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2746822 No.2746822 [Reply] [Original]

What does Atheism produce?

>> No.2746826

A person (atheist) that doesn't believe in gods or deities.

>> No.2746829
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Which in turn reproduces ??

>> No.2746832

More people with beliefs.

>> No.2746834


>> No.2746843
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Leave, aether. Please.

>> No.2746844

People who aren't inclined to further humanity's impending decline.

>> No.2746845

Fuck off Aether.

>> No.2746850
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>> No.2746857

Fucking aether, gtfo.

>> No.2746862

People that unlike you have at least half a brain.

>> No.2746863

Atheism produces two parts water and one part nitrogen.

>> No.2746871
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You'd be more welcome if you were capable of discussing things relevant to the board. Your every post has been about all manner of bullshit ranging from christianity to timecubes, all during a myriad of poorly disguised tripfaggotry pseudonyms.

>> No.2746874
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I believe the correct amount is "10%", which is accurate, I guess, surely it would be 1% as you use the singularity to progress. I use 0% of my brain, which is its original cubic pure intellect; I know it's cubic as I have the wisdom to measure the structure of 0 what-ness.

>> No.2746884
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So what's the benefit of Atheism, in the long run. At this point in time you are discussing people and their beliefs. I don't see what Atheism is attempting to destroy - if it's "God," to what end? What differences are you hoping to see without God?

>> No.2746887
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>> No.2747035

why do you have such a boner for cubic things.

>> No.2747113

A man that can devote his time into better understanding the Universe and its laws so he can utilize his knowledge to make a better world for himself.
Unlike a religious man that prays ten times a day without the slightest sign of it being productive in any way, shape or form.

>> No.2747134

Hey aether, are you actually Christian Scientist?

>> No.2747144

Yes, when they feel ready to take on the responsibility of raising a human being. That's not really controvertial, unless you're a nazi.

>> No.2747148

Well, if there isn't a god then recognising that fact will allow us to redirect resources used to worship, supplicate or appease said god to more useful things, such as art, research, medicine, food, shelter and so forth.

>> No.2747175

However if he does you will miserably fail at everything and lead a miserable pathetic life without meaning only then burn for all eternity

>> No.2747183
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An erection.

>> No.2747193


Like Mohandas Ghandi, Albert Einstein, Isaac Asimov, Baruch Spinoza, Charles Darwin, Socrates and Thomas Jefferson?

>> No.2747199

And since I don't live a miserable life or miserably fail at everthing, it's pretty certain that God does not exist.

>> No.2747214

What makes you think you're special enough to get that much attention from god. I was talking about society as a whole.

>> No.2747227

Atheism is the default. It's not a belief or religion. Saying it, is like saying a lack of interest in camel racing is a belief.

>> No.2747238


according to theist doctrine god is omniscient and therefore pays attention to everything, and lets it all happen. Chernobyl, 9/11, the holocaust, kiddie rape in churches all over the world - you name it.

>> No.2747246
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I do not understand.

>> No.2747247


>> No.2747252

>What makes you think you're special enough to get that much attention from god.
God's attention isn't limited. There is no reason to assume that God wouldn't pay a lot of attention to literally every single person in the world.

>> No.2747254

Your point. I could see a ball rolling. Dirty mean I have to stop it or push it along. I could always not give a fuck or want the resulting effect

>> No.2747256


and stop belittling the prowess of your own god

>> No.2747264

What does not lighting yourself on fire produce? Nothing, because it's a non-action. The benefit is that it doesn't produce the things that lighting yourself on fire produces.

>> No.2747274

U mad his doesn't care about you

>> No.2747277
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So there really is no point in Atheism, you just don't want the terms: Sin, Greed, Jealousy, Lust, Vanity, and so forth being used in society. Apparently, as 'there is no God', we have surpassed that stage. Taking into consideration the Earth has not changed since the beginning of the stone age + all factors have just been moved; the same concepts of Sin would still be in their primitive form. If God wasn't around back then, sure, you are correct. However, if God was around in the past (and you're thinking of letting go of the past), you are lying and incorrect, for things do not just magically disappear - they either decay and renew as something else or blend silently with other things.

>> No.2747283

You are babbling, and probably off your meds. Get help, and stop spamming /sci/ with bullshit.

>> No.2747306

The point in the modern atheist "movement" is alerting people to be reasonable and rational instead of emotional zealous faggots who smugly await the end of times.

They are exaggerating a tiny little bit, but I support the general notion and can't see how CHRISTIAN VALUES LOL is an alternative.

If you want to have a nice community with good people in it, you can find that in any club or association, you don't need to base your world view on 2000 year old superstitious illogical stuff.

>> No.2747312


Are you familiar with the time cube, per chance?

