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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 68 KB, 350x467, 20050606-StarCraft-Ghost-Statue-E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2794841 No.2794841 [Reply] [Original]

It's 2011. Why the fuck do people still believe in religion?

>> No.2794849

Because they are idiots.

>> No.2794851
File: 52 KB, 798x952, Crusader_by_Maqiangk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The number of times the earth has orbited the sun since the birth of Christ has no real bearing on the existence of my God.

If you seek Him, you'll find Him. (Proverbs 8:17)

"Yet there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God." (Romans 3:11)

>> No.2794852

People with lower IQ, niggers, rednecks, etc.

>> No.2794854

Because people are generally more comfortable when they don't have to think for themselves, and that for someone to want to believe we were created by an invisible man in the sky is more than enough for them to think it is actually true.

>> No.2794863

I believe in in Love. Isn't that fucking stupid too?

>> No.2794865


>> No.2794866
File: 68 KB, 640x540, 1297727268929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone should get bodysuits like that acceptable in the mainstream.

The future is here. It's time we dressed like it.

>> No.2794871

Love is a human emotion which has been studied to be a common reaction and a daily essence of human nature and thus can be believed in.

Religion is based on pure bullshit.

>> No.2794873

I believe in 10 dimensions yet I don't believe in 1 God.

>> No.2794879


love is pure bullshit
religion has been studied to be a common reaction and a daily essence of human nature..seriously, most people practice faith in the world...you definition fails

>> No.2794888
File: 80 KB, 391x800, l_d39bb51c26c644349d2c2d4717518ea6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"God is love." (1 John 4:8)

Also Christianity isn't a religion. It's a relationship. I don't have to chant a certain prayer 5 times a day, or make a salt circle, or light incense, or sacrifice a calf on an altar.

I simply come before God, confess my sins, and bring all my concerns and desires before Him, like I would my own father.

I simply put my faith in Him through His Son, and I'm saved. Sure, I try to please Him with my life, but does that make it a religion?

No. A religion is a set of rules and rituals that keep the mind of man closed and foolish.

God does not do this. God is wise and merciful, and if you lack wisdom, He gives freely. (James 1:5)

>> No.2794893
File: 430 KB, 2073x1073, christianity-future-trend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just came across this.
Hang in there.... it's going to be a while.

>> No.2794896
File: 106 KB, 437x333, 1277344552741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he said "based on"
>you're arguing against an imaginary opponent
>mfw you're a fucking idiot

>> No.2794898
File: 94 KB, 280x400, shivaatcern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the truth is still the truth even after a few thousand years have passed.

Deal with it

>> No.2794903
File: 21 KB, 461x295, extrapolating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extrapolating from a data set of size 40 to a data point at 270 is a good idea.

>> No.2794911

Cure /sci/ of religion threads, sage goes in all fields.

>> No.2794919
File: 11 KB, 297x275, 1296339155126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your body ready for überlulz?


>> No.2794925
File: 68 KB, 800x662, Facebook Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It won't be that long.

As evidence, pic related. (This is what most "Christians" are like in America.)

I estimate that only 30% of America is truly Christian...and that's generous.

Don't worry though. You'll be rid of us soon enough.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
1 Corinthians 15:50-54

>> No.2794938

What are your views on an afterlife? Like, who gets in heaven and hell.

>> No.2794939

We're all atheists wrestling with nihilism. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, our percetions make it real. Faced with this meaninglessnes, we reach a dilemma--whether or not to place fundamental trust in the value of life, reality, and existence. Deism is this in its most radical form but it is still only 1 response. It may or may not be the best approach for you.

>> No.2794941

Also, ignore the militant atheists. They're all angry aspie 15 year olds

>> No.2794948

People believe in religion because they like the feeling of belonging to something bigger. They like following and having some guy in robes tell them that things are going to be ok. They like the routine of going to some religious service every week.

Also, thanks OP for saying "religion" and not "belief in higher powers". The distinction is large.

>> No.2794952


lack of education IMO.
of course there are educated religious people, but if everybody on earth had a elevated level of education, i think they would become a minority

>> No.2794960
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>Also, thanks OP for saying "religion" and not "belief in higher powers". The distinction is large.
>Thanks OP, for giving me a semantic way out of the cesspool. I'm totally not an idiot like THOSE guys.

>> No.2794967
File: 46 KB, 590x398, john15_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are saved by faith alone, through grace alone, in Christ alone.

Not by works.

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through Him.

"Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 7:21)

"Faith without works is dead." (James 2:20)

Your faith in Christ is like a tree. If it was planted properly, and if you took good care of it, then it will bear fruit. All good trees bear fruit.

"By their fruit you will recognize them." (Matthew 7:16)

But if your faith does not produce a changed heart and a desire to do the will of God, then it is a dead faith, and...

"...every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." (Luke 3:9)

>> No.2794976


There's a pretty big difference between the bible-thumpers and the guy who is a believer but still studies quantum mechanics and smokes weed.

>> No.2794984

no difference in their eternal destination, none at all

>> No.2794993


i would like to clarify God's will in this regard:

John 6:40 (New King James Version)
And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.”

>> No.2795001


I'm sorry, I was not aware that you had seen the future and the afterlife.

>> No.2795006

God is obviously you. There is no difference between you doing something because its God's will, and you imagining God doing it.

>> No.2795008
File: 365 KB, 1000x1409, 1293720172887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2795015
File: 287 KB, 614x1562, Jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2795024

apology accepted

>> No.2795076

God is obviously in me, and works His will through me.

if you can't tell the difference between yourself and God, ask yourself this question: How did I create the universe?

>> No.2795082


>Massive abuse of interpretation.

Have you actually read the Bible?

>> No.2795083

You;'re an idiot. "God is in melalalala"

Margarine said that he had to "clarify God's will" Its obviously his will, not God's. He's just inventing some thing called God in order to justify his actions.

>> No.2795103

i added the clarify bit; people think they need to do stuff in order for God's will to be done; that leads to legalism and yokes too heavy to be borne.

Jesus said the work of God is to believe in the Son; by believing in Jesus, we are doing the will of God.

and "margerine" as you call him is the clearest christian i have ever seen posting in this cesspool of sin

>> No.2795113


>> No.2795115

I don't know if I can get that desire. My faith in a higher power is also very shaky. I want to be a good person, but it seems from what you say about the scripture I wouldn't make it anyway.

