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File: 8 KB, 260x190, s-ALEXANDRA-WALLACE-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2737675 No.2737675 [Reply] [Original]

HAHAHA this bitch is actually leaving the school. I love how the reporter is Asian, too.


>> No.2737726

those boobz..

>> No.2737727


What a silly girl, race is a social construct and doesn't even exist, for one. Two, she is the reason Americans are thought of as vapid, clueless, egocentric idiots throughout the world.

>> No.2737729

That bitch sounds dumb as fuck. She was probably failing anyway.

>> No.2737735

i dont' care. she's fuckable

>> No.2737748


moron detected.

>> No.2737751

don't get your hopes up.
obvious push up bra is obvious.

she's a b cup at most

>> No.2737763

So are redheaded Jewish girls, but I still wouldn't want to personally know any.

>> No.2737765
File: 19 KB, 469x304, 1269495923891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong about what the Anon posted?
It's pretty accurate. Most people do not think highly of americans. They are precieved as stupid (most of them are).

>> No.2737773

As an American, I feel the same way about Americans: lowly morons for the most part.

>> No.2737775

>epiphany in political science

>> No.2737783

>I love how the reporter is Asian, too.
Something tells me that was the network's intention...

>> No.2737789


1) race is not a social construction
2) >implying what the rest of the world thinks of americans matters and they're not just as fucked up as us.

>> No.2737791


OP here.


>> No.2737795
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>studies political science

>> No.2737802

Same, a good majority of us probably couldn't even find Canada on a map even after you told them they were 'The US's Hat'.

>> No.2737803


If she was in a library or something, she has good reason to be pissed off about people talking on their cell phones. If not, then she should go someplace where people are normally expected to be quiet.

>> No.2737810


It's the fact that she singled-out Asians that pissed everyone off though.

However, I've got to agree with her. Around 30% of my school is Asian and they're the most selfish, noisy, smelly anti-social cunts I've ever come across. There are some nice exceptions though.

>> No.2737815

this is false.

>> No.2737821
File: 45 KB, 640x553, bucket-of-fail-demotivational-poste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has never left the USA

It is pretty obvious you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. FYI: There is a huge sterotype in the world of "americans being stupid". This for the most part is true.
The average intellegence of an american citizen, is lower that that of a european citizen. American "culture" is relatvity fucking stupid, and doesn't promote intellegence.

I'm american btw

>> No.2737825

>selfish, noisy, smelly anti-social cunts I've ever come across
You could say that about virtually everybody on Earth.

Especially everyone on 4chan.

>> No.2737827


>> No.2737833

No it's really not, we Americans are fucking stupid compared to the rest of the world.

Our NEWS networks can't even spell Gadhafi's name right.

>> No.2737847


I've been to canada, mexico, went to hati with my school, and germany.

Americans are not stupid, we're socially stratified. We purposely keep the niggers/mexicans at the bottom dumb. Our top tier is the highest tier possible, which is why we have the best universities in the world here.

>I'm american btw

I'll translate for you. "No one in america ever liked me because i'm an antisocial smelly moron, so i go on the internet and insult the average american citizen. I've never stepped outside my small family group and because i think they're dumber than me, everyone must be"

>> No.2737855

>No it's really not, we Americans are fucking stupid compared to the rest of the world.
Not entirely true, we're stupid compared to the rest of the FIRST WORLD; we're still higher up on the food chain than most second or third world countries (most that is).

>> No.2737856
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>American "culture" is relatvity fucking stupid, and doesn't promote intellegence.
>I'm american btw

I can tell :)

>> No.2737859
File: 12 KB, 446x412, 1277939260836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"only two-thirds could indicate which way northwest is on a map. "

FUCKING RETARDS MAKE ME ASHAMED TO BE AMERICAN! I blame the fucking biblethumpers, they are dumb as shit! THEY INCOURAGE IGNORANCE!

>> No.2737860

>Our NEWS networks can't even spell Gadhafi's name right.

>Implying there's a standard transliteration for every language.

