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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2725612 No.2725612 [Reply] [Original]

>believing in God

You'd think that mankind's countless scientific advancements would have removed the need to believe in fairy tales, but people still cling to them like autistic man-children.

>> No.2725619
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kill it with humour.

>> No.2725624

>believing in democracy, equality and morals

You'd think that mankind's countless crimes committed in their name would have removed the need to believe in such fairy tales, but people still cling to them like autistic man-children.

>> No.2725626

That's why we false democracy

>> No.2725628


>> No.2725629
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Thats why we live in a Republic asshat...

>> No.2725632

I dont see how the idea that we were created by some larger completely different life form is that hard to believe.

>> No.2725634

science ≠ religion

discuss your religion in /x/ please

>> No.2725635

Yea lol it's really retarded lol i mean omg?? of course the universe just suddenly exploded for no reason? there could not possibly be a intelligent cause for that its fucking ridicilous, theists. WE are afterall the best and most advanced and most intelligent thing in the entirety of the universe if you believe in a intelligent cause for the existence of the universe youre retarded do you believe in unicorns too? NO? well a intelligent cause for existence is just as ridicilous lololol IDIOT hahaha LOLOLOL



>> No.2725639

Wait, are you saying god exists or god doesnt exist

Troll make no sense

>> No.2725642

how do you into 'not equals' sign?

>> No.2725644

>2011 years later
>still billions of people worshipping Jesus
>but you still worship at the altar of /sci/
>Always Wrong

>> No.2725652

why are you not in the kitchen?

>> No.2725672

because there is no internet in the kitchen, and i'm not even hungry =p

>> No.2725682

Meh, i believe in God. However, it's more of that i really hope there is a god because i would like to think there is more to life than atoms. That said, i don't really but much effort into being a faith Catholic. I attend church once in a blue moon, but that is pretty much the extent of it. I'm just kind of sad where the church is going. I remember when my friend first told me about the time he helped father tom make a white tinkle, i was so fucking jelly. I practically begged to get cummed into my ass to the priest, but when i was little i had long hair and looked and acted too girly for them to treat me special. =(

>> No.2725685

Personal religion is fine. It has basically never hurt anyone more than any sort of personal belief, which cannot and should not be controlled.

It's institutionalized religion that is the problem. People telling other people what to believe. I know that Churches and the like do a lot of good work (help groups, what not), but that work is in itself not inherent to religion in any way and could be done just as well if not better outside of a religious context.

>> No.2725694

>could be done just as well if not better outside of a religious context

the reason religion hangs around is that NOBODY actually DOES it better, all hypothetical speculation aside.

>> No.2725702
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>believing in evolution
>a geuss

>> No.2725705

but how are you going to make us sammiches if you don't STAY IN THE FUCKING KITCHEN?

>> No.2725710


>reduces god to just an intelligent cause

no morals? no will? no heaven/hell? no holy texts? no infinite magical powers?

ok. just an intelligent cause

why not just remove intelligence and stick with cause...

no reason to assume it's intelligent or unintelligent.

could just be a natural phenomena

>> No.2725715

Fuck all you lazy ass faggots. Women don't belong in the kitchen. I love cooking and I do it better than them anyway.

No, women belong in the bedroom.

>> No.2725718

>he believes science and religion are opposites

>> No.2725734
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>> No.2725745

It's not totally hard to believe, but any organized religion is flawed from the start because it's based on what humans want to believe, and usually used by some power hungered person for control of a populace.

>> No.2725764

yea could be

>> No.2725784

Why believe in a God for which there is no evidence?
I'm not saying a God doesn't exist, I'm just saying why believe in something for no reason.
There could be a God, although it seems unlikely. If we were created why would our creator(s) not want us to have proof of there existence? Unless our creator(s) were performing some sort of experiment? And if a God does exist why would it care about us worshipping him/her/they? And why would they want us to have blind faith? Surely that is not a desireable characteristic?

>> No.2725789

>starting this troll thread
>fuck you
>i'm tired of stupid trolls

>> No.2725793

>implying God never proved Himself to anyone, anywhere, and just not to you (yet)

>> No.2725809
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>implying god has shown himself to him or anyone for that fact

>> No.2725818

How does God 'prove himself' to someone?
If it is just by 'feeling' him and 'knowing' he is there then that does not count as evidence as it cannot be proven to someone else, I reiterate my previous points: why would oGod not want us to have proof of there existence? Why would he care about us worshipping him? Why would he want us to have blind faith?

>> No.2725860
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I can tell you why from both perspectives - I was a Theist and now an Atheist. Its important that you view things in their light (Theists). For them things arent quantified by how much you see or feel; They want to establish emotional connections with god. This works astoundingly well in maintaining their followers, think about it very hard... If you develop an emotional connection with another Father/Mother like figure, You WILL remain with such for an astounding amount of time. The issue is compounded when it is instilled in early youth development. Its very hard to shake the emotional foundation you establish with Theism because its almost like lying to yourself... not wholly knowing you were the one initially being lied to. Atheists however place things in a far too optimistic setting, which is why Theists are skeptical. Im not saying its wrong... Or bad. Theists just need someone/something to give them care and love despite the adversities and hardship. And to know someone cares for them, even if it is only themselves inversely tricking themselves into a delusion.

>> No.2725861

Yes please do not discuss your bigotry in /sci/

Equality means people can believe what they want to. Stop making it look like atheism automatically means we are asshole bigots telling other people how to live, as bad as any religious fanatic(which is why people are now ignorantly referring to atheism as a "religion")

Also equality and morality started with faith and belief in god, as in ending Jim Crow, Civil Rights, general admiration of life. Yes atheist and scientists, too. But the masses still have faith, and the masses got on board because faith.

Humanity is still to much shit at it's core to go without faith. That's why we still have religion. OP's arrogant thread is proof of how dumb we still are.

>> No.2725886

Proving that god exists or does not exist is biased. You can find evidence that it does or does not exist.

>> No.2725906


>non existence
>full retard

>> No.2725913

I thought it was a basic rule that we didn't discuss religion in a science board.

>> No.2725934

0/10, does that mean I can continue being a Catholic?

>> No.2725939

How is finding evidence biased? Evidence cannot be biased.
Evidence: Evidence is accumulated through observations of phenomena that occur in the natural world, or which are created as experiments in a laboratory or other controlled conditions. Evidence goes towards supporting or rejecting a hypothesis.

