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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2741146 No.2741146 [Reply] [Original]

I dropped out of high school 10 years ago, got my GED. I've never taken the SATs. I'm 27 now. If I wanted to go back to college, preferably an Ivy League/Top tier school (Swarthmore/Stanford/Harvey Mudd/Colgate/MIT/Oxford/Etc) how would I go about doing it?

>> No.2741160

Do you work? Guessing that you definitely do.

Go to community college and take classes. Admissions loves that shit. If you do really well and write a great essay about your life experiences as someone in his 20s, you're pretty good.

However, be prepared to mingle with people 10 years younger than you, it might be awkward.

>> No.2741182


Go with this anon, this is the best way.


>> No.2741183
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Why do I have to waste my time at community college?

Also, I've heard classes (math/science) are pretty hard at community college (atleast the one in my area). Are sci/math classes hard wherever you go or will they be x100 harder at a top tier school?

I mean I looked at MIT's OCW and they had Calc 1 and even Algebra 1.

>> No.2741207


you can't just be 27 and wake up one day and be like, aw shit, i wanna go to Harvard. I'm 18 and i've put a shitton of effort into extra-curriculars like drumline, sports coaching and community service so i might even be considered. This is when I'm Australian, which means there's probably less chance i'd get accepted that an American would, and i have to sit the SAT's even though they aren't based on my curriculum. SO Maybe i'll see you at Brown/Columbia/Cornell next September. You can but me a beer since i wont be 21

>> No.2741214

Why not I've saved up a large sum of money.
If I have the money to pay for tuition why can't I go?

>> No.2741224


you need more than money. You need dedication, committment, and long-term aspiration.

>> No.2741242

you need more than money. you need asskissing, a great extracurricular background, have to look like an overachiever, or alternatively have your parents buy the school a new wing.

>> No.2741257

ivy league school is overrated. you can get just as good of an education at a local uni

>> No.2741268
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No. You need acedemic qualifications to get into good schools. Money doesn't mean shit. Sorry.

>> No.2741271
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>butthurt that he didn't get into Ivy

>> No.2741281

And you have to prove it. Going to a CC for even a little bit is the best way to show you actually know what you want.

>> No.2741286

and unfortunately they propagate the exclusivity of science, that discoveries or new data cannot come from someone without a degree from X school.

>> No.2741292

I go to Columbia University. You should check out their school of General Studies. It is designed for those who have taken an "unusual path" in their education (many who went to the army instead of college, those sorts of things.) It might be closest to what you're looking for.

>> No.2741302

Yes, why must it be an Ivy? that sounds like a great way to blow all your cash needlessly. There are plenty of mid-tier schools that will be just as good.

MIT does not have algebra 1. Yes they have calc, but that's a freshman mandatory requirement.

>> No.2741305

Wow, are they really that bad?
What about other top tier schools such as private LACs (Colgate/MIT/Harvey Mudd/Stanford/Swarthmore/Wellesley/Bryn Mawr/Tulane/U of Miami)...hell I've even consider foreign schools (Canada/England).

>> No.2741308

what are the admission requirements?
like I've said, I never took an SAT/ACT and I dropped out of school when I was 16 or 17

>> No.2741325


is in the Ivy League, brah

>> No.2741340

stanford is not ivy league and besides it's STANFORD, not STANDFORD...YOU definitely will never get in

>> No.2741351
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I always wished I had the finances to go to Oxford. They even accepted my application.

Instead, I'm at University of Chicago.

Shit sucks.

>> No.2741354

Go back to sleep OP, you're being delusional

>> No.2741356

>stanford is not ivy league

>> No.2741367

Unless you want to dedicate your life to serious scientific investigation I don't see why you want/need to graduate from college.

>> No.2741371

"The Ivy League is an athletic conference comprising eight private institutions of higher education in the Northeastern United States."

It's not synonymous with Top Tier, though they are all very good schools.

>> No.2741376


I don't know. I'm a regular undergrad here. If you can't take the initiative to look it up yourself you probably don't belong there. But i'll humor you with a link


>> No.2741380
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>doesn't know what the "ivy league" actually is



>> No.2741394
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Go to a community college, or a state university (you will only be able to get into shit ones) for a couple of years. Try to transfer to a better school later.

