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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2729147 No.2729147 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, faggot engi here.

Would you mind taking a look at the enclosed course list and picking which of the remaining courses will be challenging/difficult?

Red = Taken, Blue = Currently taking

Physics 3 is not that hard but uses webassign, diffeq is calc 2 bullshit, electrical networks is a "curve everything" class with 20% quizzes, and digital systems is interesting.

Is it going to be applied calc 2 for the rest of forever?

If I were to quit now, would it be before the shitstorm, or after?

Much obliged.

>> No.2729154
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>> No.2729158



>> No.2729159


>> No.2729167


I was hoping for a subject matter approach.
Not sure if there are any engineers/real college /sci/fags on here though, even though I've been lurking for weeks.

>> No.2729187 [DELETED] 
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Come on guys, take the bait.

>> No.2729192


>> No.2729194


Haha, yep.

>> No.2729195

tell me more about anal dynamics

>> No.2729196


You too?
Any advice if so?

>> No.2729200

i recomend u too quit now, learn exactly what you want, not what you " may " need..

>> No.2729202


It's all about applying forces to rigid bodies.

>> No.2729206

Was thinking of choosing UCF but going to a uni in miami. you should double major in comp eng also.

>> No.2729208


I don't want any of this.

I want to sit on my ass, go hiking, swim at the springs, travel, anything but more math.

>> No.2729217


I would, but I hear comp sci I/II is rape. Plus I'm thinking of going to med school with my engineering degree and just picking up the bio/chem courses along the way.

>> No.2729249

I dont know about the rest, but thermo wont be easy. Thats where I left.

>> No.2729259
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Depends on your school, and on what you're interested in. Stop acting like a pussy and choose some fucking classes; when you get into industry, it'll all have changed anyway.
-- Electrical Engineer

>> No.2729262

>going to med school

>> No.2729287


I was just hoping to learn what was coming down the road. I'm not planning on avoiding courses.


I don't want a useless bio/MnM degree, plus I used to think I liked math and physics. Damn you sagen , hawking, and of course, dexter.

>> No.2729302

med schools will not care what your degree is but they will care what your GPA is. getting a 3.0 in engineering is damn impressive but the admissions committee will just toss your app in the trash.

That being said, I know quite a few engineering majors who are M1s.

If you want a engineering-like degree, I suggest physics or CS so that you don't fuck up your GPA.

>> No.2729305

didn't read entire thread... too late your an engineer major already, eh? well take remaining classes wisely and don't fuck up your GPA.

>> No.2729331


Don't mean to bitch, but...

Too late for GPA concerns. I've been tanking C's and C+'s in 4.0 math classes for 3 semesters and I think I'm going to fail diffeq (going to grade forgiveness [wipes old grade and replaces], but that's at best a C+). I'm still at a 3.1, but fuuuuuck, it hurts when scholarships treat you the same as other students who are taking easier majors.

I hear they wont auto-chuck ~3.0 gpa applications; hopefully they'll take major into account.

I kind of want a degree that has good job opportunities. I'm selling myself to the machine anyway by not enjoying nature erry day.

>> No.2729377


You might want to look at this video, i'm sure you will know what you want after OP

>> No.2729389



>> No.2729418

i can tell you that they won't. you'd need a considerable upward trend to get a shot into a MD school. also, gpa forgiveness won't apply for MD schools b/c they average out all grades.

DO schools have GPA forgiveness. It will come down to your MCAT. With a 3.1, you'lll need 33+ on your MCAT to be competitive (~50% of applicants with those scores tend to get in).

I can tell you first hand that your major and your school will have very little weight when considering your GPA unless you came from an absolute shit school (eg University of Phoenix).

>> No.2729445


Well damn, that really sucks. Seems like they are throwing out many intelligent people, because any fucker who can get a 3.1+ after all that calculus and network analysis, plus doing all the orgo and bio needed for medschool deserves consideration before being tossed.

You know, if I were to give advice to incoming freshman, it would be to not use AP credits, because skipping all those wonderful guaranteed A's really hurts you later on.

>> No.2729492

Prospective faggot engineer here, can someone outline the difference between Computer Science and Computer Engineering.

Course load is very similar at many universities, all I can figure out based on my searches is that Computer Science is more theoretical, while Computer Engineering... is not.

>> No.2729534


At my school, computer engineering and electrical engineering are very similar, with computer science being a wholly different course load.

Computer science focuses a little more on programming, while electrical engineering focuses more on signal processing.

Computer science if you want crazy programs like "solving" connect 4 and really having to apply logic and visualization to utilize programming techniques to solve problems.

Electrical engineering if you want your eyes to melt because of magnetic fields and trigonometric integration.

