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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2828884 No.2828884 [Reply] [Original]

Why are scientists such cold, heartless, pompous, bastards with a superiority complex? That's why you guys are less respected than athletes, because you go around acting like you're better than everyone.

Just step away from the bunsen burner for like 2 minutes, take a deep breathe, and try to consider someone else's feelings. Like just put yourselves in their shoes.
Maybe we don't understand quantum mechanics or we can't do parabolic calculus, but that doesn't mean our lives our easy or less satisfying. Liberal artists work just as hard.

>> No.2828891

If you're a scientist, feelings and emotions are secondary, if considered at all.

This is a good thing.

>> No.2828895

>Liberal artists work just as hard.

Good one, 4/10.

>> No.2828934


Trust me bro, flipping patties and serving coffees is actually pretty tough on the knees.

>> No.2828949

>this is a good thing

only for those that don't enjoy feeling

>> No.2828954

>That's why you guys are less respected than athletes

...Don't see the problem.

>> No.2828996
File: 29 KB, 461x357, LocutusOfBorg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Respect is irrelevant.
Emotional involvement is irrelevant.
Your inferiority complex is irrelevant.
Considering the feelings of others in the field of science, unless it is the study of emotion, is irrelevant.
Your argument adds nothing of value to the scientific process, and is thus irrelevant.

>> No.2829003

luckily scientific progress is only partly relevant

>> No.2829013

I wonder how many of you hardcore scientists could do well in a "super easy lol liberl arts" philosophy class?

science majors:

liberal arts:

>> No.2829021

>biology majors memorize


>> No.2829205

the movie sucked. It's basically inception + ground hogs day with a TWIST.

>> No.2829213

Biology major here, I've done a number of liberal arts electives for kicks, and jesus fuck, easiest 4's I've ever gotten. Seriously, all you need to do is be able to shit out a half decent essay and you're there. I can't imagine anything less productive than doing that for an entire degree, no matter how interesting the subject matter is.

>> No.2829336


Are you Broderick Allan Sir?

>> No.2829340


this is the exact reason why scientists will never, ever, ever be in a position of power.

suck it, fags.

>> No.2829358

when you go to university they teach you there's no consciousness

>> No.2829359

> implying money != power
keep believing

>> No.2829365
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>> No.2829375

Well, I thought about this kind of nonsense a lot during undergraduate. Scientists are misunderstood by the public, portrayed as emotionless madmen in the media, and seen as eccentric weirdos in social circles.

What the Fox News crowd doesn't seem to understand is that the modern world exists because of us. Scientists averted malthusian catastrophe with the green revolution, scientists created modern medicine, scientists laid the foundations for the computer you use to post, scientists ensure that energy is delivered to your home and car (be they nuclear physicists, geologists, etc.), scientists created the everything important in your life. From the mundane insulation in your house to the safety of the medicines you take, scientists did it. The world can deride what we do and distrust us all they want but the world needs us far more than it needs its actors and athletes. We'll keep working for little recognition and comparatively little pay too, because we love it.

>> No.2829383

I've never met an arrogant scientist. It's the Liberal Artists I've met that tend to be extremely arrogant and nasty.

>> No.2829384

I lost at
>Liberal artists work just as hard.
6/10 for making me laugh.

>> No.2829402

I am a scientist so I am perhaps a little bias but here is my opinion for what it is worth.
Scientists are in general very humble people. Sometimes in our own field of expertise I think we can come across as arrogant but that is because we know what we are talking about, work hard, have a passion, and most of the time only talk to scientists about science. When talking to a scientist it pays to remember that they are used to talking to people with the same level of understanding.
As for your feelings! I am not too worried. If you are upset by science that is your problem. If a scientist dismisses your opinion that is because that is how scientists talk to each other. If a fellow scientist comes to me with some pseudo-scientific idea I will rubbish it. If you try to explain your mumbo-jumbo idea like astrology to me I will rubbish it. Don't take it personally it is just how science works and it is why it works.

>> No.2829403

i think you mean engineers.

>> No.2829404


margaret fucking thatcher, fucking your shit up, be you argentinian or working class
btw she studied chemistry ot oxford specilized in crystallography

>> No.2829405

Engineers need scientists to do all the real work. That is, discovering shit and coming up with theories and testing them.

