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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 92 KB, 510x680, 08_jeisa-chiminazzo_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2765488 No.2765488 [Reply] [Original]

> mfw a 12 year old disproves your shitty big bang theory

how does it feel to have wasted your lives working on a theory that was proven to be bullshit by a 12 year old using his bedroom window


>> No.2765490


>> No.2765512

That girl's not the 12 year old? Fuck you, you almost made me read bullshit.

>> No.2765520
File: 78 KB, 300x375, 1300990305893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you listen to a 12 year for cosmetology advice instead of the majority of leading scientists.

One who's mathematics got him to e=1/2 mc^2 instead of the well established e=mc^2.

>> No.2765525
File: 78 KB, 300x375, 1274040229491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you listen to a 12 year for cosmology advice instead of the majority of leading scientists.

One who's mathematics got him to e=1/2 mc^2 instead of the well established e=mc^2.

>> No.2765529


That boy unfortunately knows shit.Just look at his youtube videos (my calculations show light has mass etc.).

He has an excellent memory but other than that, he just spouts bullshit.

Wasted talent imho.

>> No.2765536

"There are two different types of when stars end. When the little stars die, it's just like a small poof. They just turn into a planetary nebula. But the big ones, above 1.4 solar masses, blow up in one giant explosion, a supernova," Jake said. "What it does, is, in larger stars there is a larger mass, and it can fuse higher elements because it's more dense."

"So you get all the elements, all the different materials, from those bigger stars. The little stars, they just make hydrogen and helium, and when they blow up, all the carbon that remains in them is just in the white dwarf; it never really comes off.

"So, um, in the big-bang theory, what they do is, there is this big explosion and there is all this temperature going off and the temperature decreases really rapidly because it's really big. The other day I calculated, they have this period where they suppose the hydrogen and helium were created, and, um, I don't care about the hydrogen and helium, but I thought, wouldn't there have to be some sort of carbon?"

"Otherwise, the carbon would have to be coming out of the stars and hence the Earth, made mostly of carbon, we wouldn't be here. So I calculated, the time it would take to create 2 percent of the carbon in the universe, it would actually have to be several micro-seconds. Or a couple of nano-seconds, or something like that. An extremely small period of time. Like faster than a snap. That isn't gonna happen."

"Because of that," he continued, "that means that the world would have never been created because none of the carbon would have been given 7 billion years to fuse together. We'd have to be 21 billion years old . . . and that would just screw everything up."

Too many falsehoods.

>> No.2765543


>> No.2765551

I'm not a cosmologist, nor astronomer or anything more than burnout - but what he said does MAKE sense, I'm not saying it's right, or wrong, or that I'm tempted to believe anything a twelve year old has to say on anything beyond the topic of Spongebob, but...

>> No.2765553

I support this guy... It already looks like he's on the road to awesomeness. Hopefully nothing happens that will make him waste his talent like becoming a bouncer and spending all his creativity thinking about pointless stuff.

>> No.2765558


I'm predicting total burnout-status by 19.

But, let's hope his future stays bright.

>> No.2765559

Yay AsperMcBurger's Syndrone lOL

>> No.2765564

People shouldn´t tell him how awesome he was, but instead hook him up with a good scientist.

Also, astrophysicist? Wtf, waste of talent.

>> No.2765565

He just wants attention.

>> No.2765586

I already resent this kid out of envy. I'm not going to his word on any theory until he it's been peer reviewed; one would assume that someone would've picked on something like "why does fusion stop at helium until stars exist?". It's pretty obvious question that should have been asked and solved before now.

>> No.2765596

He knows absolutely nothing about the Big Bang. It's literally like he skimmed through it's wiki page. This is coming from someone who believes in God too.

>> No.2765599

>Not the most important branch of science

Pick one

>> No.2765611

>yay making normative evaluations without having decided how to value things

>> No.2765614

Who the heck cares? Just because he's really smart doesn't mean he's had the time to fully learn every facet of astrophysics. I don't know anything about it myself, but even if his theories are bullshit and have been disproven, at least he cares about it and is trying his best. The kid is pretty smart, and it seems like his only problem is that he's a bit arrogant when it comes to his theories. Chances are in 5 years he'll learn to not spout random shit without talking to anyone else in the field, and he'll be a competent scientist contributing more to science than /sci/ ever has.