One must always remember that the burden of proof is on the person making a contentious claim.

When evidence is contradictory to predicted expectations, the evidence and the ways of making it are often closely scrutinized and only at the end of this process is the hypothesis rejected: this can be referred to as 'refutation of the hypothesis'. The rules for evidence are collected systematically in an attempt to avoid the bias inherent to anecdotal evidence.

>> No.2725987

I was raised in an atheist family and attended church at 17 years old, on my own accord. I have always felt God in my life and my curiosity was fully quenched by church. A year later, I was baptised. I was never 'lied to as a child' or 'recruited'.

>> No.2726003
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If you say so dude, I had the opposite. I know they lie, you dont realize it yet or you probably never will. Some people are happy being willfully ignorant. I am not suggesting you dont have a right to live in your own delusion. You DO. However, refrain from "educating the masses" with your bible thumping nonsense, thats all I ask.

>> No.2726012
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>Someone says god in a post on /sci/
Shit hits the fan every time, its like trolling on easy mode lol.

You people need to open your minds and shut your mouth.

>> No.2726023

"I have always felt God in my life" is not proof for a God as anecdotal evidence always has the possiblity of induced bias. For God's existence to be proven testable empirical evidence must be produced, for which there is not yet any.
I reiterate: Why would God not want us to have testable empirical proof of his existence, other than if we were some sort of experiment upon which he does not wan't to exert external influences? Why would he care about us worshipping him, other than being deeply conceited? Why would he want us to have blind faith, this is not a desireable characteristic to succeed as a species?

>> No.2726026

Atheist kids can be some of the most annoying fucktards on the planet. Train your children to into logic, please.

>> No.2726031


Implying religion threads arent just filled with trolls on both sides who think they are trolling but are actually getting trolled simultaneously.

>> No.2726036

Why don't you just take your butthurt and fuck off to another thread then?

>> No.2726040

You are reposting that for the 3rd time because still, no one gives a crap what you have to say. I can tell no one does in real life, do they? So you come here to act with solitude, yet you got none bro. You will never be a leader, so leave.

>> No.2726059

Well done, you have no convincing response to my arguments so instead you start talking shit and name-calling. Probably a devout Christian with extreme butthurt.

>> No.2726084

I think maybe we can discuss it on a level of psychology, like why people decide to continue to believe in god even after going to science classes (I decided for myself that there wasn't one after 9 years of science class in a Catholic school.. k-8 we started Earth science in kindergarten). Why people want to believe, or maybe even need to believe, in a god. That it's a bigger part of the thing referred to as "faith" and how maybe it's a building block of civilization and culture as we know it (including a secular society that allows for freedom of all beliefs, human compassion)

>> No.2726092

Inb4 god is an alien/Xel-Naga?

>> No.2726104

naw actually I'm an Atheist and that was my first post in the thread.

>> No.2726106

I've decided to stop arguing with these people. I won't convince them that we came from a common ancestor, that accretion of stellar dust created the earth, that the process took a really REALLY long time, or that so far no direct evidence of Jesus even existing has ever surfaced.

I just wish they'd stop forcing their ideologies on me.
I love it when they're all "DERP DERP Big Bang Theory means god exists!!" I hate to break it to these people, but the major argument for God existing for thousands of years was the existence of life. Well guess what? Science found an explanation for that. Don't underestimate scientists. We will rape your brain. I'm talking fire and brimestone MOTHERFUCKER.

tl;dr Atheistfag pissed off at everyone in his fundy-fucking family

>> No.2726122

Then why so butthurt buddy? Did you have a tough day at school?

>> No.2726131
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>> No.2726149

No U : )

>> No.2726160

You're just being a little emo bitch to your family. Emos don't count.

>> No.2726177

It could be he sees some things in equal measure, and sees that some people hating on religion because they think atheism is superior is no better than what said atheists would accuse religion of when making their ignorant arguments.

>> No.2726195

oh, i don't know; how about walking with him and his wife in the Garden of Eden; talking to him; appearing as a non-consuming fire localized around a bush; talking out of a whirlwind; talking as a booming thunder from the sky; enlisting men who can then produce miracles; parting the Red Sea, collapsing the Red Sea on the Egyptian army; appearing as a pillar of cloud by day, and a pillar of fire by night; shikineh; rolling back the clock 45 minutes one night; stopping the day from progressing for three days; wetting a fleece but not the ground and then the ground but not the fleece on successive nights; appearing in visions; appearing in dreams; materializing inside a fiery furnace; wrestling a patriarch all night long; causing unbreakable walls to break; killing 185,000 soldiers in one night in secret; causing 30,000 to flee from 300; striking down His enemies with earthquakes, fires, brimstone, including entire cities and areas; causing men to prophecy accurately disaster after disaster after disaster; predict His own birth centuries prior; send His Son to redeem the world; that Son interacted with tens of thousands, healing, feeding, raising the dead, many other miracles and works; rising from the grave three days after He was killed; appearing to His disciples for 40 days after His resurrection; appearing to thousands of people after His resurrection, working today to feed every living creature in existence...

no, no evidence at all.

>> No.2726203

francis collins was head of genome project, agrees with evolution and believes in God.

where is your god now fag?

>> No.2726207
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2011, Germany

>Mein Gesicht, wenn ich ein Moslem wäre, als ich es sah:
Scheiss Esotherik.

>> No.2726212


Muhammad rode a magical beast in the dead of night, I know he did it says so in the Qur'an

>> No.2726214
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Haha, oh wow.

Let the shitstorm begin

>> No.2726221

just because he's afraid of dealing with the reality that his consciousness will end when he dies

>> No.2726223

Bears live in cottages, sleep in beds and eat porridge.
An old tale is incontrovertible proof of this.

>> No.2726231

falls*, falls, meine ich.

>'crystal diamond', infused with power that wards off hazardous radiation and shit
>made from red glass

Well if it shields radiation, better buy some now, west coast.

>> No.2726234

It doesn't matter you cunts. Both sides try to force their beliefs on the other. I'll never understand it.

>> No.2726241

Ulti-troll detected

>> No.2726245

Muhammad married a 6 year old and deflowered her when she was 9 and he was in his 50's.

So, I guess Muhammad is the King of /b/?

>> No.2726253

what part of believing that Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah involves feelings?

maybe you're just a little emo?

>> No.2726272


hellz yeah

now that part, I actually believe

>> No.2726274


because it takes blind faith to believe that shit

>> No.2726277

don't believe it too loudly in islamofacist land, or you'll be a foot shorter. seriously.