>> No.2747316


I always laugh when I hear about 'christian values' like inter-generational guilt, childhood indoctrination, intimidation of opposing viewpoints, blind faith over reason etc.

>> No.2747323


There is no such thing as sin. Just what causes a net gain in happiness or a net loss.

I'm sorry if you're so offended by women attending school and having pre marital sex.

>> No.2747347

Atheism produces a society of free thinkers capable of rational thought without the deluded notion that an invisible sky daddy will help you out if you ask him nicely and often.

Atheism produces fear and hatred in prejudiced, brainwashed peons and idiots.

Atheism will hopefully produce a society based on knowledge and understanding rather than a society based on belief systems and imaginary friends.

/Troll thread

>> No.2747392

> What does Atheism produce?

>> No.2747414

What does aether produce?

Troll threads

>> No.2747418

>What does atheism produce?

Egotistical smug self importance combined with an inferiority complex.

>> No.2747427

So, all atheists are whiny girls...

Seems correct.

>> No.2747434

pot meet kettle

>> No.2747437


This: http://www.philosophicalsociety.com/Archives/A%20Free%20Man's%20Worship.htm

>> No.2747440

truth goodness and beauty

>> No.2747442




Atheism frees us from our chains, our submission to blind forces, so we may be free.

>> No.2747470

>Atheism frees us from our chains, our submission to blind forces, so we may be free.

>Atheism frees us from our chains so we may be free.

Atheism also limits us to conversing in tautological statements

>> No.2747476
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What does belief in gravity produce?

>> No.2747510


the satisfaction of being closer to the truth

>> No.2747518
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The convenience of not having to verify it every time we want to move, despite it being much easier to verify than most fundamental forces.

>> No.2747520

Being free is the end, getting freed from the chains is the means. No tautology there.

>> No.2747538


What the fuck are the 'chains'? What the fuck is this 'freedom'?

>> No.2747545

Well, I wasn't the one who originally posted it, but I would assume that he was referring to the figurative chains of religious dogma.

>> No.2747555
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Blind allegiance to a limited truth
Resistance to changes of that truth
No IQ boosts as advertised

>> No.2747562

>Resistance to changes of that truth
Like that time when that one religion was proven right, and yet atheists collectively refused to acknowledge it. Oh, wait, no such thing has ever happened and you're talking out of your ass.

>> No.2747566


>> No.2747575

what does truth produce?

>> No.2747580

Denmark and Sweden bitches

>> No.2747585
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Mostly window and door accessories.

>> No.2747590


>> No.2747654

No one has ever got anything out of being an atheist: There is no reason to be an atheist.

>> No.2747659

Well, I got some logical (and philosophical) consistency out of it. Believing in something I have absolutely no evidence for would conflict with my rationalism.

>> No.2747679

Why don't you believe that you are wealthy, successful, and well-loved, instead of a forever alone neckbeard trolling 4chan? I mean, as long as we're choosing what to believe is true, why not go all out?

>> No.2747694

Believing true things allows us to model reality and predict outcomes, which allows us to make choices that are beneficial. Believing something that is totally false, just for the pleasure of it, may cause unforeseen problems in the future as we lose our ability to predict anything. Ergo, if you want to trick yourself, you have to absolutely commit to the point that your fantasy-world happiness can override any real-world problems. This can be difficult.

>> No.2747709
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Actually, with the help of a like-minded community to support you in the venture, it can make life very easy.

>> No.2747724

I think the notion of "choosing" what to believe is a bit strange and unrealistic. A genuine belief is the conviction of the validity of a premise, meaning that it's *not* something you could pick and choose arbitrarily even if you wanted to. If a premise is simply unconvincing to you for whatever reason, then you barely have any other choice but to not believe in it.

>> No.2747755


If I show you a green piece of paper, you can't will yourself to believe it is red. No matter what you say, in your mind you know it to be green.

>> No.2747758


>implying the truth value of something is related to its usefulness

>> No.2747760

You too have never met women, apparently. In the female mind, reality is entirely subjective

>> No.2747763


wow you totally convinced me, i'm now a fundamentalist christian.

>> No.2747771

are you a woman?

>> No.2747986

>What does Atheism produce?

Nothing. The -ism is reactionary to ideas and premises. It doesn't produce anything. It offers nothing new except another form of illusion.

>> No.2748004

What illusion would that be?

>> No.2748214

>Atheism also limits us to conversing in tautological statements

Ha ha no.

>> No.2748613

argument without proof

argument = there is no god
proof = none

bitch all you want but logic is logic, whatever argument you make you need the proof to back it up.

>> No.2748679

Atheism = Lack of belief in deities

There is no argument, or logical inconsistency in simply not believing in something. What you're describing is gnostic atheism, or even antitheism.

>> No.2748700
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The question you should have asked is,

"What does theism destroy?"

