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2827051 No.2827051 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/,

Psychology vs. Sociology

Of the two, which one holds more truth about how the people of our planet function?

The topic came up in one of my classes, presented from a neutral standpoint of course, and I want to know what you guys think and why?

pic not related: but still cool.

>> No.2827064

Sociology definitely.

>> No.2827074

Psychology focuses more on individuals and generalising to the population.

Sociology focuses more on the overall interaction.

The results Psychology draws are much easy to accept though. Not as rigorous as other sciences but I'd be quite willing to trust a Psych study if it's results were quite strong.

>> No.2827084

Sociology for sure

>> No.2827097

Sociology is the "what"
Psychology is the "why"

>> No.2827111

as is with most science
Science= What
Philosophy= Why

>> No.2827124

Psychology major here , minoring in sociology. Sociology is a joke, completely useless as a "science". Psychology has more scientific grounds then sociology ever will. Take any sociological study as you would take a "reading" from the gypsy at the weekend markets.

>> No.2827129

sociology is the best of those two

psychology is fucking retarded

>> No.2827133


That depends on what testing is used and how people generate theories.

The correct way is using scientific method with both of these fields.

>> No.2827140

check it out guys. inter-uselessmajor fighting.

>> No.2827150


So by major you mean you're in your second year of undergrad...GTFO retard and go search on JSTOR for PRJ's regarding both fields rather than just blindly following something you heard from a TA.

>> No.2827151

Don't know much about them, but isn't psychology more inference-based? Like it's more guessing?

>> No.2827153

I hate sociology. I had a sociology professor once. He was a big faggot. He wouldnt shut up about how he is a single dad, and because of gender equality that is the equivalent of a single mom. He also had a pony tail. Also he wouldnt shut up about how he is open minded and loves all opinions, but at the same time he wouldnt shut up about his incredible intolerance towards rape.

I dont it would be inappropriate to generalize, but I still feel very much he was representative of a stupid liberal faggotry complex very prevalent in psychology and sociology faculty

>> No.2827158

Psychology is much more interesting but I think Sociology is much more useful and important.

>> No.2827173

Why are you sociology students so agitated about my comment ? I'm just explaining my thoughts about sociology, and I think it's a joke. It's just a lesser detailed mass scale approach to psychology, and it barely works.

>> No.2827174

this. the wardens of most prisons have sociology ph.d.s. i couldn't imagine studying sociology myself, but it has some real usefulness and i have some respect for the people who do pursue sociology

>> No.2827187

My sociology teacher is some "bogan" that believes George W bush "invaded" Iraq only to boost the economy. Note I'm Australian.

>> No.2827185

the study of the individual vs. the group....hmmmm

I had a stats professor once say that more information was gathered from single subject designed experiements to explain the population behavior than experiments with tremendous sample sizes....i thought that was interesting

he stated the validity of the experiment was much more important than sample size...and a lot of people are fooled into thinking sample sized is very important....he said its based on the validity of the experiement...

or maybe i just misunderstood

>> No.2827201


If it's done incorrectly, yes which means that everybody thinks they're a master of Psychology when observing human behavior at a bus stop.

Both fields require a good amount of scientific rigor to get past 124's level.

>>2827153 I hate sociology. I had a sociology professor once. He was a big faggot. He wouldnt shut up about how he is a single dad, and because of gender equality that is the equivalent of a single mom. He also had a pony tail. Also he wouldnt shut up about how he is open minded and loves all opinions, but at the same time he wouldnt shut up about his incredible intolerance towards rape.I dont it would be inappropriate to generalize, but I still feel very much he was representative of a stupid liberal faggotry complex very prevalent in psychology and sociology faculty.

Yeah, there is a high preponderance of this in lower level classes. Take it with a grain of salt and realize that a lot of these professors have nothing but a four year and some foray into a graduate degree.

>> No.2827204


My sociology professor said that same thing.

I saved some slides from his power points where he put a camel saying "You dont think we invaded iraq for democracy do you?"

>> No.2827223

Fucking halfwits man, this is why I prefer psychology over sociology. I can not take sociology seriously anymore, my textbooks were interesting but as soon as I went to that damn lecture I lost all respect for the field.

>> No.2827228

psychology can at least at times into scientific method and proper medical studies.

the vast majority of sociology research is not much better than a steaming pile of shit. most 'researchers' conveniently discard any data that conflicts with the prevailing PC-feminism-multiculturalism kick most of the west is on right now.

instead of being a field that counters the pretty lies many people believe, it is a gigantic enabler.

>> No.2827229

Psychology tends to focus on the relationship between two variables.

IE., this region of the brain is damaged > these are the symptoms > this region of the brain must be responsible for these symptoms. (this kind of study even delves a little into Neuroscience).


Test people driving cars > Test them driving cars while talking on phone, they perform worse > Talking on phone while driving cars decreases your driving performance.