>> No.2726279

>implying everyone could have blind faith if they wanted to

>> No.2726290


Come on, man, look at the historical facts!

He deflowered her when she was 6. Why wait?

>> No.2726295



>> No.2726298


>> No.2726304

my particular sect of Islam teaches that until she was 9 the only contact they had was assraepings handjobs and moneyshots

>> No.2726309
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Not that guy, but also from a theistic background.

For me, there were three things pulling me to religion;
1) Identity. Not everybody is religious for this reason, but for me it was my group, my friends, my identity.
2) Emotional benefit. I'm going to live forever in a perfect paradise, everything that happens is for a reason and God is in control, no matter what happens, God still loves you. One of the biggest parts. There's a reason almost every evangelist and precher ever focuses on this part of religion, it satisfies our need for security (inb4 herp derp faggot, guys feel the need to belong and safe even if we hide it)
3) Fear of being wrong. This one didn't surface often, generally when my religion was questioned, and as I began to leave the church. It's not fun to realize almost everything you've ever believed is probably wrong. It's easier to ignore something uncomfortable than it is to face it.

Considering how strong a grasp these three aspects of Christianity had on my life, I understand why it's so hard for people to leave the faith they're brought up in. Religion is perfectly designed to pacify our main insecurities, which is the biggest part of its deception.

>> No.2726313

My god you can lose your dog in that cleavage.

>> No.2726319

i hear ya; i just don't understand the attack on believing in Jesus as people who need to "feel" something. i wouldn't trust any of my feelings for, well, anything; they're just feelings. so equating following Jesus with a "feeling" is the most unstable basis i can think of, even worse than random chance.

>> No.2726322

think about it

>> No.2726325

I understand that sentiment completely. Actually, that's what lead me out of the church. But for most, the strong emotional reasons to stay in the church outweigh their need to know.

Blue pill.

>> No.2726329

why not find a bible based church that doesn't appeal to one's feelings? are they really that scarce?

also, why equate following Jesus with going to any particular church at all? Jesus never asked you to "feel" any particular way, did He?

just sounds like a kind of lame church, and letting a lame church dissuade me from following Jesus would be anathema maranatha

>> No.2726336


not everyone is capable of blind faith.
my statement doesn't depend on everyone being capable of blind faith.
My evidence is the existence of agnostics.
Fuck off.

>> No.2726339

Why? Because once I'd gotten past the emotional connection, logic was my only guide, and that drove me away from religion completely.

I'm not an atheist because my church was emotion-driven, I'm an atheist because of philosophy. The emotion simply was what held me in the church, and ironically, in a moment of clarity, caused me to wonder "how much do I really know about my religion, or am I a Christian simply because of my upbringing?".

>> No.2726341

Anyone who believes in the protestant/catholic bible never read any other religious text with an open mind before that.

>> No.2726346

so why not follow your own path to find Jesus, instead of bailing on your parents' path? He's the same Jesus, and He's not hard to find.

why pull a 360? (lol couldn't help myself, sorry)

>> No.2726349

my evidence is the incontrovertable Word of God

oh, and the scriptures, too--protip: Jesus is the Word of God

i win :)

>> No.2726354

what an odd thing to post; do you believe that all religious texts are potentially correct, and only the first one you read will bond to you?

>> No.2726356
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>> No.2726358

Because I'd have to lie to myself. There's no room for a supernatural god in a natural universe, and I'm not interested in worshiping the unprovable. All I would get out of it is what I've already left, and it would be intellectually dishonest.

>> No.2726361


statistically it's true.

Human beings are overwhelmingly more likely to believe the first religious text they are exposed to than they are the second third fourth fifth or sixth (most never look at more than one)

>> No.2726372


As for that "potentially correct" bit, no.

They are all equally bullshit.

>> No.2726373

interesting....let me posit this:

there is the earth, and there are three heavens. the first heaven is the air we breathe; the second heaven is higher than the first, and is outer space, stars, etc., and the third heaven overlaps them all, and is where God and the angels currently dwell.

so in the "natural" universe, you would have the earth, the atmosphere, and outer space.

the only problem you would have is with the third heaven, which is either out of phase with us, or tuned in differently than us, or overlapping us in a way we cannot currently configure. however, people in the third heaven speak to people on earth, and those people spoke back, so the third heaven is not above the first two; it likely overlaps it.

from that platform of the third heaven, a timeless dimension wherein God and the angels dwell, God created the heavens (2) and the earth.

where your thinking goes awry is trying to distinguish between the "natural" and the "supernatural". I would posit that there is not a distinction in reality, but only of degree.

tl;dr God is in His heaven, and He wants us to live with Him there, forever. and all you have to do is believe in His son, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. no feelings; no rules; no "and"; no "unless", just believe in your heart, and you will be saved.

>> No.2726378

so you would agree with me, then, that if Jesus is right, most people are destined to go to Hell.

i believe that is true, and is what the bible teaches. i just don't want anyone i come into contact with dying without knowing the truth.

>> No.2726384


But Muhammad promised me 72 virgins.
Why can't Jesus promise me 72 virgins?

(I guess I'd prefer 72 women who knew what they were doing in the sack, but I'll take what I can get)

>> No.2726386

Three questions;
1) Does this God effect the natural world?
2) Is this third heaven governed by natural laws?
3) By what evidence do you believe this?

>> No.2726390

are they indeed? they are mutually exclusive, and in one, the main character claims to be God. this would distinguish Him from Mohammad, Buddha, Krishna, Joe Smith, L. Ron Hubbard, Rev. Sun Yung Moon, etc., etc. so if we look carefully at the words of Jesus, we have three choices regarding His character: He's either Lord of all; or He's a liar, or He's a lunatic.

then you have to take into consideration the effect of His life and resurrection on His followers, and indeed on the entire world, and ask yourself this; would a liar not have been unmasked centuries ago? would a lunatic have this strong a following?

or maybe He is Lord?

>> No.2726393


oh I 'knew' the 'truth'
I ate that shit up for years.

At some point you start to realize there is nothing special about the story of Jesus. Nothing that sets it apart from the other myths circulating around the Mediterranean for the hundreds of years around that time.

>> No.2726394

Huh. That's different. MY sect of Islam said that he was the biggest pedophile in the whole region (which is why he's so trusted in business deals, see) and that he didn't even wait for the marriage to finish before boning her.

