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2756877 No.2756877 [Reply] [Original]

So if a person slice through the veins in his/her arm to kill himself (usual slitting your wrists method of suicide), how long does it take for him to bleed to death? How difficult would it be for him to stop the bleeding if he could? Can he stop effectively with bandages? How difficult would it be for him to come out of it when he wants to live at the very last second? How much would he struggle in all of this if any?

>mfw I'll be taking notes on your responses

>> No.2756885

It won't work, simply because:
* Only pussies attempt suicide via wrist slicing
* Pussies are designed to bleed without dying
It's all there, very scientific.

>> No.2756891

/n/ recommends trains. I do too.

>> No.2756895


>> No.2756898

here's my foolproof directions on how to kill yourself:
1. go to drug store
2. buy lithium
3. eat some
4. wait a few weeks, taking some every day
5. see if you still want to
6. if you still want to, you're genuinely fucked up, if you don't, congratz

>> No.2756904

Make sure you go across, it is better ml/sec than up the arm.

>> No.2756917

Neat, but I'm asking about the slit wrists method of suicide. I need them for... Research.

>> No.2756929

This is /sci/ we don't give a fuck if you kill yourself, just donate your body to science after... so if possible minimize tissue damage.

>> No.2756943

Oh heavens no, it's for somebody else. But I am researching and would like to know the details as accurate as possible, please no primacy effects in this thread.

>> No.2756950


I dont know if lithium applies (I assume it does), but when people take anti-depressants, the suicide rates actually go up.

>> No.2756952

ITT: Talking about OP killing himself instead of the methods and details he's asking for.

Oh /sci/, you're supposed to be smarter than this, it's a science board after all.

>> No.2756963

Class I Hemorrhage involves up to 15% of blood volume. There is typically no change in vital signs and fluid resuscitation is not usually necessary.

Class II Hemorrhage involves 15-30% of total blood volume. A patient is often tachycardic (rapid heart beat) with a narrowing of the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressures. The body attempts to compensate with peripheral vasoconstriction. Skin may start to look pale and be cool to the touch. The patient may exhibit slight changes in behavior. Volume resuscitation with crystalloids (Saline solution or Lactated Ringer's solution) is all that is typically required. Blood transfusion is not typically required.

Class III Hemorrhage involves loss of 30-40% of circulating blood volume. The patient's blood pressure drops, the heart rate increases, peripheral hypoperfusion (shock), such as capillary refill worsens, and the mental status worsens. Fluid resuscitation with crystalloid and blood transfusion are usually necessary.

Class IV Hemorrhage involves loss of >40% of circulating blood volume. The limit of the body's compensation is reached and aggressive resuscitation is required to prevent death.


>> No.2756966

Lithium is a treatment for bipolar disorder, not depression. Even in bipolar, it treats the mania, not the depressive episodes. And even something like depression doesn't imply suicidal tendencies. lrn2psychiatry

>> No.2756987

I thought one of the causes of depression is a lack of lithium in the brain, thus resupplying would essentially "cure" it.

>> No.2756996

depression is caused by a lack of serotonin
not lithium lol

>> No.2757010

That's A cause for depression, not THE cause of it. I was asking if it was A cause of depression, which are a number of things, not just lack of lithium or serotonin.

>> No.2757030


You guys are both wrong. Among depressed people, there are lower levels of serotonin in certain parts of the brain. Thats not the equivalent of a shortage of serotonin. In people who have genetic disorders that result is a huge lack of serotonin they arent more likely to be depressed (but they still have problems, like falling asleep).

Mental illness is not well understood, and the medications are even less understood (not understood at all).

>> No.2757133

Dear OP.

It depends on the deepness, position and width of the cuts. But generally most wrist slitting suicides are failures because the person cuts across the wrist (larger veins run towards the forearm) instead of down towards the elbow. This usually causes a little blood loss before coagulation. But proper deep cuts from wrist to about 1/2 the way down the arm will cause you to pass out within 2-5 minutes and death soon after that. There is practically no way to stop the bleeding at this point because many key veins are cut at multiple points. Only medical intervention can help you at this point because the cuts are deep enough to sever tendons and send the person into shock within a minute.

TL;DR pussy method - you wont die anyway
real man method - you die, unless theres a fucking ambulance there within 10 minutes.

Side note - /sci/ is not a good place to research for writing books.

>> No.2757139

Bipolar depression can be attributed because of a lack of lithium, but I don't think depression itself has as much to do with lithium.