It seems pretty scientific to me and we've learned a lot about the functioning of many areas of the brain thanks to it, why does /sci/ think it's a joke?

>Admittedly as Neuroscience develops, Psychological Science will become gradually less useful

>> No.2827234
File: 11 KB, 394x319, Picard shields his eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the rest of /sci/ told them to.

>> No.2827236


Well this is due to having to use inferential statistics on larger groups and this is prone to criticism.

>>2827187 And that relates to his aptitude in teaching Sociology how exactly?

Just because a professor says something that you don't agree with doesn't mean he's a complete idiot or useless in his field. Reserve this judgment for veritable proof that he or she is or you're no more intelligent/full of wisdom than they are.

>> No.2827240

They are both qualitative not-sciences. So neither hold any truth unless you like made up bullshit.

>> No.2827248


It's much more diverse and complicated than that. Come correct with an understanding of the DSM, etc. and you'll be able to ward off the Scitards.

Also, you're last part regarding the use of Psychology being less useful with advances in Neuroscience is completely wrong.


Umm since when did Picardturnblack.jpg?

That's Capt. Sisko.

>> No.2827249

She says stupid shit all the time, In all honesty I think the University just found some bush bitch and paid her in beer to repeat a few words. She deserves no respect until she can actually prove to me she is not a moron.

>> No.2827252


These consistant retarded sociologists look poorly on their field. If sociologists performed a completely good study and came to an honestly interesting conclusion, I would still be very skeptical just because they are a bunch of faggots. Science should be about being open minded, ESPECIALLY about fundamental truths. Being close minded about your shit reflects poorly.

Besides, their personality is a reflection of their field too. If you are a faggot, and then you do a study about how much of faggots faggots are, which is completely solid and impartial, then you are testing nothing but faggotry. Fags.

>> No.2827256

Obviously an Engineer. You people are always entertaining.

>> No.2827258

>more truth
What, that's ambiguous.

>> No.2827265


You do realize that all science use some form of Qualitative methods, right?

Also both Socio and Psych thesis/dissertations would be ripped to shreds without THE USAGE OF QUANTITATIVE METHODS.

Go crawl back into your freshman hole.

>> No.2827267

Nope Math. Engineers are handwavers just like the rest.

>> No.2827271

sociological has a lot of underacheiing faggots, psycology has a lot of pretentious arrogant faggots.

>> No.2827284

Oh math , even better. Anything you people can't explain with numbers is not real. Must be really hard having to memorize the order in which you press buttons on your calculator.

>> No.2827292

sorry I'm a junior. people here appear to be terrible at guessing what I am

>> No.2827302

ha if only. I don't actually have a calculator. Life would be so much easier

>> No.2827322

i've been told that most people who major in math rarely use numbers...especially in high level mathematics

>> No.2827328

they're telling the truth. It's been years since I've actually done a calculation.

>> No.2827330


Post some studies from a peer reviewed journal or do interject such a blanket opinion. The crap you read on CNN/FOX/LIBERALNEWSFAGS.com doesn't equate to anything dissertation worthy, nor does it equate to veritable research.

Any dipshit can make a social study, but it doesn't mean that it contains any actual research or scientific methodology. Blame the news and the source, not the field of research. There's lots of hokey concrete science stuff out there too.

>>2827252 These consistant retarded sociologists look poorly on their field. If sociologists performed a completely good study and came to an honestly interesting conclusion, I would still be very skeptical just because they are a bunch of faggots. Science should be about being open minded, ESPECIALLY about fundamental truths. Being close minded about your shit reflects poorly.

Besides, their personality is a reflection of their field too. If you are a faggot, and then you do a study about how much of faggots faggots are, which is completely solid and impartial, then you are testing nothing but faggotry. Fags.

"A completely good study" eh?

I don't get the open/closed minded parts. Not everyone agrees with the liberal media consensus, nor does the research itself dictate this consensus.

My dissertation is on the exact opposite of the consensus regarding interpreting and handling violent/potentially violent individuals. I at no time have put anything in about hand holding or coddling the world.

Stop spouting out of your ass and go ACTUALLY READ SOME JOURNALS...

>> No.2827340

My experience with both is that psychology is more concrete and involved more hard scientific research in the experimental sense of manipulating variables. There are branches of psychology, like social psychology, that use similar methods and produce similar results as sociology, but the main thrust of psychological research today is in biopsychology and neuropsychology, which can hold their own as a science. Which is not to say sociology isn't useful for producing aggregate data on which policies can be based.

>> No.2827359

U mad there's no hot girls in EVERY SINGLE ONE of your major classes bro?

>> No.2827366



Yeah are all these obese grumpy lesbians.

>> No.2827376

As a psychology student, let me warn you that those girls are worthless and will likely do nothing with their degree. Most of the "serious" psychology majors are male, and you'll find fewer and fewer females in upper-level classes, especially if they involve any biology/chemistry/physics.