Then there's this completely weird sect of Islam that proclaimed the marriage was not consummated until she was the legal age and that he respected his wives, going so far as to ask them about political matters.

That sect is bugfuck bonkers.

>> No.2726398

powerful incentive to offer young forever alone males who can't get laid, can't find wives, etc.

and in islam, the only sure way to paradise is martyrdom; that includes blowing up nursery schools via suicide backpack.

what a sick god they worship

>> No.2726403

You know the whole Trinity thing?
Yeah that wasn't even set up until 200 years after Jesus died.

And the gospels? Not one of those was a firsthand account.
Also the ones in the bible are only 4 out of dozens that were flying around.

>> No.2726405


Why did god murder the children of Egypt?

>> No.2726406

>attacking belief in God as if His existence were a defensible hypothesis

>> No.2726407


Why did God allow Jephthah, Judge of Israel to murder his daughter

>> No.2726408


>> No.2726411


The children had no say.

Is it right to kill children for the sins of their parents?

>> No.2726412

I've heard this line before, and it's actually funny.
>if we look carefully at the words of Jesus, we have three choices regarding His character: He's either Lord of all; or He's a liar, or He's a lunatic.
Or d) he never said any of those things, and the bible's description of him is a hoax. You do know Jesus wrote about as much as Socrates did, don't you?

>then you have to take into consideration the effect of His life and resurrection on His followers, and indeed on the entire world, and ask yourself this; would a liar not have been unmasked centuries ago? would a lunatic have this strong a following?

I'm assuming you reject Zoroastrianism and Islam as true religions? Zoroastrianism is almost dead today (thanks, islam) but it was strong far longer than Christianity, to the degree that many scholars actually believe Christianity took its central concepts from Zoroastrianism.

Yet Zoroastrianism is down to about 200,000 members today, and it's still declining.

Ignoring the complete lack of formal reasoning behind your question, how do you know Christianity won't go the way of Zoroaster's teachings?

>> No.2726415

Uh, yes? Why wouldn't it be?

>> No.2726416

>1) Does this God effect the natural world?
absolutely. you cannot limit an infinite God to only a few tasks; i believe my heart beats not because it is natural for it to do so, but because He is faithful; i believe the squirrels gather nuts not because it is natural, but because He feeds them.

the scriptures say that if all of the works of Jesus Christ were to be written down, the collected works could not be contained on earth. He's working today, answering prayer; healing; listening to satan's garbage; feeding creation; etc., etc. and what we call miracles are really just His works, which are mighty.

>2) Is this third heaven governed by natural laws?
absolutely not. this is the eternal plane where God always was, always is, and always will be. God said He is the Great I Am, the alpha and the omega, the first and the last.

>3) By what evidence do you believe this?
by the testimony of Paul the Apostle who, after being stoned by the joos and left for dead, was taken up into the third heaven; also, Philip was taken by the Spirit into the third heaven and plopped out on the road to preach to an ethiopian eunuch, and then whisked back; also, most powerfully, John the Apostle was taken into the third heaven and shown the end of the world.

all of these men wrote down their experiences via the inspiration of the most High God, and i know them to be true.

>> No.2726424

The ONLY sure way? Surely not!

I mean, what about being true to Islam, following the 5 Pillars and the 6 Beliefs and not doing the major sins? That sounds like a sure way to reach heaven.

Granted, if the nursery school teaches its babies how to hate Islam and spit acid at every Muslims while simultaneously wiping their asses with the pages of the Koran and plastering their walls with caricatures of Mohammed, alongside proclaiming war to every facet of Islamic life, that nursery deserved to be bombed.

>> No.2726427


Have you ever in your fucking life learned one fucking thing in science class?

>> No.2726432

the Lord my God holds the sins of the fathers against the children for generations. if the Lord my God does so, it is right and just.

does the pot have a right to criticize the potter? does the potter not have the right to create pots meant for high uses, as well as chamberpots? can not the potter throw his pots onto the scrap heap?

you keep thinking we're gods; we're not. we were made out of dirt. like pots. by the potter. you can have all the problems you want to with that, but in the end, guess who wins; the pot, or the potter?

>> No.2726439

What you've described is not only a belief system built completely upon the absence of testable logic, but contradicts the concept of logic itself.

Because if God can supersede causality, how can you know anything for fact?

>> No.2726440

Yeah but Jesus was Jewish and spread the word of the Jewish God.

So you're going to hell for worshipping a false idol bro.

Christianity: 0
Judaism: 1

>> No.2726444

that "trinity" thing of which you speak was present and speaking within itself prior to the creation of the universe, when He was counting the cost of going forward; found it profitable; went forward; finished the work; and will reap the rewards.

Let Us make man in Our image....that happened a little earlier than the birth of Christ

>> No.2726447

if only your brain could logic...

>> No.2726451

Even though it was arbitrarily decided upon by a group of Roman politicians and scholars.

>> No.2726458

yet so many of mankinds "scientific achievements" are just reversing something science believed earlier that ended up being wrong. or fairy tales like string theory.

>> No.2726462

God hardened the heart of Pharoah so that Pharoah would not let the joos go worship God in the way the joos wanted to; by completely taking everything and leaving egypt. God holds the heart of every ruler in His hand, and bends it any way He wants to.

the last plague on egypt to which you refer was the backbreaker; that plague effected every house in egypt, and killed untold hundreds of thousands or millions of males, completely passing over anyone protected by the blood of a lamb on the doorposts.

and now, anyone accepting the blood of the Lamb of God is protected from the second death; from being thrown into Hell for crimes against God

tl;dr God killed the firstborn of egypt to magnify His glory; show His strength; deliver His chosen people, the joos; and to strike fear in the hearts of every pagaanite in the world

>> No.2726465

If you're denying genuine scientific progress, I recommend you leave your computer.

Science's beauty is that it can say it's wrong. When was the last time a religion said that?

>> No.2726466


The books of the old Testament weren't ever written down until the Babylonian exile. Before that they were carried by word of mouth. Archaeological evidence contradicts much of what was said in the old testament. Also, the creation myths in the old testament were merely borrowed from surrounding cultures.

Also the Exodus story is crap because there is no mention of any of those events until the Babylonian exile.

The Egyptian chronicles lack anything of the sort.

