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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 157 KB, 1600x1080, youwillnever.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2811947 No.2811947 [Reply] [Original]

You will never.

Might as well switch to engineering.

>> No.2811953

Perelman isn't that smart.

>> No.2811955

herp derp

>> No.2811960

I thought Stephen Hawking was the smartest man ever?

>> No.2811965

in any case, if you're in math or physics, unless you're absolutely brilliant, you'll never make a mark. if you're not going to make a mark, might as well make money in the process of your life. so just do engineering
>inb4 engineers are homosex

>> No.2811968
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>Sidis began taking a full-time course load in 1910 and earned his Bachelor of Arts degree, cum laude, on June 18, 1914, at age 16.[5]
>Bachelor of Arts


>> No.2811970
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>Implying that by 2030 we all wont be much, much smarter than those two faggots.

Get your bodies ready for implants, because you're gonna be falling behind without them

>> No.2811973

>mfw those two guys are both jewish

>> No.2811975

Newton was the smarted man who ever lived. The fucker INVENTED calculus on a dare.

>> No.2811976
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>brain implants

>> No.2811979

You don't have the be the smartest person alive to create something great.

>> No.2811981

lol u actually believe that
>newton was an aspie
>he was really working hard on it
>he didn't just "throw it in a drawer and forget about it"

>> No.2811982
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>250-300 IQ
>MFW he made no useful contributions to society

>> No.2811983
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>Doesn't take into account the law of accelerating returns.

>> No.2811986

doesn't take into account kurzewil is just a big troll

>> No.2811987


I never implied he just "accidentally" haphazardly invented it. He worked extremely hard.

>> No.2811988
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>inventing calculus on a dare


>> No.2811989
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>He cant come up with a better argument

>> No.2811991
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>> No.2811993


It's Neil deGrasse Tyson who put it that way

>> No.2811995

Well, we actually have the rudiments of MMI right now, so that seems perfectly reasonable.

>> No.2811998
File: 32 KB, 274x180, u-mad-big-bang-theorists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smartest man ever
>Not Jake Barnett

This kid DISPROVED the freaking big bang theory. You'll never be as smart as JB.tiff

>> No.2812003

also other people
i heard my physics 101 (lol what a shitty prof) professor say that newton "accidentally calculus"
dont know if he was just copypasta tyson, but it seems to be a well known meme

>> No.2812005
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Is it time for the hourly thread on this kid already?

>> No.2812006
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ITT: laughing whores. Laughing whores everywhere.

>> No.2812007 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2812009

op's right
just be engineers
fuck science, you'll never make a dent or win a nobel, you'll just eat up grant money and shit
at least with engineering you'll build shit people will use

>> No.2812011
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>They're not eating salads

>> No.2812025

Did they actually contribute anything?

>> No.2812031

Perelman proved some obscure mathematical nerd crap that noone will ever use.

>> No.2812039


Sidis was smart as hell, but ended up fizzling. Hard. Perelman proved the Poincare conjecture.

>> No.2812045

Childhood protégées almost never end up doing anything worthwhile

More at 11

>> No.2812051

You obviously haven't read this:


>> No.2812056
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>A guy with 195 IQ works as a bouncer in a bar.

>> No.2812057

>poincare conjecture
boy have you been out of the loop

>> No.2812061


read this

>> No.2812062


Childhood prodigies get a lot of attention when they are young but I don't remember ever hearing anything about them later, at least for the ones in Science.

>> No.2812063

Alright, anything USEFUL? Like isolating vitamin C, figuring out how to harness electricity, inventing the toilet, etc.

>> No.2812070


Only the ones born before 1850 really did anything.

>> No.2812075

It sounds the kind of movie Matt Damond would be the star of

>> No.2812077

>spoke 8 languages by age 8
So he learned a new language each year? Heh, neat.

Sexy fucker too.

