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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2770592 No.2770592 [Reply] [Original]

Ask the Prophet of Truth anything.

>> No.2770597

what are some treatment options for spinalsnakeanosis?

>> No.2770604

what's your phone number and home address?

>> No.2770606

why doesn't 1+1=11

>> No.2770610


it is if you're working with strings in certain programming languages.

>> No.2770618
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I do not have a phone, but my home address is the Universe.

Simply by coming to terms with it.

Because that wouldn't be beneficial to society.

>> No.2770629

is conciousness non-local?

>> No.2770630

It is within range.

>> No.2770633

so dear prophet;

how much longer do i have to wait??

>> No.2770637


>> No.2770639

For what?

Where you last put it.

>> No.2770644

Dear Prophet of Truth:
How did it feel to have victory stolen from your grasp at the last moment by the Demon and the Arbiter?

P.S. Fuck you for starting a holy war and nearly wiping out all of humanity simply because you were too egotistical to follow your religion.

>> No.2770648

for starting my researches on the bio-physical background of the functional inheritage of consciousness/cognitive abilities. - plus: will i be able to see my researches used on humanity before i die?

>> No.2770666
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It wasn't too bad, I guess, yet.

Maybe, if you're an expert in such things. It depends on reality, do you have the will and opportunity to cease what's ahead?

>> No.2770674

Sure. Depends on humanity, if they are ready to use this knowledge for their good, or if they misuse it as usual.

>> No.2770678

Well can you describe what it's like to be part of the gravemind?

Knowing that you're a slave for the rest of eternity?

>> No.2770684

Why build something that they can misuse?

It's okay, there are ways around the system; it wont last as long as they think. There are too many short-cuts, advantages that can only be gained from our side of things. If it was just me that annoyed you, then you may want to open your eyes and look at the bigger picture.

>> No.2770691

Because there is no other way to proceed...
as you saw in our past, many things like i.e. nitroglycerin were meant to help us...we of course took advantage of its destructive force

>> No.2770696

War never changes.

It can be repressed by other methods, would you not agree?

>> No.2770703

hi, mister prophet, can you define truth for me please.

>> No.2770708

I would! That's for example one reason for me to believe in the positive aspects of my sciences...
But what I don't belive in is the maturity of us humans

>> No.2770707
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What is.

>> No.2770713
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Shouldn't it be the maturity of you rather than us?

>> No.2770727

my grandfather died but is no more, is he now a lie?

>> No.2770730

It depends, really; to you, is he a lie?

>> No.2770733

really does it matter, the truth, if it is for me, rather than it is for you?
is the truth schizofrenic?

>> No.2770739

Phrophet, is there an absolute way of knowing?

>> No.2770741
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the truth is volumetric. the less you know the more asynchronous experience becomes.

>> No.2770744

It is to know that you don't know.

>> No.2770763

humans are not capable to a level of a synchronous or omnipotent understandig, therefore truth will never become absolute.

and paradoxes are lame.

>> No.2770773
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What about layers of synchronization?

>> No.2770775

If this sentence is false, the second is true.
If this sentence is true, the first must be false.

Prophet of so-called truth, wat do?

>> No.2770786

layers of true, mixed with layers of falsehood.
either something is the truth, or one is wrong. it is black and white, the truth knows no grey.

and OP is a fag.

>> No.2770788
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That's using things with each other, "If" is technically a meaning.

>> No.2770791

so that's an absolute truth, like

>> No.2770792

What if?

>> No.2770798


>> No.2770817

sup prophet. how do i become an illuminati?

>> No.2770821

yeah, um.. I was just wondering-

Why'd you let that demon serpent bore through your soul, latching on forever to your innermost essence?

You know those things are not really a part of you, and just fill you with lies from the evil beings in Hell planes, right? They also slowly turn you into a demon forever, and sying "shit sux" would be an understatement to what that'll be like, and for all of eternity..

Welp, I bet you'll just ignore this and go on enjoying your "enlightenment" anyway, eh? ..EH?! Yep.

>> No.2770835

We're not supposed to tell anyone.

Because losing isn't the way to win.

>> No.2770841
File: 56 KB, 400x306, Orko-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why aren't you on /x/? they eat this shit up there. I had them going for an hour posting as Orko from He-man with an "I am a wizard, ask me anything" thread.

pic related

>> No.2770851

I am on /x/ now.