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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 7 KB, 183x275, glenn beck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2713017 No.2713017 [Reply] [Original]

"Whether you believe in Gaia,

Whether you believe in Jesus,

There is a message being sent."

--Glen Beck on Japan

>> No.2713031


>> No.2713034

"Even if there is no God or Buddha... there is Kamen Rider."

-Anderson Cooper

>> No.2713055

He ALWAYS says that. Sage for out of context and not science. He's talking about how helpless America is to help japan when America used to be the country that helped everyone.

Still the number one economy, three times more powerful than the second largest, and we are powerless. If that isn't a message, then what is?

>> No.2713138
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Yeah: Dont build nukes on fault lines.
I'm looking at you California.

I mean, its old fashion obvious the reason they built em near the ocean is to get the water they need. But that happened to be the first place the tsunami and quake was gonna hit. They get quakes every year so they knew they were compromising safety when they built it.

I mean; how long can we trust some evolved apes to not blow themselves up: 100 years? 50 years?

If there was a 'since last accident sign' chernobyl was in 1986 and we're in 2011 so that makes about 25 years without nuclear accident. And thats probably a wild over estimation that doesnt take into account nuclear subs.

Op, i now realise that your quote is taken out of context. Shame on you.

>> No.2713202
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Anyone how believes in the Gaia hypothesis is just as dumb as those that believe in the judeo christian god, the Universe is made of unconious matter and energy, of which a significantly small bit has acquired sentience, this development however will prove to be in the passing eons a short lived one, since the self-awareness equals self-destruction

>> No.2713237


>> No.2713245
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This is now a hate Beck thread

Beck is the fucking Antichrist!

>> No.2713252

Someone who doesn’t understand equilibrium reactions and how this relates to global warming.

>> No.2713253

lol glenn beck. he was a failed morning radio deejay who became an alcoholic. then he went through aa, found jesus, became a mormon (lol), and had the brilliant idea of talking about politics on the radio. no credentials, no education. i don't even care so much that he's a jesusfreak conservative, i'm bothered by his anti-intellecutalism...where are the good conservatives like william f. buckley?

>> No.2713256


Far superior rage video.

>> No.2713262

>where are the good conservatives like william f. buckley?

In retirement homes, dead, or became "liberals"

>> No.2713285

Yeah, you probably want to familiarise yourself with the real Gaia Hypothesis, not the hippy debasement of it.

>> No.2713290

That's the last straw. I first thought Glenn Beck was just playing a character to sell books. Now I'm sure he is simply mentally unstable.

>> No.2713307

>A series of events I have artificially attributed significance to is indicative that something is sending a message
Yes, it's your subconscious telling you it's time to get your head fixed.

>> No.2713308

watched his show today for shits and giggles. in all objectivity, it wasn't all that bad.

guess i'm just asking for hate from /sci/...oh well. we all can't be open minded

>> No.2713325

OH NO! you mean the pacific ocean has earthquakes?!?!?!?!

>> No.2713326

Eh, the show isn't that bad when he keeps it to politics. The problem is he really drags out the God as the solution to too many things.

>> No.2713334

The man is obviously insane? The entertainment value of watching an insane person is beside the point!

>> No.2713357

>obviously insane

is that your expert opinion?

>> No.2713364
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>implying deities cause earthquakes
>oh okay
>look at calender
>2011 ACE
>not 2011 BCE

fuck people are so stupid it hurts

>> No.2713381
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>Eh, the show isn't that bad when he keeps it to politics.

You are fuckin retarded. Beck has no idea what he is talking about 95% of the time. He has no education, nor does he know shit about history or politics.

He seriosuly just spouts nonsense. They should ban his show, it is literally making americans stupid and scared. He is a fucking fear monger who speads disinfomation!

America is on the decline. In 100 Years, we wont be the major superpower anymore. IT IS CAUSE OF FAGS LIKE BECK!

>> No.2713405

Insane isn't actually a term used in any science, so sure.

You know he is a Mormon right? He has argued on his show that Jews built ancient pyramids in North America.

>> No.2713413
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>After Common Era
>Before Common Era

What's wrong with AD and BC?

>> No.2713421

>You are fuckin retarded
That's not nice. You catch more flies with honey, they say...