>> No.2812080

braham Sperling, director of New York City's Aptitude Testing Institute, said after Sidis's death that according to his calculations, Sidis "easily had an IQ between 250 and 300", meaning that at some time his intellectual age was 2.5 to 3 times his actual age (not the same scale as modern deviation IQ[23]). There was no evidence that his intellect had declined in adulthood.[24] Boris Sidis once dismissed tests of intelligence as "silly, pedantic, absurd, and grossly misleading."[25] Sperling commented:

Original IQ is not the same as modern IQ.
IQ = mental age/actual age back then

>> No.2812084

Arguably the smartest man alive right now. Definitely the smartest cripple to have lived though... I think.

>> No.2812085

What we learnt from this :

If someone with Russian and Jewish ancestry tells you your theory is wrong, take cover.

>> No.2812089

>Implying it isn't still silly

>> No.2812093

>>he didn't just "throw it in a drawer and forget about it"
Ah, James Cameron's excuse for the "Avatar" screenplay I take it?

>> No.2812097

How can sidis be the smartest man of all time?

he never got anything done other than hurp durp highest IQ lol

IQ is for fucking faggots

>> No.2812100


Pascal was crippled in the end of his life.

Also, all child prodigies failed at being Pascal.

>> No.2812109

>Pascal was crippled in the end of his life.
>in the end of his life

>implying this is unusual for old people

>> No.2812115


He died in his thirties.
Try to know what you're talking about next time.

>> No.2812121

>Pascal (June 19, 1623 – August 19, 1662)
>implying dying at a young age was unusual in the 15th century

>> No.2812124

39 = barely thirties

>> No.2812128

Dude that was like 400 years ago, he probably got sick and died from a splinter.

>> No.2812129


Yes it was unusual for rich people. Peasants died at 30, since they lived on feces.

>> No.2812132

>Catholic philosopher

>> No.2812137

Nyeeh, I don't like the French.

>> No.2812138
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>> No.2812139

>implying getting sick was unusual for rich people back then

>> No.2812144
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HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! I would rather kill myself!

>> No.2812145


Relatively so.

>> No.2812146

Hey atheists: If Pascal was so smart, then why did he die before his 40s?

>> No.2812149

we wont try to stop you

>> No.2812152

He was nearing 39, which is about middle age by today's standards, so he was generally good as gone then.

>> No.2812154


Not really.

>> No.2812165

Yes really, it would've been surprising if he made it past the next twenty years. And he poor health since age 18, so it was going to kill him a lot sooner back then.

>> No.2812195

>none of you faggots will amount to shit
>mfw you actually think you're smart for choosing a "career" in the sciences
>yfw you're 40, earning 40k a year and have to suck some faggots dick so you can keep doing your "precious research"
>yfw after it's all done you realize it's politics and not science, like everything, except with science it's even worse because it's a bunch of faggots like you who all think they're smarter than each other
>yfw you read this post and know it's true but get umad.jpg and meaningless try to debate me, because I'm out
you're all worthless, dumb cocksuckers that won't amount to shit.
kill yourselves already. the world is overpopulated and you are the cancer.

>> No.2812217

My 300k a year starting says otherwise.

>> No.2812225
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>> No.2812226
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>> No.2812240
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is there a link to perelman's demonstration ?

>> No.2812253

>mfw people work their whole lives to make as much money as possible and slave away and in the end won't amount to jack shit and no one will remember them after their children while i enjoy life as much as i can and don't stress too hard about school or if im getting paid shitloads of money and settle down one day and find someone to love and have a happy fulfilling life while not being a slave to money.