>> No.2829222


i look at it this way: if the medical profession allowed bullshit studies to dominate the public discourse about their field, it would be on the same shit tier as sociology. it isn't everyone else's responsibility to shift through the much large amount of bullshit put out by your field.

hey, quick google search got me to the american journal of sociology , apparently peer reviewed.

link: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/655788

seriously, go look at the shit 'researched' there. complete and utter bullshit. you can tell by many of the titles there is a pretty significant research bias.

>> No.2829231


>Moving Teenagers Out of High-Risk Neighborhoods: How Girls Fare Better than Boys

>Income Inequality and Income Segregation

>The Culture of Military Innovation: The Impact of Cultural Factors on the Revolution in Military Affairs in Russia, the US, and Israel. by Dima Adamsky(

I'm failing to see the issue with much of this.

>> No.2829248


sociology holds more truth about how the people of our planet function. sociology studies people as groups; people act and react in groups in a predictable manner, there are less variables and subjectivity when viewing people as a group. psychology studies people as the self; everyone is so retardedly fucked up in their own way that generalising behaviour is just stupid. people as individuals are not predictable, we are all different.

3rd year psych student.

>> No.2829260


>people as individuals are not predictable, we are all different.

Corporate Lawyer here.

I'll have to disagree. People are really predictable and you can judge them fairly accurately within a few minutes of talking to them. Obviously, if you want to understand why they do something, then that's all down to you and the other Psychologists/Psychiatrists/whatever

But the things they actually do? That's how I get paid. By people being stupid.

>> No.2829268


yeah, what people do is very predictable, how people interact with each other in general is predictable, i.e. sociology.

like you said, why they do what they do is a whole different story, i.e. psychology

>> No.2829321

so many mad eng/phys/math/cs shut ins here.

it's funny, it's almost like r9k, you can see the aspie envy of other majors here so well you could use a butter knife to cut it

>> No.2829354

>at the same time he wouldnt shut up about his incredible intolerance towards rape.
Intolerant bastard.

>> No.2829657


it's pretty obvious just from perusing the abstracts of a few of the articles that these studies are done with a particular agenda in mind, which is the objection to the field in general. the field is only interested in finding truths consistent with larger preconceived notions. i obviously haven't done as much reading as someone in the field, but the decent amount i have read has a massive problem with implying causation when things are just correlated as well.


engineer grad and med student here, believe me i am not in any way jealous of sociologists. call us up when your field gets a clue.

>> No.2829665


>medical student
>engineering grad

Haha yeah okay bro. You can't even spell properly.

>> No.2829682

sociology is groups, psychology is individual.
OP said people, so that's the purview of sociology.

>> No.2829723


i really dont give a fuck if you believe me lol, it doesn't change anything about this subject. what did i even misspell?

>> No.2829738

Sociology is just applied psychology

>> No.2829740


>that these studies are done with a particular agenda in mind

Hang on a second, that's how all studying works. Someone sets a target or an agenda and you work towards it. Just because the language is written in a certain way or the studies seem to be angled towards a certain type of study it doesn't mean they aren't worth the paper they're written on. Regardless of how neutral you claim science is, the fact of the matter is that it's driven by agenda and politics.

When you start university you'll realise that what course you do doesn't actually matter, and most of what people write isn't as neutral as they claim.

>> No.2829859


Your statements are only true insofar as all studies begin by testing a hypothesis, which you could claim is bias in the sense that you're trying to prove idea right. However, that is very different from the process of drawing conclusions from those studies being biased. If you're disregarding significant amounts of data to establish your point then it's no longer scientifically valid (it is okay, and in fact standard practice to disregard outliers). Politics absolutely drive which research projects get funded, but they do not influence reputable studies. Though they absolutely do decide which studies get media attention.

Granted, I'm not in social sciences, so I don't know what it's like for them, but few people are gonna get their panties in a bunch because I claimed the oxidation of an alcohol by chromium trioxide involves a hydride shift and not a proton transfer.

>> No.2830219


that is true, but when the pretty easily observable bias of the vast majority of an entire field of study is pretty obvious to even a lay person, there is a problem.

it would be like if the medical field's bias was to show that smoking was beneficial to health. they could do studies showing that it increases awareness and has protective effects on certain diseases like ulcerative colitis (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulcerative_colitis).). if most of the studies that conflicted with this overriding idea were not accepted, largely ignored, or simply not done, you would have a similar (but admittedly hyperbolic) situation as exists in sociology right now.

in large, from what i have seen, the entire field of study doesn't so much move our understanding forward but instead is focused on reinforcing the PC blank slate philosophies popular in the west right now.

>When you start university you'll realise that what course you do doesn't actually matter, and most of what people write isn't as neutral as they claim.
>implying i didn't graduate undergrad in 2008

>> No.2830236

I would say that the large-scale stuff is more scientifically approached by economics than sociology.

>> No.2830245
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Psychology + Sociology = Psionics