which i dont think goat diet provides

>> No.2839741


Unless you want to spend all day eating grass, anyway...

>> No.2839750

I guess celulose digestion requires certain enzymes that the human body won't produce even if a goat stomach is implanted into one's body.

>> No.2839753
File: 15 KB, 300x422, billhicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that uh, the human body would reject the stomach.

Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace.

>> No.2839764

Maybe instead of spending all that money on the surgery and the lifelong anti-rejection treatments, we could just use the money to, you know, feed them.

Or we could modify one of the many species of gut flora to enable it to break down cellulose.

>> No.2839772

ok, now I read the enzymes are produced in the stomach, but still, rumination is required.
And I don't think any human being would like to eat, regurgitate, chew a little more and eat again.

>> No.2839778

Do you know how many billions of dollars in aid has gone to "the poor" over the years? Do you know what effects it has had?

I mean, fuck. Look at Africa.

>> No.2839783

Goat intestines don't produce the enzyme either. Instead, they jsut have a huge freaking appendixes that let the bacteria do all the work for them - and then huge intestines to absorb it before it's pooped out mostly intact.

Notice how big a cows abdomen is as a herbivore. Notice how big yours is as an omnivore (some grass... some meat). Then notice how big the stomach of a carnivore is (a healthy dog or cat will do, but not your fat one). It's not the stomach, it's all the baggage they carry around that gets the job done.

>> No.2839791

I mean, would you rather do that, or just not eat period?

>> No.2839790

Just vomit into a mortar and pestle, add grass, scrape it for a while, and consume.

I guarantee you it's better than starving.

>> No.2839823
File: 69 KB, 962x1417, 1300019149924.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look toward the upper left.

>> No.2839833

What is your distribution plan?

>> No.2839840

With today's technology? None. I was just quoting Bill Hicks.

>> No.2839841
File: 82 KB, 244x251, 1297816219300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually curious as to how bio and genetic engineering could change our digestive systems.

cellulose digestion is a combination of certain bacteria and a couple enzymes right?

assuming you could induce the production of those enzymes, and somehow cultivate the bacteria within the small intestine........could it really work?

i'm not a biofag so i'm not sure how much of a leap this is, but it doesn't seem all that far fetched

>> No.2839846

So the yearly amount given to charity by Americans is three times more than the amount necessary to feed and educate every child on Earth for a year.

Why are there still children starving and not going to school?

>> No.2839850

Charity organizations seem to use the majority of the money for their running expenditures.

>> No.2839856

Does Bill Hicks have a distribution plan?

>> No.2839858

this is why you donate through chruch systems, they almost never take a cut and are generally on the ground doing shit.

fuck unicef

>> No.2839867

He's dead, Jim.

>> No.2839875

An average of $42 per child is enough to provide adequate food and education for a year. 2.2 billion children.

This surprises me.

>> No.2839880

DID Bill Hicks have a distribution plan?

>> No.2839890


Because not every charity has to do with children. Also, as >>2839850 said, significant amounts are spent on the infrastructure of the charity. Just because something is run as a NPO doesn't mean there aren't people working for it that drive Benzes.

>> No.2839897

He was a comedian.
I'm quite sure if the US decided to have a 'fix the world' plan they could get their military personnel to go to African countries one by one distributing goods and building up infrastructure/education/skills. However because that would probably be even more expensive than the Iraq War and doesn't involve stealing oil they will not.

>> No.2839899

Hello, veterinary student here.
It's impossible because goat as every ruminant has 3 forestomachs (rumen, reticulum, abomasus) which prepare food to being digested and 1 stomach (omasus). This part is very big. Also it's intestines are so long it wouldn't fit to human belly. Theres also problem of the genetics. Such a transplant would be rejected because of antigen's on the transplant cells. Otherwise we could transplant pig's liver etc.

>> No.2839903 [DELETED] 


You're too lazy to support yourself?

U gettin a goat stomach nigga, free of charge and the last fucking gift the state gives you

>> No.2839907


yeah giving bibles to starving people is great use of donations

>> No.2839910

Ok, ok, but aside from all of that, it would work right?

>> No.2839919

You just want to kidnap little girls and turn them into anthropomorphic pony sex slaves, am i right?

>> No.2839920


the bible tells you to work and listen to your superiors

If any of those lazy fucks actually read it maybe they could turn their lives around

You're not supposed to give fish to the poor, you should give them fishing rods

>> No.2839917

Comedians can have good, complex ideas. George Carlin, for example. Just because Bill Hicks was a comedian doesn't mean he couldn't figure this shit out.

>However because that would probably be even more expensive than the Iraq War and doesn't involve stealing oil they will not.

Oh, yes. The United States is not currently using its standing army to "fix" Africa solely for selfish reasons.

Where do you live, again?

>> No.2839916


and then everybody dies*

>> No.2839935

It depends how complicated would be the whole procedure of whole transplant. But indeed it would be cool.

>> No.2839937

>Just because Bill Hicks was a comedian doesn't mean he couldn't figure this shit out.
If he did I don't have any links to point you at that describe his ideas indepth on how he would fix world hunger.

>Oh, yes. The United States is not currently using its standing army to "fix" Africa solely for selfish reasons.
Gotta defeat those nasty terrorists brah, they gon' eat your freedom.
>Where do you live, again?

>> No.2839946

wheres the stomache transplant money comming from?

this is stupid.

if we could afford a goat for everybody, we would just give them the stupid goat so they can be subsistence farmers

>> No.2839953

I havn't even read the article and this already screams "The Onion"

>> No.2839983

>Gotta defeat those nasty terrorists brah, they gon' eat your freedom.

I don't particularly like what the United States tends to use its military for either. But there are so many problems with using it to (basically) forcefully develop Africa I don't even know where to begin.


Are you aware that the United States is not the only nation with a budget that could use some cutting?

>> No.2840008

would crops of grass produce more vegetable matter than corn?

>> No.2840018

>But there are so many problems with using it to (basically) forcefully develop Africa I don't even know where to begin.
I actually agree with you. I'm personally waiting for technologies that could accomplish making Africa into a first rate continent as current resources/technology is inadequate unless you want a clusterfuck.
>Are you aware that the United States is not the only nation with a budget that could use some cutting?
I am, actually. It's just that you guys are the largest/loudest/richest country on Earth, with those gifts being squandered.

>> No.2840033

>you guys

I'm not American. The United States may waste the vast majority of its wealth, but it does not exist in a vacuum. It may be the richest single state, but this does not mean the rest of the world is absolved of responsibility for its own economic reality. Getting things done should be an exercise in cooperation between nations.

If only the U.N. was not... well, the U.N.

>> No.2840454

>everyone applies Buddhist/taoist philosophy into their lives
>the most peaceful race in the universe also most smart