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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 135 KB, 600x1000, 1301612094125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2810097 No.2810097 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2810101
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>> No.2810106

define human

>> No.2810123

Man, CGI technology has come a long way since the nineties, or whenever those heads were created.

>> No.2810132
File: 74 KB, 448x604, 1301574341688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of this Zionist agenda bullshit, trying to convince me that the missing link is somehow human, and equal to the white/asian master races.

>> No.2810136
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>> No.2810166


So you cant define human?

>> No.2810194

Yes, someone with human DNA.

No, you can't say coons have human DNA, because it's quite different, and even comparing them in the scientific community would be seen as intolerably racist.

>> No.2810205


Actually you couldn't tell.

>> No.2810212

Yes you can, you're lying or just full of shit.

>> No.2810217

>someone with human dna is human
>God is defined as a god

see how retarded that definition is?
self-referential definitions are complete bullshit

>> No.2810218

Circular definition alert.

>> No.2810256

>you can't say coons have human DNA, because it's quite different

Not true, at all. By all definitions blacks are human beings, and have human DNA. You can try to argue that their IQ is lower, or that they're different from white people, but you CANNOT say they aren't human.

>> No.2810285

>buttravaged that his retarded definition of human doesn't fit the facts

>> No.2810299

you expected better from someone with a sub 90 IQ?

>> No.2810318

bullshit. what genes or genetic features do you think defines "human"?

>> No.2810321

All the facts I need are the info-pics posted in this thread. A picture is worth a thousand words. This holds very true I find.

However, you can't provide any evidence except some butthurt ad-hominem bullshit, no info pics, no hard data, nothing.

I put it to you, that you are buttdevastated.

>> No.2810344

I think being able to produce fertile offspring with another human is good enough to be considered human.
Isn't that the most widely-used definition of species?

>> No.2810347

Ive spent time with black people. In fact my stepfather is half black. I get along fine with him but his fully black relatives are....different. I dont know how to explain it but hell, if you've ever been around a coon you'd know. They're not the same, they dont think in the same way.

>> No.2810358

having a different thought pattern does not make you a different species, you dense motherfucker.

>> No.2810364

care to explain?

>> No.2810381


Calling you an idiot isn't an ad-hominem you idiot.

Then i guess a child isn't a human then.

>> No.2810399


i'm not saying they're a different species

all im saying is they dont deserve the same rights

honestly, without us white people they'd be being eaten by lions as we speak. They're completely useless except as cheap labor. I would support reinstating slavery.

>> No.2810401
File: 101 KB, 270x360, hai-stormfront-lol-u-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810409

it is kind of silly that some people still insist that all races are exactly the same genetically. it's blatantly obvious, based solely on appearance, that the races are genetically divergent. it's simple really: isolated populations of animals end up diverging genetically. Why this isn't applied to human genetics is just feel good political nonsense.

>> No.2810419

>arguments against the person instead of the subject matter
>insist this isn't ad-hominem

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.2810421

>implying you wouldn't totally fuck col 1 row 3

>> No.2810469

Yes I know. I've worked with blacks. The africans are weird, they try to insist on something, even if it is a blatant lie, and they struggle to comprehend, and keep insisting on it, and raising their voice and shaking their head, and then laugh and try to skulk away.

Very odd indeed. They seem very insincere and sneaky. Just look at Mugabe on TV, he's classic example.

>> No.2810472


Who assaulted you?

>> No.2810490

Exactly, it's politically incorrect to discuss our differences. That's why the media shows coon males with white females in sex scenes on TV a lot. I blame sports a lot too, hiring coons instead of picking whites.

>> No.2810491

Is that why it's impossible to tell the DNA of black people from the DNA of other races?
Oh wait that isn't impossible at all, you're just an ignorant dipshit.


>> No.2810498

an arbitrary characteristic


>> No.2810504

that's not what he said at all. he didn't say their dna was different (no shit it is). he said they were Homo sapiens. If you think ngeroes are another species, you should probably not get anywhere near a board called /sci/ence.

