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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2815169 No.2815169 [Reply] [Original]

Here are some things that I feel are completely unavoidable in our future:

>Full DNA databases complete with other biometric data on most living humans on Earth (unless you live in the jungle or something)

>A completely fiat based world economy, with a single centralized bank. All money is digitized and accounted for. Paper and coin money is illegal. Taxes and the exchange of all currency is instant. Debt is a rampant and essential part of the system. You are either extremely rich or in debt.

>A seamless coupling of corporate and government power with a mostly hidden-from-view super rich ruling class.

>environmentalism is a dead fad; quality of life is poor for the vast majority of people.

>Organizations like Nasa are defunct. The only "space" missions are for supporting a communications infrastructure through satellites.

>Due to corporate/government simple mindedness and a need for efficiency, scientific research and development becomes stagnant. Why have progress when things merely need to be "maintained"?

>> No.2815228
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>> No.2815233
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">A seamless coupling of corporate and government power with a mostly hidden-from-view super rich ruling class."

>> No.2815236
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>implying we aren't due for a global dark age

>> No.2815240
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oh, I forgot to add "the future, not the present"

>> No.2815248
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>I feel

Sage for teenage fatalist dystopia masturbatory fantasy.

>> No.2815253

So which Jungle should I move to?

Is an isolated forest in the Highlands of Scotland safe from BigBrother corp?

>> No.2815257

Shut up namefag. Your kind is worse than cancer and gypsies.

>> No.2815260

African jungles should be safe from civilization. too many child soldiers with machine guns, machetes and a thirst for blood.

>> No.2815269

So, pretty much like 1984?

>> No.2815274

>At one point, human-level AI workbots gets released to the commercial market
>unemployment skyrockets to double digits everywhere within the decade as the march of technology makes them cheaper and more sophisticated
>with not enough people being rich enough to afford products the capitalist system sags and slows, while hundreds of millions of people become disgruntled
>and then some dickhead will come along and go 'Why don't robots do everything FOR us?'

Someone butthurt

>> No.2815275

you think all humans will be monitored?

>> No.2815278

Right now there is technology that can take your picture and recognize your face. pretty scary. so if they make cameras like that and put them everywhere, they'll know who it is...

>> No.2815283


not to mention malaria and various other deadly diseases. Also crocodiles, poisonous insects, etc. Good luck with that, bro

>> No.2815295

This more or less.
We build our cars with robots. We build computer chips with the help of robots. Hell, there's even working machines for robotic farming and robotic surgery is right around the corner. We could probably abolish work already if someone bothered to invest say $800billion in the correct infrastructure.
We could probably invest even more, if we're buying ourself out of monetary dependance then no price is really too big, because hey, there won't be any debts anyway afterwards.

>> No.2815296

yeah only without the desperate human struggle. I imagine it being a much more boring and pointless existence. Expect suicide to go out.

>> No.2815304

we're already monitored. The difference is it's just computers and corporate interests monitoring us. It'll get bad when you have a paranoid maniac with absolute power monitoring us.

>> No.2815305

We already are.

>> No.2815308


no i mean like monitored ALL THE TIME. like even right now,.

>> No.2815314

That won't happen, too many ultra-rich are pedophiles or have other deviant interests to let such a thing be lobbied trough.

>> No.2815328


>> No.2815339

How about, poor people continue to reproduce without the economic conditions needed to maintain children. Eventually, leading to extreme over-population, not enough food, no water, etc, etc

>> No.2815360

I don't buy a robotic future. Robots need sophisticated technology and high maintenance, not to mention they are expensive, have expensive parts and at this rate will never be as versatile at work compared to a human.

Humans you just have to whip and throw some friend chicken at once in a while. Very cheap and very easy.

>> No.2815365

>A completely fiat based world economy,
I lold.

>> No.2815369
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>800 billion
Look at pic.
Costs $12,500.
Works for twenty four hours, seven days a week
Never takes sick days
No holidays required
Doesn't need a wage, only maintenance
Instant recall of any programming to execute tasks, far more accurate than human workers

>> No.2815375

>>A seamless coupling of corporate and government power with a mostly hidden-from-view super rich ruling class.

Uhhh.. Hasn't that already happened?

>> No.2815376

implied by:

>environmentalism is a dead fad; quality of life is poor for the vast majority of people.

>> No.2815378

In a specific setting, a robot can be a much more productive and potentially cheaper worker than a human. Sure, people need food and other such essentials to survive, but they're also paid to work. You may have to make an initial investment with a robot, and they may require repairs and replacement parts from time to time (which would be less of a problem if you didn't get lowest-bidder parts) but they can work tirelessly and without payment. It's only a matter of time and engineering ingenuity.

>> No.2815382

>Only rich people can afford life sustaining medical procedures
>Poor people die off
>population reaches an equilibrium.