>> No.2757179
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>> No.2757206

Big theory on mood disorders is biological amine theory; based on findings that norepinephrine deficit in depression (not sure if there is a corresponding increase in mania, sorry).
Many anti-depressants try to increase NE lifespan at synapses, others do the same for serotonin.
Manic side of bipolar is controlled with lithium compounds (not pure lithium, lithium carbonate or citrate). Depressive episodes likely treated with typical anti-depressants.

As far as your question, OP dunno lol

>> No.2757220

>3 On topic replies
>17 off topic posts about depression
Stay classy /sci/

>> No.2757236


Amine theory is going to be spoken of in the same breath as early modern humors theory in... let's say 20 years.

>> No.2757241

I'm sorry. As an undergraduate it takes me a few days to find out if what I'm told is on the cutting edge.

>> No.2757250

Lol cutting edge

>> No.2757303

>not pure lithium
>LI+ is pure lithium
>Lithium citrate is a compound used to deliver lithium ion

>> No.2757309
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>mfw my wrists start to hurt after reading this thread

>> No.2757314

There are better, less retarded ways to commit suicide

After reading the posts, I've just discovered that ethics have no place in /sci. Huh...

>> No.2757334

>>buy tank of carbon dioxide
>>hook it up to gas mask
>>painless death
>>you will just faint
>>you wont even feel that your "drowning"
>>never know what hit you

>> No.2757360

so is op gonna kill himself ?

>> No.2757371

First step: Get your index and middle finger out, and slam them on your elbow as hard as you can.

If you did it right, the area should turn red, and your vein will pop out. If not, keep slapping it until it does.

Second step: Find some obsidian. Obsidian is sometimes used in scalpels. Obsidian as a primitive tool was used as a weapon. One case of this was an ancient sword-like tool, that could nearly decapitate a horse.

Third Step: Now, once your veins have been revealed to you, prepare a thin, sharp piece of obsidian. Be ready, you will only be able to strike once, and only once, because if you fail this, you'll leave a nice, big cut, but no death. You'll have to seek medical attention, and most likely end up in a mental hospital.

Fourth Step: Don't cut it like a fork and a knife in a steak. It must be one quick strike. Ready your hand, and strike as hard, and as fierce as you can. If you are strong enough, you have most likely cut deep into your elbow, with a nice, severed vein. If not, good luck getting better.

Fifth Step: If you didn't manage to kill yourself, but still want to try, you can keep cutting. However, this might be a bit painful, if you haven't gone through shock already. Bathing in warm water is a good way to get your blood flowing. Do that if you aren't already.

Sixth Step: ????

Seventh Step: Profit!

>> No.2757383



>>you can buy a tank of carbon dioxide!

I mean seriousley, wtf is with all this cutting ?

>> No.2757387

Because painless deaths are for pussies. No pain, no gain. Me gaining pleasure, that is.

>> No.2757394
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>mfw you get sexual arousal when recieving pain

>> No.2757398

I don't like pain on me necessarily. Sometimes. I like it a bit more when others receive pain. It makes me feel good.

>> No.2757399


Sometimes people say they want to commit suicide, but part of them secretly wants to live. So instead of choosing a surefire means of death, like jumping off a really tall bridge or buying a gun and shooting themselves through the roof of their mouth, or drinking a liter of antifreeze, they choose methods that will
a) get attention
b) gel with their suicidal ideation (bleeding out is much more romantic than the spasms, screaming, vomiting, shitting, and organ failure of antifreeze poisioning)
c) are survivable

OP should call a suicide prevention hotline. OP should remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Barring all else, OP should knock himself in the head, because every time -I've- thought about suicide, the list of things I wanted to do before I died eventually constituted a life.

>> No.2757416



>> No.2757428

Primacy effects, primacy effects everywhere in this thread!

>> No.2757449
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>> No.2757470

for some reason I feel that /sci/ only assumes op is offing himself only because they want to prevent/cause a suicide, instead of answering a scientific inquiry that was posted for /sci/, but /sci/ can never seem to do science to begin with, science fanboyism.

anyway for op:
oh fuck it:

>> No.2757480


word. a girl that liked me in high school took a "bunch of pills" to "kill herself" b/c of a bad AIM conversation we had. when she got out of the psych ward she made sure that every girl in my school was too scared to date me for what she'd do to herself.

fun fact: women ATTEMPT suicide at a much higher rate than men, but men COMMIT suicide at a much higher rate than women.

problem, females?

>> No.2757529
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so what did you say?

>> No.2757581
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lol this is such a cool story bro that nobody will care about, but maybe you're bored enough to get a chuckle.

