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/sci/ - Science & Math

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2719512 No.2719512 [Reply] [Original]

Why are YOU the most intelligent person you know?

>> No.2719518

Because Dunning-Kruger effect

>> No.2719517

I'm not.

>> No.2719522

Because most intelligent people are assholes, and most stupid people are assholes, but there's a nice middle ground of people who are smarter than average so they don't feel defensive and insecure about their intelligence, but not so smart that they feel egotistical and superior.

Those are the only people worth knowing.

>> No.2719523

the only people i know are the people on /sci/

>> No.2719520

Because I hang out with losers.

>> No.2719529

I work with several people who are truly like wizards in the lab. I am no wizard.

>> No.2719531


>> No.2719534


Me neither.

I know a lot of people who are smarter then me.

I'm like the 4th "dumbest" person in my group of friends.

But for some reason I'm one of the ones in my circle of friends with the most common sense.

>> No.2719535

Becuase I am a narsacistic piece of garbage that is to afraid to contemplate what the instrument of measurement is when it comes to intelligence.

>> No.2719537

This, fuck this thread.

And if you haven't, anyone ITT, read their paper, "Unskilled and unaware of it".

>> No.2719541

I never leave my room and my mum is a dumb bitch.
Shit, she hasn't figured out that if she stops bringing me food I'll actually have to get a job.
Her boyfriend is dumb cos he didn't realize I was filming him when he hit her, so now if he tries to get me out I can just blackmail him with the video.
People on the internet are more intelligent than me, but I don't actually know them.

>> No.2719543

Most people I know who are smarter than me are too arrogant for ordinary social interaction, so I think I've hit a good balance between brains and ability to socialize :)

>> No.2719551

no in my experience the narcissist are the 115-130 area IQ

because they are basically normal people with some extra cognitive abilities

>> No.2719549

Science board

Get out

>> No.2719548

If you're doing science and you feel intelligent, you're doing it wrong. As individuals, we're all waaaay too fucking stupid to 'get' nature.


>> No.2719553

Because anyone who thinks that way has never walked around a technical university.

There's always a bigger fish. Always.

Not to say that I'm not the smartest person I know in other stuff though... my talents aren't in the exact and abstract anyway.

>> No.2719563

Parents were farmers who barely survived the world war.

Grew up in the poorest, most violent borough.

Half of my classmates have since been killed or arrested.

I know people with similar intelligence to mine, but not any geniuses. I am a sub-genius, and so are my smartest friends.

>> No.2719591

I hardly think I am more intelligent than my peers. I do, however, know that I thirst for knowledge a lot more compared to them.

I also know that I have knowledge that they simply do not; but, on the flipside, they have knowledge that I simply do not possess.

Point being, all people are smart or intelligent at something. Most definitions of "intelligent", "smart" and "wise" will be subjective. Most humans have the ability to learn and figure out things, and think in abstract, difficult and often mathematical terms, but not all humans have the will nor zest to learn.

However, there are exceptions. There are highly intelligent people who clearly are "better" than their peers (Planck, Einstein, Feynman, Dirac, and so on), and we all know that one guy or girl who is just a complete and utter moron.

>> No.2719604

I like how everyone in this friend has found a way to feel superior.

>> No.2719607


>> No.2719615

Lets not go into the psychology is science argument.

>> No.2719619

umad humanitiesfag?

>> No.2719623


I liked this post, actually.

>> No.2719630

Because an ego.

To say you are smarter than me hurts my ego and lowers my social status. Lowering social status eventually leads to exile and death.

To say you're smarter is death, and the ego tells me to preserve the body.

I can override the ego however, with introduction of consciousness in cases such as;

-when saying you are smarter is beneficial to my survival (being it complimenting you to make you look better knowing that in the future you will return the favor)

-saying you are smarter because my intelligence tells me that you are incapable of completing said task and I know you are inevitably going to fail, meaning winner = me.

This is why I'm the most intelligent person, because I can manipulate my own ego.

>> No.2719632
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>I also know that I have knowledge that they simply do not; but, on the flipside, they have knowledge that I simply do not possess.

>My friends and I know different things.

Lrn 2 summarize.
Sorry to go full aspie but that shit pisses me off.

>> No.2719639


I apologize if that made you angry.

>> No.2719638

If you're the most intelligent person among your peers, then you're with the wrong crowd.

>> No.2719646

This. If you want to succeed, be intelligent, do well, etc..You gotta surround yourself with driven people. Surrounding yourself with idiots is gonna make you act the foo, yo.

>> No.2719650


Beta male detected.

>> No.2719652

>clearly never read the paper, which is reporting the results of controlled experiments with a definite conclusion
Just saying, it's been cited by nearly 1000 other peer-reviewed papers.