>> No.2726470

because he sinned and swore an oath on God's name:
30 And Jephthah made a vow to the LORD, and said, “If You will indeed deliver the people of Ammon into my hands, 31 then it will be that whatever comes out of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the people of Ammon, shall surely be the LORD’s, and I will offer it up as a burnt offering.”

she was the first one out the door, and so, to fulfill his oath to God, he had to kill her

this is the kind of thing God frowns on

>> No.2726472

>mfw this thread

>> No.2726474


oh but that doesn't mean he didn't rub one out as he watched the little girl die

>> No.2726476
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>mfw you have no face

>> No.2726480


But he stopped Abraham from killing Isaac

>> No.2726482

Humans are only a tiny step above the rest of the animals on this planet. We're still ruled mainly by our instincts, base emotions, and hormones. What we laughingly call 'civilization' is just a paper-thin veneer over the cavemen we are beneath the surface. The overall complexity of our lives has grown well beyond most people's capability to cope with it, and the unanswered questions about our world and universe that keep multiplying year after year overwhelm most people's minds, so they fall back to the simplistic belief in god(s) and the supernatural to explain it all away. Thankfully I do not count myself as one of those who must fall back to that; frankly, I pity the average people.

>> No.2726484

Jephthah didn't kill her, actually. She became a nun basically, swearing off sex as she now belonged to God.

>> No.2726485

because we are at the end of the world, and it is progressing in exactly the way the bible says it is going to end, with the beginning of sorrows; wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes in divers places, floods, famines, pestilence, etc.

my Lord is returning soon, to take His bride to a completed heaven for a seven year long feast (by earth time)

i extend an invitation to anyone who will to attend; dress will be spotless white robes, provided by the Holy Spirit; the banquet will be the best table ever laid out in the history of the universe; the best wine will flow; the best musicians will play; it will be a time of joy and feasting, of wonder and awe; of everything your heart now desires.

and all you have to do is believe.

>> No.2726490
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if evolution is true, then why are there still Niggers?

atheists 0
jesus >9000

>> No.2726500

yes, the only sure way. any other way, including diligent practice of the five pillars of islam, is only a chance to be saved, and allah will not be bound by your good works. in other words, if allah is having a bad day, everyone appearing before satan, oops, allah, is having a bad day

allah has discretion in his foul book to grant or deny salvation at his whim; the only sure way is martyrdom, and you can imagine how that practice got started

>> No.2726501


I'm bewildered. What happened to;
>why not find a bible based church that doesn't appeal to one's feelings?

You're encouraging people to believe in the absence of logic. Why the contradiction?

>> No.2726507


god forbid a christian would get upset and blaspheme the holy spirit.
Then his eternal salvation would magically disappear and he'd be damned for eternity.

>> No.2726511

i have; i have found wonder and awe in the way my Lord created everything; in the way He takes care of everything; in the way He is in control of everything

my Lord made self-aware, sentient, self-replicating, self-healing organic robots with free will out of dirt and air.

pretty neat

>> No.2726519

Now I know you're trolling, no human has that much tolerance for bullshit

>> No.2726531

if and only if you can take God at His word

that's not really a stretch for me

>> No.2726535
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ITT: Atheists trolling Atheists

>> No.2726536
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Then you might be unpleasantly surprised. Welcome to reality, Anon.

>> No.2726543


You're going to die one day, and nothing will happen to you. The chemical processes in your neurons will cease and your consciousness will end.

>> No.2726549

Feel sorry for the angel, I have a jerk for a boss too.

>> No.2726551

How can you take "god's word" to be true?
On what evidence or reasoning do you base that belief?

>> No.2726554
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French keyboard?
Faggot detected.

>> No.2726556
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>meanwhile in philosophy

>> No.2726561
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Hey, heresyfags, if you really listen to the Word of God, then why don't you follow what's in the Old Testament?

heresyfags: 0
angry God: sending you to hell

>> No.2726567
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You can take your aether and souls and stuff them up your loose anuses.

>> No.2726577
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Shut up Bertrand Russel, you didn't even contribute to philosophy. You were a philosopher of language.

>> No.2726584
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Says the guy that believed communication was humanity's defining trait.

>> No.2726588

Descartes didn't know how to logic

>> No.2726604


No Christian will ever read through that thing,

Ignorance is bliss!

>> No.2726613


Descartes knew the limit of logic and it's loose connection to the truth. He couldn't logically prove anything without having "faith in principles."


>> No.2726622

Oh I read it

>Implying America's advances were the only advances in the world
>Implying Epicurus was Atheist
>Implying Christians are responsible for all the world's problems
>Implying Fundies = Christians

Typical pseudo-intellectual dribble

>> No.2726631

Am I the only one who notices that this reply actually makes sense, gives a reasonable and believable answer to OP's question, yet nobody pays any attention to it? You fucktards just like arguing with each other. What's true or not true makes no difference to any of you. Idiot trolls.

>> No.2726643

you believe everything in the bible 100%?

oh some of it isn't to be taken literally?
Then why believe any of it?

>> No.2726644

>jesus in islam version is cooler. when judah sold him. he changes judah in him and he dies in the cross crying as the normal story. it makes more sense why peter denys him after see alll he did.
cool fairy story

>> No.2726647
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>Implying believing in a god is "falling back"

>> No.2726648

This is the only one that makes sense:

>> No.2726655


sure is

Saves you from scaaaarry reality

>> No.2726659

There's actually some truth to that. Given we have to accept some things on faith, there's no solid standard by which to evaluate the universe but logic.

It's the arbitrary foundation of all causal systems.

>> No.2726665
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> You fucktards just like arguing with each other.

Welcome to /sci/, and by extension, 4chan. I hope you enjoy you're stay.

>> No.2726666

1000 years from now Christianity will be studied in high schools just like Greek and Roman myths are are today.

>> No.2726670

That's an irrational disposition. If you actually believed that then you wouldn't believe/accept anything -- for EVERY scientific/philosophic theory has aspects that take "a leap of faith" to accept.

>> No.2726672

he was an atheist the majority of his life, which is beside the point. you said you can't teach evolution to someone who believes in God.

and you were proven wrong, not only were you proven wrong, you were proven majorly wrong considering his creds. so deal with it nerd.

>> No.2726675

dew claw, now stfu

>> No.2726677


>> No.2726678

i do not care about the other people believe. we are all living under the same human law. if it gives hope and limitation for humans acts its a good thing.
i think everyone is ready to be alone, self disciplined, and live a not special being life.

>> No.2726683

And as St. Augustine says: "If one is going to question the possibility of being wrong in everything -- and not accept anything in worry of being wrong -- then why study anything?"

