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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2757944 No.2757944 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2757962

Retarded monkeys

>> No.2757965

How could moot be thinking about deleting sci but not x?

>> No.2757970

Because religionfags don't go to /x/.

>> No.2757969


>> No.2757972


Wait really?!

Sci and x are both great boards. Why would he delete either?

>> No.2757977


>> No.2757982


Single best comment ever.

"What did you expect from the worst board on 4chan? They treat their science like a religion and dismiss our beliefs, which are just as truthful as theirs, on the grounds that they don't meet their philosophical (because science is just a philosophy after all) requirements for validity."

>> No.2757987

I prefer:

>people have been using paranormal investigation for thousands of years. Meditation, drugs and all the other approaches have yet to turn up any significant answers about reality.

Except that's only because you criticise psychic findings with science, which makes no sense. You can to let the two co exist. Imagine where we could be if you didn't dismiss every paranormal discovery.

>> No.2757989

>green text

>> No.2758007

>we could be if you didn't dismiss every paranormal discovery

Pretty much the middle ages, with witchcraft and all that.

>> No.2758008

the absolute best comment so far.

>has anyone done a study on the look of 'greys'?

umm ...

>> No.2758009


>> No.2758015 [DELETED] 

How many were actually killed for witchcraft and heresy? Probably a few thousand over the centuries.

Pot Pot (atheist) killed 3 million people in four years.

>> No.2758020

its pol pot.

hundreds of thousands.

>> No.2758019
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>pot pot

>> No.2758028


Uh... this is a science board. Not an atheism board.

If Pol Pot were a scientist and killed in the name of science I'd be worried.

>> No.2758032

He is Asian as well, you saying that all Asians genocide people... you racist?

>> No.2758041

How many were actually killed for witchcraft and heresy? Probably a few thousand over the centuries.

Pol Pot (atheist) killed 3 million people in four years.

Stalin (atheist) killed 20 million in 28 years

Mao (atheist) killed 40 million in 28 years

Hitler (pagan and Muslim admirer) directly killed 6 million in 12 years and tens of millions indirectly by starting a war.

>> No.2758044


>Hitler (pagan and Muslim admirer)


>> No.2758046
File: 26 KB, 460x344, hitler_mufti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Believe it, toots.

>> No.2758047

>implying any of those people killed that many and it was not their religious armies.

>> No.2758049
File: 78 KB, 300x375, hurrderpaderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying those men killed in the name of Atheism
>implying Hitler wasnt Christian

GTFO already - your trolling methods are old.

>> No.2758051


you will not believe how hard i'm laughing right now

>> No.2758052

too much lol

also you deleted your original post due to failure.

>> No.2758055
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Did baby delete his Pot Pot post?

>> No.2758053

Human growth is exponential. It makes sense that the sum of atrocities for one century was larger than the sum of all atrocities to come before them.

>> No.2758057
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>Hitler, pagan and muslim admirer

>> No.2758058


babby's first troll

>> No.2758060

baby did teehee

>> No.2758065
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>> No.2758068


You can delete posts? You are kidding right he got banned or something instead right?

>> No.2758074

This is why I'm an agnostic. Because atheists are total assholes as this thread demonstrates. Posts like >>2758055 clearly demonstrate the mentality of a 12 year old.

>> No.2758083
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>> No.2758084



>> No.2758098

I was on /sci yesterday morning and the place was pretty civil then. Looks like all the Dawkins hipsters weren't on at that time. When they show up, they turn any board into a sewer.

>> No.2758118


Ok, I'll concede that the Nazis were anti-Christian. But what was going on in >>2758057 ?

>> No.2758124


Hes right on the money the various christian sects beleived and acted in a different way to current christian sects, whereas atheism can always lead to things like this, just look at burma, the only religious people are the ones killed for fun by the military junta, commiting genocide against their own people for 50 years straight now.

>> No.2758125

boo hoo. Did the nasty Anon challenge your beliefs? There there why don't you go and play with yourself in your room for a while.

>> No.2758138


It is childish, but people do so because trashing a person makes them angry and insults can't really be refuted. Suppose you called someone's mom a whore. How the heck does he prove his mom is not a whore? He can't.

>> No.2758147

For the umptillionth time, you idiot, agnosticism is not a religious stance.

>> No.2758148


Isn't it odd that an atheist would name his trip after a guy who was a pantheist that criticized the behavior of atheists towards religion?

>> No.2758155


Right. Agnosticism gives you all the intellectual security of not siding with one (possibly incorrect) faith over another, plus not being lumped in with the Dawkins brigade.

>> No.2758165

>Agnosticism gives you all the intellectual security of not siding with one (possibly incorrect) faith over another
Atheism is not a faith, you ignoramus. And valuing intellectual security over actually being right or wrong makes you look even dumber.

>plus not being lumped in with the Dawkins brigade.
There is no such thing, you're just making stuff up to keep the shaming language style going.

>> No.2758166


Take for example this. Do you not see how childish it is to attack someone for a trivial spelling mistake?