>> No.2795121
File: 234 KB, 477x396, 1298393994150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, before you can start using bible quotes as your argument, you should probably point out why it's such an authoritative text.

What elevates the bible above other holy texts, exactly?

>> No.2795130

not true at all. faith is a gift from God, and He is eager to give you more. it is yours for the asking. more faith, more of the Holy Spirit in you; your Father in heaven delights in rewarding you with these things.

Jesus has already paid for your sins; ask for enough faith to talk to Him directly; ask Him to be your Lord; confess with your mouth that He is indeed your Lord, your King; and believe in your heart that He is raised from the dead.

do this, and you will be saved.

>> No.2795155
File: 28 KB, 397x605, Templar Sighting the Golden City.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still hope, my friend.

If you do your best to remove the sin from your life (since God is fully aware that you can't be perfect), you can simply pray for more faith.

Ask God to give you more faith in Him, and ask Him to honor the commitment you're making to Him by revealing Himself to you.

You don't have to pray with prose or big words either. Just talk to God like you'd talk to me or someone else (but make sure to be respectful...He DID create the entire universe after all).

"God, I need more faith in you. Right now I just can't seem to put my faith in you. So instead of forgetting about you, I'm going to seek hard after you. I'm going to remove the sin from my life and read your word. I ask that you honor this committment I'm making by revealing yourself to me and convicting my heart. In Jesus' name, I pray this prayer. Amen."

It's not easy being a Christian, and it's not easy abstaining from sin...but when you are tempted, pray to God! Even though you lack faith, pray to God through Jesus Christ and ask Him to rescue you.

"The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials" (2 Peter 2:9)

>> No.2795159

the bible is the best evidence of itself; it is the inspired Word of God. to be inspired by God is no small thing; dirt was inspired by God and became Adam; the void was inspired by God and became the universe. with the same breath, God inspired the 40 some odd men who wrote the bible.

humbly, 4chan posters vouching for the bible's authenticity isn't adding anything to that evidence

>> No.2795166

i love you, no homo; see you in heaven (soon)

>> No.2795168

It's 2011. Why can people still not tolerate differences in viewpoints?

>> No.2795173
File: 153 KB, 1207x887, Biblical Inerrancy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.2795177

are you MJ?

>> No.2795181
File: 484 KB, 799x533, Brofist 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too bro! Can't wait to see you there either.

>> No.2795198


That's pretty sad if it's the best evidence for why we should take the bible seriously.

>> No.2795210

>It's 2011. Why the fuck do people still believe in religion?
It explains the stuff that science can't.

>> No.2795217

so, nostrodameus writes histler in one of his vague quatrains and completely captivates your imagination, but 300 specific prophecies about Jesus Christ come precisely and miraculously true centuries after they were written, and that is "pretty sad"


>> No.2795220
File: 88 KB, 350x484, Vanilla Ice Cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the man who's never looked for my God and loves his sin.

Until you try vanilla ice cream, you can't tell me it tastes bad.

>> No.2795225

1.) Indoctrination
2.) Willful self-delusion/irrational optimism and the human tendency to go to extreme lengths to justify it
3.) Not having things like mandatory logic, critical thinking, civil debate, and basic philosophy in the public education system.
4.) People being generally misinformed about other worldviews and thinking that it is impossible to have meaning or ethics or a sense of "awe" at the universe outside of their own religion.

>> No.2795234


I've never hit my own dick with a hammer. I guess I'd be pretty close-minded to say I don't like hitting my own dick with a hammer.

>> No.2795239

>1.) Indoctrination

>2.) Willful self-delusion/irrational optimism and the human tendency to go to extreme lengths to justify it
Jesus did all the heavy lifting.

>3.) Not having things like mandatory logic, critical thinking, civil debate, and basic philosophy in the public education system.
A system dominated by godless secular humanists

>4.) People being generally misinformed about other worldviews and thinking that it is impossible to have meaning or ethics or a sense of "awe" at the universe outside of their own religion.
People taking Jesus at His word; you are either for Him, or you are against Him

not our words, His. and He is the only one with a vote.

>> No.2795263

so don't go around asking people why they like hitting themselves in the dick with a hammer

your analogy, not mine

>> No.2795266
File: 50 KB, 600x946, l_001188407ff127c05404a68fd36d7496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) Indoctrination
I don't remember being taught the Bible in school, and even my church was pretty lukewarm. Didn't really teach me anything.

Everything I know about God I learned after I turned 18...and I learned it on my own...not from some class I took or some church I attend.

>2.) Willful self-delusion/irrational optimism...
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

"All our righteous deeds have become like filthy rags." (Isaiah 64:6)

>3.) Not having things like mandatory logic,
Physical or spiritual?

>critical thinking
Physical or spiritual?

>civil debate
Oh come on, we have this.

>and basic philosophy in the public education system.
I would have liked this. A nice philosophy class in school when I was younger would have been nice. Also a nutrition class would have been cool too.

>4.) People being generally misinformed about other worldviews

Here's a mirror. Look hard into it.

>and thinking that it is impossible to have meaning or ethics or a sense of "awe" at the universe outside of their own religion.
It's possible to have all those things outside of Christianity.

Meaning and ethics are entirely subjective in and of themselves. A tribe of cannibals in Africa has ethics just like I do.

The ethics may not be identical, but they are ethics nonetheless.

And a sense of awe is even more common outside of Christianity. Look how many people are chasing UFO's and ghosts. They're awed by those things!

>> No.2795276
File: 22 KB, 460x345, Battle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice cop out, coward.

"But the cowardly...will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” (Revelations 21:8)

Be a man and take my challenge. Quit hiding like a child.

>> No.2795308

† Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam † † In Hoc Signo Vinces †

What are your views on masturbation?

>> No.2795326

The tide goes up, the tide goes down. Never a miscommunication.

Feel free to explain that, atheists.

>> No.2795329


Which happens to be socially sheltering, sexually repressing, discourages critical thinking, free expression, and open-ended interpretation/analysis of the Bible/religion.

>Jesus did all the heavy lifting
He did the most willful self-delusion? Okay, no problem here.

>A system dominated by godless secular humanists
Well yes. But no. All of our information about those things is no separate from the evolving body of knowledge that includes biology, math, and everything else that is taught in public high schools. It's purely arbitrary for things to be as they are. There's no ethics taught in schools as it is, and no religion, so thing are already pretty "secular". Some schools offer optional world religions that explain many religions in an objective, non-biased way. Your argument sort of assumes that this can't be done with philosophy, or that there is no objective system of logic with which to determine the value of a philosophy, or that said logic is somehow evil, or something to that effect.

