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File: 54 KB, 500x388, 1301904538133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2828673 No.2828673 [Reply] [Original]

Sasha x Grey has an IQ way above the level of genius.

For entertainment, she watches the films of Fassbinder, Herzog, Truffaut, Godard, Bertolucci, Mallick amongst other even more obscure artists.

She understands the hypocrisy of contemporary morality and has exploited it to become a millionaire.

You have every Judd Apatow movie on DVD and watch the same SportsCenter episode five times a day.

>> No.2828678

[citation needed]

>> No.2828680

you think she do but she don't.

>> No.2828692

I'd give up my pancreas to tap dat

>> No.2828693

this guy again?

haha, lol I imagine OP is some obssesed neckbeard with no friends or life at all, and thinks he has some "special connection" with this whore .

he'll probably show up in the news for trying to break into her house

>> No.2828695

I usually just troll non-cited, unreferenced, faggotry such as this, but I'll spare you the insults because I find this little tart to be really hot. She is a complete whore though. Anyway, what proof do you offer that you aren't a gigantic faggot?

>> No.2828697

yea he think it be like it do but it dont

>> No.2828700

She's a terrible actor though, and honestly, that's all that matters.

>> No.2828705
File: 35 KB, 480x640, tumblr_ksmpsqqeDi1qa9ytfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly a genius

>> No.2828706

that bitch aint got shit on Kelly Wells, as far as sexual hotness goes

>> No.2828708

clearly an attention whore

>> No.2828712


I hope he gets into the news for kidnapping her. Would laugh, /tv/ hopes they never find her.

>> No.2828713

also, her eyebrows are hideous. she'd def have a unibrow if she didn't shave

>> No.2828716


I think she's just trying to be ironic.

>> No.2828718

>She understands the hypocrisy of contemporary morality and has exploited it to become a millionaire.
>She takes it up the ass for money.

fixed that for you OP

>> No.2828719

Good for her. I don't mind at all though. She looks like a slut and is interested in faggotry (as described in OP). I don't see why that should make me jealous.

>> No.2828728

nice i loled

>> No.2828732

>She understands the hypocrisy of contemporary morality and has exploited it to become a millionaire
>Didn't just go to Harvard and start her own company

Sure is genius in here.

>> No.2828738

She must have so many health problems. Not to mentioned an utterly wrecked endocrine system.

>> No.2828744

only evidence i could find for smarts was she graduated from high school a year early and studied film to associate degree level

>> No.2828747


i been taking it up the ass for many years and don't have health issues

>> No.2828748

prove it

>> No.2828753
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>not keeping your mad in the fridge

>> No.2828766

If shes so smart then why is she a woman?

Checkmate atheists

>> No.2828771


eww no, you take a look up there.

>> No.2828775

Studying film is just a step below being a pornstar in terms of genius..

Oh, wait..

>> No.2828782


You could say she one upped.

>> No.2828800

She (like many porn stars) recognizes that morality and all that crap is hypocritical bullshit and has no problem doing what she loves. This makes her more enlightened than the average drone IMO, but the rest is bullcrap.

As in any field, I value what you create 100x more than what you read and (claim to) understand. Has she written any articles or books about the philosophy of taking huge black cocks up the ass while her face is buried halfway up another dude's rectum?

>> No.2828805

if she's a genius, why does she let people piss in her face?

>> No.2828806

☑ make troll thread
☑ eat dinner
☑ watch /sci/ get mad

>> No.2828809

wtf does insulin, thyroid, adrenal glands etc got to do with taking it up the shitter professionally

>> No.2828810


she's enlightened, duh...

>> No.2828811

citation needed.

>> No.2828812


reproductive... you can't just use common sense...

>> No.2828814


are u saying street walking crackwhores are enlightened?

>> No.2828825

Unlike her, I'm not some pseudo-intellectual who believes that simply namedropping famous literary works makes me a cultured and intelligent individual. Especially when my occupation doesn't involve fisting or sucking dick for money.

