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2761303 No.2761303 [Reply] [Original]

What happens as a pony approaches relativistic speeds?

>> No.2761321

they leave a trail of love and happiness

>> No.2761322


>ponies, ponies at every point in the universe.

>> No.2761339

to a stationary observer the pony is now more than 14.2 hands to the withers so technically it becomes a horse

>> No.2761359
File: 82 KB, 380x238, SoBeautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2761387
File: 103 KB, 1000x437, mlp dreams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like them better as humans.

>> No.2761390

>implying horses exist

>> No.2761397

>Implying implying exists

>> No.2761399

>mfw F-15 poster on Dash's wall
>mfw i have no face

>> No.2761471

If a pony exceeds 0.9997% c (the typical speed of light in air) prior to coming into contact with the atmosphere, than the effect of its travel through the atmosphere could produce Cherenkov radiation through an air shower cascade.

>> No.2761480

Erasure begins to play.

>> No.2761484

When pony approaches relativistic speeds....

Pathetic perverted manchildren will realize just how pathetic they are for watching a show aimed at 5 year old girls.

>> No.2761505


>> No.2761515
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Nowhere near relativistic speeds, but at least tangently related.

>> No.2761517

You watch television?!

Fuck off, toldtard.

>> No.2761538

does hulu and youtube and usenet and netflix count

>> No.2761540
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Oh my, somebody's mad. That's okay, we'll just have to love and tolerate the shit out of you!

>> No.2761571

If a pony started going that fast, it would probably be torn apart by the horrifically powerful forces it was being subjected to in order to make it go relativistic speeds. Poor pony!!

>> No.2761593

We're talking about ponies made out of cuteforce^3, not ponies made out of meat, whose mommy and daddy probably had sex to create it.

>> No.2761612


And we're talking about relativistic speeds here, not the sound barrier, not escape velocity, motherfucking C.

>> No.2761620


We're talking about ponies that only exist at 32 frames per second. The frame-rate can be relativistic under the right conditions, however

>> No.2761630

>Broadcast television. Ponies at the speed of light.

>> No.2761647


Well I guess those kind of ponies are probably ok, as they're in many ways made up of electromagnetic radiation anyway.

Well, then I guess.....they go to a TV?

>> No.2761677
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Surely a civilization technologically advanced enough to not only control the weather of an entire planet, but actually control their planet's rate of rotation could develop some means of counteracting the stress forces of relativistic travel.

I mean, look at these fuckers, they're learning del operator in preschool

>> No.2761685
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