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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2767969 No.2767969 [Reply] [Original]


>Split-brain is a lay term to describe the result when the corpus callosum connecting the two hemispheres of the brain is severed to some degree. The surgical operation to produce this condition is called corpus callosotomy and is usually used as a last resort to treat otherwise intractable epilepsy. Initially, partial callosotomies are performed; if this operation does not succeed, a complete callosotomy is performed to mitigate the risk of accidental physical injury by reducing the severity and violence of epileptic seizures. Prior to callosotomies, epilepsy is treated through pharmaceutical means.

So the brain is split in two, and sometimes the individual will perform action that they are not consciously aware of deciding to do (such as wanting to wear something, but putting different clothes on instead). The two sides of the brain are completely separate and making different decisions. Does this mean that there is a 'second person' inside the individuals body that doesn't have as much control over the body? It would be like Locked In Snydrome but with someone else controlling your body. Fuuuuuuuuuck.

>> No.2767979

Or maybe the other person thinks he's the one controlling the body and doesn't know you exist!

>> No.2767988
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Dear God.

>> No.2768005

>Does this mean that there is a 'second person' inside the individuals body that doesn't have as much control over the body?

I remember seeing a video where a guy was talking about patients with this problem, and in some of them, one half of their brain was religious, while the other half was atheist.

He then joked about this, asking where the soul for a someone like this goes. [Does the Atheist half of them go to hell, while the religious half goes to heaven?]

>> No.2768010

I think it is just one integrated person, until you sever the connection, and then communication breaks down and things get weird.

>> No.2768026

It's all one person, it's just consciousness is a complex motherfucker, with the ID, ego, and superego all playing a part to make you. Not everything is available for active recall.

It's like your heart beating, you don't have to think about it, it just beats controlled by a subconscious part of your mind.

>> No.2768038


> ID, ego, and superego

Pseudoscience, BE GONE!

>> No.2768045
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lol, to much cigar for ya?

>> No.2768048

take it to /x/
we don't take kindly to you psychologyfags who parade as scientists
>why don't you talk about energy crystals and magnets next

>> No.2768053

Except the corpus callosum is cut. The consciousness is made up of all the separate aspects of the brain working in tandem - HOWEVER, if the corpus callossum is cut the left hemisphere and right hemisphere cannot integrate information. However the individual still has at least one consciousness, but where is it? If it's in the left side of the brain then why can't a separate one exist in the right side of the brain?

>> No.2768062

Ugh, mind fucked. What if the conciousness just... like... died on the other side of the brain?

>> No.2768072
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Calling Freud for contemporary psychology is like calling the geocentric model for a cornerstone of modern astrophysics.

Ignorance, BE GONE!

>> No.2768073

High school? Troll? Complete tard? I can't tell. You do know that they cut that for people suffering from certain mental disorders and there is little to no actual adverse effects.

>> No.2768081
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Why would it though? When the conciousness is just the sum of the functioning aspects of the brain, why would one half of the brain maintain consciousness and the other not? They are both more or less exactly the same and we already know that one part of the brain can still operate to produce a consciousness, so if both parts are healthy then they should easily produce individual consciousnesses.

>> No.2768102


I smell a functionalism

>> No.2768107

The corpus callosum is cut in those suffering from epilepsy. Cutting it prevents the two sides of the brain from communicating AT ALL. You can see an object in one side of your visual field (which goes to one side of your brain) and not be able to name the object because the area of your brain that produces language is on the other side of the brain. However if you saw the same object in your visual field that send information to the same side of the area of your brain that produces language you can name the object.

The left and right sides of the brain become COMPLETELY SEPARATE and cannot associate information with one another. The effects of this produce all sorts of bizarre affects such as I mentioned. The two sides of the brain cannot communicate information yet are individually capable of using information with other areas in that side of the brain. Since consciousness if just the sum of all the areas of your brain activating then it's not too far fetched to thing that two consciousnesses acting independently might be produced, since each side of the brain would individually be associating all its information with itself only.

>> No.2768114

But the brain uses electric signals. Couldn't they just jump from one side of the brain to the other?