>> No.2812256

>someone to love

Noone would love you you poor sack of turd

>> No.2812258

>emphasizing love
>meaning sex
>implying that's not the defining trait of animals
>implying you're somehow better than me for engaging in the same behavior practiced by savage animals

>> No.2812264

>perelman declined the prizes

dis nigga is a smart ass

he's only interested in fame he knew it would change nothing to it if he declined the prizes on the contrary people would be even more amazed

Jean-Paul Sartre did it before, he just copied him

>> No.2812265

Actually, we could easily be as relatively smart as William Sidis. He entered college at 8 and became a professor at 17, but he died when he was 46. Now ~double that and you'll see it's about the same as your lifespan. I'd rather live longer and experience more of the events of life going at the rate an regular very smart person than hit every intellectual milestone early and die young.

>> No.2812279
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Oh, hi. I'm still singing and making millions of dollars, even though I switched to shitty pop when I grew up, which ironically only made me more famous and got me more money.

>> No.2812280
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1287081478035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not the ultimest smartest guys

Gauss > Perelman

Da Vinci > Sidis

>> No.2812283

Love does not always mean sex.

>> No.2812284


Anaximander > Anyone

>> No.2812288


Thales > All

>> No.2812294


He was Anaximander's master. Not fair.

>> No.2812295


>He had previously turned down a prestigious prize from the European Mathematical Society,[26] allegedly saying that he felt the prize committee was unqualified to assess his work, even positively.[22]

Oh wow, what a pompous asshole.

>> No.2812296


Also, so while you guys all get sad and quit doing mathematics, the fairly bright people who are willing to accept they're not geniuses and work hard to advance the field will be getting the job done. :]

>> No.2812300
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>> No.2812301


You don't know anything about the scientific community, do you ?

Academies are home to the most arrogant beings on earth. Perelman hates them, and rightly so.

>> No.2812306

unfortunately, the human race lost 30% of its brain masss when it was "domesticated" in order to create more harmonious societies in which people could not complain about each other for just long enough to realise tinsted of building the pyramids for measily rations, they could just eat the pharoh insted
pomputious assholes like this guy are smart enough to realise they are better than everyone else, and are resented for it and thus do not "breed well"

>> No.2812307
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P.S.: My statue is badasser than yours.

>> No.2812315
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>> No.2812350

I've actually had sex with the girl i love.

And I'm not a goddamned pussy.

Totally worth not being either of those faggots.

>> No.2812369

Is it bad that I honestly thought this was an African child when I glanced at the thumbnail?

>> No.2812418


>> No.2812421

Joke's on you bitch! I'm already in engineering!

>> No.2812792


>> No.2812807

Being a genius is cool and all.

But is it really worth anything if you can't pass on your DNA?

Rise up, my socially awkward genius friends, and get out there and party! Meet girls, fuck girls, and hopefully marry a girl who will bare your child, so that you may raise it so that it will have an intelligence to surpass your own.

>> No.2812816


Okay, yes, shut the fuck up. Lets leave this piece of shit board, no, piece of shit site and do something to contribute to ourselves and society.

>> No.2812821

Chill, bro.

I'm just saying. Go out once in a while and start talking to ladies. It's honestly easier than you think.

Stop letting all the douche bags get all the pussy, and reproduce, and raise near retarded children.

>> No.2812831

You forgot Chris Langan and Von-neumann.

>> No.2812832

you don't need to be smart to contribute something to our civilization. just look at NASA.

>> No.2812868

Who gives a fuck about passing on your genes and all that bullshit.

I am here to do physics. I don't give a fuck about what evolution wants or getting a bunch of mucus over my dick.

>> No.2812873
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Is he still writing his book?

>> No.2812883
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This is why i took on CS.

If i'm gonna leave a mark there only time will tell.
but then chances are i'll never be 0x5f375a86

>> No.2813035

maybe studying science to prove your smarts is a wrong motivation.
just saying. also newfag

>> No.2813039

f//NoWay ! ! !

>> No.2813048
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Uncreative Fag Troll can only make two types of threads: probability troll threads and religion troll threads.
Suppose that Fag Troll makes 8 troll threads in one hour, and 7 of them were probability troll threads. What's the chance of him making a autistic religious 12 year old thread?