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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2788804 No.2788804 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2788811

The first one comes out as zero and the other one is 2.5 I think.

>> No.2788818

first is 2
second is 4.5

>> No.2788819

>The first one comes out as zero and the other one is 2.5 I think.

I hope you are trolling,

>> No.2788843

2 - 3 + 1 * 3
2 - 3 + 3
2 + 0 = 2

4 * 2 - 3 / 2
8 - 3 / 2 = 6.5

Why so easy.

>> No.2788859

But anything multiplied by 0 comes out as 0.

>> No.2788863

please excuse my dear aunt sally

>> No.2788871


>> No.2788880

Not OP here but have to post here since I'm at the uni library. How do I simply a radical in a radical?

3 radical 3 radical 1

>> No.2788884

2-3 comes before +1*3

>> No.2788890

curse my American education

>> No.2788895



There, PROOF. Not so hard, is it?

(Division and multiplication first, guys.)

>> No.2788926

Why have you done it in the wrong order?

>> No.2788948

Where are people getting multiplication by a zero?

It's prolly best that I don't know how you did that.

>> No.2788979

Well 2-3 is -1 and then you have to add 1 which brings the total to 0 and finally you have to multiply by 3, so it stays as 0.

>> No.2789021

It isn't +1
It's +1*3

simplicity havello

>> No.2789607


rofl no.... try again

>> No.2789615

/sci/ - Science & Math

easiest board to troll on the planet

>> No.2789616



>> No.2789643

>My face when people don't understand order of operations
>My face when people think parentheses are "brackets" or that they are the same thing and interchangeable
>My face when people think multiplication always comes before division or that addition always comes before subtraction just because of the order of PEMDAS
>My face when people don't understand what it means to read the equation right to left

>> No.2789684

>mfw people haven't been trolled by this thread before

>> No.2789696

Why is it wrong?

>> No.2789707

(brackets)>everything else red in sequence

>> No.2789734

The order of calculation within a calculator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH? Let's all be computers :D

>> No.2789755




>> No.2789776

But that post does not even have an answer and I do not know what 'PEMDAS' is.

>> No.2789805

PEMDAS is the order in which you do operations.

P (Parentheses, sometimes called "Brackets")
E (Exponents
MD (Multiplication and Division, you do which ever comes first when reading an equation left to right. You do NOT always do multiplication before division, an example being 2 / 4 x 3, you divide 2 by 4 and then multiply that ans by 3)
AS (Addition and Subtraction, same rules apply from Multiplication and Division, you add or subtract depending which comes first when reading an equation left to right.)

>> No.2789822


Why not just work out the whole thing from left to right?
What are exponents?

>> No.2789830

>2 - 3 + 1 * 3
>2 - 3 + 3
>2 + 0 = 2
You are lucky that what you got is the same as the answer, even though you did it wrong.

You added the +3 to the -3 in your step (2 - 3 + 3) to get 2 - 0, even though you're supposed to subtract 3 from 2 first to get -1, and then add the +3 to get 2.


>> No.2789840

filtered, learn math and science before discussing math and science

>> No.2789845

I know a little bit of maths. What is filtered?

>> No.2789868
File: 17 KB, 405x289, KyonFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /sci/ kids, who are supposed to be nuts about physics and mathematics, don't even remember order of operations from grade school?


I weep for our future.

>> No.2789878
File: 62 KB, 325x361, mf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying Harriet is a /sci/ kid
>implying youre not a vapid hipster faggot

>> No.2789896

Most of these guys know of or have at least heard of order of operations, it's just that it was never drilled into them that you don't always do multiplication before division or addition before subtraction.

Really, it can be PEMDAS


It's all dependent on how the equation is read left to right.

>> No.2789904

ahhhh, Mind changed.

>> No.2789905

What are exponents please?

>> No.2789915


>> No.2789920


Exponents are the superscript numbers above a number. We write them as 10^6 which means


An exponential figure multiplies itself by that same number.

If someone can illustrate with a jsmath version. I disabled it due to aggregate trolling on this board from /x/ and other assholes.

>> No.2789925

implying the x isnt a multiplier, but the X you should find.

>> No.2789928

exponents is almost an acronym for multiplying a number by itself

If I want to do:
5 x 5 x 5

I can use an exponent to denote that as 5^(3)

5^0 = 1
5^1 = 5
5^2 = 5x5
5^3 = 5x5x5

And so on. You're either a kid from a third world country, an idiot, or a troll.

>> No.2789940

Shouldn't 5^0 be 0, not 1?