>> No.2768120


This is NEUROBIOLOGY, not fucking psychology.

>> No.2768143

/sci/ hates anything that isn't physics, chemistry, math, or, more importantly, threads about how bad theism is. Biology, neurobiology and engineering threads are just asking to be trolled.

>> No.2768140

I find it interesting that, even after a complete corpus callostomy, a person is still able to function much as they did before, but with certain deficiencies, due to the inherent specialization of the hemispheres of the brain. Presumably, the person also feels mostly the same, since I've never heard any mention of a subject with no corpus callosum reporting personality changes, a feeling of something "missing," or anything like that. I'm wondering if anyone can point me to further research on the subject, since it raises interesting questions about consciousness and personality.

>> No.2768148

what part of ". Cutting it prevents the two sides of the brain from communicating AT ALL" dont you understand

>> No.2768159

cuz those are the only things worth studying

>> No.2768167



>> No.2768173

It's not really the same

>> No.2768181

similar to what the OP was asking though

>> No.2768184

Just found this:

Skip to 1:30.

He can only draw things he sees in his left visual field, but can't name them. Likewise he can only name things on his right hemisphere, but not draw them. That's because the information in either side of the brain cannot associate the information with the relevant areas for naming/drawing in the alternative side of the brain.

>> No.2768199

Found that too:

>Poor me, I was born with only one personality, and it's skeptical as shit, so I must be going to hell. How am I any less unfortunate in the eyes of those who think God won't punish those with a split brain on account of them being "handicapped" against a unified belief in God?

>> No.2768196

I'm more interested in how the procedure affected his personality, if at all. It seems a bit odd that a complete lack of communication between the two hemispheres of your brain wouldn't affect... well, "you."

>> No.2768210
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I don't think neurobiology is anywhere near that far along yet, and psychology can't tell us shit about that. I'm a chemistry major though so I don't know enough about it. It is interesting though.

>> No.2768229

Read about hemispherectomies. Kill one side of the brain, and you can still have a very normal life.



Why? What's the solution to all problems? Where do the solutions start?

If intelligence or cognitive abilities are mastered, we no longer have to rely on natures probability to produce the next genius. We can just engineer one.

>> No.2768235

Neurobiology is going to lead to some awesome treatments.

>> No.2768239

where can I get an operation to get my connection between the hemispheres severed?

>> No.2768246

I'd rather see what happens when you add more connections. Or if you repair the corpus callosum after cutting it and leaving it for a bit.

>> No.2768250

I wonder how much of a brain you have to remove before the rest loses the capacity for consciousness. I wonder if dividing the hemispheres further would produce more distinct "people." I wonder if you could completely bisect the brain of a person, then place each half in a new body and begin growing new halves to replace what's missing. With sufficiently advanced technology, maybe we could do that. Maybe we could, from one person, produce a whole lot of unique personalities, by removing part of the brain, constructing a whole brain around it, then taking part of that brain, and so on.

>> No.2768266

The two brains become one and you are a genius.

>> No.2768282


Synesthesia is possibly what happens when you increase the number of connections.

>> No.2768274


here's a cool one

>> No.2768287


No >.>. Not exactly.

>> No.2768296

That is just when neural signals are not differentiated. The brain hasn't been specialized, and signals get "mixed up"

>> No.2768298


No you can't do that. The hemispheres are roughly symmetric in function. There are specific areas of your brain that when damaged will destroy specific functions like speech, spatial awareness, proprioception, etc.

>> No.2768310


Oh sorry. Thanks for the correction.

>> No.2768313
File: 21 KB, 350x300, Spiderman, Spiderman. Does whatever a Spider can..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google "Synesthesia"

What the shitting shit? Tasting colours? Seeing sounds? What the FUCK? Is this all hypothesised stuff or are there actually people with this?

I thought Psychology was just questionaires o_O

>> No.2768322

Honestly, you could be correct. What I posted was just a theory. Within the theory, it is stated that babies have senesthesia, since their brains have not gone through specialization yet.

>> No.2768331

Huh. Looks like the left side of your brain is the dominant consciousness.

