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2812422 No.2812422 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys. i see a lot of fear mongering about fukishima, they say radiation would be around the area at current level because it is in meltdown. so how much radiation WOULD be in the area if it was in meltdown?

>> No.2812443

>they say radiation would be around the area at current level because it is in meltdown. so how much radiation WOULD be in the area if it was in meltdown?

The current level amount of radiation.

>> No.2812505

but is there a link to confirmation of this? that it is full meltdown or that levels would be that high?

>> No.2812512

radiation leakage do amount of current levels of particles be alpha. japan not to be fulfilled.

>> No.2812513

Well, nuclear meltdown is loosely defined and since the cores have indeed been damaged, the reactors are "in meltdown".

>> No.2812514

and i mean they aren"t the news or physicists or those in the job of monitoring them, they are people who for the most part just know some nuclear stuff happened now the water is ooisoned but don"t know the basics of an atomic nucleis

>> No.2812560

I don't get it. I've never heard shit about fallout from the detonation of TWO ATOMIC BOMBS having any great effect on North America. Why is the potential meltdown or even explosion of a reactor in Japan being considered a potential issue?

>> No.2812607


You think the Americans should care about the two dinky little atomic bombs they dropped on Japan during WWII? What about the thousands of atmospheric nuclear tests during the 50s, 60s, and 70s conducted by the USA and the USSR? Hundreds of which were conducted on US mainland soil, and at least dozens of which where multi-megaton monstrocities? :P (The Americans did tend to test their largest bombs on uninhabited islands in the Pacific though)

Anyways, most of the media is extremely bad at properly providing the technical details of what is going on at Fukushima. Better sources are:
Although Reuters and the BBC are *reasonably* good.

Finally, as far as the radiation around the reactors and in the surrounding area, radiation levels have dropped by more then tenfold since their peak (probably closer to 20 or 30 fold by now)... The only thing is that they've been monitoring radiation levels more closely recently, plus they found that very radioactive water has slowly been leaking from the reactors this whole time.

>> No.2812664
File: 22 KB, 408x469, Brock Catchum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uninhabited islands

>> No.2812674

Lol, they WERE uninhabited before they set off the bombs because they "evacuated" all of the natives living on them XD

Talk about getting your homeland raped... Bikini Atoll had tens of megatons worth nuclear explosives going off all over it XD

>> No.2812768
File: 88 KB, 1134x1333, radiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2813409


reported for underageb&

>> No.2813413
File: 30 KB, 1085x976, IMPLYING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying smileys are only used by underage b&

>> No.2813417

fuck you nuclear apologists

>> No.2813434

there are also the spent fuel pools you fuck

>> No.2813463

Sauce for these science pics?

>> No.2813466


See the thing about radiation. It radiates. That's why it's called radiation.

Either you are mixing up unstable isotopes with photons, he-4 nuclei and electrons, or you are just trolling.

>> No.2813517


>> No.2813534

lrn2 tineye