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File: 27 KB, 396x600, japanese-sex-robot-790079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2729588 No.2729588 [Reply] [Original]


I mean, seriously. What price would you pay TO HAVE A AUTONOMOUS REAL DOLL TO HAVE SEX WITH? We should be investing 100% of our resources into this. Then once the sex robots are invented, the most undesirable portions of humanity will choose to have sex with the sex robots instead of scraping at the bottom of the barrel filled with other undesirable people. Only the healthiest and most intelligent people will end up having sex with each other while the rest of humanity will just have sex with the robots because having sex with each other would be harder and less rewarding than having sex with the anatomically perfect robots. In 100 years the ugly unhealthy portions of our society would not breed at all because they would be spending all their breeding time with robots (which can't have babies). This will solve problems with over population and only leave a glorious master race behind.

Seriously. What the fuck?

>> No.2729598

No, any discipline relying on computation will grind to a fucking halt as the autists pour their prodigious energies into their cyber lolis.

>> No.2729600

People with money can get real girls


>> No.2729608

>the most undesirable portions of humanity will choose to have sex with the sex robots instead of scraping at the bottom of the barrel filled with other undesirable people


>Only the healthiest and most intelligent people will end up having sex with each other


what would actually happen would be the dolls would be so expensive that trailer trash couldn't afford them, so they would continue to have drunken incestuous sex, while the most intelligent people who have trouble getting laid in real life would now have no reason to develop relationships or be sucked into having children.

>> No.2729606
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>> No.2729629

Because of human females. A robot that could realistically mimic a human female would cost hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars.

If you have that kind of money to spend, you could easily get a slutty woman to have sex with you on a semi-permanent basis in exchange for money and gifts. I seriously doubt that a robot could fuck better than a real woman.

>> No.2729630

This is probably more in-line with what would happen.

>> No.2729637

>inb4 idiocracy.avi IRL

>> No.2729646

Feminists would fight these things tooth and nail.

>> No.2729650

Doll to some degree, yes. AI, no. If you're cool with some sort of cheesy porn dialog, then sure.

>> No.2729661

Lol feminists.

>> No.2729673

Just program some of the robots to be lesbians, and they'll be robosexuals in no time.

>> No.2729717

The robots will be more perfect then any human. Even 'the best' of humanity will choose them over humans.

Also with cosmetic surgery slowly getting cheaper and more powerful, and with designer babies, the ugliness of humanity will cease to exist in 100 years.

In the end nothing would change, other then the fact that you don't have to have sex with ugly people. Sorry to burst you social darwinist bubble. Also, ProTip: You're not part of the elite and probably never will be. Supporting elitism, authority, and hierarchy amounts to Stockholm Syndrome.

>> No.2729733

>recommend government to invest trillions in fembots

this is how i know i'm on 4chan

>> No.2731363


What if these sex robots are sentient beings that are just released into the wild, and programmed to find the biggest, dumbest loser they can?

>> No.2731372

hooker unions block sex robots research

>> No.2731376

That would make a great movie.

>> No.2731379

This might become my new favorite /sci/ copypasta.

>> No.2731381

This thread makes me think of that armitage III anime movie where mars makes fembots with wombs in a political power play against a feminist earth.

>> No.2731387

Eugenics <3

>> No.2731578

Imagine the mods people would do to personalize them.

"This is Sandra, she can run 60 MPH and has vaginae for ears.

>> No.2731606

I'm not a pathetic loser so I prefer real girls

>> No.2731627

The women would flip the fuck out when they realized that they lost their trump card in social relations.

>> No.2731643

whatever you make, it will still never compare to a real woman, and you know it.

>> No.2731646

OP is onto something, but he fundamentally misunderstands humans. We must instill hatred of real sex into the lower classes. Otherwise they'll fuck each other on some superstition. This is one issue on which feminism might actually work for us.

>> No.2731654
File: 357 KB, 850x1101, 1292824911226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good thing... 3DPD.

I'll stick with my waifu

>> No.2731666


/g/ leaning towards the latter, how about you /sci/ ?

>> No.2731667

whatever you do, the penis will still make you its whore
you can't hide
you can't run
but you could buy a manbot

>> No.2731668

You make sex robots sound like a wonder from a Civilization game.

>> No.2731680

the next advancement these clever sexbot engineers need to work on is making them

>> No.2731685

again, a manbot would not compare to a real man.
and i'd have to be fucking desperate to get one.
also, why have a whole bot when you could just have a dildo?
(i dont use those either btw...again, it is no comparison to the real thing)

>> No.2731709

>has experienced the real thing

>> No.2731717
File: 485 KB, 1930x1911, Main_tycho_remnant_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's the FUNNIEST thing- the lack of one of the most OBVIOUS untapped markets in human history is actually the ultimate proof of the shadow orders in power that don't want us to ever have any real alternative to human sex partners. This is UNDENIABLE unless you're a fucking IDOT!!!!

