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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2799668 No.2799668 [Reply] [Original]

god dammit why does human interaction have to be so boring. I am a first year in uni and all people ever talk about is how they got drunk or how they are totally into this girl or this and that.

I just nod and smile and make conversation but i really do hate it and ca't stand over 1 or 2 hours of hanging out with people.

however social isolation also does not work for me.

Everytime i try making an interesting conversation people just look at me weird as if they don't know what I'm talking about.

comeone /sci/ i know i can't be the only one.

also i thought uni would be different

>> No.2799679

Then find people that you enjoy spending time with.

>> No.2799681

I know that feel,


is correct. I found 2 people eventually that shares my interest in Science and computers.

>> No.2799686
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I used to hang around with people who are interested in the same things. Spent a lot of time talking about science and philosophy.

Then my only two friends went to different schools. Forever alone.

Going to uni this year, maybe there's someone interesting there.

>> No.2799702

At every higher-tier university there are at least some students who are actually interested in their studies.

>> No.2799703


>> No.2799710


All this. Talk to a LOT of people, and talk about whatever YOU want and those that can't hang will leave and those that are interested will stick around. SOCIALIZING NATURAL SELECTION

>> No.2799730

ITT: People who don't know how to live life.

>> No.2799737

OP, stop caring so hard. They act like that because they care about society's shit and it sounds like you're beginning to.

>> No.2799745

If sober and with guys I can converse easily. However finding topics to discuss with women is difficult without looking awkward.

>> No.2799757

I for one not even speak when I am at university, but then again it just started 3 weeks ago. It is hard socializing, at least for me, and the only thing that works for me is when we share interests, otherwise I do the same as you OP, except I never start conversations, and if I NEED a conversation, I can do that in my brain.

>> No.2799768

Hey OP do you know why alot of people at uni only talk about getting wasted and fucking girls?

because thats what your supposed to do at uni you fucking basement dwelling geek.

>> No.2799769

Remove yourself from the drama OP. It doesn't have anything to do with you.

>> No.2799778

This happens to me all the time, hate it.

>> No.2799784

I have been socially isolated since I was 12. Feels good man

>> No.2799796

ITT: autism support group

>> No.2799800

When you are in a group of people who are talking about something irrelevant try to change the topic of conversation or leave. Most people are not deep thinkers and lack the capabilities and desire to have intellectually stimulating conversations. The primal urge to fuck every girl they see is overwhelming for them.

>> No.2799809

I'm like OP and proud of it. I have quite a few friends that know and understand this aspect of me and are similar enough that we can go to relatively quiet pubs for vaguely intellectual drunken conversations. And jagerbombs.

>> No.2799832

Stop blaming other people for your inability to identify.
It's not their fault you don't like the things they do, and vice versa. Hang out with different people.
Also, come down off your fucking tower. Getting drunk and trying to bone things is perfectly normal, and there's nothing wrong with being perfectly normal.

>> No.2799834
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>> No.2799837
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There's probably a few people like you in some of your classes. Find them. If there's none then you really shot low choosing your major, should've gone into math or science or engineering.

>> No.2799873

Join a club with similar interests or better yet start your own.

>> No.2799885

Small minds talk about people.

Good minds talk about events.

The great minds talk about ideas.

I think there is nothing wrong with having only a few friends that intellectually stimulate you. I do, the rest are kinda "shallow", if thats the right word, the type of people you kinda discuss in OP. They are still cool guys though, i enjoy hanging around with them like anyone else, they just arent interested in deep conversations or anything i would find stimulating, politics etc which i enjoy talking about with some of my other friends. I still love talking about sport or uni with them though. To each his own, you have to get a mix of friends to be socially satisfied i reckon.

>> No.2799891

>ITT: autism support group

Also known as /sci/ - Science, Math, Religion and Trolls.

>> No.2799901
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>I just nod and smile and make conversation

you sound like you love fun and adventure

>> No.2799911

You have no interesting hobbies to talk about outside of your major. Take up a sport or get into a TV show or play video games or something so you can talk to people about things that don't sound like homework.

>> No.2799918

People who seem to spend all their time bitching about other people over nothing and talking about "how wasted" they were last night are over-compensating for social anxiety.