>> No.2810521
File: 93 KB, 494x358, butthurtemperor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's why the media shows coon males with white females in sex scenes on TV a lot
the root of the problem

>> No.2810546

Try a lesser board, your intelligence isn't quite on parr with the requirement.

Those reaction images and ad-hominem might work on /b/ but not here. Just get out? Cool.

>> No.2810562

You can't separate an individual from their culture. THATS the heart of the race issue. It's not skill color, its culture thats the problem.

>> No.2810574

No, colour is irrelevant, it's the coon's inferior DNA that's the issue. They could be pink for all I care, but their orange ape eyes and huge lips and nose, wire hair and lack of intelligence is the major issue.

>> No.2810582

>Try a lesser board, your intelligence isn't quite on parr with the requirement.
well son you sure don't have it

>> No.2810591

except they did that through the miracle of adoption.

blacks are still way dumber than whites and asians.

>> No.2810601
File: 24 KB, 350x286, businessman_desk_notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Doesn't use capitals or periods.

>> No.2810608


[citation needed]

>> No.2810613

>pick out a type-o
>no other argument, valid or otherwise
See? Get out. >>>/b/

>> No.2810628

And why exactly is it that Africans collectively adopted a culture that does not value education, hardwork, discipline or social responsibility while European and Asian (east asian in particular) ethnic groups did?

What on earth would govern a whole group of people mutually adopting the same behaviours?

>> No.2810642

>implying white, asian, &c. groups had any industry other than farming and hunting for more than 1% of their existences

>> No.2810651

>implying that was an argument

>> No.2810657


Most of it is geographical differences.

>> No.2810659

Because conditions were and are exactly the same! You are so smart!

Seriously, this is like asking us to do your homework. Stop being lazy. And you have not proven one of your assertions yet (which is not actually possible).

>> No.2810660
File: 72 KB, 700x530, 18 - Nigger Ape Eyes_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2810688

common thread: being in shitty equatorial areas where you get chased down by hippos and shit
same applies to mexicans who fail despite some of their "superior"--lol--european genes

>> No.2810692

>whites living in harsh climates
>build huge cities

>coons living in a desert and jungles
>walk 500 miles to a watering hole and back every day
>50,000 years later
>walk 500 miles for water every day
>dying of starvation
>art = white child level art face painting
>music = banging on a drum and chanting

Sure, evolution at work right.

>> No.2810706


You're correct. What's your point?

>> No.2810711

oh jesus christ, you don't even understand evolution?
why is this tab still open again?

>> No.2810718
File: 58 KB, 500x753, kanye-west-homecoming-behind-scenes-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying niggers fail at music
troll harder

>> No.2810722

>honestly, without us white people they'd be being eaten by lions as we speak. They're completely useless except as cheap labor

West African countries were doing just fine, really, without white people they'd be a thriving trade power. Your argument could apply to sub-Saharan Africa I guess, but that isn't where the slavery started.

>> No.2810736

My point is that they aren't evolved. They are the missing link. (If you subscribe to that theory).

I understand that coons are living in Africa now, the same way they did 50,000+ years ago. Except those countries where trillions in currency from developed civilizations (white/asian) have been donated, half of which has been used to buy weapons or supply warlord mansions.

>> No.2810740

actually my history prof said that the governments of the west african countries (where the slaves were taken from) actually sold slaves to the white traders. on one hand, this just shows that they were just as sociopathic as the white traders. on the other hand, it shows they had some sense of economics and weren't chimpanzees

>> No.2810741


Social evolution is a far cry different from biological evolution.

>> No.2810746



>> No.2810753

711 here, yes, they are living the same way... and?
It works, doesn't it?

>> No.2810754
File: 25 KB, 369x457, laughingwhores2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to say niggers haven't evolved over the years is to say they had no gene flow, no mutation, etc.

lrn2hardyweinberg equation
--oh wait, that's right, you're probably a high school kid

>> No.2810762

as if more than half of our own budget, in america, isn't weapons.

>> No.2810774
File: 774 KB, 2048x1536, 4CHAN (66).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess looking more like apes than whites/asians do doesn't mean anything to you then?