>> No.2737865


My area is about 60% white and 40% Mexican. You can make generalizations about obnoxiousness and selfishness by ethnicity. However, it seems to change with age.

For instance, Mexican kids and young adults ( > 30 years) shouldn't even be considered human. They have no respect for other peoples' property or space.

Then, at some point, the Mexicans magically become respectable human beings while the white people turn into the scum of the Earth.

But maybe that's just because the older Mexicans tend to be first- and second-generation immigrants.

>> No.2737876


did you not read the survey report?

"A randomly selected sample was designed to represent the target population nationally.
A total of 510 men and women aged 18 to 24 were interviewed with quotas by age group and by

>510 represents entire country
>not accounting for race or any demographics aside from sex and age

ignored economic situation completely

And did you read some of the questions? Some of them were like 'where does the tV show CSI:Crime Scene Investiagions take place"
Las Vegas, Chicago, LA, ect.

These types of questions are not indicative of not knowing geography.

>> No.2737887

Not really, I'll agree with the Third World comment, but a lot of Second Worlds aren't that stupid.
Blaming an entire group of people is just as ignorant. We just have poor education skills and geography is one of the things most Americans find useless for some reason.
It's Gadhafi. There is no other way to spell it. It's not Kaddafi, it's not Qaddafi, it's Gadhafi.

>> No.2737892

>Some of them were like 'where does the tV show CSI:Crime Scene Investiagions take place"
If Americans could only recognize a place because they saw it in a TV show or movie, then it's even more sadder in their case.

>> No.2737893
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>Ad_hominem attacks
>no real argument

Yeah, I can tell you are american. You watch alot of Faux news don't ya.

>why we have the best universities in the world here

That is true, but meaningless. As most students in US colleges aren't even fucking american. We educate the rest of the world, then kick them out of the country.

AMERICA IS FUCKING STUPID FOR THAT REASON ALONE. In 50 years america will no longer be the "super-power". America is in the decline. And it is is own fucking fault.

You should start learning chinese.

>> No.2737898

A lot Americans still don't know about a lot of countries. I'm sure most know about common brought up countries, but if you asked them were Oman was, they'd probably ask if that was even a country. Sad considering we spent years over in the Middle East.

>> No.2737901

I know some Vietnamese (whitey here btw), is that good enough?

>> No.2737908

>grasping at straws
>nitpicking details in a scientific survey
you sound like a typical US creationist.

>> No.2737911

troll post.

>> No.2737912
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>Stupid racists

Thanks for shitty up america! I bet you are a hardcore christian as well.

>> No.2737914
File: 26 KB, 640x625, AlbertEinstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there rule 34 on this girl yet?

Just curious

>> No.2737919

lol bitch is studying Political science and goes on a racist rant.

>> No.2737920

>points out fatal flaws in methodology
>"Grasping at straws"

more trolling.

>> No.2737925
File: 181 KB, 477x599, crestCambridgeUniversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


SOME of the best universities in the world.

>> No.2737927

Does anyone know what she said in Japanese when she picked up her cell phone?

>> No.2737928

>no real argument

and where is yours? No one has brought out any statistics aside from one survey that when you read the full survey report, had a seriously flawed methodology.

>If Americans could only recognize a place because they saw it in a TV show or movie, then it's even more sadder in their case.

this makes no sense. rephrase it

>That is true, but meaningless. As most students in US colleges aren't even fucking american.
>most students in US colleges aren't even fucking american.

[citation needed]

>In 50 years america will no longer be the "super-power"

confirmed for retard

Anyone have any actual arguments? Statistics? Or is this thread going to be self hating americans who are pissed that they're aspies and no one ever loved them? For serious.

>> No.2737931

Maybe she was checking on her family or something.

>> No.2737933


She may be dumb as hell but I'd fuck her and chuck her

>> No.2737934

>It's Gadhafi. There is no other way to spell it. It's not Kaddafi, it's not Qaddafi, it's Gadhafi.

prove it.
Tell me the transliteration system you used, and why its better than at least 10 others you didn't use.

>> No.2737941

>pointing out "trolling" instead of an actual argument
Grasping at more straws there, boy.