>> No.2815384

>Be a teenager
>Think up a stupid dystopian future that has already been posited 50000+ times
>Post on /sci/ even though not related to science or math

>> No.2815386
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Better hope you're not one of those unfortunate plebians then.

>> No.2815385

I think another world war based on food and water resources within the next 50 to 100 years is nearly inevitable. I also predict that nukes will be thrown around in this world war.

>> No.2815462

Aww I wish there were a British version of that poster.

>> No.2815472

>more money goes to aids relief than to science or engineering

>> No.2815475
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Foreign aid is not over 50 billion dollars.

>> No.2815615 [DELETED] 

foreign aid to israel alone is about 50 billion

>> No.2815624

Not even close

>> No.2816646

Unfortunately, most of this will end up happening.

amateur scientists will be the ones making the weapons to bring it all down
>and this includes you /sci/, now go make some homebrew nuclear bombs

>> No.2816652

>homebrew nuclear bombs

might be possible

>> No.2816668

Homebrew EMP is much easier (no special materials needed), and achieves the intended effect without the downsides of fallout and massive innocent death.

>> No.2816689
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> He thinks destruction of the infrastructure won't cause innocent death.

>> No.2816696

Neurofag here. The thing that disturbs me about my own science is that, sooner or later, some asshole is going to figure out how to build a lie detector (or rather lie detecting brain scan procedure) that actually works.

If you don't think that's terrible, think about the ramifications of that for a second. It means you will no longer have ANY privacy. If the police wanted to, for example, they could just slap your ass in one of these scanners at random and go down a list of crimes asking if you've committed any of them. And you would have no way to protect yourself since your thoughts would be transparent.
>Ever smoked pot?
>What about speeding? Have you been speeding at any time during the last month? How many times?

Or maybe your employer wants to find out if you've been stealing company secrets or see if your private life fits with their idea of "acceptable employee behavior".

I mean seriously, imagine a world where you can have no secrets. That world is going to be real sooner or later.

>> No.2816703

Fuck EMP bombs. Make EMP guns. Far more useful when you actually pick and choose what to destroy instead of frying every circuit in a given radius.

If I had enough technical know-how I'd already have one made, if only so I could fry the stereo system of the jackass who lives above me and feels the need to blare his music at 4am.

>> No.2816711

much easier but less effective, you needa pretty big EMP to disable most shielded environments.

>> No.2816745

Given how unreliable human memory is, it would really only ever work on really big things that, say, hadn't been repressed.

And it wouldn't really effect people who delude themselves. They're not "murdering" people, they're saving people. They're not "raping" children, it was consentual, etc., etc.

Doesn't seem like a particularly valid concern to me. If such a technology were to exist, I don't see it ever being cheap enough to be used frequently, or reliable enough to trump even today's conventional lie-detectors.

>> No.2816747
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You don't really know what EMP does, do you?

>> No.2816781

>this is what humans have actually believed for at least a century


>> No.2818182
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>> No.2818195

You just read 1984, didn't you?

>> No.2818216

>A seamless coupling of corporate and government power with a mostly hidden-from-view super rich ruling class.
If they're super rich, they don't need to hide from view. They might as well announce "we're your new overlords, bend over so we can fuck you in the ass" on worldwide television and you won't be able to do anything about it. Stop deluding yourself thinking that your potential rebellion would threaten anyone at that point.

>> No.2818230

It's things like this which make me want to go into politics instead of Maths/Sci to try and make a real difference. Also push more funding into science, especially space related.

>> No.2818234

I read Atlas Shrugged when I was young too.

>> No.2818265

I'm fascinated at the thought that many of you believe that any of these imagined futures will ever come to fruition. Technology as you know it is about to experience an extinction level event.

>> No.2818273

Also, the second coming of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

>> No.2818277

And I think he completely misinterpreted it, because even Ayn Rand's views were more sensible.

>> No.2818279

I think it would be a quite amazing invention.
Because we could put leaders and higher ups in them too.
Think like this: A presidental debate where the candidates are strapped into lie detectors. Where police officers accused of crimes can't just be covered up.
An even better invention would be a remote memory extractor with a range of a few miles. Obviously things would be very embarassing initially, but then people find out the RAGE inducing things people do and oh my fucking god will we see a global riot.

>> No.2818286

stopped reading when OP started to show Zeitgeist level of economic incompetence

>> No.2818291

An ironic response.

>> No.2818307
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>> No.2818312
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Buh...buh... then how am I supposed to break the law?? What kind of future is that where I can't break the law and get away with it?


>> No.2818335

There are Laws and there are laws, it gets ridiculous at the point where going 54 on a 50 road in the middle of a desert gets you fined for half your monthly wage.