>> No.2726685


So, I don't believe everything every scientist says.

It takes more faith to believe a magical being exists when there is absofuckinlutely no evidence that he does.

>> No.2726697

Exactly. Solipsism is a dead end.

>> No.2726704
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But why would you believe some, but not all, of the Word of God? Are they not His teachings?

Proof of the hypocritical nature of organized religion.

>> No.2726708


To gain knowledge and understanding.
I understand that the question is rhetorical.

>> No.2726728

lol literally everything you posted was wrong

you must worship at the altar of /sci/

>> No.2726734

Nice quads.
It must be true.

>> No.2726740

indeed; Abraham swore no vow to kill Isaac; Abraham only believed that the Lord would raise Isaac from the dead, if need be, because the Lord promised Abraham that his descendants through Isaac would be as countless as the sand on the beach

because Abraham believed God's promise, Abraham was found righteous in the eyes of the Lord; because Abraham had faith in the Lord, he offered up his only begotten son, in whom he was well pleased.

the bible is so beautiful

>> No.2726741

they normally just believe this because they were created to believe. "Why are you a catholic and not a Lutheran? or Buddhist or Jew?""mine is the right way"
they do not even know about the other way. and a little about their way.
about me: 3 year old saint Claus criticism, i get really mad i remember i have was older, but my mother said that. 6 years old christian school, contest god actions in relation to my reality, i have to leave for disturbing the class. since this i do not believe this. but i am very curious about religions. and other faiths.

>> No.2726746

that would be awesome; right now, the libtards are trying to eradicate God from all schools

and the schools are now full of AIDS and fail

see the connection?

>> No.2726754

i'm actually going to be translated into the third heaven; swept up in the air to meet with my Lord there, and from then on into eternity to be with Him, forever and ever

what are you planning to do with your eternity?

>> No.2726757

Lol I take it you've never actually read into the veracity of the biblical stories. Doesn't surprise me.

>> No.2726762

>implying nobody here are defending god for fun and rage

>> No.2726766

it is the inspired Word of God; it is no small thing to be inspired by God. to be inspired is to be breathed; the dirt mold of Adam was inspired, and became a human; the universe was inspired out of the formless void by the spoken breath of God; the scriptures were breathed through men by God Himself, and written by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, who brought into the writer's minds full remembrances of their walk with Christ Jesus.

Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father, but by Me.

Jesus is the truth. I believe Jesus. I believe the truth.

>> No.2726767

I'll be the first to say I don't think christianity should be removed completely from the schools.

It should be studied as a perfect example of what's wrong with blind belief.

>> No.2726772

Nobody will believe it, by then holding blind faith in a magical being will be viewed as a mental disorder.

>> No.2726776
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I used to say shit like that until I grew up.

>> No.2726778
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But once you get there, then what's your big plan? Bolster your God's ego for eternity by singing to him? Because if so, that sounds like a miserable, degrading form of existence to me.

>> No.2726781

but muslims consider Jesus a prophet...

>> No.2726782

Seriously? The guy's obviously a troll.

He was fairly convincing earlier, but not anymore.

>> No.2726785

how is belief in the Word of God a feeling? i was railing against feelings earlier; how is it a contradiction to say i believe in something through faith? do you think faith is a feeling? are you feeling faithy today?

faith is just believing that God will do what He says He will do; faith is a real, physical quantity with real, physical effects

>> No.2726790

you speak truth slanderously; no true christian can blaspheme the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit is inside of every christian. know that if anyone blasphemes the Holy Spirit, that person does not have the Holy Spirit within him, no matter what he protests.

also, i'm not sure you know that blaspheming the Holy Spirit entails; it is basically calling the works of the Holy Spirit the works of satan, but much deeper

>> No.2726791

178 replies? Why the fuck do idiots keep replying to these obvious troll threads?

OP is probably really a Christfag trying to make atheists look shitty.

>> No.2726795
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>181 posts and 28 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.2726798

If you're legit, everything you've said over the last 50 or so posts ITT is what I heard from my church before leaving. Wishy washy "I believe because I can feel God in my heart" type crap, without so much as a philosophical argument supporting their beliefs.

I actually thought you were one of the very few rational believers out there, but I guess I should have known better. At least believing because of emotion is understandable and somewhat tangible.

>> No.2726807
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>no true scotsman

>> No.2726812

yes, 100%, especially in context; especially in correct translation; especially in the original; especially in the bible; especially in the manner in which it presents itself.


which, sadly to say, is the most that i can understand and comprehend its wonder; there are probably infinite multiples of percentages that will be available to me after i translate out of this world and into a much better body, and see things much clearer than humans can see things

>> No.2726816

Christians always insult other christians.Atheists insult other Atheists. It all makes sense now.Its the only way these trolls can be so effective.

>> No.2726821

actually, science saves you from thinking about the scary reality of being separated forever from God, burning eternally, where there will be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, in the outer darkness, forever burning, but never consumed; where the worm does not turn and the flame does not die.

that's what you're trying desperately not to think about

>> No.2726825
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>mfw a buddy of mine in lab is a christian and he is one of the coolest dudes I know.

I dont really give a fuck what people believe

>> No.2726830
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>this is what christfags actually think
Actually, I'm far more worried about ending up in Buddhist hell. Hate to be frozen for all eternity.

>> No.2726834

so odd, then, when my bible "stories" seem to be running in front of the evening news...

>> No.2726850
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Outspoken athiests are typically fat neckbeards who are total faggots.

>mfw people discuss religion

>> No.2726854

oh my God, are you kidding me?

do you really think hanging out with the guy that made the UNIVERSE is going to be a boring grind?

everything you want to be; everything you want to have; everything you want to eat; everything you want to drink; everything you yearn for; all of the satisfaction of all of your hungers; a place where sorrows and pain do not exist; a place where death and evil have been purged; a place where there is literally no limit to what you can do, or what you want to do, or what you have to do.

it's heaven! with Jesus! forever! are you kidding me? bored?

maybe He'll let me troll people in Hell hehehehehe, no, that's mean, i must make an amends for that :)

>> No.2726859

yup, which is why they are going to hell

mohammad was a "prophet" (of satan, really)

Jesus is God

see the difference?