They need the ever-increasing population, and they want the whole world to be like fucking CHINA, a muddled mix of hordes of over-crowded streets with humans flowing down them like a river of cancerous degenerates primed for world-wide slavery.

WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!! You're all so fucking stupid you practically DESERSE this!!!!!

>> No.2731732

>implying all women are either virgins or sluts.


>> No.2731747

he was implying your slutness is showing
it is

>> No.2731748

>implying you're female
Tells us more, fucktard.

inbefore you tell us more.

>> No.2731754

I'm going to let that roll because you strongly please my penis.

>> No.2731758

No it would be better.
A womans personality is just an obstacle in the way of becoming happy.

>> No.2731760

> implying EK isn't code for gaysexual

>> No.2731763

so im a slut because i would rather have a real man than a dildo/manbot?

fucking GTFO my /sci/ and die in a fire.

>> No.2731778

>fucking GTFO my /sci/ and die in a fire.
>GTFO my /sci/
>my /sci/
This is so good, it just HAS to be fattening.

Please, continue.

>> No.2731809

Yes it would, I'm afraid you're getting useless so better go back to the kitchen already.

>> No.2731821

No, he is probably calling you a slut because you have had sex.

>> No.2731822

so original.

>> No.2731830

Oh I see.

>> No.2731833

..i lol'd hard when i read your mailto...

...i still hate you tho...

>> No.2731844

But it's true. When women don't have a purpose anymore we could as well holocaust all the useless whores like you. U mad?

>> No.2731848

Hey guys, EK is finally unbanned for being retarded i see. Lets see how long till this stupid whore is banned from /sci/ again and goes back to her feminist websites hahaha

>> No.2731854

no, you are just an idiot.
women are just as useful as men are.

>> No.2731867

Yeah women have definitely invented as much things as men have. I think YOU are the idiot

>> No.2731877

I was at work today and a female coworker spent all day whining. I almost never hear men do that. When men have a problem, they solve it. When women have a problem, they complain.

>> No.2731879

oh sorry, how many inventions have there been since women achieved equality?

yeh thats what i thought.

>> No.2731885

Why did it take them so long to achieve equity? Why did it have to be given to them by men.

>> No.2731887

>implying women have somehow achieved equality
>implying women could achieve equality
>noted for once again being out of the kitchen

>> No.2731892

the same reason it has taken blacks and gays so long to get equality...people don't like giving up power. takes a lot of effort on our part to make a change for the better.

well sure it isnt perfect and we dont have total equality even now...but its a great improvement on what it once was.

>> No.2731897

EK you have yet to make me LMFAO. you are honestly the dumbest person i have ever communicated with and i went to community college for a year. I am truely astounded that you manage to work a keyboard.

>> No.2731899

Hint (they are not equal)
If competitive society has to give you a handicap, you can not claim to be equal.

>> No.2731901

Disregard everything I said previously. Please fill me with your cocks.

>> No.2731902

you sure about that?

>> No.2731904
File: 140 KB, 407x405, 1288267420334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since this is now officially a feminism thread.

>> No.2731906


Ek is without a doubt the worst (and stupidest) tripfag on this board. Seriously, I feel like I grow a brain tumor every time she posts.

>> No.2731910


>> No.2731912

>healthiest and most intelligent people will have sex with each other.

>op actually believes this

what will happen. All the intelligent people can't get laid. We have enough disposable income to buy sex robots.

stupid workers with no disposable income still mate like rabbits

intelligence is bread out of the population

>> No.2731922


except that intelligent people do get laid, and nobody wants to mate with fucktards...except other fucktards.

>> No.2731930

They're already pushing for laws against this.

They're not useful as partners any more, which is a problem the feminists continuously underestimate.

>> No.2731943

>except that intelligent people do get laid

sounds like you are speaking from personal experience? so how many guys have you fucked?

>> No.2731962

>intelligence is bread out of the population

>> No.2731974

Humanity is not going to be doomed just so you can stick your dick in plastic.

The priorities, man.

>> No.2731976

im not a pathetic loser, i dont keep count of how many guys i have.

>> No.2731985

You sound like a pathetic loser if you can't instantly tabulate how many partners you have had.
Looking for the love your father never gave you on someones dick?

>> No.2731989

i get along great with my father, thanks.

and theres no point in counting, its not a game or a competition, i just do what i want.

>> No.2732003

you can buy a real woman much more cost effectively than you can a robot

>> No.2732012

but a whore is a one time use, a fembot will last forever.

so in the long run it will be more economical to buy teh bot.

>> No.2732016

You can't buy love, but you can program machine to love you...

>> No.2732030

only to simulate love, it wouldn't be real.

>> No.2732040



>> No.2732052

dunno, but i dont need it.