>> No.2713435

Back in my day, trolls didn't tell other posters they were trolls using images. We had to discern whether or not they were trolls all on our own... uphill, both ways.

>> No.2713441
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>> No.2713444

>personal attack
>unproven statement
>suggest his rights be violated
>character attack
>fear mongering/hypocrisy
Wow, you're right! Whatever was I thinking? Your lack of an argument has slain my once closely held beliefs! I, and Beck with me, am smitten!

>> No.2713447


Nothing really. BC means Before Christ and AD means Anno Domini (forget what that means)

>> No.2713467


>where are the good conservatives like william f. buckley?

He died. Apparently keeled over of a heart attack while working in his home office.

Not a bad way to go. Quick and dignified.

>> No.2713475
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Back in my day, we would have taken Beck out to the shed and shot him in the head, to put him out of his misery. We would do the same with you.

Do you not relize how much Beck is hurting America? Wake the fuck up retard!

>> No.2713484

In the year of our lord.

>> No.2713485
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Hell, I can understand the Haitians believing this because of their lack of education, but even the governor of Tokyo is spouting this shit now.

>> No.2713505
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>watches FAUX
>thinks it is News

I didn't know there elderly were on /sci/

>> No.2713506


Really all he said was that the earthquake was "punishment from heaven" due to the Japanese people being too greedy and materialistic. Didn't reference any god or religion in particular.

>> No.2713514
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>Glen Beck

>> No.2713526


This is a typical liberal strawman. "No one under 50 watches Fox News."

>> No.2713531
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That still sounds pretty fucking retarded. It is something an old KKK Member would say.

>> No.2713544


What the heck does that have to do with the KKK?

>> No.2713557

>Before Christ
That's why. It's inherently tied to Christianity, and some butthurt athiestfags (such as myself) get offended.

>> No.2713577

The KKK is an extremist Christian sect. It follows that they would tie anything they can to their god.

>> No.2713582
File: 360 KB, 500x366, Faux_news_geography_fail1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admit he watches FAUX

Keep gping dude. Your shit is highlarious!

>> No.2713583


Why? It's just something someone else believes (from your perspective). You don't believe in it, so why would it bug you?

>> No.2713599

"Glenn Beck is a fucking idiot"

>> No.2713600

Fun fact: glenn beck and some of his friends raped a girl while he was in college.

>> No.2713604

Who said I like him? I just made a public announcement in this very thread stating that I had concluded he was mentally unstable!

>> No.2713609

I'll admit it's a little irrational; it just bugs me how much influence religion has.

>> No.2713612


>The KKK is an extremist Christian sect.

It's an extremist racist sect. It has very little, if anything, to do with religion. The only people who believe that probably have one of those "Obama - Hope" posters in their bedroom.

>> No.2713615
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>> No.2713617

>assuming I think it's news
Typical liberal. Disagree with me and you must be stereotype x!

>> No.2713618

I just nostalgiad. I remember that meme.

>> No.2713631

Good meme. Wish it got more traction.

>> No.2713633

They're motivated by a belief that dark skin is the mark God placed upon Kane after he murdered his brother.

>> No.2713635

Besides...you know...having a cross as one of their primary symbols.

>> No.2713645


I'm sure MSNBC makes erroneous graphs like that too, but you never hear of it because it's considered "hip" to bash Fox News.

>> No.2713665

That's the excuse, not the motivation. They're racist for entirely different and more fundamental reasons.

>> No.2713668


A religious sect would have its own churches and holy texts, which does not describe the KKK. In fact, they had no compunction about bombing black churches during the civil rights movement.

>> No.2713675

Then find one. MSNBC is biased, but not the level of retarded that Fox News is.

I'll help you out though when searching for stupid stuff people on MSNBC say. One time, some Republican mentioned something about putting money into researching military grade lasers, and that one lesbian woman on MSNBC started talking like he was crazy and that mentioning lasers meant he was talking about Star Trek even though lasers are put to use in military applications today.

>> No.2713685

>the Universe is made of unconious matter and energy, of which a significantly small bit has acquired sentience,

I bet that's what parasites living in your body are thinking. Oh the irony.

>> No.2713693
File: 49 KB, 591x370, darwin_591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beck thinks the world is 6000 years old, so he is pretty anti science. You know his whole all science are socialist lies shtick.