>> No.2818351

I should save these types of threads for 50 years. In 50 years I will look at them an laugh because none of the predictions ever came true.

People have been saying the sky is falling for thousands of years now. The sky is still in the same place. Only the increased amount of information that we get about world events makes it seem that the sky is falling.

>> No.2818358

If you're not fined at 54, where does it become okay to fine them? At 60? Well make the speed limit 60 then, but it's not, it's 50.

>> No.2818405

I'm not saying it's wrong to fine if they happen to see it, but when they go out of their way to fine every jaywalker, speeder or someone peeing in a bush.

Then there are more serious matters where the deed actually hurts someone else.
(inb4 speeders killed my family)

>> No.2818466

Holy dystopia, OP.

> Full DNA databases

> Flat world-based economy
No way. The idea that we won't be post-scarcity in less than 50 years from now is bizarre. There won't be money, or an economy in any sense of the word we understand now.

>corp and gov power
No way. You been around the last 5 years? Increased transparency will be the death of old-school shenanigans. They will, however, be replaced by new shenanigans, but it won't be the corps, the gov, or the super rich.

>environmentalism is dead
Nope. It will only get stronger, and the quality of life for every part of the world is rising dramatically already.

>NASA defunct.
Yes, but only because it's a lumbering old-school behemoth. Expect it to be replaced in the short term by commercial interests, to be replaced in the medium-long term by private individuals and their do-it-yourself tech.

>scientific research becomes stagnant
Ha ha. Srsly. As long as it's hooked up to economic gains like it is now, it's not going anywhere in the short term.

OP, you need to get outside and let some sunshine into your brain.

>> No.2818486

>Organizations like Nasa are defunct
>environmentalism is a dead fad; quality of life is poor for the vast majority of people.
>scientific research and development becomes stagnant

>> No.2818494

this is gona happen but only for america

>> No.2818551

>The internet will be replaced with Facebooknet TM

>All browser windows must go through a facebook frame, and instead of a birth certificate, you get issued with a government registered Facebook account at birth. To apply for a job or school or university you must go through facebook, and profile pictures where you are not holding some sort of alcoholic beverage are illegal.

>Facebook has an agreement with Microsoft (the makers of every microchip on the planet) that desktop computers can only log on to Facebooknet (formerly known as the internet) through Internet Explorer 28. All other browsers won't log on to Facebooknet and since to access webpages you need to be logged into your account you can't browse the web. Also all browsing history gets logged against your account.

>Worldwide there are only 5 separate companies (Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Coca Cola and Nike), these 5 bought out any competitors they couldn't beat. Everything on the planet is made by one of these 5. Eg All food is made by Coca Cola, all farmers must pay subscription fees to Coca Cola for them to activate the genes that control growth in their GM crops for the year.

Oh and due to the fact that all materials incorporate Microsoft intellicoatings, every single surface in the world has an advert on it, videos are present on large walls, and audio from these ads is beamed into your head via the Facebook/Microsoft joint venture identification chip implant.

>> No.2820180
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>> No.2822083

Am I the only one here that actually wants OP's predictions to come true?

>> No.2822130

More likely that paper/coin money would be phased out. Until the point that they aren't accepted.

I see no problem with full DNA databases.

>quality of life is poor for the vast majority of people
unavoidable, yes. But I consider this a distant future issue. Only a problem when over-population is a rampant issue and there is not enough food/resources to go around. (more so than today I mean)

>nasa defunct
I really wish this wasn't likely, but I have to agree, nothing seems to be happening to stop it.

I do think one type of satellite that will be needed are solar satellites, collecting energy 24 hours a day, and transferring it to earth, providing plentiful energy.
Until the population grows such that it's again not enough.

We're no better than bacteria really, given a little, we take it all and live on the edge of disaster until more resources are available to exploit.

>> No.2822247

> NASA defunct

now where am i going to work at ? :/

>> No.2822311

>Solar energy becomes ubiquitous in the next 5 years due to the artificial leaf and printed solar panels

>Wireless energy transmission becomes commercially available in the next 3 years, industrial applications in 6

>Wireless energy obviates the need for large batteries in cars and makes electric a superior and more cost-effective choice than gasoline engines

Future's so bright, I gotta wear shades.

>> No.2822489
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Well done, OP

I love it all, except the single central bank. Your second bullet still holds together with individual central banks in their respective nations, though.

Well done.

>> No.2822515
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You forgot:
>new electrode lets lithium batteries charge in seconds

>> No.2822527

>very few will become robot owners, gaining extreme wealth while the rest of the world is left in poverty
>robots are used in suppression of uprisings
>soon Butlerian Jihad

>> No.2822541
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>>A seamless coupling of corporate and government power with a mostly hidden-from-view super rich ruling class.

Welcome to 1930

>> No.2822545

horse teeth are fucking hideous