Missing link, etc.

>> No.2810790

lol no it doesn't mean much really
morphological similarities don't always imply genomic similarity
plus on another note, having a flat face (like the white guy in the bg) doesn't mean you're a "more evolved human;" that's silly

>> No.2810792


Not at all. I dont think the vast majority of ugly Asians are stupid.

>> No.2810796

Oh look, he's back with those witty reaction pictures again.

Back to >>>/b/.

>> No.2810799


Yeah certain "tribes" sold members of enemy tribes for money and goods. From their perspective it was a completely sensible thing to do and was in line with the morals of that period.

>> No.2810805

lol wut, there's more than two people in this thread

those are just two random hot chicks laughing, not a stock reaction image

>> No.2810824


because blacks were segregated. still the effects live on to this day.

>> No.2810833
File: 48 KB, 425x361, 16 - Nigger Ape Skulls_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refute this.

>> No.2810845

>go to "source website"
>a geocities-type website written by an vietman vet
>with no education
>come on, /sci/

>> No.2810847


Morphological similarity's don't don't imply similar DNA

>> No.2810861

assuming it is so
so what?

>> No.2810865
File: 52 KB, 512x768, 09 - Fat Nigger She-Boons_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810872

no, but they suggest it.

>> No.2810874
File: 54 KB, 436x469, 21 - Niggers Are Ugly_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810877

Less evolved, less intelligent, inferior.

I'd like it to be aknowledged for one. Then have all coons shipped back to Africa and fence the whole fucking continent off (excluding SA) and leave them for another 50,000 years.

>> No.2810886



of course they imply it you dumbfuck
they dont MEAN it, but they imply it

'i look like my father, but obviously that has nothing to do with us having similar DNA'

>> No.2810888
File: 64 KB, 583x451, 34 - Niggers Are Retarded_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810890

>he still believes in craniology!


>> No.2810892
File: 93 KB, 599x521, 31 - Modern Nigger Engineering_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2810895

the only reason it's not used by modern scientists is that they are influenced by left wing politics

>> No.2810902

>Less evolved
Oh boy...

>> No.2810907

sure is /new/ in here

>> No.2810910

Oh boy...

(You see this statement means nothing right? That's why you need to make a point).

>> No.2810914

OK, on average, african americans have a lower IQ than white people (i say people, because i honestly don't think the average intelligence of the white american is too bragworthy, either)
(based on nothing, just for the sake of argument)

I just don't see your point here.

>> No.2810919


Between small subsets of a population you can make that inference.

"That guy has a flat face"
"Therefore his grandparents must have been bricks"

>> No.2810922

they are extremely careful about releasing any scientific information regarding race.

its the major victory of the liberals, imo.

>> No.2810924


There's no such thing as less evolved. It's a meaningless statement.

>> No.2810932

I'd like the white races to be aknowledged as superior, and have the coons fuck off and stop contaminating our gene pool with this Zionist interspecies bullshit, so we can evolve properly and not go backwards caring about sand coon missing links.

>> No.2810933


>> No.2810936

if we're going to go with the whole crainology thing, then native americans (who have the flattest faces ever) must be the master race
>stop with these non-sci threads guys
>take it to /b/ or /new/

>> No.2810941

Not to mention that the site doesn't even include that specific quote. The guy makes no claims regarding negroid skulls resembling those of apes.


>> No.2810947


Cool story, that giant left-wing conspiracy is just suppressing you and your facts, poor guy.

>> No.2810952

>You see this statement means nothing right?
Kinda like the phrase "less evolved", you dumb fuck.

>> No.2810955

the giant RIGHT WING conspiracy suppresses research into alternative medicine though
funny how that shit works.

>> No.2810957

"Caution: When I left DoD in March 1995..."

He was obviously best in his field.

>> No.2810968

uneducated ruffian here, what's DoD?
He can't be talking about Day of Defeat, right?

>> No.2810969

>research into alternative medicine
This might just be the worst thread ever.

>> No.2810970

lol so many omnipotent ppl behind various curtains

>> No.2810973

>Prognathism is the term describing the protrusion or forward jutting of the jaw.