>> No.2726860


unless they decide to get in the way of science.
how would you feel if you had a spine injury and your only hope of walking again was stem cell research, and some group of completely retarded and close-minded religious people argue that its wrong and such research should be forbidden because their imaginary friend doesn't want it? even worse, people in position of power actually listen to what they have to say, or even worse x2, people in position of power are actually part of that group of insane people lobbying against science. how would you feel?

>> No.2726861
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Pure Ownage

>> No.2726864

You were doing pretty good but you jumped the shark there bro.

>> No.2726866
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>> No.2726871
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If God's smart enough to build the universe he's probably autistic. Enjoy playing Minecraft for all eternity.

>> No.2726872


>> No.2726887

good thing your salvation doesn't depend on me or on your parents or on a church, but on the Rock that is Jesus Christ

once saved, always saved, bro; you'll be in heaven, maybe a little surprised, but you'll be there. nobody can take you out of the Son's hand.

but really, there is an actual, physical, spiritual transfer of the Word going into your heart; no feelings involved, a real, spirit possession. really. the Holy Spirit really is inside us. really. They Word have i hid in my heart, that i might not sin against thee; in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; and the Word became flesh and dwelt with us.

Jesus' body is meat indeed; Jesus' blood is drink indeed; and all followers of Jesus have partaken of His flesh, and His blood, by an actual transferrence of the Holy Spirit into one's actual, physical heart; for it is the heart that believes unto salvation.

the heart. pumping blood. commingling with the Spirit of God. changing us into something wonderful, at different rates, until we are all transfigured.

we're at the end of the race. i urge you to keep running; it is not the middle of the race that is important, or the beginning, but the end. the finish line is at the end of the race; run into it, for it is soon, and i will see you in heaven.

>> No.2726895

good news! there is no buddhist hell

bad news....there is a real Hell, and it is for everyone who stands condemned already by not believing in Jesus Christ, whom God sent to redeem the world.

dude, that's really, really, really bad news.

>> No.2726900


Islam pretty much decimated Zoroastrianism after the Arab conquest of Persia.

>> No.2726901

federal funding of stem cell research? that's your hope for eternity? eternal life through stem cell research?

/sci/, you completely and totally fail as a religion

>> No.2726908

Well considering I have a Christian background and according to you only left because of the failings of my church (which sounded exactly like you, btw), and I'm still a contentious humanitarian, I'm guessing my odds are pretty good.

Still want to see some actual evidence for this god that can physically change the natural world.

>> No.2726913

ahahahaha what do you think i'm doing? do you think i'm making this shit up as i go along? do you think i'm getting paid to recruit people? what exactly is it that you think i was doing well?

i will tell you what i am doing, and spare you the suspense; i am posting what i understand about the truth about who i understand is the one true God; all i can really tell you is from my own understanding and experience, but from what i've seen from other "christfags" on this board, you can pretty much take what i post to heaven.


>> No.2726915


I included that in my post.

>> No.2726925

i prayed over my deaf infant grandson (yup, oldfag detected) and, one week after he tested deaf, the next week his hearing tested as perfect.

real world. real faith. real results. all by faith in a good God; One who answers prayer, and One in whom all things work together for good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

it's all about Him; and i said i would see you in heaven, and i will. the Spirit of God told me so.

>> No.2726928

Science isn't a religion. if you want immortality look up mind uploading, if you want faith look up the singularity.

>> No.2726930


Plus the Middle East and Turkey had large Christian populations before the Islamic conquest.

>> No.2726932

>durr durr salvation! It's great to be a hopeful idiot.

His post had nothing to do at all with any supposed eternity. It was an example of how people with religious beliefs could --AND CONSISTENTLY HAVE-- gotten in the way of the betterment of mankind, which happens to be through science.

God, this thread is stupid.

>> No.2726935

modern science bears more of a resemblance to a false religion than to older, more God centered science

that's not an accident

>> No.2726942

i'm so sorry that i enjoy pissing you off so much. it is probably a sin and a weakness, but every time your wanna-be-mod-ass posts all /butthurt, i laugh and laugh and laugh

>> No.2726953

Care to elaborate on your point?

>> No.2726963

>make stupid post
>get response

>> No.2726968


uniformed person is uninformed

>> No.2726986
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Hey Mr. Christian, considering your religion's views on homosexuality, how come you spend so much time professing undying love for a male jew?

>> No.2726998


Simple. You're a /b troll who's opinion is invalid.

>> No.2727009

older science relied upon repeatable experiments and proper analysis of results.

modern science is more, gee, there's no God, so how could the universe have gotten here? oh, i know! gravity!

this is what /sci/ actually believes

also, never once has an experiment created life from non-living matter; never once has an experiment created something from nothing; never once has an experiment violated the laws of thermodynamics, yet you have to believe all of that claptrap to belive in a universe without a god.

/sci/ is a poor religion, with an ill defined god, poorly defined scriptures, and a history of always being wrong

>> No.2727014

hehehe more /butthurt

>> No.2727019

i'm so glad Jesus doesn't ask me to do anything gay

oh, wait, He couldn't, because that would be a sin, and He can't sin

wheeeee, i'm safe!

btw, ever notice you never see a true christian homosexual? ever notice christians and homosexuals are basically mutually exclusive? not lying homosexuals, but real admittedly homos.

it's almost as if God stated that homosexuality is an abomination...

>> No.2727020
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>> No.2727038


>inb4 bullshit about molester priests

That aside, you're fundamentally correct and most of the aggressive homosexual groups in the US (like ACT UP) are extremely anti-Christian.

>> No.2727039

what's to deal with? men's knowledge is considered foolish by my Lord, and since i follow Him and not any man, why deal with a false religion, when the real one is so simple to grasp?

and yet so physically impossible?

>> No.2727048

it's not an accident; when men become wicked, God turns their lusts towards their wickedness, and basically greases the skids for them to slide into Hell.

that said, there is God's love for all of humanity, maybe especially for homosexuals, because of the huge relief a saved homosexual experiences knowing that he has been saved from damnation, and knowing that he invited the death into his body and fully deserved his punishment.

how much more the joy when he is saved!

>> No.2727053

>and since i follow Him and not any man

But, you do follow a man: your projected ego into the ether; which you identify as god.

True narcissism.

>> No.2727072

i am not Jesus; i am in the process of being changed by the Holy Spirit into something that can live in heaven with Jesus, but i am not Jesus; rather, He lives through me, me at my best, because i have asked Him to.

Jesus is real; alive; God; mighty; awesome; and soon, VISIBLE.

i just warn you that when He is visible, billions of you will be dead and in Hell, and i love you all enough to tell you to believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior, today, because today is the day of salvation.

you are not promissed tomorrow.

