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2793259 No.2793259 [Reply] [Original]


Could you admit that IN SOME WAYS the modern lifestyle isn't beneficial for all? I mean, most of our evolution has taken place in completely different environment?

But I don't mean we should go back to living in the forest because it's practically impossible nowadays, with this number of people...

>> No.2793271


The first 5 are one topic point and negligible.

>> No.2793273

I don't admit false stuff.

>> No.2793279

its corporate brainwash. the desirable lifestyle, the luxury, the entertainment.
some how it worked, everyone seems to be buying that.

>> No.2793283

In most ways the modern lifestyle is not beneficial for all. Not only are we destroying the planet that gave us birth irreparably, but we are also burning ourselves out with false values and fast paced materialism/consumerism. Something's gotta give.

>> No.2793293

Get back to your trees

>> No.2793304

I might've, but that idiotic article makes me not want to.

>> No.2793319

I don't want to and even if I wanted I couldn't do it.

But okay, you don't want admit that the world is in any way worse than it was back in the old days... even if our evolution has hard-wired us to live completely different lifestyles and there are more depressed people presenting with depression symptoms now than have ever been reported.

>The World Health Organization predicts that within 20 years more people will be affected by depression than any other health problem.

>> No.2793328

I never saw an indigenous irl. but I do think they are happier overall with their simple life.

>> No.2793332

Of course they are. It does go deeper than this though. It is not simply because they have much less to deal with and live much easier existences. It is because they still have (those that exist) the connection with nature that we lost. They respect and look after Earth rather than trashing it and trying to make it bend to our will as we do.

>> No.2793335

its just that in civilized society few can afford the luxury of leisure. most are in constant pressure living by paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.2793341

I think this idea has been done to death since the 19th century.

>> No.2793348

>It is because they still have (those that exist) the connection with nature that we lost.

Rather than connection with nature it's more apt to say that they have a connection with reality. Where as most of the civilized world is bogged down with concepts that clash with reality (religion, politics, economics, etc)

>> No.2793356

Nowadays, we're using the body in ways it was never intended to be used. People don't get enough exercise and eat bad food. Plus modern medicine allows people to live way longer than their body was designed to last. Thus, you have Alzheimer's Disease and all sorts of age-related problems that didn't exist when most died before reaching 60.

>> No.2793357

well see, problem there is you are stating it as if there is a solid indistinguishable defined reality. when reality indeed is a subjective thing, rather than an objective external thing.

>> No.2793359


>> No.2793363

I've read this before. In fact I read this a LONG time ago. Why are you bringing it up now?

>> No.2793364

>>2793319 But okay, you don't want admit that the world is in any way worse than it was back in the old days.
You're right, I'm not going to admit that. Because it clearly isn't true.

>> No.2793371

But I'm not talking about noble savages...

care to explain?

>> No.2793378
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Seems to me people are miserable as shit. They don't ever question the system, they usually throw their blame unto politics, religion or some other insignificant ideal.

>> No.2793379

Perhaps, there are varying degrees of truth in reality however.

I mean how would a scenario like 'Want to devout life to a certain scientific achievement but can't because it's too expensive and not profitable even though the materials and tools are available' not result in depression?

>> No.2793383

Depends on what you define as the "modern lifestyle". Clearly I'm not going to defend whatever life obese amerifags live, but that's hardly an argument against civilisation. It's an argument against dumbfucks.