So i have no idea why a fan of his would even bother coming to a forum where, people don't think is rains because Jesus has the sads.

>> No.2713699

Christians don't always love other Christians. Do you have any idea how many Catholics have killed Protestants, and vice versa. There are hundreds of protestant sects, none with their own texts, only different interpretations of the same texts. Also, the KKK does have churches.

>> No.2713706


>Then find one. MSNBC is biased, but not the level of retarded that Fox News is.

That would better describe CNN. MSNBC caters to the extreme, psychotic Daily Kos left-wingers.

>> No.2713714

I like like the Daily Kos...

>> No.2713715

beck's mormon church used to permaban negroes because they thought they had some curse that descended from Cain...lol

>> No.2713726


>Do you have any idea how many Catholics have killed Protestants, and vice versa.

Yes, in the 16th century. Not now. Aside from which, naked racism would very much go against all the stuff that Jesus said about loving one's neighbor and whatnot. You can't be any kind of a real Christian if you believe that.

>> No.2713736

That's not quite accurate.
>Following the death of Joseph Smith, Jr. and the succession crisis, leaders of the major Latter Day Saint movement denomination, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, continued to welcome all people regardless of color to be members; however, they began to exclude most people of black African descent (regardless of actual skin color) from Priesthood ordination and from participation in temple ceremonies
They had integrated congregations, but limited ecclesiastical authority.

>> No.2713742

Smells a bit like good, old /new/ in here. The foul stench of angry ignorance.

>> No.2713748


The primary, core belief of the KKK is "keeping the black man in his place". This is not like Al Qaeda or other radical Islamic groups, who's primary mission is killing and converting anyone who's not a Muslim.

>> No.2713755

>Yes, in the 16th century.
Regardless of whether they're good Christians, they have Christian beliefs. Find me a passage that directly speaks against racism.

>> No.2713760

>Find me a passage that directly speaks against racism.
u srs bro?

>> No.2713769
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>> No.2713775

I'm serious, bro.

>> No.2713780
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>It has very little, if anything, to do with religion.

That's what you get for watching BECK. You become dumb as fuck, and learn lies. The KKK has an official religion, it is Protestant Christian! They are very very very very fucking chirstian, and to the far-right of the political spectrum (much like BECK).

From the KKK:
"America, Our Nation is Under Judgement from God! There is a race war against whites."

I shit you not! Kinda sounds like Becks comment....LMFAO. Beck says similar nonsense to the KKK all the fucking time. They are both "Krazy for Krist"!

Educate yourself! Stop watching Beck! He never went to college, has no qualification in history or politics, and is talking out of his ASS!


>> No.2713790


Yeah, I know about Northern Ireland. But that was a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what went on during the Reformation. That wasn't really religiously-motivated either. It had more to do with anti-British hate.

>> No.2713798

Regardless, Christians don't have to love Christians. "They're corrupting the faith!" is a common excuse.

>> No.2713799

You're still confusing things. They ARE very religious, certainly. But that is not WHY they are racist.

Would you fine with me arguing that Hitler and Stalin were mass-murderers because they were atheist?

>> No.2713802

Love your enemies, bro. Can't get around that one.

>> No.2713803

Could you two remind me why you are arguing about Christianity of all things?

>> No.2713806

>click on Klan website
>laugh my ass off, almost spit out my coke
>click "books"
>find bible, not in text, but in audiobook

>> No.2713807


The Bible doesn't really mention it because racism as we know it today didn't exist when it was written. That would be like asking "Why doesn't the Bible prohibit downloading Internet porn?"

>> No.2713818

Can you define the difference?

>> No.2713823

There were prejudices between ethnic groups, sure. But the Law of Moses has lots of provisions about not abusing the rights of "strangers".

>> No.2713827


What do you mean by "difference?"

>> No.2713838

Hitler was a Roman Catholic. Stalin was however, at least partially motivated by his extremist atheism. I can admit that, because I realize that some people are insane and take philosophies to far, and that they do so has no bearing on a philosophy's validity. Seriously, I'm not attacking Christianity, I'm simply stating that the KKK is motivated by its insane interpretation of Christianity.

>> No.2713848
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This just in The Bible condones SLAVERY!