I was a captain of the football team and was semi-dating the captain of the girl's volleyball team. the suicidal girl was the leader of ASB (joke student government), and was in charge of setting up the fall sports assembly.

so me and the vball chick got bribed with in-n-out coupons to be in a cheesy little video to be shown at the assembly/pep rally thing, solving some retarded mystery that nobody gave a shit about.

to get to the filming location, we rode with one of the teachers in his big rape van, with us athletes up front and the asb nerds in the back filming us without our knowledge while we were making fun of how shitty the van was.

the vb girl i was into found a power drill under one of the seats and started playing with it as a joke.

the next day we went to the assembly and for no reason at all the suicidal broad put in 10 seconds of her playing with the power drill, which (in the shitty camera they used) looked EXACTLY like a giant dildo.

for the rest of the day everyone was making fun of the vb girl, who was the nicest and least slutty girl you'd find at our white trash school, as "dildo lover", etc.

afterwards she was crying to me about how embarrassed she was, so later that night i IMed the suicidal girl and told her how upset the VB girl got, and how she should apologize for putting that clip in the video when it obviously looked like a dildo and served no purpose to the retarded plot of the video.

so she tried to kill herself. ta da!

>> No.2757602


How many concussions did you get while playing football?

>> No.2757614
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that was the most retarded attempted suicide story ive ever read

>> No.2757615


0. I tried out as a tight end and realized that shit was too hard.

Ended up the starting punter and place kicker.

>inb4 kickers don't play football.

>> No.2757628

Speaking of which, if you did slit your wrists down the vein (instead of across or both), and you decided you don't want to do, but don't have any bandages or anything: can you stop the bleeding with a towel or something?

>> No.2757631


tell me about it. between that, and the constant "omg im gunna an hero" threads here on 4chan, I've become completely insensitive to attempted suicide.

3 years later at my college, a freshman hung himself a month into his first semester. people were bawwwing so hard, they even declared a day of remembrance for him.

I started asking people why we're rewarding someone for offing themselves, and then at the same time trying to convince other people not to do it.

If you want attention, it's the easiest way to get it.

>> No.2757635
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>BAWWWW!!! A guy that killed himself is getting more attention than I am!!!!

>> No.2757637

>If you want attention, it's the easiest way to get it.
Considering how hard suicide is to attempt (for most people that is), I disagree. Coming to class naked or walking into Harlem with your face painted black is the easiest way to get attention.

>> No.2757640


I would say yes you can if you applied enough pressure and called a paramedic right away.

my gf (nursing student) says that if you're trying to stop bleeding, though, you don't want to use a towel. the little fibers are super absorbent so even with pressure they'll end up sucking the blood right out of you into the towel.

my white trash answer would be to grab a ton of duct tape and wrap it around your wrist super tight until the emts arrive.

(best answer would be to not cut yourself like a faggot, though)

>> No.2757647


Process takes from a few minutes to several hours depending on the depth of the cuts and the amount of blood loss.

>> No.2757648

>you don't want to use a towel. the little fibers are super absorbent so even with pressure they'll end up sucking the blood right out of you into the towel
Uhhh, wouldn't that depend on what kind of towel you use? Also what other ways can you stop the bleeding other than a towel or bandage? I've seen people use this sort of white, salt-like powder (something you keep in the bathroom for just in case) on open wounds to close it up, looks painful though.

>> No.2757651


busted, I was so jelly. thanks for keeping me in check with that astute reading comprehension.


yeah that's probably true, I was being a bit hyperbolic. also, lol that my college was in harlem. you could've saved a life with that advice.

>> No.2757663


re: towels, i guess it would depend to a degree on the towel, but since the designed purpose of a towel is to absorb liquid, i wouldn't think that you have too many non-absorbant failtowels lying around.

i'm not a medical guy, but the specific bleeding we're talking about is a cut to a major vein/artery, so the common ways of stopping bleeding from normal papercut might not "cut" it (lol get it?)

keeping pressure with your other hand would work, but you might lose strength with the blood. if you're stopping someone ELSE's wrists, just grab and hold as tight as you can.

on yourself, I still vote for duct tape

>> No.2757703

God it's called a fucking tourniquet. Google it. Christ this is /sci/? Let's have another IQ thread you worthless aspies. I pray to Christ that you all get molested by your special ed assistants, remain traumatized into adulthood, kill yourselves as a result of the enduring trauma, and have your deaths written off as pathetic pleas for attention by the next generation of aspie cunts, AND SO THE CIRCLE WILL BE UNBROKEN.

>> No.2757726
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most aspie sounding post in the entire thread.