>> No.2768342

you never heard of Synesthesia before? Its not new, and its well documented as fact, I read one article where I guy learned to spell by a Synesthesia where his reading and color vision were all intertwined, for example he knew school was not skool before K's had purple or something and he knew school didnt have any purple in it, etc. Intersting stuff to read about.

Its all over youtube.

>> No.2768343

The left side of the brain has the language centers, so only the 'left consciousness' would be able to articulate it's 'thoughts.' Eye sight and motor function seems to be evenly split.

>> No.2768339


Actually, looked at your post again. You pretty much got it. There are more connections, just quite "random."
But yeah, sorry about dismissing you so quickly

>> No.2768338

Which area of the brain is responsible for consciousness?

>> No.2768346

It's real; one of my friends has it.
She sees sounds (music mostly) and words have texture.
My name feels like cucumber skin O_o, but less cucumbery.

>> No.2768352

None of it. There is no one part that is 'consciousness', it's everything working together. If you lost any one part of your brain your consciousness would not be eliminated, it would just have less making it up.

>> No.2768358
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>"That's no cucumber"

>> No.2768393

So if you cut out someone's visual and auditory centers, how would that affect their consciousness?

>> No.2768398

Well, that depends on if you are right handed or not ;-). Actually, we all have a little bit of speech capability on both sides of our brain. The predominant side for most people is the left side of the brain like you said though.

>> No.2768399

They would not be able to see or hear.

>> No.2768406

My guess is they would go insane, basically create their own "reality" since they are cut off from ours.

>> No.2768410
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ha ha ha

>> No.2768415
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Imagine having that as well as being blind/deaf.

>> No.2768419

Yeah, like Helen Keller.

Oh, wait.

>> No.2768422


There are some very interesting problems that arise when specific parts of the brain are damaged. For example, one injury prevents a person from recognizing their own hand. Another injury causes a person to simply not pay attention to half of their world. Etc. This is one key way neurologists learn about the brain (aka seeing what happens when parts of it don't work).

Dog with brain damage neglects half of its world:

>> No.2768428

After reading this thread I have to say psychology is pretty fucking cool. Why does /sci/ always shit itself over psychology threads? It's better than another math homework thread or some stupid shit about 'breaking the speed of light' or other nonsense.

>> No.2768435

Not math or physics? LIBERAL ARTS SHIT!

>> No.2768438

This is mostly neuroscience. When /sci/ has psychology threads it's more often about... well, stupid bullshit.

>> No.2768450

What if consciousness doesn't exist at all?

>> No.2768451

It's a fuzzy line between neuroscience and psychology. While the two most definitely have a space in the world, neuroscience is most definitely king.

>> No.2768448


Because the majority of /sci is compscifags.

Psychology studies the brain from a higher level (behavioral) while neuroscience studies this stuff from a lower level (biological).

They really go hand in hand though.

>> No.2768454

Oh. I don't really know the difference.

>> No.2768457

This. I like to think of psychology has just being a placeholder for neurobiology.

>> No.2768459

Why do I hate psychology? Because too many people study it. That's it.

It's stupid, but that's my reason.

>> No.2768462

thats a bit different, Helen Keller was a blind/deaf from when she was a baby, She wouldnt of had the life experience to draw on to create her own reality, compared to an adult who ended up blind and deaf.

>> No.2768476
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I don't hate it because too many people studying it, I hate it because of the TYPE of people studying it.

pic related

>> No.2768538

As a sweet aside to all the human/personality questions arising from split-brain phenomena, they also tested the cutting of the corpus callosum in animals such as cats and monkeys.

One such study noted the dual-brain conditioning capacity for cats trained with one eye closed. They coudl learn to associated a reward with a specific color on one side of their brain, and a completely different color on a different task in another trial, demonstrating the ability for each hemisphere to act independently of one-another.

Another study done on monkeys had them seeing lights lit up on to rows of panels followed by their need to press the highlighted panels with speed being tested here. Split brain monkeys had a significantly increased reaction speed (I think it was close to double) when each hemisphere was able to allocate it's resources into the performing the task for each row in synchronicity.

>> No.2768541


>don't recognise your own hand
>never masturbate again. handjobs from a stranger instead.