>Early hominins displayed a large degree of prognathism due to their huge jaw and large teeth. Over the millions of years of evolution, the teeth and jaws of hominins have shown a marked reduction in size.

>This trend has come about due to the gradual change in diet and also in conjunction with other cranial changes, such as the increased size of the cranial vault.

>> No.2810977

If you consider AIDS capital of the world then yes it's working!

>> No.2810979

dod=dept of defense

>> No.2810981

i was just joking, relax

like any intelligent person, i know that alternative medicine has the "alterative" part for a reason.

>> No.2810983

Where can I find more of these nigger fun facts?

>> No.2810986

Oh look, it's the ad-hominem guy again. You lost all validity in this discussion the first time I directed you to >>>/b/. Now for the third and final time, get out. You clearly don't belong here.

Even if I could rephrase "less evolved" to be perfect in the eyes of everyone, it wouldn't matter - you still know what it means, and can't argue against it. I will no longer reply to your silly/troll statements.

>> No.2810987

Department of Defense.

>> No.2810994
File: 92 KB, 700x451, 25 - Niggers Have Small Brains_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2811000

the white man marches on!

>> No.2811003

that some black photoshoped in white discusting

>> No.2811004
File: 65 KB, 194x216, 3467589234657892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to sci
>mfw humanfags everywhere

>> No.2811005

many thanks

and different guy here, no.
less evolved doesn't mean anything at all, as for it to make any sense whatsoever, there must be an objective "better" in evolution, which simply isn't the case.
evolution is adaptation, not improvement.

>> No.2811008


You realize that there are brown people that are smarter than you, right? No, wait, of course you don't, you're delusional.


The fuck? Israel is incredibly racist, what the hell are you talking about? To be Zionist by definition means you are (at least at a basic level) racist.

>evolve properly and not go backwards

That's not how evolution works.

>> No.2811015

>brown people smarter than a white man
that can't happen, the melanin gene causes lower intelligence, why this isn't more well known i don't know

>> No.2811019
File: 62 KB, 300x300, trisomy21b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have NO CLUE what an ad-hominem is do you?

>> No.2811025


I don't support alternative medicine, bro. Sorry that you can't use generalizations to make yourself feel better.

>> No.2811032
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>> No.2811037


>> No.2811046
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I guess not

>> No.2811049
File: 126 KB, 1024x1482, dfgfdd-1 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh look, it's the ad-hominem guy again.
Pic related.

>Even if I could rephrase "less evolved" to be perfect in the eyes of everyone
... it still wouldn't make a difference since the basic concept is ridiculous. Evolution is an ongoing process of adaptation, not a fixed measure. No species (or individual organisms) on this planet are in any way "less evolved" than any other. If you want to express that niggers are dumber, uglier, smellier and faggier than whites, then just fucking say so, but don't masquerade it as biology.

>I will no longer reply to your silly/troll statements.
Yeah, right. Let's see how long that lasts, dipshit.

>> No.2811055
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>> No.2811057
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>> No.2811059

i like to play the "evolved" vs "derived" game.

your an idiot.

>> No.2811068

So can someone answer these questions with truth? Are black people really less evolved than white people? Are they less intelligent? not trolling, looking for legit answers.

is difference in skin color, is that evolution, or adaptation? whats the difference?

>> No.2811073


best be joking


Oh okay, sorry. Yeah, most of the time if someone has a baseless conspiracy theory that information is being "suppressed", I regard it as bullshit.

>> No.2811076

yes and yes.

evolution is adaptation

>> No.2811081

"less evolved" doesn't make sense to begin with.
so, maybe?

less intelligent?
I'm not sure, but I THINK studies have shown that yes, on average, black people have a lower IQ than white people, and asians have a higher IQ.
This is just something I think I might have read somewhere, though, so I'm not sure.

Evolution is adaptation.

>> No.2811089
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>> No.2811098

surely cultural/societal factors play a part in those IQ measurements? more black people in the shitty ghettos than whites, these ghettos have drugs and violence and make it hard for kids to do well in school...