ITT: butthurt and mad.

>> No.2828827

She's clearly smart, who cares what she does for a job?

Only an idiot would work a minimum wage waitress job when they have the body to earn millions through porn due to some twisted moral purity bullshit.

>> No.2828833

Nah, they take it up the ass for money because they need crack.

OTOH if they took it up the ass because they realize it's no more humiliating than any other job but pays way more, then they might be.

>> No.2828834


Maybe they don't want to look like a tornado drove a road post through their vagina when they are reach that drooping age.

>> No.2828843

I'd bet she doesn't actually have sex much more often than the average person.

If sex is your job, it probably takes some of the fun out of doing it recreationally.

>> No.2828846

In the subject of Grey, does anyone have that wikipedia cap about her being a philosopher, etc?

>> No.2828847
File: 119 KB, 374x500, 4115109162_34e1a08174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you just want to take her home to meet your parents?

>> No.2828850


No, I'd rather study her brain.

>> No.2828853

Have you ever seen her DP, bondage and fisting videos? It's surely indicative of a normal sex life, and of the toll it takes on one's body.

>> No.2828854
File: 26 KB, 500x293, 1301596898482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when fassbinder, herzog, truffaut, godard a bertolucci are 'dark' filmmakers?

>> No.2828862

Nah, because my father would surely recognize her...

>> No.2828864
File: 8 KB, 239x241, 1298624494709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the goal of life is to preserve the status of one's genitals

>> No.2828865

how does taking it up the ass affect your reproductive system

srsly though. having a lot of sex doesn't actually damage you, unless you get STIs

>> No.2828866

who the fuck is Judd Apatow?
Wtf is sports center?

>> No.2828871
File: 26 KB, 400x400, what the fuck am i reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying that I was referring to her genitals in particular and not her body

>> No.2828872

having a baby will ruin your vagina so much more than 10,000 big black cocks

also, i swallow three meals a day, that's 20,000 in my short life. yet my oesophagus isn't damaged

>> No.2828876

citation needed

you just think it does, because you are butthurt about something, idk what

for all we know, all that work could strengthen you, as per athletics

>> No.2828883

>for all we know, all that work could strengthen you, as per athletics

you just went full retard

>> No.2828886

human physiology, how does I fail at it?

>> No.2828888


>> No.2828889

by 40 she'll need to wear a diaper to keep her ass from falling out...

>> No.2828893


these are just your prejudices masquerading as scientific opinion

cite or stfu

>> No.2828898

>for all we know, all that work could strengthen you, as per athletics
you first.

>> No.2828899

like every gay man does

i dick isn't much bigger than a turd, in your case it's a lot smaller

also, she has done maybe a dozen movies?

a dozen anal sex sessions?

i have more anal than that in a month

>> No.2828900


And so the trolling starts... oh wait it's been ongoing; why was I so blind!?

>> No.2828901


why not use the body if you have it?

>> No.2828903

no troll, you just can't answer the post

cite that a dozen filmed extreme sex scenes does permanent damage or stfu

>> No.2828906
File: 35 KB, 703x703, 1295697155148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you mad

Get it? u mad so the picture says U MAD? because you so mad.

>> No.2828907


Go ahead and use it, don't expect us to think you're some fucking genius because you did.

>> No.2828910

>dozen anal sex sessions
Try closer to a 100 scenes of men with way above average sized dicks slamming her ass over and over again. The cocaine and std involved with the business has also surely touched her and how healthy is eating out another human's asshole?

>> No.2828912

>i have no response, so post "u mad" but secretly mad myself

>> No.2828913


I'm sure all the enemas they no doubt receive do something to alleviate the latter concern in your post...

>> No.2828915

>they think porn is dangerous

makes sense to do it for 5-10 years if you're a woman, then relax for the rest of your life living off the money

>> No.2828917

A pornstar's asshole is cleaner than my hands, and I eat from them all the time.

