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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2817864 No.2817864 [Reply] [Original]

Scientists can prove time is linear, but can't prove whether or not wars are waged for Oil or Money.

>> No.2817866


>> No.2817877

Time is not linear. Time is only perceived as linear because we witness it occuring from the 3rd dimension. If we were 2 dimensional creatures traveling along a mobius strip we would think we were traveling linearly even though we were twisting all over in the 3rd dimension.

Also note that wars are never waged for one central factor. While those can easily be factors and im being trolled, they could never be the only factor.

>> No.2817883

Wars are waged for profit, at least as far as US military history is concerned.

>> No.2817884

Science can hurr durr is hurr, but can't hurr de derp a diddly derp for herp or derp.

>> No.2817894

Dear OP, please enlighten me: what's your point in coming here? Do you think waltzing in here stating illogical arguments that are borderline retarded is amusing to us? Do you think we get angry about your stupidity? Do you imagine us pissing ourselves with laughter at your attempt at humor? Do you think we can't see through your defense mechanism, protecting your inferiority by allowing yourself the excuse "but I wasn't even trying?"

Seriously, I'd like to know what goes through some of your heads when you post this crap.

>> No.2817896



>> No.2817901
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Just truth.

>> No.2817907

Whats the name of that theory

>> No.2817911

They can, that's what political science is about.

>> No.2817923

What a cop-out. You're afraid to bring any real substance to this board because you're diffident and intimidated by knowledge. We don't need your shitposting.

>> No.2817938

not sure, i just know thats its based around the idea that there aren't only 3 spatial dimensions and the rest temporal. it declares that all dimensions are spatial even if they contain temporal qualities.