>> No.2719656


Indeed true.

>> No.2719663

cave monkey detected

>> No.2719664

As I said before, there's always a bigger fish. Although;

The fact that I ended up in university is nothing short of being born with "superior" cognitive ability, I guess. Infact I don't feel I deserve to be here at all. I had never actually put effort into my work, even now - it's a constant circle of self disappointment, I see people around me work dilligently and hard to get where they are and it gives me a feeling of inferiority to tell you the truth.

And there are areas where I feel my confidence in my own ability gets stunted as well; moments like "why couldn't I think of that answer?" "why can't I figure out this problem?", some people carry the full package of hard work and intelligence, and simply outperform me.

I respect them for their abilities but at the same time I feel they are my enemies; obstacles to be overcome, not something to aspire to be like.

Yer comeatmebro with "hurgdur illusion of own ability" it's innate within my family, except my sister each one of us have the ability to absorb and convey ideas / information at a completely different level of that of other people. One of my brothers being the "hard worker", he locks himself up 2 days prior to the exam to catch up to 6 months worth of work and gets a B. That's in physics btw.

>> No.2719683


Right I just feel retarded for writing that.

>> No.2719689


Alpha cave monkey.

>> No.2719698
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>> No.2719706
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>> No.2719712

often times, astrologers cite each other's work as well.

>> No.2719722

*yawn* 0/10
Read the fucking paper, it's not long.

Or if that's too much science for you, here's the Wikipedia article.

>> No.2719718

Because I'm the only person I know.

>> No.2719744
File: 273 KB, 650x371, mollywhat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop fagging up my thread with this off topic discussionz

>> No.2719756



Anyhow, what I'm really saying is

what frustrates me is that I haven't been able to test my ability, I have never been able to muster the drive or will to really put effort into something; I guess it's the lack of being in a position where I can pursue my goals, and the lack of connection with fellow students in their enthusiasm for the subjects.

Furthermore, telling myself Im smart while I haven't -actually- proven any of that, I feel, is a bit of arrogance.

>> No.2719778

Because I am in sheer awe of how little I actually do know and I keep an open mind no matter what.

>> No.2719781


I have quite mixed feelings in this because at my core I've convinced myself I'm intelligent yet I have not achieved anything significant.

>> No.2719813

But I'm not OP, and even if I was I wouldn't be a condescending ass.


>> No.2719825

I am not the most "intelligent" person I know. However, i have a combination of intellectual talents that allow me to achieve things very few other people could.

For one thing i'm much more free-thinking and creative than most people. I think it's hugely down to my personality and cognitive style rather than the proccessing power of my brain. I don't pride myself on being quick thinker. Instead i process and reprocess everything over and over in my head in order to whittle it down into the easiest-storable form and also see links between pieces of information I would have definitely missed had I just thought them once or twice. I'm aslo constantly analyzing everything and spend a huge amount of my time in my head (in hyperfocus), thinking over things with reduced awareness of the world outside. My short-term memory is kinda shitty, but my long-term memory is god-tier.

>> No.2719830

I got 143 on WAIS-3. That's higher than 99.8% of people. It is very likely that I am the smartest person I know.

I'm still a depressed and mentally ill loser.

>> No.2719836


I feel like what you've said is very similar to a lot of what I felt, so some advice: just find something that you can be passionate about, and constantly have it on your mind to improve behavior. You need to recognize even minor improvements in behavior. I'm still working it out, but just throw yourself at something you think can occupy you. Kinda generic but its hard to describe how to alter your internal dialogue to be more dedicated. Also surround yourself with other type A people if you can, that helps loads. ( I chose physics as the thing to dedicate myself to, since it seemed difficult enough to occupy me.)

>> No.2719859

>neckbeard detected
lol, social awkwardness != "hyperfocus"

>> No.2719869


I've figured out how I work a long time ago tbh, once the DoD stops cutting on the military over here I'll be the first recruit in line.

What I need is a team, seriously. If I have direct responsibilities to other people the amount of work I can churn out is insane. Besides I've always felt that's the place I'm supposed to be going

hence "not being able to pursue my goals" i.e. studying fucking chemical engineering. I'm 10.000 times better at text based subjects as well, picked this to improve what I felt was my obvious weakness; the exact.

>> No.2719890


helped that I completed A levels in every subject except economy though, broadens the choice a bit.

>> No.2719986
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I'm quite intelligent, I could say that I'm almost certainly in the top 10% or so in my year group at uni, but also I know of a few who I would admit to being superior.

My only problem is lack of work ethic, I fall behind and then cram 3 weeks before exams, resulting in good but not amazing results.

Slightly OT, but someone linked a website ages ago which is written by some sort of professor that gave study tips and motivation, it would be amazing if someone could link it to me.