>> No.2737945


Have you had your head buried in your ass for the past 10 years or something?

>> No.2737946


>> No.2737951


The phoneme "G-" doesn't exist in arabic faggot

In other words spelling is open for interpretation

>> No.2737952


Don't cite yourself, you arrogant fuck.

>> No.2737955


>> No.2737956

The American World.

Here are countries that exist to America.

Canada-America's Hat
Mexico-America's Shit Stain
Britain/Rest of Europe except France/Germany-Bad Teeth, Tea Drinkers
China/Vietnam/Korea/Japan-Chinks and Gooks
Iraq-Sand Niggers

Those are the only countries the US knows about, even though you could name off a good 100 more. I'm American before anybody gets their panties in a bunch too.

>> No.2737961

>this makes no sense. rephrase it
It makes complete and pragmatic sense, but considering America's usual grasp on the English language and general reading comprehension, I'm not surprised it's difficult to understand.

>> No.2737965

Maybe it's the fact that a good majority of Libyans speak English and Arabic. It's THEIR romanization of his name using their own English.

>> No.2737969
File: 94 KB, 452x640, feynmanugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cites himself instead of an actual, credible argument

>> No.2737973


I'm not surprised America didn't grasp it - social constructs don't tend to be able to read.

>> No.2737982

It is false, but it's how the rest of the world views the U.S. If you were to visit any European country you'll find that most people associate America with stupid.

>> No.2737986


he was citing me, not himself. believe it or not there are people other than me in this thread that are not complete dumbfucks


>students from other countries coming to american schools to study is evidence america is inferior not superior

thanks for finding citations to help prove my point

also, "Last year, the nearly 29,000 foreign students in Massachusetts contributed almost $1 billion to the state's economy, according to a new study by the association." from your own links. Seems helpful to our economy

you said "MOST" us students were foreign, which as you have just proved is not true

thanks for the links troll.

>> No.2737987

>implying any increase = majority share.

Please, learn to read.

>> No.2737989

>Anyone have any actual arguments? Statistics?
This thread is nothing but filled-to-the-brim with citations, statistics, and arguments; I don't see how anyone can be so unintelligent enough to not even notice them in the first place, unless you're going off of the usual "if it's against America, it's not valid" rule of thumb.

>> No.2737991
File: 333 KB, 768x1259, 1284372527168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop watching faux news, it is making you stupid.

Why do you assume america has to be "the world power"? You know it wasn't always that way, right? "World powers" come and go! Its basic fuckin history.

There is nothing "special" about america. America is in the decline, deal with it. Our economy is shit, our worksector is shit, our education system is shit (compared to europe and some partcs of asia). We even fail at fucking democracy. We are not #1 anymore.

We are being outdone, by a shit ton of eurpoean countries, and china. Even our mighty dollar, has fallen.

Sorry bro.

>> No.2737994

Now you're just making stuff up.

>> No.2737999

>you said "MOST" us students were foreign, which as you have just proved is not true
He said it as a hyperbole, not an actual point or primacy/anchoring effects like his opponent's points were, and those citations actually prove his point and disproves yours.

>> No.2738005

America is a slowly declining country with stupid inbred hicks.

I'm American and wish I could move the hell out.

>> No.2738008

>US below Bosnia in life expectancy
I'm actually embarrassed to be an American now...

>> No.2738010

Higher education in the United States refers to a variety of institutions of higher education in the United States. Strong research and funding have helped make American colleges and universities among the world's most prestigious, which is particularly attractive to international students, professors and researchers in the pursuit of academic excellence. According to the Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities, more than 30 of the highest-ranked 45 institutions are in the United States (as measured by awards and research output).[1] Public universities, private universities, liberal arts colleges, and community colleges all have a significant role in higher education in the United States. An even stronger pattern seems to be shown by the 2010 Webometrics Ranking of World Universities with 103 US universities in the Top 200.