>> No.2811099

Not the guy you're telling what an ad-hominem is, but how does ad-hominem differ from poisoning the well?

>> No.2811116

Holy shit, when did /new/ get reopened?

>> No.2811117


Consider different types of dogs. They can produce fertile offspring, and yet they have different abilities and intelligence. Same for different races of humans.

>> No.2811118

The retards don't understand that attacking the person discussing the subject matter is ad-hominem (against the man), which is precisely what they are doing, calling me a retard, dipshit, etc. It's very childish, and surprising on a scientific board, where a a moderate level of intelligence is required to discuss things. Maybe they are one-time visitors or ignorant lurkers - who knows.

>> No.2811131

Blacks evolved huge dicks to go deep inside white women to give them the superior fertile sperm to make superior mixed children.

>> No.2811148

>Are black people really less evolved than white people?

No, being "less evolved" is impossible.

>Are they less intelligent?

Possibly, on average. Whether this is genetically or environmentally caused is yet to be proven.

>is difference in skin color, is that evolution, or adaptation?

Both. Skin colors are different due to climate. darker = warmer, whiter = colder

>> No.2811165


It's true, mutts are usually better.

>> No.2811178

resplendent narrative bro

>> No.2811180


>> No.2811204

An ad hominem is a fallacious argument that's *explicitly* based solely on the (false) premise that a personal inadequacy would render an argument invalid, whereas poisoning the well doesn't require the argument to actually be based on the personal attack itself. Basically, poisoning the well is a sneaky, less blatantly fallacious version of ad hominem.

>The retards don't understand that attacking the person discussing the subject matter is ad-hominem (against the man),
What you're doing there is called the genetic fallacy, by the way.

>> No.2811206

>open up 4chan
>go to /sci/
>see a thread asking why anything to the power of 0 equals one, another about philosophy, another about religion, and another about race
>son i am dissapoint

>> No.2811221
File: 3 KB, 126x124, 1289804450885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Once again you don't seem to grasp a very simple subject. an ad-hominem is an attack ON THE ARGUMENT VIA an attack on the individual. Calling you fucking stupid(which you are) is not an ad ad-hominem. ad- ad-hominem's are informal logical fallacies that are only applicable to conjunctive logical statements.

>> No.2811245

not any of those guys, but i just wikied genetic fallacy, and I'm not sure i get how that is one...

>> No.2811270

I wish /new/ was back, it filtered faggots like OP.

>> No.2811293


>> No.2811307

I do as well

the three people on /sci/ have spoken, moot, bring that shit back

>> No.2811328
File: 16 KB, 243x182, 1274425573298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q: What's the difference between an African American and a pizza?

A: African Americans are respectable, law abiding citizens or residents of the United States who have origins in any of the black populations of Africa with most African Americans being the direct descendants of captive Africans who survived the slavery era within the boundaries of the present United States, although some are—or are descended from—immigrants from African, Caribbean, Central American or South American nations while a Pizza is an oven-baked, flat, disc-shaped bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings originating in Neapolitan cuisine.

>> No.2811486

stormfags? in my /sci/?

>> No.2812474
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>> No.2812497
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>> No.2812554

ITT: Lies, halftruths, and purposeful misinterpretations of science

>> No.2812565
File: 132 KB, 268x266, 1301010386982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2812580


why didn't you look at the timestamps properly and blame this faggot >>2812474

>> No.2812613

Why didn't you learn what a timestamp is

>> No.2813088
File: 30 KB, 492x341, 1280434840940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're stupid, so your argument is obviously invald.

This is an ad-hominem. This is basically what you are doing.

You're trolling is very bad. 0/10

>> No.2813101

Y zo Serius?

>> No.2813186
File: 11 KB, 250x325, 1301165157871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw this is a typical scientific discussion on /sci/

>> No.2813188


How is the time stamped on a post not a timestamp besides the fact that your meme soaked mind is enslaved to view things in a singular titcentric context?

also this

>> No.2813211

Headline: OP to star in family sitcom with his actual family.

>> No.2813265
File: 215 KB, 522x648, 1301603344657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