>not our words, His. and He is the only one with a vote.
Sooo, follow blindly, and don't question?

>> No.2795335


Calling something a cop out is not an argument. The onus is on you to explain to me why it's a bad analogy. I think it's a perfectly good one.

>> No.2795343
File: 67 KB, 480x640, dai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sin, but then again, it cannot be helped because most parents don't bring their children up correctly.

ADMG, what do you think would be classed as a 'Greater Glory of God'? Serious question. On a large timescale, what's the best.. 'result' we can hope for by following "ADMG".


>> No.2795358
File: 903 KB, 697x742, Kneeling Crusader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masturbation is something that you shouldn't do. Not because of some obscure story in Genesis of some guy "spilling his seed."

People who quote that story are uneducated. Onan wasn't masturbating.

But back to your question, masturbation is wrong for two reasons:
(1.) It almost always requires lust. Try masturbating while doing your math homework sometime. It won't be easy. Sooner or later your mind will have to drift to thoughts of sex.

(2.) Even if you are able to masturbate without lusting (which in and of itself is quite a feat) it is still not enough.

"But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality" (Ephesians 5:3)

Masturbation REEKS of sexual immorality, and is therefore a sin.


Masturbation is something nearly everyone struggles with, especially in this culture. But God is faithful!

1 Corinthians 10:13

>> No.2795357
File: 21 KB, 300x359, Moses-parting-red-sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In times like these, I like to bask in the glory of the heavenly word:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." (Deuteronomy 22:28-29)

"However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way." (Leviticus 25:44-46)


>> No.2795367

It'll take a while to clean up a mess that has saturated Human culture for throusands of years.

>> No.2795371

question to your heart's content. literally.

in a way, i love truth more than i love Jesus; no truth can lead me away from Jesus, or take anything away from Jesus, because Jesus is the truth. i don't have to automatically discount any idea, any opinion, in order to love Jesus and believe in His righteousness. i know that Jesus is right, even if it means the entire world has to be wrong in order for that to be

it's a very secure feeling, knowing that i'm in the hands of my Creator, who loves me enough to die for me on a cross, after being tortured; it's exhilarating to know that i will be spending eternity with Him, the One who created everything

>> No.2795376

Tell me, why is your religion better than this Islam stuff that I see, or this Buddha guy the japanese exchange students talk about?

>> No.2795379
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>'fear of death'
>0 matches

Whats wrong with the obvious answer?

>> No.2795384

/sci/ - Religion & Homework

>> No.2795385
File: 57 KB, 595x450, Conviction_by_WarriorMonk1118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong translation of the Hebrew word.

In verse 25, the Hebrew word 'chazaq' is used, and it essentially means 'seize,' or 'take hold of.'

In verse 28, a different Hebrew word 'taphas' is used, and while it has a very similar meaning to chazaq, it is not the same word.

In both verses 25 and 28, the Hebrew word 'shakab' is used, and while it literally means 'to lie down,' it is used throughout the Old Testament to refer to sexual intercourse.

So, both verses 25 and 28 describe a man seizing and having sex with a woman. While this is a possible description of rape, it does not explicitly refer to rape.

Also, the differences in the Hebrew words between Deuteronomy 22, verses 25 and 28, could be interpreted as verse 25 referring to rape, with verse 28 referring to consensual sex.

Further, in other Old Testament passages that refer to rape, DIFFERENT HEBREW WORDS ARE USED. (Judges 19:25, 20:5; 2 Samuel 13:14, 32; Zechariah 14:2).

Slavery was WAAAAYYYYYY different back then.

In Bible times, slavery was more a matter of social status. People sold themselves as slaves when they could not pay their debts or provide for their families.

In New Testament times, sometimes doctors, lawyers, and even politicians were slaves of someone else. Some people actually chose to be slaves so as to have all their needs provided for by their masters.

>> No.2795393
File: 21 KB, 540x603, 20110322.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw after licking my girfriends asshole for half an hour straight i come on here and someone tells me masturbation is immoral
yeah, i'm way ahead of you

>> No.2795403

yes, you're trolling quite nicely.

did it ever occur to you, however, that God gave men rules on how to treat slaves, and how to be slaves, not because God wanted people to own slaves, but because He knew men were wicked?

given wicked men were going to own slaves, even if for the prescribed seven year period of indentured servitude most of the bible refers to, should God not have handed down rules concerning how to be a slave? how to be a master?

do you know that God does not care if you are a slave, or free, or a joo, or a greek, or rich, or poor? that He looks at all people the same?

>> No.2795404


>implying slavery was a viable option to life.

>> No.2795408

>People sold themselves as slaves when they could not pay their debts
So, god is OK with slavery as long as it is only poor people
I'll try to remember that

>> No.2795409


Sounds like a cop out to me.

>> No.2795413
File: 97 KB, 304x360, whydoesntheexist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you know, god doesn't exist? and that its all made up bullshit? Do you?

>> No.2795416
File: 82 KB, 595x750, Dedication_by_WarriorMonk1118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think would be classed as a 'Greater Glory of God'?
The glory of God is the beauty of His Spirit...not an aesthetic beauty or a material beauty, but a beauty that emanates from His character, from all that He is.

Isaiah 43:7 says that God created us for His glory. In context with the other verses, it can be said that man "glorifies" God because through man, God's glory can be seen in things such as love, music, heroism and so forth - things belonging to God that we are carrying "in jars of clay" (2 Corinthians 4:7).

When I originally chose my name, the image in my head was the tearing down of Satan's strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:5) I am not preaching the Gospel for my sake, but for God's sake.

He has sent me out here for His sake, so that His Son that was slain may receive the reward for His suffering.

"There is much room in my Father's house, if it were not so I would have told you. I go now to prepare a place for you, that where I am you may be also." (John 14:2-3)

>> No.2795431

Nice answer.
I agree, keep dedicated.

>> No.2795432

because Jesus said that He was God in the flesh; He performed many miracles, including raising people from the dead, predicted His own death and resurrection three days later, and showed Himself to thousands after He was resurrected.

mohammad never claimed to be god, just a prophet. and a prophet of allah, not of God. he died, and stayed dead.

buddha never claimed to be god, just an enlightened being. he died, and stayed dead.

in a nutshell, i'm going to believe the One who walked out of His grave three days after He was killed, and not the one who married a 6 year old, or the one that did things even more foul, died, and went to hell.