According to UNESCO[2] the US has the second largest number of higher education institutions in the world, with a total of 5,758, an average of more than 115 per state. The US also has the highest number of higher education students in the world, a figure of 14,261,778,[3] or roughly 4.75% of the total population. The U.S. Department of Education shows 4,861 colleges and universities with 18,248,128 students in 2007.[4]


But our culture doesnt promote learning.
Face it, america is the seat of knowledge for the world. Yes the poor here cant afford much (statistically blacks/mexicans/minorities) and their biological differences negatively effect them

but overall for fairly affluent white people, america is a great place

now gtfo you trolls.

Unless someone has statistics showing americans doing worse, that are broken down to show demographic differences, i dont want to hear more shit from you people

>> No.2738011
File: 310 KB, 520x650, RAPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyone rape her yet? I'd so bag it and tag it.

>> No.2738015
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Pic related


>> No.2738017

That's not just hyperbole, that's a major error. If anything every post he has made is hyperbole, and has no points.

>> No.2738019

>america is a great place
Except for non-whites that deserve an education, I see you're from /new/. Also "America doesn't promote educate," that's even worse.

>> No.2738026

No error or points, just hyperboles and semantics.

>> No.2738027

Yeah, PC is my favorite American company.

>> No.2738029
File: 43 KB, 459x359, 41bcc200_56ee_e63b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd violently strangle her to death and rape the corpse, then cut it up and dispose of it in an acid bath.

If you know what I mean

>> No.2738034


>> No.2738035

Bitch has some killer tits. Shame she's a dumb cunt who expects everyone to speak her language regardless of who they're talking to.

>> No.2738040


>> No.2738042

>have fatal flaws in arguments
>have people tell you exactly where they are.
>"That's not an argument! Stop bickering over semantics!"

>> No.2738043

>killer tits
>dumb cunt
Sounds about right.

>> No.2738048

They aren't valid arguments or flaws those, just semanticals.

>> No.2738050

What is the point of this argument? If we're having a debate we need a defined criteria and goalposts, this argument is too nebulous. What are we arguing about? What point is trying to be proven? because this is just a back and forth of people arguing for the sake of arguing

>> No.2738055

>because this is just a back and forth of people arguing for the sake of arguing
This is /sci/ after all.

>> No.2738057

Well it started off that the rest of the world views American as stupid, which is true. One guy got butthurt, then it turned into /new/.

>> No.2738066

>Political Science major
>thinks it's a good idea to post a racist rant on the world wide web

Did she learn nothing in her classes?

>> No.2738069

Looks like someone can't accept his loss.

>> No.2738074

Just look at her. I'm sure you know the answer.

>> No.2738075
File: 20 KB, 300x266, 1266769980517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple = made in China
PC = made in China and Japan


Way to give your money to the Chinese and Japanese. Good job america!

>> No.2738079

>this is 4chan in general after all

>> No.2738081
File: 345 KB, 502x502, 1257990211864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ok. If the argument is

>the rest of the world views americans as stupid

this is probably true. however i think we're arguing over if this is a valid view? right?

If this is what we're arguing about, what are we arguing over? Oh, the internet. Oh, Americans designed it? seems like a /thread moment

Seriously there are MANY countries that are dumber than america on average. Like almost any african, south american, middle eastern country. Europeans dont look down on them because they dont have a feeling of superiority. Americans do have a sense of superiority just based on being american. Why? Because look at what i said earlier, we made the internet/thread. Because americans have national pride they associate the accomplishments of other americans with themselves and so the ignorant bottom rung of our society has a superiority complex, as does the top. However within the small intelligent minority such a thing would be justified. Within the vast majority of the population it isnt. This ubiquitous sense that we're better is felt by europeans who feel its illegitimate, which it is in most cases. Thus they view america as stupid.

really not a complex issue guys, stop fighting.

>> No.2738083

one thing this girl said that wasn't true.

one thing.

>> No.2738089


In the bottom rungs this superiority complex caused by nationalism also acts to placate them, because they already feel superior they feel no need to read, become educated, or really accomplish all that much beyond basic survival

>> No.2738093


>implying the truth matters to butthurt liberals who dont even admit the concept of 'race' exists

>> No.2738095
File: 26 KB, 460x363, eminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example of Greedy Americans fucking over there own economy. America actually doesn't benifit from PC's or Mac's. It really don't help the US in any way, it doens't help the economy, nor does it help the work sector.