>> No.2727075
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Only an ignorant troll like you confuses Irreligious banter with Religious dogma. You lack critical thinking and are complacent knowing the unknowable can be answered with a single word/phrase/thought. If we wanted to build a building or if we wanted to make a new type of plastic. It would involve mathematical precision in edifices and it would take a deep understanding of chemical compounds. Nothing of which involves sitting down and praying for shit to happen. Youre an idiot and I hope you dont breed, people like you hold back knowledge and the betterment of humanity because youre too selfish and ignorant to see youre being deluded with childish bullshit.

Next time you get sick, dont go to a hospital. Stay home and pray.... When you get hit by a car - I suggest you refuse medical treatment as well for the science involved in it is in no way shape or form involved with god.

>> No.2727092

>billions of you will be dead and in Hell

Yeah and you'll be joining us, see:
>believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior

lol, 10 commandments.

Is it fun knowing that because you belong to a Jewish sect that worships a prophet in place of Yahweh that you're all doomed to hell?

>> No.2727097


Keep waiting... I'm sure he'll return in your lifetime... you know millions of people before you havent thought that and took that thought to their graves.

>> No.2727115

nice bit of teamwork there

>> No.2727121

u mad

seriously, u mad

i disavow all false teachings, not just modern /sci/ religions, but when your ox gets gored, you get mad.

btw, it's quite possibly to be a christian and enjoy the fruits of real science, and, if you really want the world to be free of all christians, i have good news for you--it will happen soon!

be careful what you wish for

>> No.2727138

quite the opposite; by following the jooish messiach, i can claim the contracts, benefits and rewards of being a joo without having had the chance of being born a joo.

in other words, had the joo not abandoned their God, and killed His Son, and not recognized Him when He came for them, now non-joos can be grafted in and become righteous through faith in Jesus Christ.

the real mystery was already revealed; that was the plan all along; to offer salvation to any man who wills.

even you

>> No.2727157

yup, and He's never been closer to appearing, either

there are some telltale signs for the end times; they will be like the times of Noah; there will be signs in the heavens; the earth will begin to break asunder; knowledge will vastly increase; Israel will be reborn; all mankind will have heard the gospel; the Temple will be rebuilt

all of these things are happening right before you, yet you choose not to see them, to your eternal damnation

almost as if you had an enemy that pretended to be your friend, but really wanted to destroy you

>> No.2727161
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Let me know, when you're on your deathbed, how much you selfishly hoped for the rapture.

>> No.2727172

you won't see me on my deathbed, bro; i just won't be here posting anymore. in fact, no christian will be posting here anymore. you can be completely free of all of the good contained in the universe, just as you think you want

hell on earth. literally. hell on earth.

and selfish? wouldn't a selfish man keep something precious to himself? and yet, here i am, offering it to you for free, no strings attached, just the good news of the gospel, that He is risen, and He saves.

>> No.2727180

>Christianity/Religion ___________
>over 9000 posts

Stay classy

>> No.2727193
File: 94 KB, 445x345, Basement-dweller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hurrr Durrr g0d is for retarted autistic man childres who is not samrt like me and de other atheists.

You act as though this makes you intelligent on your own. Because you denies the belief in a God means nothing. Your not some sort of scientist because believe what a lot of them believe.

>> No.2727194
File: 78 KB, 640x480, bearchillin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cant help but laugh at ya dude, you seriously use none of your brains potential. Think what you want dude, you have nothing other than false omens and acute psychological issues. Me and my fellow scientists are gonna pray to the big bang and hope you make it through this... cuz you know, we pray...

>> No.2727203
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1296198834622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not trying very hard, trolltheists.

>> No.2727219

you're hoping that term catches on, aren't you

then you're gonna brag about creating it, aren't you


ooooh, that word makes me so mad!

>> No.2727227

you're absolutely right; everything i believe about Jesus and the cross is absolutely nuts

if Jesus is not who He said He is

>> No.2727230
File: 33 KB, 580x435, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We might not be scientists. But were interested in a future that dosen't lie to children or use people to propagate their bullshit religious wars and "holy" ground. We are interested in prosperity for humanity, meanwhile you fucknuts wanna fuck our children, tell us the earth is 6000 years old, dinosaurs never existed, noahs flood really happened, and that the same dude that kills thousands on a whim is actually a loving and benevolent dude who by the way cant be seen or touched, cant be observed by any scientific method and has the power to do ANYTHING he pleases.... Gotta love it.

>mfw when you believed this bullshit

>> No.2727233

While you might be correct, there is something to said for not falling for the oldest fucking trick in any book. Especially when there are still so many who do.

>> No.2727238

>bragging while under the guise of anonymity

As I said, not trying very hard.

>> No.2727246

your future is written down in my "storybook"

it ends badly for you

have you ever heard the phrase, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions?

yeah, you might want to meditate on that one for a while

>> No.2727248

oh, massah, massah, pleeze doesn't call us a trolltheist agains, massah, pleeze don't you do it

>> No.2727253

they think it can't be that old, and that it can't be that simple, for so many to fall for it

yeah, i saw revolver too. good stuff.

>> No.2727262


>> No.2727269

because He loved us, even before we knew Him, and He died for us, while we were yet sinners

all to increase infinity

>> No.2727285

I've seen revolver but I still don't get what you just said.

>> No.2727321

the art of the con; the rules of the con; the investment of the mark in his own intelligence not to be duped;

you sure we saw the same movie?

>> No.2727340

260+ posts

>> No.2727352

almost as if people were interested in talking about science v religion stuff

>> No.2727369
File: 29 KB, 512x384, 1291857489338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Report function, it does nothing!

>> No.2727427
File: 51 KB, 310x386, 1284902526005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is still unfair. So people believe that there HAS TO BE something like heaven. They want justice.

They think something like "god" will give them what they want because its a just world.

They are too afraid to accept that life is unfair. That if you die you are just ash. No magic guy will help you. They need hope.

>> No.2727443
File: 234 KB, 2335x1652, 1295940283664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afk for some hours
>thread still alive

>> No.2727548


I never met a Christian who believed that. The Bible does say that we were never promised paradise in this world. Ergo it's silly to think Christians don't accept that life is unfair.

>> No.2727561

Most people form these opinions off of very little experience with the religious. outside the internet.

They never leave the house.