>> No.2789947

It's 1.

Anything to the zero'th power is 1. Note that saying 5^0 is NOT saying 5 x 0.

>> No.2789956

You thick?

>> No.2789983

I figured if 5^4 = 5X5X5X5, then 5^0 would just be nothing at all. No 5's

I am not very good at maths, but can people stop being mean about it please?

>> No.2789997

>5^0 is 1.
>But wouldn't it be 0 if 5^0 is 0?
>5^0 is 1.
>But shouldn't it be 0?
>5^0 is 1.
>It really should be 0!!!!!!!!
>You are an idiot
>Stop being mean please!

>> No.2790006


Its ok Harriet, Dont pay attention to that. If you are really curious about relearning math. Khanacademy.org has a great way of showing people math skills they may need to brush up on or even relearn which might be your case. Generally most of us are pretty helpful but others see this as an attempt to troll. I wont make any judgements either way but you should attempt to do things on your own to maximize your learning potential.

>> No.2790016

I have seen this website before; my housemate showed it to me.

>> No.2790017
File: 34 KB, 658x569, inigo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> almost an acronym

>> No.2790024

Allow me to jump in
Think of division as multiplication by a negative exponest (example: 2/3 equals 2*3^-1, in another words a/b = a*b^-1, because they can be writen as 2^1/3^1 or on the second example a^1/b^1) thus if we know that a/a = 1, we know that a^n/a^n = 1, and a^n/a^n is a^n * a^-n = 1, then a^n * a^-n = a^0 = 1.

>> No.2790029

/sci/ - the easiest bored on 4chan to troll

>> No.2790045

I couldn't really follow that, but I will take your word for it.

>> No.2790042

You should all put this in your facebook status, You will crack a few laughs.

>> No.2790041


Cool - So all you have to do is signup on the top corner and it'll track your progress and quiz you accordingly on different subjects in the tree. Good luck.

>> No.2790056
File: 18 KB, 600x360, hurrderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/sci/ - the easiest bored on 4chan to troll
>easiest bored to troll
>bored troll

>> No.2790065

Cool, thanks Max. :)

>> No.2790144

Well then, let me try again...
First think any number without an exponents is the same as having an exponent of 1, example 2 is the same as 2^1.

Now think of division as being being multiplying something by their negative exponent, example: 3/2 is equal to (3^1)/(2^1), thus it is the same as (3^1) * (2^-1).

When you multiply or divide numbers that are equal their exponents are added to each other, example: 3^1 * 3^1 = 3^2 (because 1+1=2), 3^2/3^3 = (3^2) * (3^-3) = 3^-1 (because 2 - 3 = -1).

Now if we pick two numbers that are are the same to the same exponents and divide them we know they equal to one, example: (3^2)/(3^2) = 1, another (3^1)/(3^1)=1, 3/3=1.

Now considering that division is multiplication by a negative exponent we have: (3^2)/(3^2) which is the same as (3^2)*(3^-2)=1 (and by adding their exponents we have 2-2=0) thus (3^2)*(3^-2)=3^0=1, in another words it is the same as dividing a number by itself, any number "x" divided by itself will be equal to 1, x/x=1, which is the same as (x^n)/(x^n)=1, which is the same as (x^n)*(x^-n)=1, and because n^-n=0 we have x^0 which equals 1, x^0=1, being x any number.

Otherwise you might watch it on the khanacademy.org, as the probably explains better than me ;)

>> No.2790162
File: 73 KB, 512x512, troll line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know who, but someone in this thread gets 10/10
not because it was a good one, but simply because all of you fell for it

>> No.2790166

meant n-n=0 (or in different words n+(-n)=0)

>> No.2790203

Why are there so many replies to this thread

>> No.2790215

Left, right, BEMA (brackets, exponents, multiplication/division, addition/subtraction).


>> No.2790216

>mfw people don't remember order of operations
>mfw people don't understand n^0
>mfw I don't have a face

>> No.2790218

Because math is fun?


>> No.2790225

Math is tedious -- it's not fun.
I don't understand why there is such a big fuss being made over such simple problems

>> No.2790245
File: 374 KB, 2269x1392, minerals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it is like puzzles, one huge puzzle where everyone joins in, puzzles that find out how to do cool things like make sports cars or strategies for football games and the person who finds the answer gets money rewards from one of America's great multi-national corporations to spend on bitches who aren't worth it.

It's the shit.

>> No.2790250

The math itself isn't beautiful -- its applications are
Math is a tool

>> No.2790388

I think I understand it now. Thanks very much.

>> No.2790415