>> No.2741395
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>> No.2741411


>Why do I have to waste my time at community college?

Why do you want to waste money at a "top tier" school for basic classes?

>> No.2741424

I was surprised that MIT even had a calculus class. How the hell does one even get into MIT without having mastered high school calc?

>> No.2741435
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You guys are too funny, how many of you have actually done what you wanted in life lol

I only want a physics degree as a "trophy". I dropped out of high school because it was fucking BOORING.

How many of you can say you've saved over 200K before 30?

I just want the degree because all my friends rub their degrees in my faces when they only have shitty degrees in english or acocunting or lol psychology at a BS level. GTFO.

It sucks I can't just jump right into a top tier school. I mean why won't they accept me? If I can pay my way in and I'm motivated to do it, what's THEIR LOSS?

>> No.2741436

High school calcl =/= college calc

>> No.2741438
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The problem you have OP, is that you are dumb. You have no qualifications or experience.

You have wasted your life pursing "money", instead of happiness, or knowledge. All acedemic institutions (and smart people) will think very low of you.

You need to prove yourself, before a good college will even give you the time of day. Hence you will need to go to a shit-teir school for awhile.

>> No.2741453

If they are basic classes, why do top tier schools even offer them?

Aren't the top tier schools only meant for the intellectual elites? Surely, they do not need to waste their time on these "basic classes"?

This was the reason why I dropped out of high school, had straight A's, was bored, and apathetic to the "system".

>> No.2741454

*cough* LIBERAL ARTS *cough*

>> No.2741455

If you're privileged enough that very often makes up for any sort of qualifications, experience.

That's how this bitch got into UCLA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg3tIERI-D4

>> No.2741460

>I dropped out of high school because it was fucking BOORING.

Aren't you a smarty pants, HS was just too damn easy for you!

>> No.2741461

even if you get in you'll never complete the degree

you're a lazy ass son of a bitch and deserve all the shit you get

>> No.2741466


Their loss is they spend a lot of time on their brand. When everyone you meet from their school is a super person who always wins they get more money in the long run.

You seem to be trolling or you're just stupid.

>> No.2741470

Lol, I'm dumb because I didn't follow the traditional path everyone else does. All right man, I can see many of you /sci/entists are not empathizing with me. That's alright, it seems the general consensus is that I have to drag my ass through some basic courses at a shit tier school and then hopefully apply to transfer out :(

Fucking gay.

If I was to apply, do you guys think an Adcom might take an interest in me and approve my app? I mean there is the possibility.

>> No.2741477

If you're really as intelligent and motivated as you say you are, you will get all A's at a "shit-tier" CC while juggling a bazillion credit-hours.

>> No.2741479


If all you want is the degree, why not why yourself some money by going to a cheaper school to cover the unimportant stuff, then transfer to a more expensive school to finish the degree?

>> No.2741491

Not if you don't meet their basic requirements. Like a fucking SAT.

Besides who are we kidding you'd drop out of the ivy league school because the teachers are dicks and you are so much smarter than them.

>> No.2741494

I dropped out in the 9th grade. I'm 21 now and taking classes at Community College. I do a lot of self studying on a subject before I actually take the class. I do this because most CC teachers don't give a shit about teaching. They want to make the class as easy as possible for the non-sci majors to pass. If you really want to succeed in College you need determination. Buy an Algebra book and self study for a bout 2 months. If you can finish the whole book on your own in a decent amount of time then you're ready to start school again. If you feel that you can't do that then don't even bother wasting tax payer dollars.

>> No.2741496
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>how many of you have actually done what you wanted in life

I have

>How many of you can say you've saved over 200K before 30?

I have.
Why do you place so much value in money though? WTF is wrong with you? Is your whole existance based on "material possessions and aquiring shit"? Really?

It is great to have money, but money doens't buy happiness dumbshit, nor does it buy qualifications. I feel very sorry for you.

>I mean why won't they accept me?