>> No.2795434

ITT: Christians who arent at all Christ-like.

>> No.2795440
File: 128 KB, 640x480, 1297193955702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you are basically pussies who cannot accept the fact that you only have one life-time live?

Someone call the whambulance!

>> No.2795441

the fool has said in his heart, there is no God

i, sir, am no fool

>> No.2795442
File: 33 KB, 580x435, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Jesus Christ was the only person in History who "supposedly" resurrected.
>mfw this idiot believes in resurrections.

>> No.2795445
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>> No.2795446
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>> No.2795448

ITT: christians who will one day be very much Christlike

>> No.2795449
File: 4 KB, 110x149, crusades_christian_knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam teaches that Heaven can be EARNED through keeping the Five Pillars.

The Bible, in contrast, reveals that sinful man can never measure up to the holiness of God (Romans 3:23; 6:23). Only by God’s grace may sinners be saved through repentant faith in Jesus (Acts 20:21; Ephesians 2:8-9).

With Buddhism, karma is the basis of morality. But karma is impersonal. It's like a law of nature, meaning that breaking a karmic "rule" is not intrinsically evil. There seems to be no significant difference between error (non-moral mistakes) and sin (moral wrongdoing).

^This is a really good read...but only if you're truly interested in an answer.

Buddha succumbed to death.
Muhammad succumbed to death.
Joseph Smith succumbed to death.

But Jesus rose from the dead and conquered it. Death is dead!


>> No.2795453

>But Jesus rose from the dead and conquered it.

So did Gandalf.

>> No.2795458

no, many people were raised from the dead by Jesus and Jesus' apostles; however, Jesus is the only One who did not subsequently die, but has a new body; a resurrection body; human body 2.0, if you will.

i only count real people who really lived and really died who were really raised from the dead, not fictional characters from stories and false gods whose biographies were changed after Christ arose.

apples to apples, amirite?

>> No.2795459
File: 22 KB, 277x283, whuuuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>i am no fool
>believes in god
>science has shown the bible is incorrect in dozens of ways
>scholars have shown the bible contradicts itself hundreds of times
>mfw this guy really thinks hes not a fool

>> No.2795460

Oh, good gracious, is that you? I thought I'd never see you posting again, especially since /r9k/'s gone. I'm very glad that didn't turn out to be the case!

>> No.2795464


Except that shit didn't happen and it's made up. Stop fucking lying to your own common sense and live in the real world.

>> No.2795465
File: 89 KB, 477x361, 1296680471658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if 'truth' and 'proof' can be used to quantify or reject the existance of a god, then there exists an axiomatic structure to the universe.

so what is it, and why do you think it's like that

>> No.2795466
File: 126 KB, 599x873, Crusader_by_pudgethefish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you've looked for neither of them because you love your sin too much and are too lazy/afraid to take my challenge.

Keep being sarcastic. God's laughing.

"but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He knows their day is coming." (Psalm 37:13)

>> No.2795473


whens that on your deathbed? when you wake up and see this conservatism bullshit is absolutely retarded and the fundamental nonsense is tearing apart humanity with its proverbs and sophistry. Evidence is the foundation of progress, there is no evidence in religion---- LET IT GO.

>> No.2795477

your assertions that man has proved God wrong are lies fed to you by a system that wants you to go to hell with it

are you sure you want to tag along for that ride?

protip: it ends with weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth; cast into outer darkness, where the worm does not die and the flame is never quenched.

the bible has never been proven to be wrong; it has been slandered and libeled, but never proven wrong.

>> No.2795482

So you consider it superior to not have to earn a place in heaven but to simply be granted it because of faith? Why? From my perspective the Christian prospect of "Believe and you shall be saved" is to appeal to the lazy masses who don't want to have to do anything harder than believing.

And I'll just add that I find it amusing that you think Jesus actually was resurrected just on the basis of the Bible saying so.

>> No.2795487
File: 16 KB, 194x181, crusaders2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Horus wasn't actually the result of Necrophilia and witchcraft, rather than a "virgin birth".
lol Zeitgeist.

>> No.2795490
File: 4 KB, 126x126, 1293129400108s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too single minded and self obsessed to see past logic and reason. Therefore there is no god because my logic doesnt prove it. Also all god threads are automatically redirected to "Christianity" just because I live in a blessed society where the religion is main, and I generally hate mainstream because I was bullied and molested as a child. Anything that is out of my mortal comprehension is obsolete and nonexistent because I say so. Any other arguments are false and youre a stupid head. Brb having sex with logic and reason.

>> No.2795492
File: 51 KB, 720x461, god loves you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw god is laughing

>> No.2795499


bool story cro.jpg

>> No.2795502

AMDG? You're still on 4chan? Haven't seen you on r9k for a long while, then when it died, never thought I'd see any tripfag from r9k around, kinda miss Futureguy, too

Hey AMDG, I'm not out get a theological trophy or anything, but ever since I've watched Man from Earth, I've been wondering how would a christian scholar respond to John's claims. What do you say? I'd thought you'd like the movie, you've mentioned that Buddhism is kind of like going on the right track before, and the movie kind of says the same

>> No.2795504

>everyone who thinks this way is close-minded

I'll let you figure out the hypocrisy for yourself.

>> No.2795508
File: 23 KB, 400x280, comeatme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw "are you sure you want to take that trip"

Im not afraid of the dark, I grew up years ago. Perhaps its time you do the same.

>> No.2795509
File: 222 KB, 843x1280, crusaders-invasion-of-constantinople-20070713014259272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36)

If God helped them, then He'd also have to help everybody else.

"There is no favoritism with God." (Romans 2:11)

Instead of trying to make this world as nice and happy as possible, God has given us over to our sinful desires, and the consequences that result thereof.

Blaming God is what a child does. God tells us to go out and preach the Gospel, give to charity, and give our lives for the glory of God.

btw: If God were to make this world perfect (ie: no death, no starvation, etc) He would have to kill everybody.

"The wages of sin is death." (Romans 6:23)

But God doesn't want you to die. "He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

>> No.2795512
File: 132 KB, 1118x730, take-em-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a feeling it's fake, though... ;_;

>> No.2795514

well nothing has ever really been proven wrong or right, like, ever with the exception of math and logic but only because it accepts initial conditions as truths and works within axioms. intuition and knowledge of reality is pretty much empirical and you can take many different conclusions based on many observations which can all be correct until empirically shown to be inaccurate.

i'm not the one who you were arguing with, but i think it may behoove your argument to not try and point to things as truths and proofs because they're pretty much made up.