>> No.2765622

Yes, the kid is smart. But don't try to disprove an incredibly accepted theory when you have little to not understanding of it. It's fine if you keep that to yourself until you actually figure it all out, but coming out with this shit when you have no idea what you're talking about is just silly.

>> No.2765625

The kid has reached a level at 12 years that is way beyond his typical age. If the parents and his surroundings are wise enough, they hook him up with the necessary people and the necessary environment to "nurture" his abilities.

Yeah, it's all cliché, but if he sticks with astrophysics from NOW on, he might be able to become a pretty good scientist at that. Not all of us have the gift of knowing what we want at that early age and tend to wait until the early-to-mid twenties to choose a career path.

>> No.2765649

I heard writing integration by parts on a window, "John Nash" style is serious business.

>> No.2765652

>I can recite pi to 70 digits
>98 now, mom

stopped reading there

>> No.2765667

>2 weeks later it's 200

Seriously, half of /b/tards could learn to recite 100 numbers in 2 weeks.

>> No.2765672

itt: 1) people bashing or hating on a 12 year old cuz they jelly
2) people who realize the potential of this kid

>> No.2765673

haven't laughed out loud for a long time...that was very good. also, that little genius doesn't seem to understand that differentiation is an operator acting on the functions themselves instead of on the element of the image of the functions, kinda expect that to show up in his notation if he's really that smart.

>> No.2765680


>> No.2765681


I just disproved his existence.

Solipsism rules.

>> No.2765694

Jesus, no one has anything nice to say. At least he's making a good effort and has a better understanding of physics than just the average asshole on the street. Give him credit.

Fucking scientists have it good in this regard. When you get "child geniuses" they have some merit.

I'm an artist, every time a fucking "child genius" artist make it on the scene they usually have two washed up artist parents and the child paints like a blind crippled retard. "They're like Picasso!" No they're untalented, their parents are con artists and the work is a god damned lie.


>> No.2765696

"From within his 12-year-old, mildly autistic mind, there gradually flowed long strings of pluses, minuses, funky letters and upside-down triangles -- a tapestry of complicated symbols that few can understand."

"In fact, his work is so strong and his ideas so original that he's being courted by a top-notch East Coast research center. IUPUI is interested in him moving from the classroom into a funded researcher's position."

everyone who doesn't study mathematics or physics will not be able to see how fucking ridiculous and pathetic those two paragraphs sound. seriously though, two of my professors in theoretical physics did their PhD's at age 13 and 16 respectively. doing calculus or basic mechanics at age 12 can't compare to that...and those two professors surely weren't the only ones to have ever done that...so that kid really isn't special by far.

>> No.2765701

As someone who has done a fuck ton of research on the big bang theory, I can safely say that this kid has no idea what he's talking about. I can't say I blame the kid since I know the media loves spicing shit up like it's a huge deal, but really, I don't think this kid has done any actual research on the topic or knows what he's saying. It'd be like if I told you, "My pen is blue and has blue ink," then someone showed you a blue pen with black ink and you went, "NOPE, PROVING YOU WRONG, BLUE PENS HAVE ONLY BLUE INK." That's essentially what he's doing, coming in with insufficient knowledge and trying to create theories when he knows nothing.

There's a reason shit becomes generally accepted in the scientific community, it's because EVERYONE in the world is trying their hardest to be the one to disprove/prove it. Some back ass kid with a high IQ isn't going to just swoop in and think of something a million other scientists haven't already thought of.

>> No.2765702

the vast majority of these high iq people end up going on to squander their talent. they were lucky to be born with high intelligence but still have the same instincts everyone else does. the smartest monkey in the world is still a monkey.

>> No.2765706

I think you're missing the point. Credit can be given to anyone trying to understand science better; but, to inflate it to a level of "OMG GENIUS! UR ALL BUTTHURT!" is just absurd.

>> No.2765714

Is there a link for a story not made for the common man? I know a lot of places where "graduate level math" means anything above linear algebra. It would be nice to have an author who knows what the fuck is going on.

Scott Tremaine, the only cited expert in the link, more or less is saying 'keep up the good work, kid.'