>> No.2828920

>has no dignity
>claims they have defeated outdated morality

>> No.2828921
File: 27 KB, 460x300, 03-american-psycho-sept14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat ass quite a lot

as well as have anal as a bottom

i think recreational sex occurs much more frequently than porn sex.

so as a 28 yr old man, i've probably done more to "damage my body" than sasha

yet i'm not damaged

u mad, virgin vanilla moralfags?

>> No.2828924

OP, thanks for yet another troll thread.

>> No.2828926

old people have anal prolapses just from being old, no anal. yours will just fuck up at a much younger age, like 40-50 instead of 70-80

>> No.2828928

☑ Mission Accomplished

>> No.2828939

citation needed

>> No.2828941

[retard needed]

>> No.2828950

>requesting citations for obvious truths


Rectal prolapse is caused by the weakening of the ligaments and muscles that hold the rectum in place. In most people, the anal sphincter is weak. Rectal prolapse may be associated with the following conditions: advanced age, long term constipation, long term straining during defecation,
>receiving anal sex

>> No.2828965

That sure is a nice anecdote you have thar.

If you're trying to make a case, try not to use Wikipedia. It should be obvious hwy.

>> No.2828991

Where did you buy your clothes? at the toilet store?

>> No.2828998

yeah wikipedia isn't just homophobic jews citing homophobic jew doctors and their victorian science

>> No.2829002

anecdote is slightly above the standards of evidence in most of this thread

>> No.2829008

I'm sorry is this 5 years ago?

>Implying Wikipedia isn't credible

>> No.2829010

its pokemon accuracy is second to none

>> No.2830319

> A genius that got aids outside the porn industry in a vacation to australia, is that correct?
most people will just stay with this argument ...

>> No.2830350

on tube8 there is a masterpiece of sexual cinema when she took 20 guys in the mouth, ass, and vag, and swallowed 20 loads

fapped accordingly to her artistry

>> No.2830360
File: 105 KB, 480x640, rosa_parks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2830369

Does this count as artistic? It's probably the most pretentious porno ever made, but still fappable.

>> No.2830375

Why hasn't this thread died yet?

>> No.2830382

because you touch yourself at nnight

>> No.2830384

IQ doesnt mean shit if you dont use in any meaningfull way.

>> No.2830392

If she wasn't hot as fuck, she wouldn't be there.

>> No.2830405

define meaningful, is making millions of dollars meaningful?

one with a high IQ would certainly understand the only purpose in life is to spread one's genes

Its reasonable to assume SG will eventually have children, thereby justifying her career as a similar if not greater path to reproductive fitness then some lonely scientist, though brilliant, publishing something of great value in a journal, while never having children of his/her own.

In what way should a high IQ be "used" or "realized"?

>> No.2830407

>implying she is not just a whore
keep lying to yourself.

>> No.2830428

no, money is everything that is wrong in humanity.
only ones with the highest intellect would understand this.

>> No.2830437


I read that as "take her to meet your penis".

Which I would.

>> No.2830444

>Because you touch yourself at night [to Sasha x Grey].

Fixed that for you.

As for my thoughts upon hearing that Sasha x Grey has a genius-level IQ:


Moving on...(also, didn't know the ban of her name was 4chan-wide).

>> No.2830453

She's not even blonde.

>> No.2830457
File: 68 KB, 480x360, Texas+2010+raw+photos+060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting on 4chan sure is more indicative of intelligence than posting on legit science boards

>> No.2830468

I post on both.
4chan is for fun, not for serious discussion.

>> No.2830476

People usually have. No use to test, because they want just their kind of people. And, nothing is enough...
And this, no matter who difficult the test, the people behind it knows the answers,
even not so bright-minded.
Einstein just wanted sandwiches.

>> No.2830508

I don't find her that attractive.

>> No.2830517

That's obviously because you're obviously jealous and stuff.

>> No.2830518
File: 5 KB, 132x196, angst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her videos where she sticks things in her ass. She does it so intelligently.