>> No.2799943

Fun and adventure is fine. Talking to a bunch of mildly drunk retards is boring.

Paragliding is pretty fun and adventurous, especially if you can power your flight with a small prop and motor.

>> No.2799951

Fuck socializing.

>> No.2799952

I once felt the same way OP. I just gave up on successful socialising because I realised I don't need it. Socialising is not like an intellectual discussion in that you do it because it requires you to care about the personal life more than the ideas of who you're talking to. I now stick to non emotionally demanding shallow friendships for the sake of looking sane in the conventional sense.

>> No.2799976

Maybe if you joined them in getting drunk, having fun, and having sex, you wouldn't be such an outcast. Stop being such a shut-in neckbeard loser. There's plenty of time to enjoy yourself and study at the same time.

>> No.2799982


You sound like a fun, well-adjusted person.

>> No.2799984
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>he studies instead of spending every night getting drunk
Oh no, someone doesn't suck your dick on command, this must be a real shock.

>> No.2799986

Half-drunk "Jersey Shore" conversations, and smokers breath.

>> No.2799991
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most of the people are retarded and don't actually deserve college education

>> No.2799992

What's wrong with being yourself?

>> No.2800007

I once found someone who was just as anti-talk-about-shit as I was. we would never make smalltalk but could share ideas and stuf. no need for the whole hello, hello, how are you? fine, you? fine. shit with him too. we just walk up to each other and start talking as if we say each other just a while ago. and if the conversation turns shit or runs downone of us just walkaway.

that was fun times.

>> No.2800009

So why do you want to socialize so badly anyway?

>> No.2800017

I wasn't psychologically indoctrinated from infancy to enjoy modern pop culture, I can't understand the lyrics of most music, to me it all seems to be "bom tsh bom tsh bom tsh", I can't be bothered to gain an encyclopedic knowledge of every celebrity, I don't care what shanyqua did to her boyfriend after she caught him with laticia, I just can't be bothered.

>> No.2800019

ITT: aspies and avoidants

>> No.2800024

I just don't care about what most people have to say, and I'm a great enough egoïst to not even listen anymore because I simply don't care.

>> No.2800026

Nothing wrong with being avoidant. I mean it's damn crippling sometimes, but still.

>> No.2800037


>> No.2800067

I'm sorry, but that's the most horrendously flawed statement I have ever read. It reads like you just got it straight out of one of /fit/'s motivation threads.

How does possibly talking about an idea make one a great person? Or talking about people in some way make someone less of a person?

Beyond the fact that talking about any one of these things in it's individuality would be incredibly tedious and make for appalling conversation, but also it makes no distinction between ideas.

Human beings are fascinating things, worth talking about in the same way some ideas are pointless and banal. It is very easy to have a god quality conversation with anyone, regardless of topic or 'intellectual greatness'. As for the line on events, I don't even know what is going on here.

An event how? The people involved? The ideas in question? Or was this simply placed to satisfy the original authors need to talk about his upcoming facebook party without feeling like a 'small' mind?

The concept itself is flawed and you should feel bad for posting it here.

>> No.2800096

Made me think of the 'philosophers respect ideas not people' thing, or however it goes.

>> No.2800104

>i try making an interesting conversation

I think this is were you're going wrong. Think more about what a conversation is and how you make one.

>> No.2800109

Funny, I seem to find interesting people everywhere.

>> No.2800247

You might be an outcast because everyone else has been psychologically indoctrinated into thinking that being drunk and having sex every weekend is fun.
This is why they laugh at anyone who's different. I love the irony of the western world standard. "You must be yourself and an individual. Do what you want to do" but when you do the things you like are laughed at and stamped as an outcast. The fascism of this social world is fascinating.
There was a guy in sociology class the other day who labeled the Middle-East as a failed society because they don't drink. I've never been so angry in a long time.

>Your face when humans are still fucking primitive

>> No.2800297

>Middle-East as a failed society because they don't drink.

thats genius! I'm going to spread that idea like crazy now.

>> No.2800301
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how has this thread not had any socially awkward penguin?

>> No.2800306

lol shit tier uni student detected