>> No.2765720

>I know a lot of places where "graduate level math" means anything above linear algebra. It would be nice to have an author who knows what the fuck is going on.
So true, on both accounts. It's a shame that pop-science has to be so superficial. I'm not against simplifying for the broader public, but seldom do I ever hear someone speak words of caution and inform the broad public of how intricate those things actually are without necessarily mentioning its intricacies explicitly.

>> No.2765722

He's offering a novel idea. Where he's fucking up is his approach. He shouldn't be saying "The big bang as we know it is wrong" he should go back and figure out "Here is a big bang model that makes more sense and here is the research, work and math to support it."

No one likes someone who just negates something with nothing to show for it. This is because the kid lacks tact and is immature. He's fucking 12. He needs to play kick ball, waste his time with crappy internet time, get herpes at boy scouts and do other normal boyhood things before he becomes a god damned physicist.

>> No.2765725

lol butthurt scifags who can't accept a 12 year old as their superior. why don't one of you scifags put up an original idea. o wait, you can't, just keep regurgitating your dated old-man theories

>> No.2765728

>google jacob barnett
>daily mail "Jacob Barnett has an IQ of 170 - higher than Albert Einstein - . . ."

Why do people act like this is a credential?

>> No.2765732

I... My self esteem was crushed like a little fly as soon as I had read that.
Pains me to realise that I'll never be as smart as those professors.

>> No.2765736

Fuck man, fry this kid's brain. Give it to him as hard and as fast as he wants it. God knows when they start painting him as IRL Doogie Howser the fame's going to fuck with his productivity.

And somebody, SOMEBODY, put his fucking parents in touch with a good fucking lawyer. It would be just like him to develop cold fusion and have some faceless company sit on it because they own his brains on contract.

Whatever, I'm drunk.

>> No.2765737

>u jelly u jelly omg butthurt HONK HONK HONK

>> No.2765742
File: 410 KB, 532x426, 1299892293178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little shits like this come and go, and they never really make a name for themselves.

At least it isn't a little girl in college wanting to be a doctor, fucking waste.

>> No.2765743
File: 1.58 MB, 200x150, 1300860686720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /sci/ keep in mind he's fucking 13 and autistic. So i'd rethink about how hard you slam a kid like that for getting a little excited and wanting to share what he thinks about the universe. Odds are at 13 you were still wondering why your dick gets hard when you see other dudes. Regardless of what he is saying now, true or false, he's going to be putting more data into any field he chooses than most of us.

>Implying you're the Rambo of science
>Implying this board has anyone on it with a higher IQ of 10

>> No.2765744

The big bang happened when matter buttfucked itself.
I just disproved him and should become a professor

>> No.2765746

>that means that the world would have never been created because none of the carbon would have been given 7 billion years to fuse together.

I'm mostly ignorant about astronomy, but why would Carbon need 7 billion years to fuse? I thought stars condensed before that point, but even so, wouldn't that give enough time for carbon to form before the Sun's formation ~4.7 billion years ago? Unless I'm totally misinterpreting his argument.

>> No.2765763

Oh god, the writing on the window was some funny shit. I half expected him to say "next time I will be attempting to develop an algorithm which maps pigeon movement".

I don't get all the hype, it's not like he's derived all this mathematics by himself, he's just been taught it. There was a program on the BBC last year about 'child geniuses' and there was a guy who taught his two kids, both like 10 and 12 or some shit, A-level Further Mathematics, which is well beyond fucking integration by parts. He's shown nothing but an apetite for maths, not necessarily any apptitude for it.

>> No.2765766

if this kids solution was so simple im sure some other guy would have come up with it before.

>> No.2765769

many autistic people show signs of genius or get abilities in their youth but as they age they lose their talents and are just another retard

>> No.2765772

The kid's pretty smart and is grasping some concepts far more advanced than would be grasped by the average 12 year old but he's wrong on several points:
-The Earth isn't primarily composed of carbon (although it is common) and the prevalence of these elements on Earth isn't indicative of their prevalence in the solar system, the Earth is rocky because much of the lighter elements were blown to the outer reaches of the solar system by the solar wind.
-Elements between helium and iron in binding energy aren't formed in a tiny period of time as he postulates, a dying star forms the elements over many thousands of years as it's dying.