>> No.2795518

oh, no; the transformation began when i was saved, and continues as i walk more and more with Him, and allow Him more and more access to me and my life. with His Spirit in me, through me, He can do wonderful things.

the final transformation will be at the last trump, when Jesus calls us to be with Him in the clouds, after He raises the dead in Christ first.

and from then on, forever will we be with Him

>> No.2795520
File: 23 KB, 640x309, 14bjnn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People will always recognize the divinity of nature even in 10000 years. ..Especially in 10000 years. Deal with it, athiests.

>> No.2795524


You don't even know what this word means.

>> No.2795527
File: 101 KB, 425x425, 124321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a vicious cycle. Humans have a need to justify things through what they know. So begins the fight for 'right'. Feel free to make a crack at how this backfired on itself. But sometimes there needs to be realistic levels of acceptance, such as: I drop a rock and it will fall to the ground. Cold hard facts of life, this theory, possibly being one of them.

>> No.2795529

I bet he does.

>> No.2795532

Jesus is the great Healer; He will provide comfort to you where all others have failed, and He wants to do so. turn to Him; seek comfort in Him, and when you do, you will realize how cold and hard a bed logic makes

>> No.2795533
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, eXu5xA3EC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey AMDG, I'm not out get a theological trophy or anything, but ever since I've watched Man from Earth, I've been wondering how would a christian scholar respond to John's claims.
Well I never watched that movie before, so I can't really respond at this point. :(

>you've mentioned that Buddhism is kind of like going on the right track before,
Buddhism is a false religion, my friend, and it will only lead to death.

"There is no other name under Heaven by which we can be saved [than Jesus]." (Acts 4:12)

>> No.2795537
File: 77 KB, 750x600, Noahs Ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>btw: If God were to make this world perfect (ie: no death, no starvation, etc) He would have to kill everybody.

PROTIP - HE DID THAT ALREADY DIDNT HE???? HENCE NOAH'S ARK??? The awesome fairy tale where animals of all kinds (predators and prey) magically ride a boat for months...

Anytime someone mentions the real intentions of god, we get a sideways strawman... oh but he doesn't want you to die, he wants you to do blah blah blah. Its all conjecture, a fully thawed out strawman based on irrationality and i-wanna-feel-good-with-my-imaginary-friend.jpg

>> No.2795540
File: 11 KB, 264x282, smugmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's kind of a shame that there are no actual theists here because they'd never visit this board so all we have is trolls playing devil's advocate. You guys are doing a good job at sounding like actual brainwashed zealots from the bible belt though.

>> No.2795545

actually, it's interesting; i don't believe in forever, but do believe in eternal; eternal is a better word in my opinion, because it encapsulates a frame of reference where time doesn't really matter any more. forever has that connotation of lasting a long time, whereas eternal is timeless

>> No.2795554
File: 432 KB, 728x1411, crusader_by_veshkau-d2z148x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noah's Ark
>fairy tale
The prophet Isaiah, Luke the Evangelist, Paul the Apostle, and even Jesus Christ Himself all clearly cite the story of Noah's Ark, just as any of us would openly cite a peer-reviewed journal or scientific law.

(1.) "To me this is like the days of Noah, when I swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth. So now I have sworn not to be angry with you, never to rebuke you again." (Isaiah 54:9)

(2.) "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all." (Luke 17:26-27)

(3.) "By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family. By his faith he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith." (Hebrews 11:7)

(4.) "So He went and preached to the spirits in prison - those who disobeyed God long ago when God waited patiently while Noah was building his ark. Only eight people were saved from drowning in that terrible flood." (1 Peter 3:19-20)

(5.) "If God did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others..." (2 Peter 2:5)

>oh but he doesn't want you to die
He doesn't...but then again, He has no choice but to Judge you because He is a 100% righteous Judge, and "the soul that sins must die." (Ezekiel 18:20)

If God could just "overlook" your sins, then Jesus' death wouldn't have been necessary.


>> No.2795555


I bet words dont even matter huh? or that what you "believe" doesn't much matter either? Carefully cherry picking what will make you feel good about your existence sure is awesome. I love ignorance.

>> No.2795560


This. If anyone really believed any of this "Herp derp you just gotta have faith" horse shit, they wouldn't bother wasting their time trying to convince /sci/.

>> No.2795565

nice example of how a false premise leads to a false conclusion

>> No.2795566

But how do you determine is the right religion?

>> No.2795567


When Jesus died he supposedly absolved us of all our sins. ALL SINS. Or did you not read into that part about him dying FOR us? If he already took the liberty to do that why bother with all the bullshit? I mean he is supposedly the son of God?

Also the mentioning of fairy tales and evidence to suggest them are two different things. 4 people can write similar stories in different times. Does it mean it fucking happened? No.

>> No.2795569
File: 95 KB, 598x800, Crusaders_by_Ethaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have the highest confidence in you, and I take great pride in you. You have greatly encouraged me and made me happy despite all our troubles." (2 Corinthians 7:4)

Please keep me in your prayers. I could use the prayers of a man like you.

Stay strong as you are, and keep growing in the Spirit! God bless you my brother, and may the peace of Christ always guard your heart and mind.

>> No.2795571
File: 26 KB, 640x625, AlbertEinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AMDG, do you ever have doubts about your faith, or is it always 100% 100% 100%?

>> No.2795575

nice quads

it only matters what you believe, and that belief will turn itself into something you know, and that thing you know will turn into a certainty, and that certainty will be transformed into eternity.

do you really think that if you walk around town full of the Holy Spirit you are going to do something sinful? fleshly? wrong? hateful?

no, to be filled with the Holy Spirit is to actually get a respite from sin, for as long as you are able

>> No.2795577

They want to feel smart and in that way religion is really handy, you just make things up as you go along.

>> No.2795578

why not? don't you think it is possible that christians love people on /sci/, and want to spend eternity with them in heaven?

don't you think God loves people on /sci/, and would send one of His own here to preach to you?

>> No.2795579


/new/ is gone. Why aren't you?

>> No.2795580


I believe that all Christians will burn in hell for all eternity while all atheists will live forever.

What now?