>> No.2732059

These things would be fucking expensive and no one would want to spend that much money on a masturbation device. Also it's not socially accepted.

>> No.2732060

I say we force sterilization on anyone with an IQ lower than 90

>> No.2732070

neither are fleshlights and dildo's, but there are sex shops everywhere, you buy what you want and then use it in privacy.

>> No.2732074

Been to /jp/?

>> No.2732079

but also on tripfags

>> No.2732082


nothing in Japan is socially accepted in the rest of the world

>> No.2732085

I thought at least dildos were somewhat socially accepted. Anyway you can't just hide a fembot in your drawer or whatever.

>> No.2732088

lol, i dont even care. i never want kids anyway.

>> No.2732096

But what if you can't distinguish between a fembot and a real woman?

>> No.2732097

Are we arguing if a human can be replaced by a machine? machines have a long history of putting humans out of work by doing the the job more efficiently and reliably. if its work that is concerned then yes they will put whores out of business. people dont choose artificial companions over real ones because the purpose of a companion is to not feel alone. fake companion, and still feel alone. If you argue sex and companionship can be seperate then ask yourself why people with money dont all have guy friends, and hookers? why do they bother marrying at all?

>> No.2732098

the fembot would presumably just stay in your bed all day...hidden under the sheets.

and are dildo's socially accepted? i think it would be embarrassing to admit to using one.
its like, you suck at seducing guys or something and have to resort to an imitation.

>> No.2732104

Nut the money is spent, I saw them discussing the merits of a removable vagina versus a more realistic built in vagina on some expensive sex doll on of the posters bought.

>> No.2732123


they would be exactly like regular women. DUH.

>> No.2732166

im not a pathetic loser, i dont keep count of how many guys i have.
its like, you suck at seducing guys
its not a game or a competition

>> No.2732181

seducing guys = fine
couting the number of guys you seduce = lame.

...i wouldnt expect the number to be 0 for anyone who is actually fucking trying and is of appropriate age.

>> No.2732215

oh ek I don't care about your gender im getting harder and harder

>> No.2732241

what why?
this is just text on a screen...

>> No.2732297

because he's a neckbeard

>> No.2732305

protip: clean shaven = sexy
neckbeard = not

>> No.2732300

How many nigger dicks have you sucked EK?

>> No.2732308


i am apparently (although unintentionally) racist in my selection of guys...

>> No.2732321


>> No.2732324

There is no need for "us" to put money into it. As soon as robotics is advanced and cheap enough for realistic sexbots to be feasible, they will exist. Much like as soon as it was feasible to send images of naked women over the phone line, the phone lines were flooded with images of naked women.

There is always a demand for sex.

>> No.2732423

>its like, you suck at seducing guys

>implying women need to "seduce" guys
>implying even a hambeast couldn't get laid 2/3 times just be walking up and asking random guys to fuck her
>inb4: hurrdurr thatsjustsexistbalahblahbla NO. its been proven. guys will agree to fuck a random chick 65% of the time, whearas girls will agree to fuck a random dude 0% of the time.

>> No.2732433

Liar. You crave nigger dick. I can tell.

>> No.2732453

heheh..yeah, we probably do have it slightly easier than guys do.
...i dont even know why.
My housemate is still a virgin...she's missing out.

i honestly don't.

>> No.2732456


>> No.2732470
File: 19 KB, 389x437, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shall i stop using elipses...its a tought choice...

...elipses...elpses everywhere....hmm...


..i'll have to think about it.


>> No.2732476


>> No.2732491

>why do they bother marrying at all?

Tax code.
Social stigma.

>> No.2732506

ha, u sound like me...

>> No.2732541
File: 49 KB, 560x319, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2732551


>> No.2732552

Please don't ever say that again.

>> No.2732570

you should feel honoured.

>> No.2732603
File: 11 KB, 288x158, JurassicPark125..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(which can't have babies)

Nature will find a way.

>> No.2732621

>Only the healthiest and most intelligent people will end up having sex with each other
These robots will be expensive, but if they have the money, it is easier to get than the real thing, and probably better.
So, actually, only the poor people will be having sex with each other, while the rich (who are, on average, more intelligent and healthy) dwindle.

I mean, "nerds don't get laid." is a stereotype with a firm basis in reality. If nerds could have sex with the things they create.... they'd never reproduce.

The future would have no nerds in i.

It will have the opposite effect of what you want.

>> No.2732642
File: 32 KB, 400x510, 1290166276473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...damn it, biology! Now I'm feeling stimulated.

>> No.2732681

/v/ here.

I'm leaning towards improved Male-to-Female surgery.

Male mind + female body = god tier.

>> No.2732707

and tomboyish girls come a close second.
i'm happy with that :)

>> No.2732718

Noone has noticed the huge flaw in OP's argument yet?
Most people who have babies wanted this in the first place. The exact same people will still want to have babies regardless of what they can do with a robot.