This kid reminds me a lot of that Indian child surgeon. He was certainly intelligent in certain areas but he wasn't a genius, mostly he was the product of very permissive parents who allowed him to do minor surgery. This kid thought he could cure cancer through some kind of oral gene therapy but, when quizzed on the subject, he had no real understanding of either cancer or gene therapy. He claims to have the solution 'in his head' but doesn't want to co-operate with researchers.

>> No.2765778


Well, I'm not an engineer...

We aren't personally vilifying him, we recognize he's pretty damn smart. But his behavior/news outlet's depiction seems to be pretty arrogant (His Theory>Scientists for the past 50 or so years), which is understandable (13 year old genius) but nonetheless conduct he would want to avoid.

With that said, however I'm honestly starting to think the new's source is more the culprit than he is. I could see him being asked what he was thinking about and responding with "I'm thinking about how the Big Bang theory and working out potential flaws in it", which the news outlet generalizes as "Attempting to disprove Big Bang theory".

>> No.2765793

hahahaha butthurt oldfag underachiever

>> No.2765796

Thanks to this thread I know there aren't a lot of scientists in this board.
... But a lot of people who think they are.

I won't try to prove myself or check the thread, no need to answer/troll.

>> No.2765800
File: 60 KB, 500x400, Lol_atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.2765804

Savants like him should become economists, but they don't because they are indifferent to the interactions of human beings on any level.

>> No.2765805

Wow, the elitism is amazing, he clearly knows what he's talking about and you vilify him because he has no 'qualifications' or 'formal education'. The fact is that all you need is an inquisitive mind that never bows to the establishment to seek the truth.

You are enraged that someone so young brings your whole system tumbling down with a mere question.

>> No.2765806

Next, he'll mathematically prove that God exists.

Because of assburgers.

>> No.2765816

>wasted your lives
Shows what you know, I haven't obsessed that much about it.

>> No.2765819

>he clearly knows what he's talking about

Oh, so you're one of the worlds leading cosmologists, are you.

Too bad everything you said was garbled by the millions of dicks you are choking on.

>> No.2765820

Then what the fuck is that background noise in the universe? Are we really just in god's refrigerator?

>> No.2765822

leading scientists mean jack shit as long as their theory is wrong

>> No.2765824


Actually, we are in the crisper box.

>> No.2765838
File: 24 KB, 480x360, 1300334375836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You stop that.

We are not vilifying him (Well, maybe some idiots are), we are simply saying that this magazine is sensationalizing the claims of one VERY INTELLIGENT individual who, as of yet, has not produced a peer reviewed scientific paper.
If STEPHEN HAWKING or even ALBERT fucking EINSTEIN were to make crazy claims, no one in the scientific community would take them seriously unless they were able to actually review and criticize their work in the form of peer-review.
That's just how science works.

Once he releases his paper for scrutiny and I (and those far more intelligent than I) have had a chance to review it and everything checks out, I'll believe him.

>> No.2765839

If your theory is wrong, you mean shit too.

God exists, just ask an autistic to prove it.

They're smarterer than us, they do maths on windows.

>> No.2765840

>he clearly knows what he's talking about
Where's the math? LOL with you imbecile faggots that like to root for the underdog just because he's special. He's at undergrad level, if that. You can't overrule years of experimental data and thousands of hours of the man-work of the best minds in the planet with an argument punctuated by "um".

In short, this is /sci/, math or gtfo.

>> No.2765848

Math != Real world
There can be multiple theories that cover the same problem, and each one can be valid on paper. But only one of them is sound in the real world.

>> No.2765854


He's on the news! The television shows are peer-review!

It HAS to be true, there are plenty of smart people that never get on television!

All praise the holy box! OOOOMMMM!

The television knows all, sees all! OOOOMMMM!

>> No.2765859

>From within his 12-year-old, mildly autistic mind, there gradually flowed long strings of pluses, minuses, funky letters and upside-down triangles -- a tapestry of complicated symbols that few can understand.

>a tapestry of complicated symbols that few can understand.

del operators and greek letters representing functions such as [tex]\psi (x)[/tex] for the wave function and d-round for partial differentiation and h-bar for the normalized planck constant must really be some heavy stuff only <1,000 people in the world probably understand that.