>> No.2758184



Not to mention:


>> No.2758186

"Dawkins brigade" is a catch-all pejorative term for retarded athiests, of which there are a lot.

>> No.2758189


Seems like 90% of atheists fit that description.

>> No.2758202


The RCC were dummies who tried to make a concordat with Hitler to protect their interests in Germany. They didn't realize what his true intentions were.

>> No.2758203

Then you need to reread the definition.

>> No.2758210


Then why was this thread full of retards claiming Hitler was a Christian and ridiculing a guy for a spelling mistake? It is for reasons like that that I refuse to be a part of atheism.

>> No.2758222 [DELETED] 


>>implying any of those people killed that many and it was not their religious armies


Do you even know the fainest bit about history?

>> No.2758227
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because Hitler was a christian who could not into evolution

>> No.2758229


Obvious samefag is obvious.

>> No.2758230


See >>2758227

Hitler was not a Christian at all aside from sometimes claiming to be one for political reasons.

>> No.2758240

>I refuse to be a part of atheism.
Unfortunately if you do not have a belief in a god you are an Atheist. I think what you mean is you refuse to be a part of the /sci/ Atheist troll community. However you obviously like interacting with us or you would not be here. Which is probably giving you some anxiety; just chill out and have fun with the trolls.

>> No.2758251


No, I post here because agnosticism is something atheists aren't prepared to handle. We haven't got religious beliefs to defend, so there's nothing you can do to attack us.

>> No.2758259

> he believes that as an agnostic he is not an atheist

>> No.2758264

Also while I don't really agree with Christians, I see no reason to hate them. I don't know anyone who was ever killed or mutilated by a Christian, and most seem like rather nice people. Most of the atheist attacks on them are based on exaggerated hysteria.

>> No.2758267

I am an Atheist and I am also an Agnostic. I fully understand where the Agnostic argument comes from I used to make the same arguments myself. Until one day I decided fuck it I don't believe in gods, what is the point in pussy footing around.

>> No.2758269
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>> No.2758273


Do you know anyone who was personally molested by a priest? I don't.

>> No.2758276

I see so much WIN.

>> No.2758281


Christfag here. I will answer this thusly.

"It would be better for him to be cast into the sea with a millstone tied around his neck than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin."

-- Luke 17:2

Secondly, if atheists have no morals or believe them to be relative, why would they have any problem with child rape in the first place?

That is all I'm going to say on this matter. You may ruminate on it all you like. Got to be going to bed now.

>> No.2758283

Because all "atheism" denote is disbelief in gods. Most atheists do have morals, and many believe them to be objective.

>> No.2758286

Post and run. Coward.
Stand up for your convictions or they are worthless.

>> No.2758293


oh u

>> No.2758299
File: 11 KB, 210x210, Westley_Allan_Dodd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>2758281 here.

Very well, I'll answer two or three posts before going to bed.

This guy murdered, raped, and tortured young boys. I don't think he attended church on Sunday.

>> No.2758303


I dunno, it sounds like he's make a pretty good priest.

>> No.2758309


This, ~9 percent of priests are reported to be pedos BY THE CHURCH ITSELF.

they are 100 times more likely to be pedos than the general population, 60 times more likely than the adult male population.

>> No.2758313


I don't think any priests kept a torture room in their basement.

>> No.2758315
File: 5 KB, 180x134, Dennis_Rader_booking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy strangled, suffocated, and stabbed people. I don't think he attended church on Sunda-- wait a minute...

>> No.2758321

FWIW I don't think this guy was a churchgoer


>> No.2758327


Come on, look in the guy's eyes. You can see he's evil.

Oh wait, atheists don't believe in evil because they have no morals to begin with.

>> No.2758330

Agnosticfag here. Problem is atheists are so fucking self righteous that I disassociate myself with most of them. They even voted on a new symbol a while ago so they could worship that in their non denominational meeting places.

>> No.2758331

wait, wat?


>> No.2758335
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>> No.2758340


Remember: Correlation does not equal causation. I'll bet you'll tell me that Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot didn't kill anyone in the name of atheism. Did BTK kill in the name of Jesus?

>> No.2758345

the crusaders killed in the name of jesus

>> No.2758346
File: 50 KB, 320x240, 1_61_tiller_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy was a mass murderer who killed tens of thousands of newborn babies. He attended church every Sunday. In fact, he was gunned down outside his church.

>> No.2758350


Inability to refute noted.

>> No.2758363

i'm >>2758340
different fag
didn't read
>>2758331 before writing

not refuting "correlation!=causation"

carry on

>> No.2758408

If your silly god beliefs are the only thing that is preventing you form being an antisocial murdering child rapist then I think you have a very serious problem.
One day you may wake up from your delusions and I pity the community that you live in if you do.

>> No.2758611


So lemme get this straight. You say that if he becomes an atheist, he'll turn into a serial rapist/killer? Fascinating.

>> No.2758630

>Start troll thread on /x/
>Post link to troll thread on /x/ in /sci/
>Both threads get more replies than actual science/paranormal threads ever do

You guys are too fucking easy.

>> No.2758636

No godboy said it here.