>> No.2748705


>> No.2748708

What does Theism destroy?

>> No.2748732


Theism destroys the ability to think for yourself. If a divine being is giving instructions to an individual, they will without question act upon what they "hear/interpret" without using their critical thinking abilities.

To summarize with a quote:
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
- Steven Weinberg

>> No.2748740
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>> No.2748751

mofukin science nigs

>> No.2748752

replace the word religion with money, politics or power and that phrase would still work. You can always found ways to make people do wicked stuff no matter what they believe.

>> No.2748854


Money, politics or power will only influence those who do not have good, solid morals to do evil deeds.

The point is that to convince someone that they are doing something good when they clearly are not requires an illogical reason to be provided (like the Christian God, Allah, Ra, Zeus, race supremacy, etc.).

>> No.2749177

Obviously you havent looked into theism more deeply if at all. One of the basic principles of christianity, is the use of free will. A man is only good if he chooses to be good instead of evil. When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man.

>> No.2749188


More religious believers. There was a famous Soviet propagandist who said "Religion is like a nail. The harder you hit it, the deeper you drive it in."

>> No.2749195
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>> No.2749224


Hi and there are plenty of arguments for and against the existence of God. Do any count as a proof? Well no, but then again, proofs are for math and alcohol.

>> No.2749231
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...not even once.

>> No.2749238

And obviously you have obviously not read the Bible very obviously, since Da Lawd actually takes control over people and nullifies their free will rather frequently. "Free will" is not a basic principle of Christianity; it's just one of many interpretations by gay non-literalists, who abuse the Bible to promote their faggot "Hurr it's all metaphorical" agenda.

>> No.2749256


Atheism: Claim to hate religion. Claim to be the sole arbiters of how religion is supposed to be practiced.

You don't play the game, you don't get to make the rules, toots.

>> No.2749268

Have an argument, you agnostic piece of shit.

>> No.2749282
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>> No.2749283


Why do atheists claim that the only correct interpretation of the Bible is their strawman one that no Christians believe in? Rather silly and hypocritical to tell theists how to practice their religion, don't you?

>> No.2749292



>> No.2749308

how does this work?
can anyone explain, please?

>> No.2749312

Going by the Bible isn't a straw man, it's *their* premise.

>> No.2749316
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Hey faggits. Atheism produces paper and fags, get used to it. They say they 'believe' in evolution, but really, all they're doing is making a weird sound to project the fact that they acknowledge it occurred. Truly 'believing' in evolution would be being a part of it. Atheism has evolved as far as fags and paper, but learned to create different things out of it. Also, deja vu.

>> No.2749328


Y'all always tell Christians that they must interpret everything in there 100% literally. But you don't practice Christianity, so why do you think you can tell others how to? What if some Christians went and told you how to practice atheism? You sure wouldn't like it.

>> No.2749329
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>> No.2749369

Well, considering that practicing atheism is the equivalent of practicing not being French, it would be a pretty odd thing for someone to tell me how to do. But, the fact is that there are literally thousands of sects, plenty of which are literalists. When you says that no one believes that, you're you one being entirely dishonest; the best you can say is I'm not a literalist. Of course it's funny that while you're complaining about being pigeon holed you're doing the same thing to atheists; after all, there are millions of atheists in the world who are literally religious, such as a very large portion of Buddhists.

TL:DR Stop pretending literalists don't exist; we all know they do.

>> No.2749396

Asking what atheism produces is simply a retarded question and you should feel bad for asking it. It's akin to asking what not being French has produced; you can only draw large generalizations about what French people do as compared to non-French and therefore are simply asking people which group is superior because taking the question as 'what has non-Frenchness produced?' makes no sense. List what people who are not French have produced does not actually sum up the accomplishments of non-Frenchness as the produced material could be the result of qualities that have nothing to do with being French. Therefore, all you are left with is generalizations and comparisons between the two groups.

TL:DR Brilliant troll thread. 10/10.

>> No.2749401

An extremely disproportionate amount of the world's scientific research.

>> No.2749418


>> No.2749420


and i'm a virgin, so you can marry me.

>> No.2749424

Like this fellow. Atheism does not produce any research, though atheists produce roughly half of scientific research. However, you can't assume that that half wouldn't have been produced if there were no atheists or estimate what portion of that could have come from theists and therefore you cannot attribute any particular amount of it to atheism. Thus, this poster simply makes an inflammatory inaccurate assertion in response to a nonsensical question.

>> No.2749426

only a butthurt atheist would "feel bad"
a normal person takes this thread as the joke that it is

>> No.2749438
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>a fag
>using weird sounds to project he believes in evolution and/or 'no God'

>> No.2749448

Actually, I was responded to his second question, which is the second post in the thread, I just went full retard and forgot to link it.