>> No.2795586

That makes no fucking sense whatsoever, and just so you no, there is no such thing as a holy spirit. U mad?

>> No.2795587
File: 29 KB, 600x472, Crusader_Team_logo_by_Ikariamus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of going through every single one and meticulously wasting your entire life searching...

...you could realize right off the bat, that my God is the only one who begs you to seek Him and promises to reveal Himself to those who do.

Begs you to seek Him: Ezekiel 18:23, 31-32, Isaiah 55:6-7.

Promises to reveal Himself to those who do: Proverbs 8:17

"God looks down from heaven on the entire human race; He looks to see if anyone is truly wise, if anyone seeks God." (Psalm 53:2)


>> No.2795594


Quite a few, really. Problem is, none of them exist.

>> No.2795595
File: 658 KB, 746x899, Christian_Legionnaire_by_benchowfat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you don't.

For the sake of the argument, you might, but when it comes right down to it, you actually don't believe that.

So your analogy dies.

>> No.2795592


Any that is written that way.
Here's one: Snorgflorg the Lord of Kittens. He wants you to worship him because he is so lonely, please do him the favor.

There is the proof that Snorgflorg is the one true God.

>> No.2795601
File: 92 KB, 632x426, the_book_of_templar_by_racoonart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you just invented that.

The Bible was written over 1,600 years, by over 40 authors, on 3 different continents.

And all the great themes of the Bible are maintained. The Bible doesn't contradict itself.

When Snorgflorg does that, call me.

>> No.2795603


Okay. I believe that after death there is simply a black void of unconsciousness and unexistance.

What then?

>> No.2795606

quite right; Jesus did His part, and His part is sufficient for everyone to be saved

so now you have to do your part, and believe in Him

it's harder than you think; you have an active supernatural enemy pounding against your mind without ceasing; your enemy never sleeps, never quits, never fails to goad you into wickedness. and there are probably billions of them aligned against God, and the earth is their stronghold.

however, greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world; He has overcome death, and the grave, and satan, and his minions; we are really just playing out the endgame, and the conclusion is already final.

whether or not your name is in the Lamb's book of life is also final; however, you do not know it, only God does.

i strongly suggest you make sure it is there, for whatever reason you deem best; selfish desire to escape punishment; gratitude for His sacrifice; both; but do so today. today is the day of salvation, for you are not promised tomorrow.

things change quickly

>> No.2795609

>But you just invented that.

So did the writers of the bible, they just had a headstart.

>> No.2795610


>don't you think God loves people on /sci/, and would send one of His own here to preach to you?

You can't use unreason to convince someone who only believes in rational and empirical knowledge that it is possible to acquire knowledge outside of those modes, and you can't use reason to convince someone to believe in something that isn't based on reason, all the while claiming that reason isn't valid, or isn't the only objective system of determining the value of an idea.

>> No.2795611

>The Bible doesn't contradict itself.

Why are there two different mutually contradictory creation stories?

Why are there four different mutually contradictory stories of Christ's life?

This is not even complex stuff.

>> No.2795615


However consistent the bible might be does nothing to prove that what it says is fact.

Why doesn't god simply reveal himself to the world and say "worship me!"? That would be pretty convincing.

I guess he doesn't really care about us that much/

>> No.2795620

thank you for the kind words, and of course i will add you to my prayer list. i believe you may be the first jesuit on there :)

may the grace and peace of our Lord Christ Jesus be upon you; may He bless your ways; may He show you His face; and may the devil tremble at the sound of your name.

>> No.2795624
File: 87 KB, 882x1200, Sword of the Crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe
Exactly. So do I.

Which means we're both taking equal leaps of faith...except my leap has been helped and evidenced by the spiritual contact I've had with a real God...

...whereas yours is just a result of your physical observations.

Ironic that people try to prove/disprove spiritual truths with physical evidence.

While you're at it, why don't you tell me what the color red smells like?

"The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." (1 Corinthians 2:14)

>> No.2795625


So if Snorgflorg was 2000 years old, he'd be real?

>> No.2795627


>Which means we're both taking equal leaps of faith...except my leap has been helped and evidenced by the spiritual contact I've had with a real God...

People of many faiths and religions claim this same thing. So, using this as evidence in favor of yours is not very convincing.

>> No.2795628


If you believe in God and believe that he keeps you safe, give me your name, address, SS#, and PIN. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

>> No.2795629
File: 67 KB, 500x400, 3324321350_d0097f5e94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I'm actually not a Jesuit. I'm a Protestant Born Again Christian.

When I chose my name, I didn't realize it was the motto of the Jesuits...and by the time I did, it was kind of too late to change it.

Thank you for the blessing, my brother!

>> No.2795630

you've perhaps heard of people being involuntarily possessed by demons to do evil?

is it so hard to think that people are voluntarily possessed by the Holy Spirit to do good?

>> No.2795632
File: 236 KB, 667x1000, Absolute Pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jesus death symbolises the freedom of man from its original sins, so to speak. No longer in debt with God, man was now free to choose its own destiny and consequences without "divine" interverence.

Good and Evil is done so by man to man.

Of course, there are many meanings to the act itself.

>> No.2795633
File: 120 KB, 464x464, 1301424854638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2795640

I highly suggest you watch it, The Man from Earth.
here's a link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=VKFGVA4H

For someone like me who knows the surface of Christian theology, it made me WOW, like I'd guess anyone who'd read The God Delusion without any prior knowledge beforehand, you get one side of the argument. I'd be interested to hear what you have to say

>> No.2795645
File: 63 KB, 316x345, the-god-emperor-of-man[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believing in something else then the god emperor of mankind?

Enjoy the taint of Chaos spreading in you then.Don't look suprised when its purging time.

>> No.2795647

You're a grown man, why the fuck do you still waste half your life posting on 4chan?

The most half-assed stupid, useless religious person is likely contributing at least twice what you are to society and their fellow man.

Get off your high horse, OP, because you are nothing to aspire to be.

>> No.2795648

God does indeed keep me safe; one of the ways He does so is to warn me that i am a sheep, and that He is sending me out to the wolves. He therefore told me to be as wise as a serpent, and as harmless as a dove. He kept demons sent by evil men on this very website away from me, without any harm.

you will not get my docs voluntarily from me, my friend, nor do you need them. your salvation is between you and Jesus Christ, and i am but a humble servant of a great Lord

>> No.2795658
File: 67 KB, 422x600, Crusaders-Storming-The-City-Of-The-Tyre,-Illustration-From-Hutchinsons-History-Of-The-Nations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the end, if you refuse to seek my God, then you have no logical authority to make a claim concerning His existence (or lack thereof).