In fact it helps the Chinese and Japanese. It brings hightech jobs to those countries.



>> No.2738096

And what does this have to do with science?


>> No.2738108

>If this is what we're arguing about, what are we arguing over? Oh, the internet. Oh, Americans designed it? seems like a /thread moment
Depends on what you define as the internet. If you're talking about web-sites and web servers like 4chan, Google, HTTP, HTML, etc., that technology was designed by CERN. If you're talking about things like FTP servers, emails, data transfer, etc., those were developed elsewhere. Also the ability to send and receive data from one place to another was first implemented by the Soviets for Sputnik.

>> No.2738115
File: 78 KB, 300x375, hurrderpaderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


rofl - im not sure if youre just dumb or trolling. You want to compare "3rd world" countries to us in intellect? Americans have the right to be proud of "their" accomplishments, But its this very arrogance that european people disapprove of. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.2738137


>implying wealthy corporatists identify with America and dont just care about themselves

this is weird. You're treating people that are not a collective like a collective, it just doesn't make sense

increasing globalization decreases the threat of war between interconnected partners in trading relationships because the capitalists wont let it.

you're acting like these things are simple

>> No.2738140
File: 17 KB, 280x280, 1269698982647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, the internet. Oh, Americans designed it


>> No.2738142
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Because she is in a political SCIENCE major.

argh, don't you know anything?

>> No.2738158
File: 15 KB, 260x354, 1267590795538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans have the right to be proud of "their" accomplishments

American Highschool dropout, takes credit for inventing electricity, the lighbulb, or the atom bomb. LMFAO

>> No.2738164


>see the example
>miss the point

i was saying its not a valid view to judge all americans as stupid. I explained the reason they did it pertained to American nationalism and a double standard on the part of europeans.

but the argument continues, arguing about nothing, no facts, no interpretations, atleast i tried to deconstruct a bit and see what was causing the phenomenon we see, even if it is a weak hypothesis

you guys really just like to argue about bullshit and nothing dont you?

>> No.2738200



>> No.2738250

>Confuses the internet (physical layer) with www (application layer).
>I have no face.

>> No.2738337


When I met you girl my heart went knock knock
Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop!

>> No.2738439

>the reporter is Asian

>> No.2739599

irl troll

>> No.2739743

i still don't see what the big deal is. i don't doubt that she is absolutely right in her observation of Asians in the UCLA library. but what really is surprising is that people actually care about youtube video rants (they have not and never will hold any actual relevance).

anyway if i were in her position i'd be buttfrustrated too. in fact i often make similar complaints about Armenians in my school, is dat racisss? i don't think so, it's just me observing that most of the loud and obnoxious tend to b Armenians.

>> No.2739763
File: 69 KB, 281x206, 1300130895771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 Porn Career

>> No.2739796

I live in Germany and can say the same about most of the Germans. I live in a country full of retards... and some cool intelligent people, probably like in America.

>> No.2739803

Her original video is just hating on people who talk loud in the library. They happen to usually be Asians. It's true, what's the big deal? Why is it racist if it's the truth? That's like being called a racist for pointing out that black people are statistically more likely to end up in jail, or Muslim men mistreat their women.

>> No.2739823

Superior story. Gilbert Gottfried fired for being a boss:


>> No.2739825

It's not racist to say that Black's are more likely to go in jail; it's racist to think that this is because of their skin or their genes, not their circumstances.

>> No.2739835

>It's not racist to say that Black's are more likely to go in jail; it's racist to think that this is because of their skin or their genes, not their circumstances.

It's also the epitome of anti-scientific to categorically deny the possibility of a genetic component.

>> No.2739856


Blacks and whites have only been separated for a very short time, evolutionarily speaking. There hasn't been enough time for any noticeable difference in intelligence to emerge, or any reason to suspect that our environment selected for intelligence more favorably than theirs.

This is simple science.

>> No.2739874


>> No.2739878

if she had a real major, she wouldn't have had time to make the video.