>> No.2729547

yes they are overlooking a lot of intelligent applicants. but the thing is, there are wayyy more well qualified applicants than spots. so they have to draw an arbitrary line somewhere. they whittle down the number of applicants by just dropping GPAs lower than some number and look from there.

>> No.2729555


Also, if I remember correctly, computer science was more about the logic behind the programming that you do in computer science.

Like learning about the axioms that make computer organization and problem solving possible and exploring the methods by which we can efficiently handle data (not necessarily for software - think Turing machines).

OP btw.

>> No.2729571


So what you guys are saying is that the 4.0 MBA student is going to get more consideration that the 3.1 engineering student? Shit's fucked up.

>> No.2729574


Fuck fuck fuck, I meant computer engineering

>Computer science focuses a little more on programming

>Computer science if you want crazy programs like

>> No.2729618


Naw, if you get into electromagnetism you start to do a lot more multivariable calc, partial differential equations. You'll learn about fiber optic cables, antennas, maxwell's equations in plane media ... etc.

Take device physics/semiconductor devices, you'll learn how transistors, leds, solar cells, and much more work.

Damn, looks like your department only has digital computer architecture, and signals processing as specialties.

If you like more theoretical and challenging mathwise do control system, and signal processing.

If you'd rather learn about applied digital devices and such, go the digital route.

4th year EE here.

>> No.2729631

grad gpa's don't mean shit but yes a 4.0 BA in business will be considered but a 3.1 BS in engineering will be tossed.

>> No.2729633
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>all these classes are easy as fuck

You honestly find any of this shit hard? It is just engineering!

>> No.2729640


Yeah. I find it difficult.

>> No.2729647


You are a lifesaver.

I am still having trouble with calculus 2 bullshit.
Sometimes I just write "FUCK" several times on my notes and motivateout.
I really hate some of the courses I've taken so far (statics, electrical networks, calc 2 (not calc 3)).

As a 4th year, are you happy with your situation? Did you have trouble too? Should I just gtfo? Does it get better?

Excellent information by the way, that's exactly what I needed.

>> No.2729657
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>engineering is difficult

Do you have some sort of mental imparment? Physical disability? Did your mom drink during pregnacy?

>> No.2729662



>> No.2729666
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Gay hook up thread?

>> No.2729667
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if u think that lineup in op's pic is hard, you should see my undergrad math & physics double major. max courseload and summer, still 5 yrs. lol engineers.
>mfw hot chicks think engineering students are "such geniuses"

>> No.2729670


Noep. And asking for help/advice is not a weakness. Reaction.jpg

>> No.2729680
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>> No.2729686
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>> No.2729691
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Learn sum tolerance broseph

>> No.2729692


Samefag, gb2 /b/.

>> No.2729694
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>> No.2729698
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Engineering fuckfist.

>> No.2729707
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Ignore the hate OP

>> No.2729705

shit my pants, is that new?

>> No.2729708

What a pleasant thread.

>> No.2729712

maturity is simply the capability of making childish behaviors seem more elegant. As proven by this thread (and pretty much all threads on /sci/)

>> No.2729713
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>> No.2729715
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Statics is retarded, I don't know why your department is making you guys take it.

I'm hella happy with my situation. Currently doing a specialty in RF, Microwave, and mm wave systems at UC Davis. Full of math and physics, it's awesome.

For a while, I would tell all my friends, psh anyone can do engineering, they give you all the equations, all the math is done for you. I though it was all just a big fucking joke, easy mode, was thinking about transferring into physics instead.

Then shit got real. Took my first semiconductor devices class, super interesting, full of quantum mechanics and other nonsense.

It gets better as everything you've learned comes together in the end. It's a pretty awesome realization.

For my final project in my second quarter of RF class, groups had to design the passive circuitry associated with a balanced schottky diode mixer which takes an RF signal at 10 GHz and transforms it to an intermediate frequency of 1.4GHz that can be amplified. Here's the layout from ADS:

Hang in there fellow EE!

>> No.2729719
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>> No.2729720
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>> No.2729722
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>> No.2729723
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>> No.2729729

Well OP, hopefully you can find my post in amongst what is left of this thread.


I loled

>> No.2729730


Thanks, and good luck.

This thread was worth it.

Thanks /sci/!

>> No.2729732
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>> No.2729759

Why is /sci/ so butthurt about engineering. Last time I was here (theory of evolution, "just a guess") everyone was pretty okay about it.

>> No.2729800


Supposedly because they are arrogant assholes.
Doesn't seem that way in this thread.

>> No.2729813

force meme is forced

>> No.2729814

That's mostly aerospace engineering and some electrical engineering.