>> No.2829443


Argentinian? Why Argentinian? I'm Argentinian! :D

>> No.2829481

Engineers create the mass production models of the works of scientists. Engineers did not create transistors or integrated circuits nor did they come up with the physical basis for why these things worked that has allowed for massive improvements and smaller sizes.

>> No.2829484

You think that athletes don't go around acting like their better than everybody?
Are you an idiot?

>> No.2829507
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>> No.2829517

>John Bardeen
>Electrical Engineer and Physicist

>> No.2829524

>Engineers did not create ... integrated circuits
"Early developments of the integrated circuit go back to 1949, when the German engineer Werner Jacobi (Siemens AG) filed a patent for an integrated-circuit-like semiconductor amplifying device"

>> No.2829523

>If you're an aspie INTJ, feelings and emotions are secondary, if considered at all.


>> No.2829530

At the cutting edge of research and theory, there is really not a significant difference or clear distinction between engineers and scientists.

The challenges of building devices and exploring physical laws are closely related and overlapping.

>> No.2829541 [DELETED] 

How is this a bad thing? Unless you go out hurting people, I don't see how not showing/having emotions is a bad thing. It would make life 100% easier, that's for sure.

>> No.2829547

Biochemist here. I double majored in philosophy when in school, write for a recent events magazine, and live a colorful life.

Suck it, shitty physicists/humanities students. I'm better than both of you.

>> No.2829552
File: 41 KB, 340x479, 1269131337451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engineers don't design things

This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

>> No.2829559

Athletes are considerate of other people's feelings?

>> No.2829566

most of the people here are high school students who got an a on algebra 2 and omfg i'm a scientist

>> No.2829570
File: 66 KB, 540x726, wtfamireadingcolonial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists work harder than scientists

>> No.2829573

I fucking love parabolic calculus

>> No.2829583

Data on that, please.

>> No.2829578
File: 55 KB, 640x484, oj-simpson-smiling-murder-trial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.2829585

I think that's true for most of the people who post, but there seems to be a basal level of at least graduate students here that speak up when you ask a relevant question.

>> No.2829592

Don´t forget Dr Angela Merkel, with a PhD in Quantum Chemistry.
Because Thatcher fucked Argentina´s shit up

>> No.2829618 [DELETED] 

NEW WORKING LINKS! Jalibait!!! CPP!!! CCPP!!! 10-17Yrs Old!!! Only Pretty Girls! New VIdeos!!! No pass No SMS! Free for ALL!


THIS LINKS WORKING ONLY 24 HOURS IN PUBLICATION!!!!! save all links before 404'S!.....! ioabndoiabsdiobsio

>> No.2829714

>Why are scientists such cold, heartless, pompous, bastards with a superiority complex?

Autism. They also hate physical work (actual physical work), sports, competition, writing, acting and langauge.

>That's why you guys are less respected than athletes

I can't imagine they care much. Athletes aren't respected by anyone, they're around for entertainment. No one goes "I respect athletes". Athletes have the same personality as scientists, but they aren't quite as autistic.

>and try to consider someone else's feelings

They care about everyones feelings, they just don't know how to put it into words because of aformentioned autism.

>Liberal artists work just as hard.

They do a completely different thing entirely. Most science students just appear to be working harder because of the strange noises they make and their Autist rage.

>> No.2829732
File: 103 KB, 519x600, 1267017238158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He hasn't met any real scientists.

Seriously, nearly every single scientist I know is at least above average when it comes to emotional intelligence.

I've never met a Sheldon-Cooper-Type Scientist.

>> No.2829753
File: 23 KB, 360x400, 1300539161927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The issue is getting science students confused with actual scientists. Actual scientists conduct research, pay taxes, have civilised conversations and are productive members of society. Science students, and aspiring science students are angry Liberals who believe their piece of paper makes them Hawking/Tesla/Einstein

Same with Engineering students. I don't care how many degrees they have, the ones fresh out of university don't have a clue about anything practical. Or measurements. Or how to write.

>> No.2829760

A retarded scientist?

Of course you haven't met a retarded scientist.

>> No.2829766


>retarded scientist.

See: This board

>> No.2829775

attention /sci/

do not feed trolls from /b/

that is all

>> No.2830364
File: 35 KB, 635x356, sc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a troll from sci who just watched Source Code.