All you can do is guess, and anything more than that is a violation of basic reality.

You can't abstain from vanilla ice cream all your life, and then expect people to listen to you as you tell them how nasty vanilla ice cream tastes.

That is why everything you've said so far has fallen on deaf ears, because you're not looking for God...only for more ways to convince yourself that He is not real.

You're not willing to actually taste vanilla ice cream...you're only willing to argue against people who say it tastes good.

>> No.2795665

>In the end, if you refuse to seek my God, then you have no logical authority to make a claim concerning His existence (or lack thereof).

Oh, NOW we are suddenly using "logic"?

>> No.2795666

ah, interesting; you would have been the first spirit filled jesuit that i had encountered. i revere their scriptural knowledge, but am aghast at their lack of spiritual grace, whereas you have both knowledge and grace. agape

>> No.2795674
File: 29 KB, 668x503, Crusader_Riding_into_Battle_by_DGarner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a response to my challenge.

I beg you to accept it.

>> No.2795675

>post religion thread
>get +200 replies
The OP is an attention whore

>> No.2795677


Right, like I said, shut the fuck up, idiot.

>> No.2795681

then you die and find out how horribly wrong you were

>> No.2795683


>You're a grown man, why the fuck do you still waste half your life posting on 4chan?

>post on 4chan
>complain about others posting on 4chan

>The most half-assed stupid, useless religious person is likely contributing at least twice what you are to society and their fellow man.

>wild conjecture
>assumes that if someone posts on 4chan, that must be all that they do, and that the miniscule aspect of OP that you have been exposed to is enough to come to any kind of conclusion about his lifestyle
>false dichotomies
>implying it took the slightest amount of time or effort to post this thread to troll you

>Get off your high horse, OP

>you are nothing to aspire to be.
>nothing to aspire to be

>> No.2795691

hit-and-run OP that posts this thread like twice a month

u jelly?

>> No.2795693

butthurt much?

>> No.2795701
File: 65 KB, 712x898, Templar_by_khuon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The wicked slander me and tell lies about me. They surround me with hateful words and fight against me for no reason. I love them, but they try to destroy me with accusations even as I am praying for them! They repay evil for good, and hatred for my love." (Psalm 109:2-5)

>> No.2795705
File: 183 KB, 750x578, christians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would rather live a life free of ignorance, where I treat my fellow men with respect. Where I dont cast them away for having a different belief, Where I dont wage wars because of a he/said-she/said squabble involving strips of land/birthplaces/burials/tea consumption/[insert whatever the fuck you want here]/etc.; Where we live in commonality and understand that to have a plentiful life we must embrace KNOWLEDGE, not fantasy. Where we look to the stars and we admire not only their beauty but also acknowledge their sacrifice. Where we can look in each others eyes and not turn a poor person away because he cant feed or clothe himself.

Regardless of wtf you think, THIS IS WHAT CHRIST WANTED. You clearly didnt read everything if you think it was all for YOU you selfish arrogant egotistical fuck. I know for a fact Christians are the worst kinds of people because of the abhorrent pandering they promote, when they should be helping humanity and not prejudging in the name of a absentee judge.

You all make me sick.

>> No.2795708

u mad


>> No.2795713

Hello AMDG, i remember you from /new/.

I have asked you this question many times but seem to ignore it every time.

I ask something very simple

Define your god and state your evidence.

>> No.2795715

>dat buttpain

You can't even define the word aspire. I'm not terribly shocked you're as stupid as your post comes across.

>> No.2795724


>someone says something stupid
>post level-headed, logical response
>must be butthurt

Yes sir, everyone who ever refuted any point in the history of anything, ever - they were all just "butthurt".

>> No.2795725
File: 20 KB, 364x333, Jacksmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone struck a nerve! You going to have a good cry now?

>> No.2795732
File: 65 KB, 636x799, l_16d92a89e3ca4522b4a9350bef1a5b2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree...your point?

>they should be helping humanity and not prejudging in the name of a absentee judge.
We can do both.

In John 7:24, Jesus tells us to "stop judging by appearances and make a righteous judgment."

But what does that mean? The answer is revealed in John 5:30.

"I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me." (John 5:30)

We as Christians are commanded to make righteous judgments, not to please ourselves, not to hurt our enemies, etc...but only to glorify and please the Father.

If we judge others in this context, with confidence (yet still maintaining gentleness and peace) then we have not sinned.

btw: Your picture was irrational.

>> No.2795733

all i can do is tell you what Jesus said, to the best of my ability and knowledge, and hope that the Holy Spirit changes your heart, and brings you into the fold

this isn't about any one particular religion; this is about God Himself coming down and telling us there is only one way to be saved.

you can take your stand against that, and rail to the heavens that it is not fair, and you can demand that you be judged on your own merits.

and then, to your horror, you will get exactly that.

or, you can accept the pardon that is being offered to you, the pardon that was offered to you thousands of years ago, and doesn't depend on any man currently alive, much less on me. if your salvation depends on any man other than Jesus Christ, you are lost.

it's not me saying that, it is Jesus Himself who said that; Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father but by Me.

>> No.2795734

I for one, would not be interested in listening to his drivel. I am an ex-protestant and I have heard every single definition of the Christian god and every single argument for the doctrine in question (which are all the same crap endlessly, desperately trying to fill their religious bs into some scientific theory or try to convince me that it cannot be otherwise) and to this day it has been nothing but arguments from ignorance and other fallacies. Apart form that I go to school and we have been over several religions since I first had the subject 9 years ago, none of them bear any truth to them, if they did, it would be impossible to determine which one, only logical conclusion is there IS none. No deities, no supernatural occurrences, no divine dictator who watches us and decides how we shit and breath. Apart from that I study science and it should be blatantly obvious for anybody with even a decent amount of education that the ignorance that your god stems from keeps getting smaller and every single occurrence that takes place in our reality functions perfectly without divine influence - naturally. And no science doesn't answer everything - YET. But we're sure as hell working on it, apart from you people who just wont let go of ancient fairy-tales.

>> No.2795735


How do you know that I have not earnestly sought God, and was disappointed?

If I sought another God, one that is not yours, and found it to be true and verifiable, how would I be wrong?