>> No.2765872

ITT: wishful thinking
there has never been in the history of mankind a human being less than 14 years old that has contributed in any meaningful way to the natural sciences. it's an uncomfortable thought but that's the way things are, far too complicated to be understood so easily as people make it out.

>> No.2765884

>...< 1000 people
You really just never breach your curiosity, do you?

You never tried to examine what Garrett Lisi was saying about the E8 diagram five years ago, and why it might or might not be bullshit.

You are a person who gets his reality from media outlets, instead of exploring what the world has to offer.

I should inform you that you cannot insult us.

>> No.2765887

ITT: no-lurking-butthurt-overload

>> No.2765898

IUPUI are losing serious $$.

Are you faggots saying they would start a media circus to promote themselves?! Lies! LIIIIES!


>> No.2765917

>a tapestry of complicated symbols that few can understand.

man i hate sensationalism journalism, sure his calculus 2 skills must be so fucking advanced now he must have already surpassed pure mathematics ph.d. professors who are only teaching that calculus shit for financial reasons (and sometimes very rarely, for pleasure), but that is actually a pathetic subject for a pure math graduate, that's like a basis for them just as addition/subtraction/multiplication/division are a basis for someone who is just learning algebra, i remember when i first entered university (majored in physics) there were these few pure math majors who were actually working with calculus 2 and differential equations in the first semester, there's no big deal about it, sure the kid in question is a prodigy but in no such way a "genius". society has this completely wrong view when defining a "genius", prodigies != geniuses, geniuses are people with a high intelligence (most of the time above average but this is not necessarily a rule as there have been a couple exceptions) whose intellect allows them to change the environment around them normally with an invention or a new way of dealing with something, influencing their lives directly or indirectly. this kid hasn't achieved such thing therefore he's not a genius just a prodigy.

>> No.2765920

>E8 diagram
6/10, got me halfway going.

on a more serious note though (ok not entirely maybe): I play six different instruments, speak 5 different languages, can prove the Atiyah-Singer index theorem from memory and am only 20 years old (8 years older than our little genius). By extrapolation he shouldn't be that much more smarter than I am once he hits 20. On the other hand I do cocaine and MDMA occasionally and get drunk pretty often. See the contradiction?

>> No.2765923

AFAIK lisi never made any predictions. Just laid out a framework. He's irrelevant to the discussion.

>> No.2765942

"So, um, in the big-bang theory, what they do is, there is this big explosion"

He is discreditted for all his work because the big bang was not an explosion, it was a rapid expansion. Genius my ass

>> No.2765952

I was going to shit-fling, then I realized that I play flute, guitar, oboe, and can throw down some scratch on turntables. I speak 3 languages, and I'm a major slothfag.

The thing is, everyone is saying "he's the best and brightest", but I have yet to examine proof of that.

I refuse to believe, unless I can see for myself. It's one thing to claim you are the next Yngwie Malmsteen.

It's another to prove it.

Personally, I think it's more likely that IUPUI is desperately trying for attention.

>> No.2765969
File: 6 KB, 119x127, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enrolled in calculus-based physics course
>aka "intro physics for science majors"
>Article claims he's already moving past what his professors can teach him
>Implying that physics education stops at introductory physics

>> No.2765971

The complexities of examining his E8 vs. force/particle associations/interactions requires you to examine the math that there are supposedly "less than 1000 people on earth who understand".

>> No.2765976

>"I'm still working on that," he said. "I have an idea, but . . . I'm still working out the details."

this kid is so pretentious it's like an insult to almost 100 years of research and thousand of years of observation

>> No.2765983

cool arbitrary definition of genius, bro

>> No.2765984

>So, um, in the big-bang theory, what they do is, there is this big explosion

>Otherwise, the carbon would have to be coming out of the stars and hence the Earth, made mostly of carbon, we wouldn't be here

>that means that the world would have never been created because none of the carbon would have been given 7 billion years to fuse together. We'd have to be 21 billion years old . . .


>> No.2765990

>cool arbitrary definition of genius, bro

how come?

>> No.2765992

>Personally, I think it's more likely that IUPUI is desperately trying for attention.