>> No.2749451

So you're calling Aether an atheist? Or saying that if an atheist had made this as a troll thread then they would feel bad? You don't seem to understand the meaning of the statement 'you should feel bad,' so let me explain it; It means that Aether should feel ashamed of himself for wasting his time posting drivel this pathetic, though I by no means expect that he will. Rather, I imagine that he has no sense of shame to speak of.

>> No.2749462
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>> No.2749467

>But you don't practice Christianity, so why do you think you can tell others how to?
I don't. As I said (and you failed to understand), going by the Bible is *their* premise, not mine, and nowhere in the Bible does it say that you're free to pick and choose the passages you like while ignoring the rest, or that *anything* in the book is supposed to be taken metaphorically.
Don't blame me for their lack of consistency and their self-defeating premises.

>What if some Christians went and told you how to practice atheism? You sure wouldn't like it.
They'd have a hard time finding and appealing to guidelines for a position that's based neither on dogma, nor scripture.

Try harder, little fagnostic.

>> No.2749478

I've never said I'm an atheist or that I believe in evolution, and those sounds you've referred to are what we tend to call words, though there should be no sound involved unless you're reading aloud. However, what I believe is irrelevant as is your meaningless question, the point of my post being to point out how useless and inflammatory your question is without immediately appearing so. Thus, you are either a troll of the highest caliber or a truly great moron. I generously assume the former.

>> No.2749546


Fagnostic? I'm not gay. Troll harder.

>> No.2749550

lol. proof positive that you were trolled if you think calling someone a fag even qualifies as trolling.

>> No.2749554

/sci/ don't you ever get sick of these threads?
Every single time I visit here there is at least ONE religion vs atheism thread on the frontpage, always 100+ posts.

>> No.2749567


If atheists are going to keep taking shots at others' beliefs, this wouldn't happen. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Worry about your own religion instead of trying to tear down others'.


>> No.2749570

If you think saying you're an agnostic will remove you from being a theist or an atheist then you're an idiotic faggot.

>> No.2749573

/sci/ is filled with angsty teenagers who think their atheism is correct, and that they are the smartest and most rational people in the world

everyone else is just christian trolls

>> No.2749578

one thousand times saged.
Also reported.

>> No.2749585


Ad-hominem attacks and strawmen instantly make it impossible for you to be a "rational" person.

>> No.2749586

Apatheism here. We care. We really really do.

>> No.2749588


I have the belief that it's good to "take shots at others beliefs", if you think it's wrong to take shots at others beliefs then stop taking shots at mine.

>> No.2749618



If you constantly feel the need to attack others' beliefs, you must be very insecure about your own.

>> No.2749634

I believe that taking shots at other's beliefs and going to places where your own will be challenged is a good rudimentary way to test their validity. If you can't properly defend your beliefs from others then that may be a good reason to re-evaluate, or you may even be convinced by another individual. Therefore, these discussions are potentially beneficial for everyone involved.

>> No.2749649

> If you attack other peoples beliefs you're insecure about your own.

That's nice speculation now prove it. What if I simply want to destroy people in arguments and decimate them with logic? Where's the logical connection between that and my beliefs? lol

anyways my point is that you're attacking a belief, which contradicts your manifesto against attacking beliefs. The only way to win is to shut up.

>> No.2749654

Because atheism is the lack of a belief in a culture where belief is the norm. If atheists weren't talking about theism then they would be talking about something completely unrelated because unlike religion where there's generally a common belief system atheism is simply the lack of a certain type of belief.

>> No.2749662

Shit, you don't see websites dedicated to non-belief in Santa Claus or leprechauns or Thor or Zeus. But there seem to be an awful lot of websites dedicated to non-belief in the Christian god.

>> No.2749674

>Shit, you don't see websites dedicated to belief in Santa Claus or leprechauns or Thor or Zeus. But there seem to be an awful lot of websites dedicated to belief in the Christian god.

There's the reason why. No one bothers refuting something no one believes in. It's the same reasons there are studies about homeopathy being useless but not of leeching.

>> No.2749675

That's because nobody actively tries to convert right minded people to believe in those things

>> No.2749682

Leeching is not totally useless.

It is just no longer considered a panacea.

>> No.2749684
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>aether thread
>128 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.


>> No.2749686
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I won't stop posting shooped aether faces.It's fun.
Also aether,you fail at arguing.GTFO plox

>> No.2749696

Yes, there are specific purposes but I'm referring to it's historical usage which was, as you said, a panacea in the same way that homeopathy is considered a panacea. (Albeit one that must be directed in a specific way depending on the disease)

>> No.2749702

>Until there is a religion forum, religion/creationism threads will continue to be posted on /sci/ as there is no more appropriate board for them.

>> No.2749708


There is. It's called /b.

>> No.2749778

>Implying any mentally stable person would ever go to /b/.