>> No.2795737

>level-headed logical
You greentexted and acted as though you couldn't understand the word aspire.
You improperly used the word irony (how is it ironic to call out the OP for being on a high horse, when he clearly is, despite the fact that he has no reason to be?) Physician, heal thyself.
And the post isn't 'complaining' about people posting on 4chan, you dolt, it's calling out anyone who does who thinks they are superior to anyone on this planet. Newsflash, by virtue of even being here, engaged in an online argument, you are beneath 90% of humanity. Goatherders are of more consequence.

>> No.2795739


>You can't even define the word aspire.

What the hell are you talking about? I never in this thread attempted to define "aspire", nor did I make any statements insinuating anything about the definition of the word. That's completely irrelevant to any of the content of either of those posts.

>> No.2795746

Oh fucking God. I can't believe it. You returned and have come to sci.

PREPARE FOR MAXIMUM SHITSTORM. If we had that other guy, Veritas something something with a latin name too who trolled as a muslim but was reasonable enough like you, it would be heaven.

Its basically dozens of hardcore atheists vs. one person.

>> No.2795747

if you greentext that much
and cry that much
then it can only mean that the post was accurate

babby is sad that he was found out :c

>> No.2795750


The majority of religious are living in earthly hell. Without religion they would wither revolt against their oppressors or commit suicide.

>> No.2795752


obvious samefag is obvious

>> No.2795754

>nor did I make any statements insinuating anything about the definition of the word

Lol, yes you did. I said that the OP is nothing anyone would aspire to be.

You then did the typical greentexting of it and did "wat" beneath.

Either you are too stupid to recognize the word, or you're a troll.

>> No.2795756

Seriously if AMDG was a regular like he was on news, it would be so fucking trolltastic. Sci constantly fights religious trolls so real religious people would be different.

>> No.2795761

it's quite simple; there is one true God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit that binds the three into one.

if that is the God you have found, and you have confessed with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believed in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

there is no other name under the heavens or the earth with which you can be saved; any worship of any false god, and you die in your sins, stand trial already condemned, and are cast out into the outer darkness, the lake of fire, forever.

every man must work out his own salvation with fear and trembling; if salvation seems easy to you, you're doing it wrong

>> No.2795762
File: 10 KB, 201x189, Jackuhhhohhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I'm the Jack poster. Captain QQ is getting called out by more than just me.

>> No.2795767
File: 25 KB, 420x420, im a believer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My point is youre a obtuse ignorant foxnews faggot who needs to be educated and not wasting peoples time with ridiculousness from 2000 year old books. If you think im wrong read a fucking real book... You know the one we learn from! Just an example, you dont have to if you dont want to... I know your fragile glass house is all but one stone away from getting shattered - I just think its ridiculous that even though it was shattered years ago you have "faith" its still there.

>> No.2795770

The two of you are pathetic

>> No.2795774
File: 37 KB, 600x450, Crusader_Templar_Knight_by_Imperatore34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Define your god...
The Supreme Being, the omnipotent Creator and Ruler of all that is, the self-existent One who is perfect in power, goodness, and wisdom.

>...state your evidence.
lol I hope you don't want physical evidence for a spiritual being!

Because that would be irrational.

My evidence for God's existence is purely spiritual in nature, and therefore cannot be conveyed over a medium such as the internet.

Rather, my evidence to you is an empirical test that you can do yourself. If you choose to do it, you will find God and reap all the benefits of a saving knowledge of Him.

-Do your best to remove all the sin from your life. (Psalm 66:18)
-Pray to God through Jesus Christ daily, asking Him to honor your commitment by revealing Himself to you. (Proverbs 8:17)
-Read the Bible daily, bathing your mind in God's word. (Romans 10:17)

PROTIP: You don't need faith to do any of this. You just have to WANT to find God.

>> No.2795775


>You greentexted and acted as though you couldn't understand the word aspire.

Again, no I didn't. Work on your reading comprehension.


Yes, you're absolutely right. There are no non sequiturs here. I can only expect so much from a thread rife with religious logic.

>> No.2795779

God is a spirit; God became flesh, and dwelt among us in the form of His son, Jesus Christ. the Holy Spirit is obviously a spirit.

if you were to see God in His glory, it would kill you instantly. in order for you to live with God in His city, therefore, you must be transformed into something that will not die in His presence; that transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit, and comes about from belief in Jesus Christ, the messiah, the Son of God.

>> No.2795783
File: 8 KB, 159x159, Proud To Be A Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says the man who's too scared to seek God.

>> No.2795784


just so you know, theres scientifically no such thing as nothing. how do you go from consciousness to zero consciousness? the energy has to do something, and it sure as hell doesnt turn into heat. it goes to the implicate field, where the dead men live.

>> No.2795787

>no I didn't.

Oh, you didn't?>>2795683
>you are nothing to aspire to be.
>nothing to aspire to be

Huh. How about that!

Keep trollin trollin trollin

>> No.2795789

So what's a spirit?

>> No.2795791


That sounds incredibly convenient. God exists because I want him to. I don't evidence, or even justify myself in anyway. God exists, I say so, that means it's true.

You are just hurting your own argument.

>> No.2795796

What do you give a shit if he believes in god or not? You have nothing better to do with your time or your life? You're pathetic.

>> No.2795810


>there is one true God, His Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

How do you know? Personal experience?

What if I have found another slavation verifiable through my own experience? How do you know that is false and yours is true, and how can you prove it?

>> No.2795811

>start losing
>use ad hominem

Oh dear.

>> No.2795812

You guys are all so pathetically stupid. You learn nothing.

>> No.2795813



I'm atheist myself but I know for a fact that what you believe is a minor cult of Christianity.

The majority believe that your faith in the true God is an important but not the only factor that allows one beyond the pearly gates. How you lived your life is mostly what decides your faith. In such a case, a Muslim oblivious of Christian teachings (i.e. any Muslim who didn't have his fair share of Christian indoctrination) is equally likely to get into heaven as any other Christian is, provided they both conducted good earthly lives.

>> No.2795814

Wat? Must be troll.

>> No.2795817


you're an idiot.

"nothing to aspire to be" = incorrect grammar.

>> No.2795820
File: 196 KB, 984x1280, 1301434224445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A spirit is the immortal part of your very being. It is the part that was not designed to die.

Unless of course, it is sent to Hell, for that is the Second Death.

It is the part of you that was made in the image of God...as opposed to your body, which is a common misconception.