Oh, of course. A lot of labs are hesitant to take on college freshmen, much less a fucking 12 year old. The only reason any serious PI would let a child work in their lab is if they were getting "encouragement" from the university to do so. Even then it's extremely unlikely the kid will be doing anything of any actual significance thanks to child labor laws. Kind of hard to do science when you can only legally work for one hour a day and can't go anywhere near most chemicals or lab machinery.

>> No.2765993

> a 12 year old disproves your shitty big bang theory



>> No.2765998

>"less than 1000 people on earth who understand".

that came from a totally sardonic post.

>> No.2766000

>trying hard to make /sci/fags rage

1/10 that's the best i can do for you

>> No.2766007


>> No.2766008

god, IUPUI must be in a really shit situation in order for all this

>> No.2766017

the /butthurt in here is strong

can hardly wait for the kid to discover that the universe is about 6,000 years old

>> No.2766020

To be honest, that is more than that post deserves.

>> No.2766030


1.573 out of 10, but it is justified.

>> No.2766038

>smart 12 year old who doesn't know about stellar fusion or the creation of matter (and anti-matter) from high energy photons is misled into believing something

>> No.2766043

We need to stop the kid. He's becoming too smart for his own good.

>> No.2766065

I don't think you get the point of the post...

>> No.2766080

>yfw it has already worked before

> During this period of his life, Kaczynski became obsessed with mathematics, spending prolonged hours locked in his room practicing differential equations instead of socializing with his peers. Throughout secondary schooling Kaczynski had far surpassed his classmates, able to solve advanced Laplace Transforms before his senior year. He was subsequently placed in a more advanced mathematics class, yet still felt intellectually restricted. Kaczynski soon mastered the material and skipped the eleventh grade. With the help of a summer school course for English, he completed his high school education when he was 15 years old. He was encouraged to apply to Harvard University, and was subsequently accepted as a student beginning in fall 1958 at the age of 16. While at Harvard, Kaczynski was taught by famed logician Willard Van Orman Quine, scoring at the top of Quine's class with a 98.9% final grade.


Over 16 known bombings, 3 people dead, over 15 people injured


>> No.2766097

No, he was exactly correct. I made the post he rated, and my intention was to show how fundamentalist Christians feel about an autistic Christian 12 year old that "disproves" the Big Bang theory.

America no-longer loves science like it did 20 years ago.

>> No.2766102

It's so fucking unfair that people are born with this. As a math major, it seriously hurts to see someone who can grasp complicated concepts their first try. I have to spend hours and hours just to do decent in my classes. Life is so pointless.

>> No.2766107

He's a genius compared to other children his age. He has potential, but right now there are thousands of physicists out there who know more than he does.

>> No.2766118

You are struggling with math, not playing with it.

>> No.2766128

"Other children his age" watch television and play the PS3/XBAWKS/WTFever.

>> No.2766135


His maths skills are shit. Every IMO is better than him.

Also, he shows no talent for astronomy. His maths is frankly wrong and his ideas on physics are stupid like light having mass. In china or india this kid is average at best.

There are plenty of examples of prodigies failings and plenty of examples of people who shown no talent early on and then doing amazing things.

In fact the later you should talent is probably the best.

>> No.2766138

>It's so fucking unfair that people are born with this

you're right, who would want to be born with autism... hell i bet 99% of 4chan can speak for itself

>> No.2766151


Also this. If you forced children to do Maths 10 hours a day they would be able to solve PDEs when they are 12. Just children are too busy doing other stuff.

>> No.2766162

Late bloomers change the world, man. That goes for academia, sports, everything.

>> No.2766163

I can't play with it... yet, anyway.

>> No.2766171

ITT butthurt nerdragers pissed off that a 12 year old is possibly smarter than them

>> No.2766181

>There are plenty of examples of prodigies failings and plenty of examples of people who shown no talent early on and then doing amazing things.

Precisely, just like William James Sidis and Richard P. Feynman.

William James Sidis:

>IQ around 250-300, start reading the NYT at 18 months old, speak fluently 8 languages at 8 yo, be the youngest person to enroll at harvard at 11, lecture havard's math club at 12 on 4-dimension bodies, graduate at 16, start teaching at rice at 17, freak out and become insane, get thrown at asyles several times, accomplish nothing, publish nothing of value, die at 46 of brain hemorrhage

Richard Feynman:

IQ around 125, learns calculus at 15 by himself (not that young to be honest but still) wins nobel prize, publish several works on quantum field theory and well you know lots of other shit i don't feel like writing, just read the fucking article

>> No.2766187

You can play with it... NOW.