Good school are competitive. They want "the best and the brightest". When they look at you they won't see "the best and the brightest", they will see some guy who dropped out of highschool.

>> No.2741504
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>> No.2741507
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>dropped out of highschool

>> No.2741510
File: 168 KB, 1062x816, UOP_diploma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, before you get around to spending more money and saying Uni is boring to you too, shoop this.

>> No.2741512


>When they look at you they won't see "the best and the brightest", they will see some guy who dropped out of highschool.

No, they will see someone who has a chip on his shoulder and has rejected everything they (the education system) stand for.

I'm sure no one, least of all university administrators, is seriously naive enough to think that school is about being smart.

>> No.2741513
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How was that a troll? WTF?
<-------- /b/

>> No.2741514

not all high schools offer calc. i know a (white) guy who got into MIT with no calc background, majoring in electrical engineering.

/sci/ is about the only place where people actually care how early you've taken calculus.

>> No.2741517

>I only want a physics degree as a "trophy".

for making reply

>> No.2741522

Not the OP, but I tested out of high school early. Which for some reason idiots interpret the same as dropping out. I did the CC -> mid-tier UC route. Didn't even bother shooting for ivy league or top tier because I just wasn't that interested. My priorities lie elsewhere.

Differential equations at a CC and differential equations at a UC are pretty much the same.

>> No.2741529
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>chip on his sholder

No, they wouldn't see that unless you mentioned money. How the fuck would they know your financial shit?


>> No.2741536


Man I got a likely letter from Cornell the other day!! But will probably be going to Caltech...

>> No.2741538

My high school didn't either. I just figured if your high school didn't offer calc you were fucked. The perils of being an unlucky poorfag who just lived in the wrong place.

>> No.2741539

I would say this but OP is obviusly a troll thats looking for trouble not advice

>> No.2741543
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Nice troll OP
Way to waste your time.

>> No.2741545


UoC is a top-tier uni, my friend. I wouldn't feel too bad about it.

>> No.2741549

To make sure everyone is on the same page. Most people take the condensed half-term version of single variable, and finish multi by the end of january.
this is a perfectly viable option. Public schools suck sometimes, that shouldn't fuck you if you demonstrate aptitude.

>> No.2741553

So for the past 27 years I was a lazy prick, but now i want the same opportunity as someone who has worked their ass off for 18 years. Let me guess, you're a liberal/democrat?

>> No.2741573

How'd you do in highschool? I applied to Cornell, and I'm curious as to how I measure up. Although I don't think I measure up very well...

>> No.2741575


Hmm, my high school teaches Calc 1&2 for 1.5 years, and multi (calc 3) in .5 year. How is it in a normal school?

>> No.2741579

Harvard Extension - cheap as hell, but cost of livign is expensive as fuck

>> No.2741580


I am currently in high school. Still want to compare stats?

>> No.2741588

I mean while at MIT, they take a condensed version. Even if you took AP calc (for some reason, you can't pass out any more. Fucking fags...)

>> No.2741590

Well, yeah. I guess I didn't really make myself clear. I'm not interested in comparing, unless you'd like to know mine as well. But you must have done pretty well for yourself if you think you're headed to Caltech. I'd just like to see something more than statistics.

>> No.2741596


They still accept credit for AP BC calc, and AP Physics C (only the AP test though)

>> No.2741597
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You are exactly right, I am very liberal.
But hey I have the money right and isn't money the only thing that matters to republicans. I mean they keep fucking arguing how teachers are overpaid with their avg salaries of 50K but how we should NEVER EVER NEVER NEVER EVER CUT the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% of Americans who earn more than 250K huh?

Yea GTFO faggot.

Oh and if any of you wanna know what I do...my parents were wealthy land owners in my native country. When we came to USA we still had the land in our home country and over many years we developed and built many mansions and rented them out. Over 20 years my parents have amassed a large amount of wealth in that country. We now have multiple business in our home country including production factories and import/export.

As a kid I wanted to be an astrophysicist but honestly the american public schooling system is flawed. I also hate all the American over confident bastards I met in school and the slutty whores. I dropped out, learned music, taught myself how to play the markets, and perfected my body. Now I want to do the only thing in life I've not managed to do, get that physics degree.

