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2789461 No.2789461 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else a little excited to raise a child and flat out tell them there is no God, and the whole idea of God is a myth, much like Santa Clause? So they can grow up completely unpersuaded by religion to live a full, complete life full of science, to better the world?

I can't wait to teach my child about science. I'll have him/her speed Googling by 5 years old. Definitely sending him/her to private school. I'll help him/her with homework. Pretty excited about that, since my parents couldn't even help me with mine. I feel like I'm going to have a damn smart kid. I'll see to it.

>> No.2789471

Fuck yeah.

>> No.2789475

I feel sorry for your kid OP.

>> No.2789484

You're going to have a child with no friends who is going to grow up a depressed and lonely person.

>> No.2789524

Please do it, I wish I had a parent who knew what they were doing.

Just... don't be sad if your kid turns out to be a jock.

>> No.2789535
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Hello daddy

>> No.2789542

You kid will end up worse than the most entrenched religious fundie. You should teach them critical thinking skills; they are much more important and in much shorter supply than gnostic atheism.

>> No.2789582

When I was a child, my father took me to church every week. I went through all the rites of Catholicism up to Confirmation.

I am now an atheist. If I should ever have a kid, when I tell him about religions and the existence of god(s), I'll tell him flat out that I don't really know. If there is a god or gods, they're beyond our understanding. Then I'll tell him about the different religions, and he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

>> No.2789632


Helping your kid excel in academics is fine, but for fuck's sake don't push anything. My dad pretty much left me alone when I got my own computer and the Internet just before I was a teenager and I thank him for that.

Neither religious people nor people who enjoy science are always the result of leaving them alone and letting them learn for themselves. Let your children do whatever the hell they want and give them guidance when needed.

>> No.2789671

It would be better to just teach your kid to think critically so they can figure out for themself that there is no reason to believe in gods. My parents flat-out told my sister and I that there was no god and religious people were brainwashed idiots. My sister became deeply religious as a teenager as a way to rebel.

>> No.2789728

I don't plan on directly telling my kids "There is no god". In case they rebel against me and become religious.

My approach would be to teach them to ask questions and to think logically and critically. I would also try teach them about the importance of evidence.

Then if they hear about people's belief in god they will either: 1) Logically deduce themselves that it is bullshit or ask questions which point out logical flaws within the concept. Or 2) Ask me about it. At which point I will tell them that some people like to believe because it makes them happy even though they have no proof that what they claim is correct.

>> No.2789749

The thing is that clear thinking comes from a state of mind, not from a command or an authority. It is a mental state, a spiritual state, a state of confidence and faith... Which can't be taught but only preserved and reinforced. In encompasses the knowledge of your worth as a human being, as well as certain intuitions about your place in the heavens... i.e. most children want to make things better. In whatever way they can, they look and ask questions and try to improve things... Most adults do not.

>> No.2789773

I wouldn't be so blunt about it. I'd explain to him that we just plain don't know, and that the most acceptable view is the big bang theory is what started all of this or whatever is the leading theory at the time.

IE I won't be one of those asshole atheists who make fun of religion because it iis the cool thing to do.

>> No.2790117


are you going to teach your kid about vishnu and odin, baal, etc, just because you don't know for sure that it's definitely not true?

i mean you should teach your kid about those things since they are interesting stories and are relevant to history and certain cultures. likewise the christian story has a lot of good messages in it. but i would make clear it was just a story.

>> No.2790121


also religion is broader than theism. i am religious but don't believe in god and think spirtual stuff is complete bullshit.

>> No.2790122

>OP implies he's a somewhat intelligent person
>wants to have a kid

>> No.2790129

>religion is broader than theism.
>i am religious but don't believe in god
>spirtual stuff is complete bullshit.
I think you're confused or something.

>> No.2790156
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