It's like table-top RPGs. You have to examine the rules, and plot the probability courses for the random events.

For example: Damage on WoW is rated in DPS, however, there are additional factors that adjust damage penetration that you have to work into your calculations.

Math play helps you find solutions to the most damage you can do.

>> No.2766203

So, you want him to be more correct than 200 years of examining evidence?

Your God has a worthy voice. I just wish it would allow you to examine.

>> No.2766208

>His maths skills are shit. Every IMO is better than him.

no, IMO competitors are the worst kind to be honest, bunch of antisocial faggots that keep doing all the 10,000+ problems of all known mathbooks 24/7, 365/1

there's nothing amazing on that, i used to compete myself and know a dude that got 3rd and 2nd place multiple times, all he did was math problems from all known books on all fucking languages, of all fucking authors, english, spanish, russian, chinese...

>> No.2766238

Extrapolation: God exists, except for antisocial shitfucking faggots.

Unless you are trying to prove Baptist Christian religion correct.

>> No.2766282

Holy non sequitur batman

>> No.2766313

Robin, we must throw this bomb off the end of the boardwalk.

>> No.2766376

I'm 16, and did the stuff he's showing on the window 3 months ago, and never found it particulalrly hard, no-one in my maths class did. None of us are geniuses, though we are all fairly intelligent. I reckon that most kids his age could learn that shit, its not that its beyond them, its just they need the more basic algebra and trig to do the calculus a few steps beyond what he's doing. So yeah, it's not he's super smart, he's just been taught in a different order. And he's just a memory monkey.

>> No.2766388

>I'm 16


>> No.2766393

So you're just repeating what everyone else has already said?

>> No.2766402

Fist time on this board

So, is it always that easy to troll here?

>> No.2766404

>, there is this big explosion

Stopped reading here. This kid doesn't know shit.

>> No.2766451

yes but id rather have a scientist who is willing to put in the hours and effort to understand something, preferably not 200 hours per concept instead of someone who gives up at the first challenging concept while flying through most of them

inb4 chinks

>> No.2766573

Window style

>> No.2766584


>mfw a 12 year old disproves your shitty big bang theory
>your shitty big bang theory

Like you have any better idea.

>> No.2766593

I've never heard of anyone with a better theory than the Big Bang Theory. There are some alternate theories, but they don't explain and account for as much of the universe as the Big Bang does. Big Bang Theory makes many predictions, all of which are testable and all of which, to my knowledge, have been accounted for. No other theory of the origin of our universe can do that.

>> No.2766755

If true this just shows how fucked up IQ is as a measure of intelligence. Being autistic should automatically mean that you are mentally impaired in important ways.

If IQ only takes into account ways that people on the autistic spectrum excel invalidates it as a measure of intelligence to me.

>> No.2766798

It completely fails on several accounts without recourse to hypothetical stuff like dark matter and energy or monopoles


>> No.2766817

He said it was the best theory, not that it was perfect.

>> No.2766823


>> No.2766828

>mostly made of carbon

I'm no expert on the matter, but isn't the Earth mostly made of iron and nickel? I know living things need carbon, but the total amount is trivial compared to the planet's mass.

>> No.2766833

Si too
>i think the kid's just full of shit
>so what he can do calculus
>i could have done it when i was twelve, too, if i were autistic and super obsessed

>> No.2766835

>"So, um, in the big-bang theory, what they do is, there is this big explosion..."

Wrong. Stopped reading there. This kid doesn't know shit.

>> No.2766839
File: 12 KB, 340x340, stephen_king1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kid can't speak for 2 years
>when he does he's a genius
>trying to disprove big bang theory
>somewhat autistic

sounds like a stephen king character

>> No.2766845

They'll eventually prove that this kid is either total bullshit (all lies/doesn't exist), or he'll crack in a few years and dedicate his autistic mind to some unproductive hobby (I'm thinking video games). Looks like we have ourselves a new Balloon Boy.

>> No.2766855

Except that quasi steady state and a different law of gravity explain the data better