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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2797905 No.2797905 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here have Asperger's Syndrome or another ASD?

>> No.2797909


Yes, all of 4chan has Assburgers, millions of it.

>> No.2797908

Nobody has those "disorders"

>> No.2797926

Obvious trolls are obvious.
Come on, this is actually a serious question!

>> No.2797958


>> No.2797965

aspergers is relative. you can't prove you have it and you can't prove you don't according to my ap psychology teacher. for a while i thought i had it but i now think i'm just thinking i do. you can possess all the symptoms and not have it because its not an something you can say you have.

>> No.2797975

True. They are considering wiping out its status as a disorder at all. (That would mean I would have to stop being socially lazy)

>> No.2797991

Yer I think I have it. Since noticing it, I tend to withhold a lot of what I might say in conversations.

>> No.2798020

I suspect I have it, as I am socially awkward and predisposed to math/programming. (To an excessive degree)

>> No.2798028
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I was professionally diagnosed with it and the BS stopped me from getting a proper HS education.

(currently 3rd year in University with a 3.96GPA)

>> No.2798044

What symptoms of social awkwardness do you display?

Personally, I find it extremely difficult to portray emotions, especially sympathy/empathy. Also have a tendency nowadays to take things too literal.

>> No.2798052

That sucks man. But it's great that you're doing so well in college.

>> No.2798059

Looking at that picture.

>> No.2798078

Eh, it's not as bad as people make it out to be. Depending on how severe yours is. Many autistic people lead relatively normal lives.

>> No.2798102

Wtf..i'm not an autist :l

>> No.2798104

autism is the scientific term for self centered ass hole.

>> No.2798109


Yep, I fucking love spinning things, I right now have a set of those small rare earth magnet spheres, and they are crafted into a top, which spins wonderfully. Also, I fiddle with those damn magnets far too much, so there's the attachment to objects that's unhealthy, then there's sustained or unusual play, I don't know what that means but I have a 30X30X30 chamber I just got finished digging in Minecraft last night, so that's roughly insane, and there is an insistence on sameness, I am going to decorate that 30X30X30 cube with perfectly symmetrical patterns of torches and holes after I go around the entire surface and replace all flaws with stone blocks, so yeah, even though I have no problems interacting with human beings I am probably certifiably autistic or insane.

>> No.2798176

24 yeard old aspie here, studying Archeology.

feels good man.

>> No.2798189

High functioning Asperger's is simply a spectrum of social awkwardness, no more and no less.

>> No.2798205

Diagnosed as a kid. I'm not about the complain, because it gets me a bunch of Xanax every month, but it's an overdiagnosed condition used to sell SSRIs.

>> No.2798214

fuck you. ;_; my mines in minecraft are all the exact same size, torches every x number of squares, and I HAVE to have all the walls and floor/roof flat. D:

>> No.2798219

If anybody in this thread is name Andrew and is tall, this is your brother.

>> No.2799927

Okay, genuine Aspergers here.
I'm at the mild end of the spectrum, with the condition manifesting more as communication difficulties and slight social ineptitude, but the upside seems to be a strong mind in the areas of structured logic.

If you have aspergers, make no mistake, there's no shame in getting diagnosed and recieving help, it is the duty of every individual to seek self betterment.
However, do not let ANYONE tell you you have a disability, you do NOT.

>> No.2799964

Aspie here, they prescribed me concerta for concentration difficulties. It's hot highly over diagnosed anyway

>> No.2799999
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You be the judge.

>> No.2800012


This all the way. Exact same thing with me.

>> No.2800018
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it's... beautiful.

>> No.2800033
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>> No.2800042

oh lawd

>> No.2800046
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Ho. Lee. Shit. That's amazing.

>> No.2800057

>lol guis im so aspie lol cus i has a toy that i like and im supur nerdy and minecraft lololol

/sci/ is for science, not idiot teenagers jerking off to a bullshit disorder.

>> No.2800070
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>implying I am young.

I'm 31.

>> No.2800147

confirmed asspie.

>> No.2800158
File: 85 KB, 1200x1600, 1284210198089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey patachu, I thought you left /sci/ ages ago.

>> No.2800161


>jerking off to a bullshit disorder
sounds like umad.


Aspergers is an autism spectrum disorder that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, along with restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interest.

I in no way see how this is a bullshit disorder. You isolate yourself naturally, and are drawn to similar things over and over again. To me, this seems like a natural formula for extreme development in a specific discipline.

>> No.2800175

I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS. It doesn't really effect me other than that I'm a bit slow on the uptake in social situations. Otherwise I function fine.

>> No.2800198

well, been busy with a lot of things, so sometimes to change my mind i come back and post a bit on 4chan.

>> No.2800213

Just googled your name and started reading your encyclopediadramatica article, nice work with that Wildwulf guy.

>> No.2800278
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