>> No.2741609

maybe unnamed GIR credit. But then again, it's been years, maybe I'm mistaken. I distinctly remember being pissed at having to take 5.111, and being told that it'll only get worse for the next freshman classes.

>> No.2741615


not the guy you were talking to here, the guy who is applying to brown/columbia/cornell. i'm australian so i'll have to take the SAT soon, but judging on the practise tests i'll be expecting at absolute minimum 2200. i'm expecting 99+ for my ATAR, which is comparable to a 3.9/4.0 GPA i suppose. I've coached little sports teams, tutored maths for free, done community service here and overseas. gone on school history trips, and played in the school drumline for 4 years as extracurriculars. I have no idea if that's going to get me in or not

>> No.2741621

Ever play any sports?
Are you just naturally that smart or do you study extensively?

>> No.2741622
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nobody gives a fuck. I'll bet $50k that you don't get into an Ivy. and, like you, i suppose, i have the money to make that bet.

>> No.2741627


Played basketball and rugby most of my life. Played club and school rugby, and made representative teams for a couple of years. i'm naturally smart but this year i'm working pretty hard.

>> No.2741637
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Ok, at least you aren't a total fucking retard. You still won't get into an Ivy league though. If you really liked physics, you would be a physicist by now.


>> No.2741639

Wow man I wish I was you T__T
Pakistani here, did not care about school because parents never guided me, got 1860 sats, shit gpa, couldn't afford college even after 20K scholarship, 3.3 GPA high school, no extra currics, go to community college...

feelsbadman T___T

>> No.2741652
File: 2.45 MB, 3697x2414, Raphael_School_of_Athens_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W/e man, fuck your Ivy League bullshit...I'm going to ascend to the Heavens and BEYOND!

I will go on to study at the School of Athens with all the greats!

>> No.2741654

swarthmore isn't a top tier school
neither is colgate or harvey mudd

>> No.2741660
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>> No.2741670

OP I dare you to apply, waste your money, 70 bucks an app hahahaha

those shitty IVY schools make most of their profits by the thousands of apps they reject lolz

>> No.2741671
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>> No.2741682


>But you must have done pretty well for yourself if you think you're headed to Caltech. I'd just like to see something more than statistics.

I am 16, female. My school offers no AP classes and does not calculate class rank or GPA.

SAT: reading:800 math:780 (ffs I missed a really easy trig problem concerning a 30-60-90 triangle) writing: 660. English isn't my native language though. I didn't take the ACT. My unofficial GPA that the college office came up was 3.83. For ECs I did volunteering, chess team, and science olympiad. I ended up placing 4th in state for ornithology (Man cornell's birding website is awesome I love birds @_@) . I also tutor and do math team. I also taught a week long course on random math problems @ my school.

I don't really know why I got into the schools I did tbh. I was surprised when I got into Caltech and got the likely from Cornell (got rejected from MIT lol). I chatted with my teachers who wrote my rec letters, so I guess that helped since they knew me as a person. I'm actually nervous about going to the big name schools since I personally think I'm as dumb as bricks. The only thing I have going for me is that I'm hard working, and once that evaporates I'm fucked. In my essays I wrote a lot about switching schools since I didn't get to go in the classes I wanted to go into. So I skipped a grade, and then I started BC calculus when I was 14 and all of that shit. Honestly, OP should have switched schools to get classes that he wanted to take, instead of dropping out. Is that all you want to know? Also, good luck with colleges!

>> No.2741688
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>> No.2741690

I was going to give you some advice because my friend did the exact same thing that you did. Except, after your reply:

>>Why do I have to waste my time at community college?

>>Also, I've heard classes (math/science) are pretty hard at community college (atleast the one in my area). Are sci/math classes hard wherever you go or will they be x100 harder at a top tier school?

>>I mean I looked at MIT's OCW and they had Calc 1 and even Algebra 1.

I realized you were just a dumb bitch. There is no way your going to fucking get into an Ivy league school with that attitude.

