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2764908 No.2764908 [Reply] [Original]

Why do insane people believe in common themes? Like Illuminati stuff and grey aliens? Why don't crazy people believe in completely unique imaginary things that no other crazy person has thought of?

>> No.2764920

because they go on the internet
>internet is FULL of that alex jones/wtc/illuminati/forgot-to-take-meds/anti-zionist shit

>> No.2764926


But insane people were believing common themes long before the Internet went mainstream.

Where, how, and why did they just happen to get attracted to the same literature to get these ideas?

>> No.2764934


Butt-hurt Alex Jones fan detected.

>> No.2764933
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>> No.2764937


JDF detected

>> No.2764945 [DELETED] 


>> No.2764949
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>> No.2764976

They do believe in unique things, some just channel it into that thing. Their ideas of the, for example, Illuminati are completely unique and different from each other's. But they have to form groups around things that we already have words for, and illuminati is a word for shadowy overlords, so they use it. The bounds of your discourse are the bounds of your world, even if you are crazy.

>> No.2764977
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>everyone who calls me conspiracy theory stupid
>is also in on the conspiracy

>> No.2764981

>grey aliens
I believe you mean greys.

I would expect most aliens to be "grey".
It is somewhat unlikely that they would develop pigments in our visual spectra. So they could be grey, or white, or some other boring color. Its unlikely that we would find a world with the same color spectra observed by its inhabitants as us.

On the other hand, when you consider species like pit vipers and bees, Earth inhabitants can perceive a broad range of colors, so they could be colorful, as there is only so much space in the "colors" that don't diffract easily, and can be absorbed by chemicals.

Still, greys is the "proper" term for what you're referring to, and there certainly could be grey aliens separate from the greys.

>> No.2764985

I'm guessing it's harder to believe something you know you made up (or "figured out") yourself, even if you're the kind of person who will believe anything.

>> No.2764986

>I would expect most aliens to be "grey".
>It is somewhat unlikely that they would develop pigments in our visual spectra.
Which is why they wouldn't be grey either.

>> No.2764998
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>implying that the only reason living things aren't all grey is for decoration

>> No.2765002

They would have to have some color. If it isn't selected for, it isn't unlikely that it would be grey. Clearly there is no way for me to know that it would be grey instead of white or red, but when you look at things in the UV spectrum, most of them are all the same color, Maybe they would be black. It is hard to know what would have the strongest effect, black body radiation, natural color, reflective properties, etc.

>> No.2765007

>Implying all stars emit the same color spectra.

>> No.2765010

>implying it's just a coincidence that all terrestrial living things see in the same area of the EM spectrum

>> No.2765013

>implying the sun's emission and not those wavelengths' interactions with matter is the reason we can see it

>> No.2765032

I'll lay out my argument a little more.

A different sun will emit a different spectra.
The organisms on that planet will select for that spectra. So plants(or their equivalent) would choose appropriate pigments to pull as much energy from the sun as they could, much the same way our plants do. The animals (or their equivalent) would then likely lie in the same color span, and see in the same color span as the plant's pigments. If those pigments are far enough away from our vision band, they would appear ??? some other color, possibly grey.

>> No.2765127


> A different sun will emit a different spectra.

Why? Arent´the same reactions happening in every sun?

>> No.2765141

Not necissarily.
H+H -> D
H+D -> He
He+He+He -> C
H+C -> C
H+C -> N
H+N -> O
H+O -> C + He

And so on.

Most of the difference is temperature.
Some of the difference is composition (and therefore absorption lines.)

>> No.2765140

When they do, there's not a lot for us to discuss there. Unless you know a specific crazy guy and his specific made up crazy you want to talk about. The "common themes" are, well, common. That's why they tend to be the only ones you hear about regularly and pick up on.

>> No.2765162


But they´d still be quite similar, wouldn´t they?

Absoroption lines are hard to notice anyway.

>> No.2765248

All stars have a similar spectrum but they peak at a different wavelength depending on a few parameters - google black body radiation

>> No.2765272


Mostly temperature, fuck, i forgot that.

Wien´s displacement law or something.

>> No.2765313

Not even close. While our Sun "uses" the Proton-Proton Chain reaction..thing, many other stars "use" the CNO cycle. Completely different fusion reactions.

>> No.2765326


That´s 2 cycles for billions and billions of suns...

>> No.2765339

Alex Jones isn't anti semitic.

>> No.2765345

these processes are not cyclic. If they were, stars would last forever.
Proton + proton eventually leads to 3He -> C
at which point the CNO cycle starts to take over
and depending on the star, once all the loose protons are used up at the core, you get more funky stuff like C+He, O+He, Ne+He, C+C, etc. eventually making iron.
At different points in these processes the stars are going to be at different temperatures and sizes.
Original composition (first star from baby universe, second star from supernova, etc) will also effect it, as well as the total mass.

>> No.2765354
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People used to believe in elves,dwarfs and trolls. People used to believe the kings meet with satan and demons.

Crazies never changed. Just the words and imagery.

>> No.2765362
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>> No.2765377


Still, the light output won´t be too different, since most of the processes are the same or am i mistaken?
I once understood all this shit when i held a lecture on neutrino oscillation and its discovery, relating the BP solar standard model to it, but it´s just too long ago.

>> No.2765469
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no absorption lines are often more obvious than the planck curve itself
these absorption lines vary dramatically with temperature
the graph shows spectra of different classes of stars as you can see they are very different
absorption lines tell almost us every thing we know about stars:
planets, sun spots atmosphere's, magnetism, electric fields, temperature, density, rotation, movement,, composition...
the planck curve itself is not a reliable indicator for much they are far from perfect blackbodies

>> No.2765521


I thought we argued whether aliens would perceive colors similar to those we perceive.

>> No.2765528

Grey aliens don't exist? huh

>> No.2765531

It because they believe that the government is out to get them, because they are special. So all of their themes revolve around the government.

>> No.2767091

Grey aliens is a time fashion thing. In the 50s and 60s they thought Martians would be green.

>> No.2767129

A lot of crazy people tend to have similar paranoia's or delusions; the idea that there is some big, powerful entity conspiring against them allows them to pin the blame on someone besides themself.