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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2773390 No.2773390 [Reply] [Original]

"The universe is far too chaotic to have been assembled by a higher being" - Stephen Hawking (currently one of the smartest people on the planet)

how does this make you feel Christians?

>> No.2773395

>implying a fucking wheelchair-bound spastic is one of the smartest people of the planet
>implying he isn't smart enough to have evolved working legs!

>> No.2773401

he has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis..

>> No.2773404

I just cloned Jesus from a bottle of wine
How does that make you feel science?

>> No.2773411

>implying a man who can't even talk without a machine is smart
stay realistic atheists..

>> No.2773413

Honestly, I have no ill will towards Stephen Hawking. If I were in his condition, I'd probably be very depressed and doubtful about God's existence too.

>> No.2773425

>believes there is someone or something that created himself, or itself that also created everything else in the solar system
>tells us to stay realistic

>> No.2773428

>>god wouldn't have made me this way!!!!!

Smartest man on the planet maybe, but he's certainly not the most unbiased.

>> No.2773430

If you believe the universe came from nothing, it's not too much of a leap of faith to believe God came from nothing.

>> No.2773439

>implying God is within your realm of understanding and that you aren't mildly autistic
Atheists..keepin it real, all day, errryday

>> No.2773441

big bang theory?
in all honesty i don't know if there is a god, neither does any other faggot in this world. so until i see some REAL evidence other than a story book, i say there is no god. but that's just my opinion.

>> No.2773451


hawking is right. god does way too much shit like this for it to be considered a fair and just multiverse.

>> No.2773458

We define God as a being such that he could assemble the universe despite the chaotic nature.

God is explicitly stated to be beyond logic, thought, and human understanding, in almost every religion. So, no, you can't disprove him logically, you can't disprove him scientifically.

>> No.2773471
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lol. god punished this guy by making him ill and that's why he now is an atheist.

i've seen the same pattern with most atheists. they've got some problem with their life so they blame god becuase they fail at life.

>> No.2773472

you also cannot PROVE him.

>> No.2773486

there is just as much evidence proving that lebron james is our lord and savior.

>> No.2773491

Atheism doesn't require you to believe that. Maybe the universe was always there. How about that?

>> No.2773488

God has a plan, we're just too simple minded to understand it or random shit happens. either way there is nothing we can do to change it

>> No.2773498


>> No.2773506

Apathetic agnosticism (also called pragmatic agnosticism) is the view that thousands of years of debate have neither proven, nor disproven, the existence of one or more deities (gods). This view concludes that even if one or more deities exist, they do not appear to be concerned about the fate of humans. Therefore, their existence has little impact on personal human affairs and should be of little theological interest.

^only logical viewpoint

>> No.2773511
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>> No.2773515


...or me for that matter.

>> No.2773522


Then you can just as easily believe God was always there.

>> No.2773524

>we're just too simple minded to understand it
if that's the case we're too stupid to even begin to define a god or what a god would want from us. in that case the search for truth is the most important part of living, which can only be obtained through empiricism, meaning science and not organized shitreligion is the point of living. try again.

>> No.2773535

>INB4 the universe is a more simple construct than god is.
>occams razor pwns thee

>> No.2773545

Hey faggots responding to the religious trolls:

Do you really think any Christians post on /sci/? They're busy watching American Idol or plowing their water-buffalo-like girlfriends or enlisting in the military or drywalling or getting a Bachelor of Commerce degree or arguing about the starting line-up of the Kansas City Royals or drinking Bud Light and listening to Kenny Chesney. OK? Stop feeding the trolls, guys.

>> No.2773546


>thinks science is the most important thing in the universe

Face it, we're just Paleolithic men with better gadgets. Science cannot change the basics of human nature.

>> No.2773556


This is what he would say, if he could move his ugly mouth.

>> No.2773555


>implying 95% of atheists aren't hipsters who haven't contributed a thing to scientific progress

>> No.2773562

Well the Science is a tool. It's the information we get using science that can change our interests and pursuits.

>> No.2773568

>implying >5% of theists have contributed anything to scientific progress

>> No.2773579

Well God does make everyone out of his own image, so it's normal that some are ugly as fuck.

>> No.2773581


Most men of science are deists, agnostics, or pantheists. Deal with it.

>> No.2773587

Blaise Pascal has a four figure IQ and was a devout Catholic.

Using geniuses to validate beliefs is retarded.

>> No.2773594

>four figure IQ


>> No.2773599

He also defended the scientific method against the church.

>> No.2773601


Of course, Pascal lived in a much different world than today...

>> No.2773602

His brain was so powerful he died of it. He would have broken IQ tests.

>> No.2773605


See what I mean? How many Christians know what a "hipster" is? They could probably name the latest recipient of the Medal of Honor, and they could probably identify the aesthetic of Chucks, plaid, inked sleeves, and cocaine as belonging to douches, but that's about it.

>> No.2773606


What do you make of Descartes then?

>> No.2773617

If God is a spirit how, then, can he have a body?

Oh wait. It actually means his creative drive which was instilled into us. Of course, this can be conveniently ignored by atheists.

>> No.2773624

Actually this is likely to be true. Planck is an example, but there are many more in history.

>> No.2773625

That is an interpretation and unless you're willing to cite several hundred passages it is a very shallow one.

>> No.2773628


Same also. Descartes was a Catholic who because he died in Sweden where that denomination was banned, was denied burial in consecrated ground.

>> No.2773636


Planck was a pantheist. He considered himself a very spiritual man, but did not believe in a personal god that could interact with the universe. However, he was also critical of atheist attacks on religion.

>> No.2773644

If a person's belief makes them comfortable I will respect it as I would want to have my own beliefs respected.

>> No.2773649

But atheists have no beliefs, so there is no need to respect them!

Oh wait, did you imply that atheism is a belief after all?

>> No.2773655

When did I say Atheist? You need to calm down and read sentences at a legible pace.

>> No.2773660
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>> No.2773946

Nice one Hawking, but I, personally, being the superior intellect to even YOU, SIR, would have kindly put it:
"Why do you believe this universe was made for you, from a god? Why would there be 7 other planets in the solar system if for only to use just one planet created by this god for the purpose of creating the world of man?"

What Mr. hawking fails to grasp is how a "god" being would really be more of a manipulator, a cultivator of our world, not a creator and designer that pre-programmed every bit of this universe, as this being would have to exist in it himself and abide by it's unalterable laws in order to even exist. The Christian's god concept of "outside time, space, logic and reason" is simply utter nonsense.

Welp, see you double-digit-or-so-IQ-level douches LAAATEEEEERZZZzzzz!


>> No.2773951
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>> No.2774739

what if we believe in neither?

Yet people pray. It's all very confusing.

Atheists blame something they don't believe in? I'm not sure if you got that right.
Personally, I was an atheist since I even knew the word. And the Christian god was nothing more than any other (like the Greek gods from when I learned about the story of Ulysses, for example).

>> No.2774805

these threads should be 404'd by the mods

there are few actual theists on /sci/ most are just trolls.

Also you will never convince a theist he is wrong by reasoning with him. He has already weighed the facts in but his logic processes are broken because his mind is scared and doesn't want to lose the cognitive impairment that keep him from realizing how meaningless he is.

>> No.2774851

Is it really so hard to believe that god created the universe and then it expanded and became what it is today?

>> No.2774862

All my rage