>> No.2830520
File: 205 KB, 936x936, sasha grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2830538

oh god i lol'd hard

>> No.2830541
File: 244 KB, 1024x838, 0405dc21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think her intellect truly shines in her urine-themed performance pieces.

>> No.2830548

Sexual attractiveness



God damn she one exceptional person

But wait, only one of those talents is being exploited. For all intents and purposes, the other may as well not exist.

>> No.2830551
File: 60 KB, 556x383, dawkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


loled and saved

>> No.2830556

There is nothing wrong in sex.
Doing sex is good
Receiving money is good
Get paid to do something you like= great life.

>> No.2830559

am i supposed to believe because she drinks her own piss she transcends contemporary morality?

>> No.2830560

good one, I loled

>> No.2830566

There is something infinitely better than doing something you like and getting paid.
It's making the world into your own image.
Only truly great people can do that.

>> No.2830569

>No one can do that.

fix'd for you.

>> No.2830572


captcha: harvard nglasy

>> No.2830576


Wow so she scored a lot of points for measuring how good she did in an IQ test

so is she a genius in real life, like people who invented important things that helped a lot of people

>> No.2830579

Can I have proof of this genius level intellect please? Also, proof of her high cultural lifestyle would be nice (other than that one photo) Has she said or written anything that conveys the following:

>She understands the hypocrisy of contemporary morality and has exploited it to become a millionaire.

Until this information reaches me, she's just a porn star I suppose. Nothing wrong with that but she's not particularly unique or interesting.

>> No.2830584

>hypocrisy of contemporary morality

And what's that?

>> No.2830586

>one with a high IQ would certainly understand the only purpose in life is to spread one's genes



>shes a genius

How so?

>> No.2830588

troll line you moron

>> No.2830606


Ten years ago you'd be going on about how Asia Carrera is a member of Mensa.

>> No.2830607




>> No.2830631

It doesnt require intelligence at all to spread genes

>> No.2830635


>> No.2830644


>> No.2830657

might be mental illness

>> No.2830663

where in my post did I mention genius level intellect? and who the fuck cares.

>> No.2830693

Yes it does. You need to have a base level of intelligence to actually get a girlfriend and then make a kid :P

>> No.2830700

How does then niggers reproduce?

>> No.2830730

Reproduction is a built into our very genes. The brain doesn't come into it. Cavemen managed it

>> No.2830754

>the only purpose in life is to spread one's genes
I bet you spread them all over your dad's socks, junior.

Spending US$ 500,000 on a stranger with 50% of your genes?

Yeah, that's intelligent.
Also, your DNA is not you.

>> No.2830759

Rape/surprise sex.

>> No.2830764
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>> No.2830799
File: 81 KB, 400x399, facepalm_picard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For entertainment, she watches the films of Fassbinder, Herzog, Truffaut, Godard, Bertolucci, Mallick amongst other even more obscure artists.

>implying obscurity has any relation to quality

The only people who engage in intellectual wankery are elitist snobs, rarely people with true intelligence (yes, there is more (a hell of a lot more) to intelligence than pure computational ability).

If she's so intelligent pity she uses it doing stuff purely to brag about her intelligence rather than contributing to humanity.

>> No.2830864


Some of the most intelligent people I know watch It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.... which is fucking hilarious.
I've seen a load of obscure movies and I'll admit that I enjoy quite a few of them, but being a film buff doesn't make you smart... it means you have good taste.

>IQ of 148
>Loves Weimar-era German films
>Drinks scotch and bourbon
>Beer snob
>BS Biochemistry
>Runs own small business
>Trivia master
>Reads Foreign Affairs, the Economist, Nat Geo, and Nature
>Kei$ha and Flavor of Love are my guilty pleasures. Also, MST3King episodes of The Bachelor in Sean Connery's voice. "If that bitch keeps crying, I'll give her something about which to cry."
Taste and intelligence are not the same thing.

>> No.2830872

she's also full of stds and gets abused regularly for money

IQ probably 90