It says its cool to sell my underage daugher! Just like they do in the middle east! GO CHRIST! I AM A GOOD CHRISTIAN!

>> No.2713858

The difference between racism back then and racism today. Unless you meant to suggest that there was literally no racism in any form.

>> No.2713864


In Biblical times, people identified themselves by language and tribe rather than race. This was true until the European colonization of the New World, when people started believing in the superiority of the white race. That came to a head in the 19th century when racism was part of mainstream scientific thought.

It's ironic that Hitler came to power just as scientific racism was starting to be discredited.

>> No.2713884


Hitler was not an atheist, but a pagan who also admired Islam and condemned Christianity as a weak religion that pacified men.

Stalin...yeah. By 1940, there were only a handful of churches operating in the Soviet Union where there had once been thousands.

>> No.2713889
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>racism as we know it today didn't exist when it was written

I think 'History' and 'the truth' would like a word with you!

>> No.2713897

At any rate, I'm just pointing out that the argument isn't valid.

If the KKK are racist fuckheads because they are Christian, then Stalin was a mass-murdering megalomaniac because he was atheist.


This also extends to "suicide bombers are terrorists because they are Muslim".

>> No.2713902


The Bible does not outright condone slavery, and there's no explicit passage in there saying "Thou shalt keep slaves." Mormons once used the same excuse to condone polygamy. "There's polygamy in the Bible, so God must approve of it."

>> No.2713921


You have to judge them by their actions. The KKK's primary goal is repression of blacks. Al Qaeda's primary goal is spreading Islam by the sword. Thus, one is religiously-motivated while the other is not.

>> No.2713923

One could say suicide bombers are different because their religion leads them to believe that they can kill themselves without dieing.

>> No.2713927

What's wrong with polygamy? As long as there's no coercion involved, I don't see the problem.

>> No.2713938


Just as the IRA's mission was kicking the British out of Northern Ireland, not spreading Catholicism. They disliked Protestantism chiefly because they associated it with the UK.

>> No.2713939
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>If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12 NAB)


>> No.2713973

Seriously, why are you guys arguing about the finer details of some particular mythology?

>> No.2713977


It was made clear in the Bible that God allowed the Israelites multiple wives, but he did not really approve of it and that one man, one woman was always the ideal form of marriage.

Just like divorce, as explained in Mark 10.

And Jesus left there and went to the region of Judea and beyond the Jordan, and crowds gathered to him again. And again, as was his custom, he taught them.

And the Pharisees came up and in order to test him asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” He answered them, “What did Moses command you?” They said, “Moses allowed a man to write a certificate of divorce and to send her away.” And Jesus said to them, “Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.’ So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

And in the house the disciples asked him again about this matter. And he said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her, and if she divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”

>> No.2713987


We weren't discussing Greek mythology.

>> No.2714001

I didn't say you were.

>> No.2714020
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>believes in fairtales

How fucking old are you? srsly?
Do you have any fucking critical thinking skills at all? Do you just believe what any dumbshit tells you?

You are only hurting yourself!

>> No.2714021


The main problem with polygamy is that it messes with people's heads. Wives and the children of each wife fight among themselves for all manner of reasons.

In the Ottoman and Persian empires (where rulers normally practiced polygamy), it led to princes fighting for control of the throne after a sultan's death. The winner would usually blind and imprison or kill his brothers.

As Christian Europe did not have polygamy, this sort of primitive blood feud didn't happen there.

>> No.2714037


Did you actually read anything I posted, or did you automatically go into /b troll mode?

>> No.2714043
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you are fucking stupid
thanks 4 the laughs

>> No.2714049




>> No.2714063


>i am fucking stupid

It's cool. 4chan doesn't tend to attract the best and brightest.

>> No.2714075
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>posts his thoughts on a shitty fantasty book
>expects legit discussion of /sci/

If all you wanna do it talk about shitty fiction, take your ass to /lit/

>> No.2714090
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>> No.2714091


Point out anywhere I was mentioning Harry Potter. Because when I think of shitty fantasy books, that's the first thing which comes to mind.

>> No.2714099
File: 43 KB, 511x577, face65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate laughinggirl(s).jpg. I hate any post that has it.

Now babies with pipes... It's GOLD Jerry! GOLD!

>> No.2714111