>> No.2739891

you don't think she went to college to get an education do you? she has been busy finding cocks to stuff her vagina and get intoxicated. typical white college girl behavior anyway; or most American college girl.

>> No.2739906
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>> No.2739921

>talking on cell phones

Umm... I hate to bring this up but...

>> No.2739946


Anti-social =/= asocial.

>> No.2739961

Show me in the video where she says they act the way they do because of their skin or their genes. She doesn't. It wasn't racist of her.

>> No.2739973

Ching chong! (It means I love you.)


>> No.2739976

>implying Americans should care about geography other than their own

>> No.2739996

Wasn't attacking her; I didn't even watch the video. I was attacking people who pretend they aren't racist by going around saying that blacks are more violent, therefore are inferior.

>> No.2739998

I've wondered this since seeing the video: Was she a transfer student? Specifically, was she a transfer student from a community college? Because she doesn't look like the type of person that could get accepted into UCLA through an admissions route that doesn't practically grant you free admission due to a law that says the UC schools have to accept California community college transfers.

>> No.2740001
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>> No.2740019

Race does exist you PC shit head.

>> No.2740037


Race exists as much as "big ears" or some other physica trait can exist in a human being. There is no speciation going on. At best, "ethnicity" is a genetic marker for some other traits, but not many.

>> No.2740044

>There is no speciation going on
Wrong. Isolated animal groups eventually evolve into different species.

>> No.2740045
File: 27 KB, 400x517, 186448_055_1_vw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how sensitive are these Asians that are threatening to kill her? I'd imagine they're just pissed that she has tits:)

>> No.2740055

she had a cheerleading scholarship

>> No.2740071


Yeah, but speciation only occurs when they can no longer mate, dumbass. Which, given the history of genes, is very very precise in how different a gene can be before it is no longer comparable. Human beings of different races simply share different alleles.

>> No.2740073


since you know all the answers what is a long enough time for there to be a difference in intelligence among ethnicities

>> No.2740083

>implying the Asians are threatening to kill her

It's more likely people from /b/

>> No.2740086

Asian languages are way more annoying to over hear than say spanish. They like have to yell out every sound or something its really draining on the ears

>> No.2740089

Depends on a lot of things; Giving numbers to this sort of thing is pretty silly. But, if the two environments are only superficially different, then it's clearly well in excess of 100, 000 years, probably by an order of magnitude.

And then someone has to offer an explanation for why Africa is less conducive for intelligence-explanation

>> No.2740098


Well you can't say evolution HASN'T selected for intelligence in the past because that's what separates us from apes and shit.

Also this:

>> No.2740099


>> No.2740215

>"A junior political science major..."
ahahaha oh wow

>> No.2740303

Right, but over a much larger time-span. And in that time, there is evidence to suggest that a single mutation or quick series of mutations led to a very large increase in human intelligence, related to language faculties.

So, we probably should expect that (i) white and blacks are equally intelligent, or (ii) there's an enormous difference in intelligence, owing to a similar cause which caused human intelligence in the first place. Seeing as (ii) is evidently wrong, we are led to (i).

>> No.2740877

This remix is decent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKNSDki-8qs

I like the way "Tsunami" rhymes with "Me so hawny" and the way the uploader has mashed her Ohhhhhhh is pretty nice too. I should ask /g/ what sort of software one might be able to procure to make similar remixes.

>> No.2740907

You know, after all the ranting of stormfags on how bloody liberal the tertiary system apparently is, I was almost surprised to see that they're full of shit and UCLA handled the situation reasonably.

>> No.2741502
File: 33 KB, 500x428, 1286002945134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Making the chick quit skool because of one random youtube video is reasonable?

>> No.2741628

You should check during the fall of the Yugoslav Union, life expectancy of a Bosnian was about two weeks.

>> No.2741633


>> No.2741911


She left voluntarily. Apparently.

>> No.2741983

As an alumni of UC Irvine I fully support this girls, fob gooks are the worst people to be around, Curry-Niggers are in second place.

Who cares where Oman is?