I recommended it to anyone that didn't like Inception because they never explained how the technology worked and would prefer some arbitrary scientific jargon spouted at them to explain stuff that can never exist.
Also, there's no programming in there whatsoever.

>> No.2830378

i actually agree with OP........ a little. I know only a couple of chemisty professors that are nice, everyone else is a smart ass asshole or a nerd teacher that likes to make everyone feel dumb.

>> No.2830399

>That's why you guys are less respected than athletes, because you go around acting like you're better than everyone.
>you go around acting like you're better than everyone.
>acting like

it's not an act.

>> No.2830424 [DELETED] 

Pompous scientist are in reality closet retards. I'm a physics major, and I witness some of my classmates act like they have a nigger cock up their ass. I on the other hand am a friendly fellow, especially to your hot sister.

>> No.2830469

You know, when you say things like, "Yeah, I know people like that, but I'm not one of them. I'm superior.", you *are* being one of those people.

>> No.2830611

Liberal Arts are a joke. They exist simply to fund the universities existence since there are not enough smart people that major in the hard sciences. Being a scientists doesn't automatically make you bad person you idiot. Being a bad person makes you a bad person. Athletes provide no utilitarian value for society, they are overpaid modern day clowns that exist for the publics amusement.

>> No.2830618
File: 148 KB, 640x480, 0000000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP still believes that atheletes aren't pompous, holier-than-thou ass, greedy bastards

>> No.2830612


>> No.2830636

Scientists all want to be prestigious and renowned in whatever field they work in.

"Hey guys, I found this finger bone that looks a little different from any other finger bone we've seen. ITS THE MISSING LINK"

"Look, my drug is slightly more efficient at reducing the spread of HIV. I HAVE THE CURE"

"I found this meteorite that has holes in it that might be fossils of bacteria. ITS GOTTA BE ALIENS"

>> No.2830637

Uh huh. Let's see how well you do in a pure math exam, where you have to come up with totally original, creative proofs.

>> No.2830643
File: 28 KB, 334x377, 1297871022646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all getting trolled.

OP is making a joke about this shitty movie, which most of you haven't seen.

But seriously, scientists might work hard, but its the humanities that tell us why we work, who we are as human beings, develop our culture, develop our traditions, etc etc.

The real problem is that we are divided up into different disciplines.

Most scientists before the modern era were generalists - they did science but they also might have studied religion or history or language. They weren't confined to one subject. Their genius was largely due to their ability to combine different disciplines and form new ideas.

>> No.2830645

that's true for all academics

>> No.2830671

Do you enjoy the affordable technology and systems that alloy you to use this board with ease from the comfort of your own home ? If yes, stfu.

>> No.2830749

What movie is this, might I ask?

>> No.2831176

looks like the Prestige, though I never saw it.
But OP is definitely talking about this:

>> No.2832437
File: 21 KB, 300x300, kanye_west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you be so heartless?

>> No.2832594

it stems from our superiority

>> No.2833700

Biology and chemistry majors are the ones who do the memorizing.

Math and Physics majors only need to memorize a few things and thats it.

this is why chemistry and biology is gay

>> No.2833710

>rubbish it

fucking britans and their retarded bullshit

get out of here, this is an american (ENGLISH) website

>> No.2833713


>Bitches don't know about my Analytical, Physical, Nuclear, Advanced Organic and Advanced Inorganic Chemistry


>> No.2833718

OP, art is dead.

No really, all post modern art is dead.

it died with Picasso, fuck that motherfucker and his paintings take no goddamn skill.

>> No.2833730

>Most scientists before the modern era were generalists - they did science but they also might have studied religion or history or language. They weren't confined to one subject. Their genius was largely due to their ability to combine different disciplines and form new ideas.

Why aren't scientists of this era more like them?

maybe it's because people like Tesla and Einstein self-taught themselves things which take college faggots 4 years or more to learn.

>> No.2833735

another reason why chemistry sucks, too many goddamn fields.

should only be 6, max.

fucking faggots

>> No.2833770 [DELETED] 

Implying there aren't a billion different fields in Math and Physics.

>> No.2833778

>Implying there aren't a billion different fields in Math and Physics.

>> No.2833781

Stop responding to him. This guy is either an undergrad or a high schooler. You can clearly tell he hasn't taken an upper division chem or biology class.