>> No.2741698

7/10. I didn't fall for it but that's a good attempt. I wish you good luck in your future troll endeavors. You have potential.

>> No.2741708

Undergrad (the first 2 years) math/science is just about the same everywhere.

>> No.2741710

Hey I have a sister and she's about 15, I just wished she'd try harder in school. She's the arty fartsy type who think's she's such an emotionally deep person.

Good luck on your academic career. :)

>> No.2741711
File: 80 KB, 330x357, toadFeelsBad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. That's very impressive. To both you and the Aussie...shit.

>> No.2741712


mfw wasn't trolling. I'll provide proof as long as I can blank out my name and shit

>> No.2741718

i bet OP goes to CC and fails.

>> No.2741722


lol, how was that a troll man?

>>2741615 here, maybe i'll see you >>2741682 at cornell next year (unlikely as it's my 4th choice)

>> No.2741723

You know the rules.

>> No.2741730

I bet he prolly does go to a CC lol...but I don't think he fails, he seems to know wtf he's talking about.

>> No.2741733

Hey OP, wanna share some more hi res art?

>> No.2741745

should've omitted that little factoid

>> No.2741748


>> No.2741750


Oh, what other schools are you applying to? I also applied to Brown at the prodding of my friends, but I probably won't get in. I probably won't go to Cornell since my neighbors are really bitter about Cornell (both went to Cornell for undergrad and grad schools and got shit jobs, so huge butthurt).

Also, thanks for the compliments guys, but I didn't really do anything extraordinary. A lot of people at my school go to the Ivies and MIT/Caltech/Stanford, so I'm average :s


>> No.2741757

he hasn't been in a class room environment since forever. that and he probably got pretty stupid over the years if he hasn't bothered to keep up with weight lifting his brain.

>> No.2741759
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Know what schools make up the Ivy League before commenting.

If you want to go to these schools because you think it would be cool, then just give me your money, you would achieve the same thing (Nothing and you lose money).

For serious? Go to a community college pound back some math and science courses and make sure you know what your want to do after university.

If you don't know why you are going to university then you will fail.

>> No.2741763

right now, probably applying to 5 schools overseas.
1 - Brown
2 - Columbia (since it's in NYC)
3 - UVic (was my first choice before i was persuaded to shoot high. Still wanna go there and i'm 99% sure i'll be accepted so it's a good backup)
4 - Cornell (only really applying since it's in New York and is an Ivy)
5 - UBC

>> No.2741774

Use your money to travel and work around the world. There are plenty things to see and learn.

>> No.2741781

Not the OP, but what kind of advice would you offer for someone who has different priorities? My highest priority is doing science or engineering abroad.

Honestly, if somehow I got into a real Ivy I think I would hate my peers and life so much.

>> No.2741792


ooh, good luck! The interviewer I got for Brown was really nice C: but I tend to fail at interviews...But seriously, good luck, and remember that you'll do well regardless of where you go for college.

>> No.2741793

LOL, I know the what the ivy league is, although it seems most of /sci/ does not know

There are many other schools which are NOT ivy league but are academically just as strong, that is what I meant by top tier schools...see Stanford, Colgate, Harvey Mudd, Swarthmore, Duke, U of Chicago, Amherst, etc

>> No.2741806

Note: Ithaca, NY (where Cornell is located) is not close to New York, NY. UPenn, Princeton and Yale are actually closer to the city.

>> No.2741810


what kind of stuff did he ask you? Do they do interviews for international applicants?

>> No.2741816


really? fuck. i'll apply to them then.

>> No.2741819

I wanted to go to the University of Tohoku (seriously), but it just got wiped out by that tsunami a few days ago
Also, apparently no employer outside of Asia gives a shit what school you went to in Asia.

>> No.2741827


harvardfag here:

your best bet is to go to a Community college for 2 years, get a 4.0 overall then apply to columbia general studies (as mentioned earlier) it's your best bet.

Harvard college does not generally accept mature students, nor does most other ivy league universities.

>> No.2741842


No idea about international students. She was an alumnus and she asked general questions like hobbies and why you want to apply. 1/2 the time was just for questions, so ask them to let them know that you are interested.